Psycho Goreman (2020) Poster

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Campy, light, gore, entertaining. Feels like a cult classic.
PaxD7525 January 2021
The movie trailer gives you a good idea about what kind of movie this is. If it pulls you in (like it did me), you'll definitely enjoy it. For those on the fence, it'll help set expectations.

I thought the girl, who seemed a little "off" at the start, made perfect sense once she encountered Psycho Goreman (PG). It would take a personality like hers to deal with PG and remain unphased. It was this relationship that really made the movie work from a light comedic standpoint.

The plot itself is fairly straightforward, as are most of the characters. The kids were terrific, the parents worked really well as a team. I especially found the husband's comedic pacing to be genius. Plenty of gore too, which the team managed to pull off very well (still... this is not a kid's movie).

The trailer convinced me to try it and the actual movie did not disappoint: 7
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For fans of Troma, GWAR and Warhammer 40K
Cr0wgrrl25 January 2021
Psycho Goreman is a movie that knows exactly what it is trying to be, and exactly what its limitations are. It's a five-star three star movie that embraces the fun rubber-suit splatter gore aesthetics of cheesy 80s flicks, the kind that Troma excelled at (but without the vomit and nudity that often went along with it - the main characters are middle-school students after all). The monsters in the film feel like someone decided to do a comic version of Warhammer 40K - strange, horrifying, with gothic elements that incorporate weird baby faces, disturbing technology, magic and machinery. Now put all that firepower in the hands of a truly psychotic middle-schooler, and make it a comedy. It's good, dumb fun that embraces its concept to an almost ludicrous degree. If things like Toxic Avenger, GWAR and Terrorvision make you giggle, of it you just wondered what a weirdly violent Alf-style sitcom based around a Warhammer 40K chaos demon would look like, there's lots to love in this film.
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Hilarious horror comedy...
paul_haakonsen22 January 2021
After having seen the trailer for the 2020 movie "Psycho Goreman", I must admit that I was definitely looking forward to watching this movie. Why? Well, because it seemed like a fun horror comedy that paid heavy homage to the horror movies of the 1980s, the movies that I grew up watching.

And when I had the chance to sit down to watch "Psycho Goreman", I jumped at that chance immediately. And I must say that writer and director Steven Kostanski didn't fail to deliver. This movie was exactly as I had hoped from what I saw in the trailer.

Yup, an over-the-top and hilarious horror comedy that felt very much like something you'd see in the 1980s. Even the costumes and props felt like something from way back then, and it worked out so nicely for the movie.

The storyline was pretty straight forward, but the creature that become known as Psycho Goreman was really the star of the movie, as he was just brilliant. I mean, taking a galactic evil overlord with the power to annihilate planets and put him at the mercy at pre-teenagers, it was just a blast. There were so many funny scenes throughout the course of this movie.

Visually then "Psycho Goreman" was also a walk down memory lane, back to the glory days of the 1980s. Lots of practical effects made like back in the day, so it was pure nostalgia. But it worked well for the movie, and added a great and unique touch to the movie as a whole.

Now, I will say that younger audiences might not particularly find enjoyment in Steven Kostanski's "Psycho Goreman". But if you grew up on 1980s horror movies and enjoyed those, then "Psycho Goreman" is definitely right up your alley.

I was more than genuinely entertained by this movie, and it was a great and fun movie to watch. I can warmly recommend that you take the time to sit down to watch the 2020 movie "Psycho Goreman".

My rating of "Psycho Goreman" lands on a well-deserved six out of ten stars.
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Goreman is no bore man but it did need a lil fixin up
Bobbysoxxx23 January 2021
Hey it was a lot of fun!! i was really anticipating this film since it was announced. Loved the effects, loved the character designs and the story (mostly) bbbbuutt a few gripes if i may. Firstly i felt they really tried to cram as much stuff into this movie as possible and to me it kinda never really let goreman sink in or shine as a character. It just moved so fast with so much back story and cut aways and outfit changes and songs that it Just kinda felt like throw everything at the wall and hope it sticks. Not all was stuck by the time the credits rolled. Also i have to say and i dont want at all to discourage or knock the young actress because she was aces in her role but man oh man was the main character annoying. The truly evil one in this picture. just such a bossy bratt and i really felt had they approached her character in a different way it would have elevated the movie for me. Its hard to juxtapose goreman as the ultimate evil against someone who is even more of a dick! Annyway aside from that this is a really fun ride and pretty much what youd expect. Solid 6.5 outta 10
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What should you show an alien if it lands on Earth? Simple: crazy ball, lazy dads and hunky boys.
Pjtaylor-96-1380443 August 2021
'Psycho Goreman (2020)' is like 'Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (1993 - 1996)' meets 'Evil Dead II (1987)' by way of 'Flash Gordon (1980)', a schlocky Saturday morning show crossed with a gooey splat-stick comedy and a campy sci-fi throwback. It's the kind of thing that knows exactly what it is and doesn't care if you like it or not. Frankly, its irreverence is charming. Though it isn't hilarious, it provokes a genuine chuckle perhaps more often than expected and is generally just about subversive enough to properly work, despite its somewhat generic arcs and obviously low budget. Though some may be put off by its low-fi bizarreness, it ought to hit the spot for those who it is aimed at and that's all it really cares about. It isn't going to win any awards or break any box-office records, but it isn't trying to. It feels very much like a passion project that was just as fun to make as it is to watch. Its budget is put to good use on some generally impressive special effects, which only very occasionally take you out of the piece's purposefully 'cheesy' aesthetic. Even when they do, the visual concepts are unique enough that you can easily forgive any money-related shortcomings. It's an entertaining time pretty much from start to finish. If you meet it on its own terms, you should have a good bit of fun with it. 7/10.
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If GWAR made a feel-good children's movie, this is what it would look like.
loreymcginnissales12 March 2021
If you're familiar with them, this will be your bag.
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Nice idea, weak execution.
BA_Harrison25 January 2021
There's a fun idea at the heart of Psycho Goreman: an unimaginably evil destructive being of immense power falls under the control of two kids who ignore the monster's threats of extreme pain and suffering and use him to grant their childish wishes. It's a premise ripe for hilarity. Throw in a ton of messy practical gore effects and this film should be an instant cult classic

Sadly, a weak one-note script full of ill-conceived humour, a raft of thoroughly unlikeable human characters, and terrible performances mean that the concept's potential is never fulfilled. The big question is 'Why on earth did writer/director Steven Kostanski come up with such a horrible family to engage with his monster?': the parents are constantly bickering, not surprising seeing as the dad is a total waste of space, and the kids aren't much better, obnoxious brat Mimi (Nita-Josee Hanna) constantly bullying her wimp of a brother Luke (Owen Myre). The poor acting definitely doesn't help matters, with Hanna's attempts at sassiness being particularly irritating. I was longing for Psycho Goreman (performed by Matthew Ninaber and voiced by Steven Vlahos, who jointly give the best performance) to rip the family apart, starting with Mimi.

One thing the film doesn't lack is imagination: there's a high level of creativity on display in the design of the creatures and the splattery mayhem. Fans of cartoonish gore will no doubt lap up the excessive violence, and the council of crazy aliens who plot to destroy Psycho Goreman are delightfully absurd. Sadly, they deserve to be in a better film, one that pays as much attention to the characters, comedy, acting and plot as it does the special effects.
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If Wishmaster and Power Rangers had a love child...
ravencorinncarluk23 January 2021
...this would be that love child.

It's campy, and silly, and it's definitely people running around in rubber costumes, but it's humorous and amusing.

As others have said, this is a love or hate kinda movie. You're either going to think it's garbage or you're gonna chuckle and enjoy yourself. I had a great time, and I sense a cult film waiting to grow into its status.
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Fun gorefest but not much else beyond that
After awakening from a millennia-long slumber, a vile, destructive alien force finds that he has become controllable by a bratty teenager and forced to perform her every whim against his wishes, and when the original galactic forces that imprisoned him learn of it set out to stop him once and for all.

This was a pretty problematic film to get a handle on. The film's best attributes are far and away the over-the-top bloodshed and gore present which admittedly goes a long way towards the film's fun factor. The ability to dish out ultra-violent deaths at the drop of a hat, whether it's ripping people's heads off, turning a person into a stone column and more than countable limbs ripped off and heads crushed to provide an ocean of splatter throughout here. Given a lighthearted tone even with the gruesomeness of the activity on display being played completely tongue-in-cheek due to the jokes and reactions to everything it creates a strong element to the film. The other factor that stands out here is the absolutely enjoyable and over-the-top action present here. The powers of the creature are given a wide berth here with the initial attack on the vagrants but also the colorful and explosive backstories that we get to see involving the various conflicts and intergalactic destruction that again offers tons of gore but also some big combat sequences. That carries over into the final half where it features the creatures coming after him and getting into some high-energy battles, there are some great moments here showing off the impressive practical effects and costumes for each of the unique creations. These are the film's positives points although there are some major problems with the film present. The main issue here is the main girl we're supposed to be rooting for that is one of the most unlikable and unworthy leading characters in a genre film. Unrepentant, psychotic to a horrifying degree, and the tell-tale sign of a bratty younger sister, the very fact that we're supposed to feel for her in this scenario is just plain ludicrous and asinine. That she never learns a lesson and spends the entire time being defiant in the face of authority figures trying to prevent the destruction of the galaxy in favor of her own petulant desires speaks volumes to the character. The other problem with the film is a series of utterly painful side stories that are present here to eat up time that just absolutely undermines any kind of plotline that was being developed here. The main culprit is a ridiculous running gag with the brother's visiting friend that has a humorous joke at the end but quickly wears out its welcome after a while much like the family turmoil subplot that comes off as stupid, unrealistic, and unnecessary. The last issue is with the comedy, which is intended to come across as light and endearing but is just cringe-inducing to sit through, which are all that hold this one down.

Rated Unrated/R: Extreme Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.
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Wasted opportunity
brandonwdrums24 January 2021
Man. I seriously wanted to love this movie but it failed on it's awesome premise mainly due to the lack of funny dialogue or situations to put the characters in and how flat out annoying it's main character Mimi is.

The Good: fun premise, the power rangers-esque costumes, Psycho Goreman's dialogue and back-story sequences.

The bad: basically everything else.

Why did they add a family drama element? Why did they make the main character so insufferable? No clue. This could be so fun and absurd, instead it's mildly entertaining at best and super annoying time-suck at worst. Watch Turbo Kid or Kung Fury instead.
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So bad it's actually amazing..
loveatfirstbitex25 January 2021
A nonstop hilarious cheese-fest. Loved every minute of it!
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What have you been smoking, Kostanski?!?
Coventry11 April 2021
If anyone would ask me (but nobody ever does, of course) which person contributed the most to the horror genre during the decade 2010-2020, my immediate and doubtless response would be Steven Kostanski. First, still together with his buddies of the Astron-6 collective, with whom he made "Manborg" and "Father's Day" (still two of the most deliciously deranged films I ever saw), and then gradually developing further with a segment in "ABC's of Death", and co-directing the rather good "The Void". He then directed the refreshing and very welcome revival of the "Leprechaun" franchise (with "Leprechaun Returns"), before delivering this; - Steven Kostanski's ultimate and personal masterwork.

"Psycho Goreman" ranks among the most excessively eccentric and utterly demented horror movies ever made. It's unmatchable, and I don't think anyone will be able to deny that. The film is a sort of mishmash between "Star Wars", "Bad Taste", "E. T.", "The Toxic Avenger", "Demoni", "The Goonies" and "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers". In other words, a film exclusively intended for nerds, but nerds with an extreme taste for gore and bloodshed. I wouldn't even know where to start to write a short summary, honestly. The whole thing feels like a drunken sex-and-drug orgy taking place in the Mos Eisley Cantina, really.

Is "Psycho Goreman" a good film? Unfortunately, no ... I can't but admire and respect Kostanski's wild imagination, his twisted sense of humor and his pure craftsmanship for special effects, but there still is a lot missing. Would it really have hurt so much to make the human characters - and little Miss Mimi in particular - slightly less obnoxious and marginal? Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but in my humble opinion, you can't fully enjoy a movie if literally all the lead characters are loathsome. If, in the near future, he puts slightly more effort in character development, surely Steven Kostanski will do many great things.
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Credit Where Credit Is Due...BUT.........
xrod-7676725 January 2021
Okay: Aesthetically, this movie is amazing! The team behind the practical effects should be winning awards left right and centre...THAT SAID though...

This movie really had the potential to shine but I find time and time again, the producers never put enough importance on shining up that script. It had a charming premise and although--on average--I'd say the actors' abilities were somewhere in the "adequate" to "above adequate" range, the story really left much to be desired. A real shame because it did have potential. The writers and producers deserve a 2/10, the actors somewhere in the 6/10 range and the special effects team deserves a 9/10.
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Absurd, dumb and fun
mr-altex4 February 2021
On one hand, this movie is so freaking dumb that I am surprised I even finished it. On another hand it was surprisingly fun and clever.

The ability to put any situation into even more absurd position is an artform. As a fan of Rick and Morty, I appreciate that very much.
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ET meets Hellraiser but reimagined by the team behind Power Rangers.
fr0w30 January 2021
If I was 12 this movie would be perfect. Mimi seems to be written as if she was suppose to be Louise from Bob Burgers. The actress does her best with an impossible performance from any 10-year-old... but it still doesn't the mark. Not sure why they chose to make movie seem like it's from the 90s.. or the least 2000's. But the movie is alright.
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travispetrillo31 January 2021
It's like the writing staff from Evil Dead met up with the production crew from Power Rangers, to make a new episode of Goosebumps.
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I hate Mimi
jakescarmella26 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I hate Mimi she's so rude and annoying, PG or Pandora should've killed her
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If you read the description and said, "this movie is for me" then you will love this
sydneyshuster5 November 2020
This is not a movie that children should watch but it is a kid's movie in logic and plot- and that glue and consistency makes everything come together to make a movie that I now consider one of my favorites. The writer/director clearly has a great love for both "kid befriends monster" movies and tokusatsu programming. And it's funny. The script is tightly packed with humorous moments in almost every line and scene. After my spouse and I saw this at the drive-in, we drove home recounting our favorite tiny moments that stood out and made us laugh the hardest.

With a background in practical effects and a passion for the material, we have a movie that's consistently funny and does this concept without being edgy or "shocking just to shock". Yes there's plenty of gore in select scenes but it isn't gore that's done to turn stomachs but instead as a gift to those who love practical effects and those who enjoy B horror. And this may sound strange but pretty much every scene and image of gore is done strategically for laughs. It doesn't linger on a scene or revel in it. It's an homage and a gag.

I want to also briefly mention the character and "monster" designs of this movie. Incredibly, each new horrible transformation or supervillain was head-to-toe encased in a lovingly detailed and distinct wild and creative costumes, each a nod to power ranger-esque villains. My favorite was a walking bucket of corpses who got ground up to weakly spray blood as their attack. It's hard to describe in words what was such a slate of fantastic and detailed character designs.

In the end I don't know if this movie will land with everyone. Like I said above, this is very much a kid's movie, though twisted into a bizarre alternate world version of one where swearing is a no go but someone shattering into a pile of viscera right in front of two children is fine. I do think that most people who looked at the premise and were intrigued will find this a lovingly crafted and very funny way to spend an hour and a half.
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It's great as what it is, but what it is ain't great.
therockapoe27 January 2021
No spoilers

This is a fun little that paid homage to B movies of the 80s and 90s, kinda got that Peter Jackson's Braindead flavor, comedy gore horror genre is that a thing?Purposely cheesy and obviously poor with visual effects, one dimentional characters but who need more?

I'm not giving a B movie more than 8 points, this one got 7, that's pretty good.

If I have to give description for someone, imagine an comedy episode of Doctor Who which is not on the main plot line, as a matter of fact, the Psycho Goreman talks just like a Sontaran would.

This movie is best watched with your best friend over some weed or beer.
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Mimi ruins what could be a great movie
nickcorning-592133 March 2021
One of the main characters, a child actress named Mimi, is so obnoxious and such a bad actor that she makes the movie practically unwatchable, Such a shame considering this movie had so much imagination behind it.
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No prisoners taken
kosmasp29 September 2020
If you are squeamish or are sensible and can't take any weird humor ... dark humor ... comedy that is not afraid to offend - well you might as well not watch it. Because this movie really is as far out as they can be. Brilliant turn and acting by the girl (kid) and main character here. But you won't like what she does or says. Well you shouldn't ... she is quite something.

Add to her mean personality, an bloodthirsty alien and you have tag team made in hell. This unlikely alliance is exactly that ... and very fragile too. There is not much of a story here. Just many stories added to make this as crazy as possible. And that is why I really liked it. Not for everyone as stated, but those who will like it's punk attitude and anarchy, will love it
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If you like B-grade SciFi-Horror this is hilarious!
CathodeRayTubesRock25 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What would happen if some weird/crazy little kids controlled an ultra-powerful alien/demon? Crazy, horrible funny stuff ensues. This isn't for kids, even though there are kids in it.
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A nice concept totally destroyed by a single character
mgmarkovics30 September 2021
Mimi is the single most annoying character to ever exist in a movie. And not in a way that is annoying to the characters that surround her, but annoying in a way that breaks the 4th wall and specifically annoys every molecule of life-force out of you, the viewer. The writers and actress were likely going for a quirky, satirical mix of slightly annoying, comical bossiness to be the vibe of this character. Instead we have a mini Nurse Ratched who's mission is to break you, the viewer, and deprave you of any ability to enjoy the insane asylum that is the rest of this movie. Like the ooze in the Filth Element that is pure concentrated evil, Mimi oozes pure, concentrated annoyance. Imagine being thrown naked into an enclosed room full of a million hungry mosquitoes. The level of annoyance you would experience would barely register a 1 on a scale of 0 to Mimi. The writers horribly failed in the creation of her character. The actress horribly failed the execution of whatever it was that the writers actually intended the character to be. The education system failed the director for ever allowing him or her to approve such a horribly annoying performance. The world has failed us all in not creating some sort of natural disaster that could have prevented this performance to ever reach other humans' eyes. Listening to this demon hellion of a child's banter for the duration of the movie is worse than any torture Psycho Goreman could ever conceive. Filmmaking, humanity, and the universe itself will likely never recover from the effects of this unbelievably, enragingly bad character.

Good practical effects though.
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A decent time
Jeremy_Urquhart9 October 2021
It's quite charming and is sort of successful in blending comedy, horror, and over-the-top gore, but for whatever reason it just didn't quite win me over as much as I'd hoped it would.

It's one of those movies where I can't quite put into words what didn't work, but it was just a feeling. Maybe it needed to go even more horrific and also lean harder on the child-friendly/coming of age humour to make the contrast more entertaining?

If it was a more brutal and had more of a take no prisoners approach it could have been an effective and deserved satire of something like Stranger Things? I don't know. Like I said, I can't present any kind of critique well...

...but there was fun to be had, and the concept was pulled off in a relatively skilled manner that made for a pretty decent movie. I didn't love it, but I liked it quite a bit.
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Psycho Goreman Film Review 2 stars out of Four
apriloish18 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I just saw this for the first time. The movie had good intentions and did work in certain areas. If you ever saw movies like the Gate a horror comedy B movie Kids film. This one is going for something similar but also wanting to be a over the top Troma film. Now if you dont know what Troma films are they are movies that have over the top stupid absurd plots that are way over the top. Now the basic set up here is that two kids brother and sister find a monster an use a device to control him.

The Review Movie itself has tonal problems when it starts off the movie plays like it will be a throw back to 8os Horror B movies with two kids controlling a monster. This plays mostly well until the second act then the film goes full cartoon and abandons all reality and tries to be a Troma type film. Problem here is the tone change catches you off guard and the movie picks an chooses what the characters will react to in a more realistic way instead of treating everything like a cartoon. Example the girl has a crush on random boy and has him turned by the monsters magic to only do what she wants to do. But in doing so hes transformed into mindless mutant creature and the little girl doesnt react at all. Hes then brought around town and nobody reacts to it. Later in the film Police show up and try to shoot the monster because of how he looks so the movie picks and chooses what the humans will react to out of the blue. Toward the second half of the film the mother and father become characters with plot lines out of nowhere like the dad being lazy which never gets resolved. The movie biggest problem is the script it felt like the director wanted to do multiple different types of film styles at once an combined them into one soup. Problem is the film feels random it jumps from feeling fairly normal B movie for the first half into being Wanna be Troma film in the second half then trying to be over the top Dark Comedy for the finale.

Bottom Line on the Movie This movie has massive tonal problems a better script could prolly have balanced all the different bending of film styles this one aint it. The biggest problem here is the script not the cast. Had the film simply picked one of these styles to be an done them for the movies duration it would have worked. The movie is to stupid cartoony to be good B movie Horror Comedy and its to safe to be a good over the top Troma Film. If being silly Troma movie was what the director wanted he should have went crazier with it and had the main little girl snorting Drugs off Strippers asses or something to be good so bad its good movie. Instead he wants the movie to play all factors well and it just does not work not with this script. All together this isnt terrible movie if you have love like me for silly 8os B movies this is still OK for the effects and some of the stupid humor being funny.

Final Rating 2 Stars out of 4 which equals about 6 out of 1o on IMDB Ratings. This was obvious time waster one off watch movie. I wouldnt watch again except maybe to see the bluray Special Features if I found the film for like 3 dollars or something. Good intentions with the movie but it simply didnt work with the script.
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