Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (2023) Poster

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A scene between an intelligent raccoon, a rabbit with artificial legs, a walrus with wheels and an otter with metal arms made me cry
poseyfan10 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 is chaotic, weird and oftentimes ridiculous, but it is also full of heart, emotion and great themes.

I must say that it's the best Marvel movie since Endgame. That's not necessarily too hard though. It just needed to surpass No Way Home; which had some amazing high moments, but it was lazy in others. Marvel was in desperate need of a hit, and they've finally got it.


Every member of the crew got their time to shine. Rocket was definitely the one who stood out though. When he sees his friend die, then wail in pain from grief? That made me bawl. And when the High Evolutionary mocks him? Man. Heavy stuff. He proceeds to rip off his face, but the other two of his friends are shot as well. Thus, Rocket's traumatic pastime is revealed.

Chukwudi Iwuji was fantastic as the villain. At certain points he was downright terrifying. I really liked this line: "There is no God, that's why I took his place." He was a convincing villain.

The moment when Star-lord screams in agony for Rocket to live, is the moment that resonated with me the most. He has lost many people close to him and he can't stand to lose anyone else.

Gamora 2 gets a lot of character development and I'm glad she didn't kiss Quill at the end. That would have felt a little cheap.

Drax, Mantis, Nebula, Adam Warlock and others also got their own moments as well. I'm surprised nobody died to be honest.

One of the only problems I had with the movie was the humor. A lot of the time it was good or passable, but other times it undercut really emotional scenes.

I could say a lot more, but this review is already very long.

9/10 for me.
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A Fitting and Heartfelt End to the Trilogy
ta-982514 May 2023
Having sat through some phase 4 films that failed to inspire... Guardians feels like a breath of fresh air. It's less a run of the mill superhero film and more a out of world space adventure handled with care by James Gunn.

At its heart, Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 3 is a story about family, loss and technology all of which are prominent in today's zeitgeist. These themes sometimes cause you to forget that you are watching a Marvel movie. The movie's backstory is dark but it helps to hammer home the themes and the villain.

The universe is full of characters that are both weird (sometimes very weird) and unique when compared to the rest of the MCU. That's mostly a good thing. Despite the movie being dark at times, there is also a lot of humour which fits especially well with the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise when compared to other Marvel franchises. The action and of course the music was up to level we now expect from Guardians of the Galaxy movies. This is one of the better Post Endgame movies and a fitting end to the trilogy.
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A Beautifully Dark and Goofy Goodbye
breneff3 May 2023
This. This is what I've wanted. Yeah some of the jokes are a bit too silly and the tone is a bit confusing at times. But the end result for me is probably the most heartfelt emotional reaction from me to a comic book movie since Endgame. It's not a perfect film, I am conflicted with what the did with Adam Warlock. And the main villain is a little hammy. But the personal relationship between the guardians and where they take them is dark, heartbreaking, and also beautiful. This is also the best performance from Chris Pratt probably his entire time playing this character. But the person who steals the show is Rocket. I don't know how but they need to change the rules degree voice acting performances can be nominated for Oscars because it was incredible. This is the most emotionally satisfying experience I've had with the MCU in a very long time. And every critic who is saying that the movie is too schmaltzy or sappy... doesn't understand how much these characters not only mean to people but also James Gunn. This isn't just a final chapter of a story, it's a goodbye to a set of characters and films that changed the landscape of not only the tone and vibe of superhero movies but also changed the fact that weird unknown characters who have strange stories can be highlighted in these films.
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Best Marvel film this year
josephbannister4 May 2023
It all leads back to where we once started off as all great trilogies have indicated from the past. But GOTG surpasses expectations with what is nothing short of phenomenal performances by the cast and truly well written and does not shy away from what could only be understood from what requires a sense of maturity to understand. Rockets back story alone is on occasion dark and incredibly sad it had me in tears at a few instances during the film. Honestly I did not expect this, James Gunn yet again provides an absolutely beautiful piece of cinematography and I have to say I really hope in the future they dive back into the story of the colony . With Adam warlock finally in the MCU it's most likely there will be some cameos. But it does deliver in the traditional guardians humor but this film is meant about more for the mature audience of marvel. Trust me this is a great film.
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One of the Best MCU Trilogies
jace_the_film_guy8 May 2023
Up to this point, there has been one trilogy in the MCU that has been excellent from start to finish. It's time to add another one to that list. "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3" is a more than fitting conclusion to the narrative of these characters. James Gunn (writer/director) took his time creating connections and depth to each of the individual story-arcs.

While recent films in the MCU have felt like "filler episodes" whose purpose is solely to set up a future entry in the franchise, this film stands on its own. The story is isolated, which gives the illusion of finality. In more ways than one, "Guardians 3" is a unique entry in an otherwise convoluted extended film universe.

The filmmakers were not afraid to take their time telling this story, which caused the film to drag at times. Though it felt lengthy at 2 hours and 30 minutes, I do not know what they could have cut out. In typical superhero movie fashion, the climactic battle had plenty of explosions to go around.

Between the villains and the bickering within the Guardians, there was an excessive amount of yelling in this movie. A headache was imminent, as much of the third act was screaming match after screaming match. While these scenes were emotionally heavy, the yelling distracted a bit from the strong acting.

"Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3" is one of the better entries in the Marvel Cinematic Universe since "Avengers: Endgame". Though more chaotic than the other two films in the trilogy, it is a beautiful conclusion to the Guardians' story. Boasting stellar set pieces, an excellent soundtrack and perfect chemistry between cast members, this is a film that I am eager to re-watch.

Best Character: Drax Best Quote: "She is to us." Best Scene: Infiltrating Orgocorp Best Piece of Score: "I Love You Guys"
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I Cried Four Times
coasteraddict-1679610 May 2023
I'm not one to cry at movies often, but this one broke me. Four is merely an estimate. I spent the entire last hour of the film in and out of tears. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is an unexpected masterpiece, and a work of art that absolutely broke me.

From the soundtrack, to the writing, to the characters, to the use of flashbacks, this movie is about as close to perfection as it gets. Having already established all of the characters, it managed to be heart-wrenching all the way through. This movie leaves a bittersweet taste in your mouth, and with so much to think about. It manages to make 2 and 1/2 hours feel ten times as short. I never expected to fall in love with this movie, but it got to me in such a visceral way that I'll never forget the experience of seeing it.

The best marvel film, ever. 10/10.
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This is one of the best MCU movies, hands down
gcsman7 May 2023
"There is no God. That's why I stepped in." I have to admit, this is one of THE best lines ever spoken by a supervillain - it concisely captures their whole reason for being. (Seems like that would have been a perfect thing for Thanos to say.) Oddly though, for once there's no real backstory for the High Evolutionary, as there usually is for Marvel villains, but that might have been just too much material. Quite appropriately, all the attention is really on our scruffy, argumentative, and lovable heros, the Guardians.

I liked that all of them, this time around, get their well deserved fair share of screen time, and if doing that means sitting through a pretty long movie, then fine. Mantis and Nebula in particular are better characters than they were before, Quill and Gamora and Drax are as good as ever, and the choice to make Rocket and his very extended backstory the mainspring of the plot was clever -- and by the end, it carried real weight. Rocket is now elevated to a tragic, substantial figure at practically the same level as Spider-Man, and that's saying a lot.

The whole Guardians series owes director James Gunn bigtime, and it's a shame to see him move on (but I'm looking forward to seeing what he'll be able to do over at DC). He set in motion a group of characters that really worked, and this 3rd instalment builds very effectively on top of its predecessors. Going in to the theater I knew what I expected out of them, but we got more than that. That's a big compliment.

At the same time, what was done with Warlock and High Evolutionary was kind of odd, in the end. I was disappointed that Warlock especially was kind of trivialized. He's capable of becoming a major character if they would just follow the path set out in the original comics. That one criticism aside, this is still one of the MCU's best and we can thank them for letting James Gunn do what he had in mind.
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Much better than most of the recent Marvel projects but not as strong as the previous Guardians of the Galaxy instalments
Chance_Boudreaux195 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So first of all, everything to do with Rocket in this movie is absolutely incredible and heartfelt. I'd even argue that his flashbacks are some of the best scenes we've seen in any Marvel film to date. On top of that, I really appreciated just how much this whole movie pushes the boundaries of its PG13 rating. We get the first Marvel f-bomb as well as some pretty gory moments by MCU standards. It can clearly be seen that James Gunn was given a lot of leeway to make the movie he wanted and so he was able to get away with a lot more and make callbacks to his horror roots. Additionally, the whole Guardians team has great chemistry together as always and it's great to just be able to see them interact with each other again. I liked the way the movie dealt with Gamora returning and her relationship with Peter Quill. On top of that, I loved the moment when the movie jokingly hinted that we might get something between Star Lord and Nebula which oddly enough I wish we did get, it would've been a great subversion of expectations.

Now onto the stuff I liked less and I'll start with the comedy. This was already beginning to be an issue for me with the 2nd movie and it's a problem that all modern Marvel movies have. The comedy in GOTG 3 often felt forced and the jokes were drawn out for too long. I realize that this series is known for being very comedic but maybe the jokes just needed to be placed more naturally, instead of being forced in so much. However, it's just my opinion though and I at least appreciate that there weren't any jokes in the moments that were supposed to be serious. Furthermore, the soundtrack was less appealing to me this time around but it might just be due to my preference for 70s soft rock and this entry expanding into a different musical era. On top of that, it does what all Marvel projects do which is have a massive CGI battle at the end. And yes, some moments are great in this battle like the one-take corridor sequence but I was still left switching off and thinking about something else when the bloated action sequences were happening. What did keep me engaged for the most part however was the genuine tension that I felt as I was sure that one or more of the Guardians will be dead by the end. The tension however was unwarranted as no characters died and this was a major disappointment.

The lack of character deaths prevented this film from feeling like the finale it was intended to be. If one or two Guardians bit the bullet in a definitive way I would've probably raised my rating to an 8. If Rocket wasn't laid out for most of the film and instead was kidnapped, he could've died during the final battle. The heaven scene could've then actually ended with him following Lylla and thus maximizing the emotional impact. Additionally, I feel like Star Lord perishing would've really been a great way to end it all but maybe in a better manner than with him trying to save his Zune. Also, the Guardians splitting up doesn't feel satisfying at all to me. It's the classic trope of a group of people splitting up only to realize they were the happiest when they were together. This is all just my opinion but the lack of finality and the setup for all of these characters returning in future Marvel movies lessened the supposed impact of this being the last time we see the Guardians together. We might not get Guardians of the Galaxy 4, although I wouldn't be surprised if we do but I bet we will see them team up again together in Avengers or another project, even if briefly. It all just doesn't feel like the epic conclusion that we were promised but rather a setup for how these characters will feature in the MCU going forward. I guess comic book movies can never have proper endings and even something great like Logan proves it with Hugh Jackman set to return for Deadpool 3. Maybe I shouldn't expect these films to provide conclusions because the studios will always try to get more from these characters and actors if there is money to be made. However, overall, even though a lot of this review might've seemed negative I did very much enjoy the movie but it just didn't wow me like it seemed to do most people and it simply lacked the finality that I personally desired from it.
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A perfect send off for the Guardians
georgewhittingham13 May 2023
A near perfect end to an incredible Marvel trilogy.

Guardians of the Galaxy 3 is one of the best Marvel movies ever produced, and on par if not succeeding the first installment. (I personally didn't think number 2 was good at all)

The humour is brilliant, the storyline perfectly paced, each character gets their time on screen, the world building was wonderful, the action fantastic, and the CGI far better than some of the more recent Marvel additions. As always, the music was excellent.

This entry focuses heavily on our beloved Rocket, and being the final piece of the Guardians Galaxy trilogy, pulls a lot of character arcs almost full circle.

Our bad guy, an actor I'm unfamilar with, was the perfect villain, and from a quick search on imdb he is finally being recognised and is cast in a number of popular TV shows. This is also a tear jerker of a movie, so don't be surprised if you find yourself weeping throughout several points of the film.

You won't be dissapointed with this final addition to the Guardians, but you may feel a little sad that it has now come to an end.
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Wasn't prepared for how traumatic it would be!
Stephanie40407 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love Guardians of the Galaxy - a group of misfits who are wholesome, kind, imperfect and therefore wonderful. However this movie is going to give kids the same level of trauma that Never Ending Story, Dumbo, Watership Down, Bambi, etc etc gave Gen X. Absolutely brutal animal cruelty scenes (for some reason it's easier to cope with villains who only target humans) and it had me balling my eyes out at certain points (poor Rocket and his friends). While it ends up mostly okay, I'm never watching it again as long as I live. Triggered all sorts of childhood movie PTSD - not sure it needed to be that harsh and traumatising to be honest!
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Just incredible
bastos5 February 2024
I've talked about this before, how expectations can mold your appreciation of a movie, so let me tell you what my mindset was coming into this one. I liked the first Guardians, although not as much as everyone else as I think Ronan is such a forgettable villain. I really didn't like the second one and thought it was a huge step down from the first one, it felt rushed and had another very weak villain. Marvel was coming off of a terrible string of movies and I even didn't like the Guardians Christmas special. I was still a fan of James Gunn though, and loved his Suicide Squad so there was that to look forward to. So, to say I wasn't expecting to like this one as much as I did is the understatement of the year. Another thing I wanted to talk about after watching this movie, was the much talked about superhero fatigue. When people mention it I think they tend to dismiss or forget that two incredible superhero movies came out this year alone (the other one being the Spiderverse movie, of course), so it just proves that if well written and well executed a superhero movie can still be really good, what people are tired is the terrible writing and lack of originality that populates most superhero movies released nowadays. Anyway, with all that out of the way, let me tell you just how much I loved this movie. It is incredibly well written, interweaving character development, emotional set pieces, comedy and action like it's nothing, with the highlight for me being the characters which are the heart of this thing. I mean, Star-Lord, Rocket, Gamora, Nebula, Drax, Mantis, Groot, even all the supporting characters like Cosmo, Kraglin or Adam Warlock, they're all so likable that you can probably ask ten different persons which one is their favorite, and you might get ten different answers. That's a testament of how good they all are! Execution wise, this is a beautiful movie, very well directed and the VFX for a change are actually good and serve to enhance the story. My only nitpick might be the villain that, although good conceptually and probably the best of this trilogy, is not as memorable as everything else, something that seems to plague all Gunn movies. Anyway, I really, really liked this movie and it is easily in my top five MCU movies. Highly recommended.
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Needed this one today
bout-870253 August 2023
Not gonna trauma dump but I watched this movie today as it's now on Disney and man... this is the right time of my life for a movie like this to come around. I'm not the biggest Marvel anymore. I didn't finish secret invasion and the only MCU movie I've seen in cinemas since No Way Home was black panther. I would have seen GOTG V3 but I watched spiderverse instead. Absolutely adore that movie and it's actually my favourite movie even though I watch a large variety and don't only indulge myself with the super hero genre. This isn't a review as much as it just me sharing how I felt but let me tell you; if you wanna watch something heartfelt yet entrancing and comedic, then this is the movie for you. I had to take a break from the movie when there was an hour left and not in particular because of the movie as such, but I cried the most I ever have in a long time. Rocket's story was so tragic yet deeply blissful. I got nervous and sad plenty in the final act thinking someone was going to die but thankfully no one did. I like it much better that way. Anyway, it's late and I'm emotional (plus this isn't reddit) so good day everyone!

If you couldn't tell already, I made an account just to write this. Movies goes hard fr.
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A total miss that didn't need to be
Ankhenaten915 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
One word comes to mind: contrivance.

This film is one gigantic contrivance. Plot, character, heck everything. It commits the worst sin a film like this can make, it's boring.

Remember how much fun the first Guardians movie was? Remember how sweet and lovable those characters were? Remember how fresh and silly but genuinely entertaining it was?

That's absent here. The movie is overblown, overwrought and has absolutely no clue what it wants to be.

Talking about no clue...Adam Warlock. Oh my gosh, they had absolutely no idea what to do with him. It's like they just threw him in because he's been teased in the previous movies. Now he's here and he's not exciting, enjoyable or remotely necessary to the story. Waste of everyone's time.

Over the last 9 years we've grown to love these characters. Here, they are bigger, and meaner facsimiles of themselves (to varying degrees) and most importantly I just didn't buy what they were selling.

The movie feels like a theme park attraction, but in that cheesy and stupid way you can't help to roll your eyes at. There's very little heart and almost no soul in the movie. It's just going through the motions of a Marvel movie. It's a product that is there to be consumed, but like anything that's made without care or purpose, it leaves you feeling empty inside.

Chris Pratt used to be endearing and charming. There was a comedic sensibility to his Peter Quill that was like a child playing Han Solo. That relatability is gone. There are a few lines that land, but most just feel unnecessary. He drops an f-bomb that is funny, but also felt unnecessary immediately afterward.

The only thing that worked for me was Rocket and his backstory. They took my favorite character in the Guardians and they framed the film around him, and let me say that it's the only thing that remotely works. We are told his origin while he is in a coma for the majority of the film. His story is engaging, it's a bit unsettling and the only thing that keeps this unnecessarily long film even remotely worth the investment of time.

The High Evolutionary, always an intriguing and engaging villain, falls into the Marvel trap of becoming just another bad guy who, while having a purpose for his evil, just isn't all that compelling and interesting to give us a reason to care about what he's doing. He's unsympathetic and poorly deployed. There's very little threat from him, and his motives aren't all that exciting, but I will say they do ring true from his comic counterpart. I'd have leaned into a body horror concept and made it more Dr. Moreau, but here it's a lame, loud and obnoxious version that just didn't engage me.

I saw this with a bunch of Marvel fans, everyone around me stuck around for the mid and post-credit scenes and throughout the film, I heard so many people being so frustrated and laughing at how dumb the movie was.

We've come to expect a lot from James Gunn. He's a fantastic director, and has the ability to add genuine pathos and soul to many of his characters. Here, we get something that feels half baked and overcooked at the same time. Too many characters, too many plot contrivances that happen out of absolutely nowhere and at the end of the day, it's just not worth the time, money or effort.

I wanted to leave the theater. I actually wanted it to end sooner. Gone was that feeling of being a 7 year old. The joy, the wonder the feeling of's all gone.

I try not to be negative, I don't want to rant about things I hate. I want to spread joy, happiness and love. But so many times I found myself wanting to yell at the screen for insulting mine and the audience's collective intelligence and good faith that they had previously earned. When the final dance number (yes, dance number) happened I just felt embarrassed.

It left me thinking one thing: exactly who is this movie for? It's too dour and mean for kids, and not engaging or smart enough to appear to adults.

Oh, and I wanted to scream at what they did with Groot at the end too.
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I am groot
AfricanBro3 May 2023
Firstly Adam warlock's intro was marvelous, which made me hate Kang's depiction in Quantumania even more because Adam seems way more hardcore than Kang was shown(shown, not talked about). Same with the high evolutionary, they delivered on their reputation.

Now the movie as a whole, I loved even more. It's lively and emotional, alternates between the two and some times blends them. Serving as a farewell to a beloved band of misfits who became family, and I don't recall ever feeling this connected to their characters before. Rocket takes the spotlight but everybody else is great as well, both antagonist and protagonist.

Second half is chaotic, but I loved it. The movie in general is very emotional but packed with great action as well, with most of it in the last third of the movie. Adam warlock felt like a waste, he's portrayed as a really strong character yet felt like he's in the sidelines for the whole movie; just popping up here and there then disappears. He deserved a better character arc after his introduction, but hopefully we'll be seeing more of him. I thought the third act was predictable though, especially his and mantis's role in it, like "oh mantis/warlock would be very convenient for this scenario" and a few moments later he/she pops up.

I think the best quality is that it's one of the few superhero movies I felt invested in the characters in a while. The movie focuses on the emotional aspect of it more instead of the plot and looking cool, even though that's a prevalent theme of the movie. I wasn't expecting it to enjoy it as much despite looking forward to it, thought it'd be another case of superhero burnout. It's sad and well made farewell to the guardians of the galaxy... as we know them. Oh and I forgot to mention it's pretty funny.
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Emotional and energetic!
cthirlby3 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is probably my favourite of the Guardians Of The Galaxy movies. James Gunn toned it down in the comedy department with this one to give us a more complex, intriguing and serious story. The film kept all the charm of the crew in it and still had the unique style that the guardians movies have. Mostly to do with the music, always look forward to music in these movies and the soundtrack was fantastic! Emotional and energetic! I loved it! It managed to give us a really emotional story for Rocket whilst having time for everyone else in the film, it was very well written to do that with so many cast members involved. The Rocket storyline is absolutely tragic, and it was really upsetting to hear and watch, even made me cry. The things they did and hearing him cry and squeal as he was ripped apart was really sad and to have what happened to his friends too was the bit that made me cry, the pain of rocket is really heartbreaking as all he wanted to do was free his friends and live with them. There was a lot of shock in the film as things happened that I wouldn't expect and that was great too. Drax who we have had glimpses of has been fully fleshed out in this one with talking about his daughter again which is a big part of the character and him being told he was made to be a dad. Star Lord got more of his Earth story being told and going back to see his grandpa was really cool. Everyone else was really cool too and more Cosmo was awesome! Adam Warlock was good and I can't wait to see more of him but he was a side character for now. It was quite dark for a marvel film with bloody scenes and even the F word was in there! Really enjoyed a more gritty tone in marvel. It was an emotional journey with our characters for one last time and it was one that was awesome but made me cry. Can't wait to see the new guardians of the galaxy at play as they have really cool characters in that roster. Fantastic movie! Loved it to bits!
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thrilling ending
rivercamp-199563 May 2023
The ending to the guardians of the galaxy movies didn't miss action, comedy or romance. The way it played with the soundtrack was on another level. You'll notice it's filming techniques are up to date and the cgi had nothing to complain about, no goofy ahh MODOC cgi (quantumania) or scenes that looked like they were filmed on a blank green screen, it truely was a work of cinema and lacked nothing in this way. Although it was your typical villain from the past coming back for revenge, this story was probably the saddest marvel project to date and hit harder than I was expecting.

Watch this in the biggest screen you can, completely worth it.
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Rocket and Love
ossie853 May 2023
This is a fun and exciting space adventure that's elevated by the great heart and humor of its characters, especially Rocket. Throughout the movie, Rocket's character is at the core of the story, and his journey is one of the most interesting and impactful elements of the film.

The film features plenty of action and explosions, but at times it feels like there are too many of them. The plot also has a few flaws, with some of the storylines feeling rushed or underdeveloped. However, these issues are overshadowed by the film's strengths - and surprisingly dark themes.

This is a satisfying conclusion to the trilogy, delivering plenty of entertainment. While the film has a few flaws, it's still a fun and engaging, with Rocket standing out as the heart and soul of the movie.
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Lacks the charm of its prequels
Ayupgeeza6 May 2023
I loved the first GotG, and enjoyed Vol. 2 a lot. For me they were original, quirky, funny films with an awesome soundtrack, great action sequences and a real feel-good factor to them.

This third instalment attempts to carry some of those traits over, but it also wants to be a serious, emotional film as it works its way through Rocket's tortuous back story. These two opposing threads make for uncomfortable bedfellows, and it hits from the very start of the movie. Any anticipation I felt for the film dissipated rapidly in the first 10 very depressing minutes, and I struggled to regain much enthusiasm for it. Perhaps this was an inevitable consequence following the events of the last Avengers movie, but even so I didn't feel it was handled all that well.

This was despite a pretty engaging revenge plot and a compelling and superbly portrayed primary antagonist. Adam Warlock was a welcome if somewhat underexplored addition to the cast, and a wide variety of imaginative and frequently grizzly selection of supporting characters were generally a bonus.

In fact it was the Guardians themselves who disappointed. Rocket and Star-Lord were largely humourless throughout. The three female guardians, including - strangely - Mantis, melded into the same universally angry, shouty character. Only Drax seemed to me to add value, as he was both funny and had a nice bit of character development rolled into it.

All in all, though this wasn't a bad film, it wasn't the film I was hoping it would be.
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Guardian Of the Galaxy Review
salaarzeeshan29 July 2023
An amazing farewell to our guardians of the galaxy making the trilogy perfect and goated. The plot of movie is mostly focused around the character of rocket, his past life and high evolutionary. The movie amazingly shows the relationship between the guardians and there relation with rocket specially peter and rocket relationship. It's shows there struggle to save rocket through out whole movie and also shows how far have they come compare to the first movie. Just like a average marvel movie the color and aesthetic of the movie was vibrant for most of the places. As always the movie does includes comdey moment and to be honest they are actually good comdey moments that doesn't feel unnecessary or forced, but at the same time the movie does gets serious when it's needed.
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Finally, Marvel start to return to its roots
Mysterygeneration11 May 2023
The most unlikely hit of Marvel's string of hits, in retrospect, focused on the most unusual of families. With a rowdy and frequently emotional sequel that seems very much like a proper finale, "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3" makes that point with great effect. This is mostly due to writer-director James Gunn moving his skills to competitor DC.

Marvel's "GOTG Vol. 3" combines visual excitement, recognizable characters, songs, and silliness with a darker thread that explores Rocket's origins and promotes animal rights.

Nevertheless, "Guardians" feels like a return to form on both fronts following some doubting about Marvel's invulnerability due to the underwhelming (creatively as well as monetarily) performances for "Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania" and to a lesser extent the "Black Panther" sequel. Give Gunn credit for bidding a loving farewell with both barrels blazing, even if it does close the books on this series, at least temporarily.
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The Star Wars of this Generation
hexagongraphicsuk28 July 2023
We have been subjected to franchise upon franchise of half baked member berries and re-imaginings over the past years that something original and with heart is desperately needed.

The way Disney has treated Marvel and Star Wars is shocking and a rant for another place. But through the wreckage, James Gunn has somehow retained the heart of iconic directors such as George Lucas and Steven Spielberg.

Finally after years of bland superhero movies and writers who care more about their personal agenda over storytelling, we have the third in the trilogy which should be known as the Star Wars of our generation.

Guardians of the Galaxy got side-lined in the larger Marvel project and didn't get the praise and promotion it deserved.

As a stand - alone trilogy, the James Gunn Guardians of the Galaxy is a wonder.

It has loveable characters, great action, compelling story and satisfying resolution.

This should have been a blockbuster of the year. Unfortunately, the poor Marvel movies that proceeded it created a general sense of Marvel underwhelming.

People who may have loved to se this in the cinema were apathetic because of the terrible movies produced since Disney got hold of the MCU.

Watch it. Love it. As a trilogy the Guardians of the Galaxy should become a loved phenomenon to sit along side Star Wars in our go-to Sci- fi action adventure movies.
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Did not work like it used to
PizzaBizza7 May 2023
I am disappointed. Although Guardians 3 is not a bad movie per se, it is definetly the worst of the three.

All the sillyness and light hearted jokes of the first two installments seemed just forced: The characters used to argue a lot in the previous movies too, but here the arguments seem more serious and sometimes the friendship actually looks damaged. Rocket gets the spotlight, but most of the background story is simply too dark. I wanted to watch the movie with my kids, but this is not a kids movie. The first two were kind of violent too, but not in this grim, dark and desperate way.

Nebula does not seem to fit in the crew, Drax does not do much at all, Groot seems strangely hallow and 'unfinished', only Starlord and Gomorra have a somewhat interesting tension. Both the adult groot and baby groot from 1 and 2 had something going on, young Groot here seems to lack any personality. The writers did not know how to use this character. The actors sometimes played as if it was the last day before summer vacation - just get it done and forget about it.

I always liked the family and friendship aspect of the first two, because it was somewhat ridiculed by the characters themselfs ("5 idiots standing in a circle" from the first, or "that unsaid thing" between Gomorra and Starlord or Drax being gentle to Baby-Groot at the end of part 2), but here it's not embedded in the actions anymore. It has to be said, over and over again.

For a Grand Finale it often feels too complex, too empty and too forced. Was it a bad movie - no, probably not, but it was for sure not up there with the other two. I will probably re-watch it in a couple of years, hopefully I like it more then. ("Endgame" also grew on me, so there is hope.)

It also sucks that there are so many fake ratings on IMDB, some even don't try to hide it.
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Sometimes less is more
mlaps19796 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm seeing mostly glowing reviews and I think I may have seen a different movie. This was a loud, annoying, confused movie. It couldn't get out of it's own way. Somehow dark and cutesy at the same time. Adam Warlock was unnecessary to the story and poorly written. Many of the main characters are at death's door on many occasions with no consequences. Multiple fight scenes involving every character so you can't tell what's happening. Drax and Mantis' banter is mostly just obnoxious. They're like kids you just want to smack the whole time. Nebula just yells at everybody for 2 and a half hours. The High Evelutionary is way too over the top to the point where he's mostly just distracting. There were audible groans in the theater when Kraglin sees Yondu during the big battle.

There were positives, too. The flashbacks of Rocket were well done and moving. The FX were mostly great. Some of the songs were great songs and fit well in the movie. Some of the banter was funny. There was just way too much.
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Meme_Critic31 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ok when I stepped into the theater I was expecting to walk out listing to jams BUT I cried walking out because this movie shows the biggest emotion ever to movies I've seen this is no happy ending this is a action ending. Rocket it the main character who is dreaming about his childhood when he got hurt and is in the coma while Star lord and the other guardians try to help him. But the antagonist is the evolutionary who evolves things and wants to study rockets brain because he could solve something he could not. With Yondu coming back made me happy because he rocked in the last movie even though he is dead he is there. Star lord gives the guardians leader name to rocket at the end and leaves to live with his grandfather and at the end of the credit cut scene it says " The legendary Star lord will return."
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How a Raccoon, an Otter, a walrus and a Bunny stole my heart!
entranceafx-087033 August 2023
Marvel has presented us with abysmal contents for the last few years. But this was not it. A truly heartfelt rendition by James Gunn has nibbled a bit of my heart in a corner. Rocket truly deserved his story be told to us and this was a genuinely beautiful way of doing it. I hope Marvel keeps making stories this good in the years to come and give them the proper time to be developed instead of rushing them out of the door for the next quarterly board meeting.

Nothing more to say.

Performance was great. Story was beautifully executed. This is what happens when artists work on a piece on their own. Please get the suites to keep sitting at their chairs and let the real people do the work they were meant to do.
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