Rebel Moon - Part Two: The Scargiver (2024) Poster

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Made no sense
hardikb-4376821 April 2024
Watched both the parts together. I have no clue how my brain is functioning properly.

Positives : CGI, Costume Design, Cinematography Negatives : Pretty much everything else. Script/ Story made no sense. Seems like a high school kid wrote it. Expected better from Snyder.

Dialogues are trash Acting is non-existent. Even the most emotional scenes are laughable

It is just like an old western where a group of people band together to fight a common enemy except this movie tales place in space. The movie added nothing new just copy pasted the stale idea. I am not sure why Zack was so excited for this movie. The first part was watchable (it sucked) but the 2nd part made no sense.

Watch it only if you have time and brain cells to kill.
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Said nothing did nothing new.
SithHunter19 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As a huge Snyder fan, I can easily say these rebelmoon movies have sucked.

Anyone who's seen anything before can see the same storylines and character types just copied and pasted into this world.

The first hour of this movie was pointless, so much slow motion scenes of Hay being Harvested, man just over use of the slow Mo.

Did Snyder forget he made part 1, because the first hour was just retelling part 1 over again.

What's the point of part 1 as a set up, if part is is also more set up.

Didn't care about any characters, watching heroes with plot armour stand in front of hundreds of enemies and never get hit, but then instantly shoot 20 Ina line. Yeah that's lame, zero stakes.

Slow monduring every action scene on repeat is such an old trick now, like we get it Zack U love it. But it takes away all the urgency of the action.

After loving 300, watchmen, Man of steel, BvS and Justice League Snyder cut.

I can truly say I'm not excited for Snyder movies after that zombie army and rebel moon 2 part trash fire.

No doubt the crazy Snyder cult will love the movies because they can't be objective.

I doubt they truly ever liked his other movies and just love the cult more.
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Bad movie
ahowroyd19 April 2024
I so wanted to be positive about it but it is so bad. The budget has been blown on special effects and no script. It's like one of those rip off B movies you get on the free to view movie channels. I just don't understand why it was made. The Creator and both the recent Godzilla films are far superior to this. The only reason I am giving this a 4 is for some of the special effects and action scenes- the acting is so wooden especially when they tell each other about their pasts. Part 1 is superior but I would stil only give it 5 as it at least attempts a Magnificent 7 in space type film. This was just a waste of space.
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GCM_Gentry24 April 2024
I thought Part One of Rebel Moon was horrible, but Part Two literally said, "Hold my beer!" -- and then proceeded to do the impossible! Take millions of dollars in budget, hire the best special effects artists, great actors, and commence to shoot a "movie" with the most ill-conceived, disjointed, illogical, and atrociously paced "storyline" imaginable!

I'm the biggest Star Wars fan ever, and after reading Rebel Moon was originally meant to be a Star Wars project, I thought this would be at least somewhat watchable. I really wanted to like these two movies!

But this was the laziest, nonsensical "writing" I've ever seen in my life! It's rare for me to literally HATE a movie, but this one definitely falls into that category! Why? Because the movie is INSULTING! Insulting because there are great writers and filmmakers out there worth their weight in gold, but "Hollywood" instead keeps giving millions to this Zack Snyder hack to keep churning out crap fest after crap fest!

No wonder Hollywood is in trouble! It's run by MORONS!
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Practically Unwatchable Rubbish
boyd-035732 May 2024
The first one was ok, although it was blatantly obviously Star Wars remade ... There wasn't an original idea in the whole thing ... And it has some really bad colour grading choices ( probably to cover up the lack of reality and texture in the sets or effects ) ... But this !!! ... Slow motion farming ... Cliche after cliche after cliche, badly and stupidly presented ... Once again it was badly colour graded ... The slow motion was absolutely ridiculous ... I mean I can see Snyder pitching this with " I'm actually doing something unique here in actually doing my customary slo-mo shots slowed down a second time and having them have no relevence whatsoever to flow or plot line ... Seriously, start respecting your time and don't waste it on garbage, cos that is all this is.
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2 movies in, still no plot
whatgift21 April 2024
The Snyder trademarks are all here in abundance - endless slo-mo, rousing vocal score, long close ups etc. The cliched and uninteresting characters also dominate the proceedings - it's very hard to care about anyone here.

The second half is basically one big battle, which is actually well done - the action is frenetic and realistic for the most part and looks more real than most of Snyder's back catalogue. It's a shame that the first half is so dull and silly, with a forced back story scene where the main characters basically retell their lives in cheesy flashbacks taking up a ridiculous amount of time.

It's worth watching for the visuals and action, but don't expect much more.
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How can it be worst than the 1st
miky-199-79083719 April 2024
In a world where mankind travels in spaceships next to black holes, a bunch of people and animals dragging a spaceship around must be the lowest point of the movie.

Story is total trash. Didn't make sense from the first part. Ain't getting better in the second.

Characters are totally unrelatable. Their backstories and motivations complete nonsense, irrelevant and told in a very boring manner.

The dialogues are so cringe and bland it makes you turn off the volume.

And how easy it must be to make a 2 hours movie when 70% of it is slow motion.

How can you have a carriage that floats on thin area, but needs a horse like animal to drag it around?
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Does no one else see "The Magnificent Seven"???
kduggan-8746420 April 2024
This has been bothering me for a day or so now. I have literally never written a review before. But, I had to share what I'm seeing with others.

I've seen people compare this movie/movies to Star wars and Akira Kurosawa's The Hidden Fortress. But I mean a small town being pushed around by a massive force. Who looks for warriors to help keep their town.

Anyways, it's not bad but not great either. It's a nice action movie for at home viewing. If your looking for a strong story or edge of your seat action. Then this movie isn't for you. But if you're looking for something to watch on Saturday night then just have fun and don't think about it.
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Madame Web has been dethroned
kevinfaftine19 April 2024
In my review for Child of Fire I said it felt like a 2 hour trailer for this movie. I don't know how this managed to be even more dull and boring than that one.

The script is so bad, the small amount of dialogue it has is insufferable, the pacing is so bad, it makes an already boring movie even worse. There's a part of the movie that is, montage, small bit of normal scene, more montage, another small bit of normal scene. It's hard to get through.

The relationship between the main team is almost nonexistent. You made a whole movie about them meeting, and in the second movie, they still barely talk with each other. In the final battle one of them tells another, "If I must die" and the other says "together" and it's genuinely the first time they spoke with each other.

The exposition is done so horribly. There's literally a scene where they go around a table and each of them does a summary of their origin story, as it's shown in flashbacks. And when most of them are done, one of them actually says "What about you? You haven't told your story".

Final battle has some nice sequences, but it's filled with just overdramatised moments of sacrifice and death, because these characters are basically cardboard.

There are some cool shots, some with the robot Jimmy, but that's all they are, shots that look cool. 0 significance, because we barely see him in the damn movie. And to finish the fight comes that Rebellion that was shown for like 5 minutes in the first movie? Yeah, the guy with the face paint. They just appear. No idea who called them, idk how they knew there was a fight, they just show up. Idk if I missed the part where they were called, because by then I was half asleep.

Then obviously there's set up for the third movie. Yeah, I was committed to the 2 parts, I don't have another one of these in me.
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People are treating Snyder like he killed a puppy
magadalwarmayur20 April 2024
Alright, so I finally got around to watching Rebel Moon Part 2: The Scargiver, and let me tell you, it's a bit of a rollercoaster ride. On one hand, there's definitely been some improvement since the first film, particularly when it comes to the jaw-dropping action sequences. Seriously, they were inventive, eye-catching, and had me glued to the screen throughout.

But here's where things get a little complicated. While the action scenes were a major highlight, it felt like the filmmakers were more focused on laying the groundwork for a potential franchise rather than delivering a standalone, gripping story. This weakened the immediate stakes of the plot, leaving me feeling somewhat disconnected from the characters and their struggles.

Now, let's talk about Zack Snyder. The guy's no stranger to controversy, and while I think he gets more flak than he deserves, I can't deny that there were some pacing issues in this film. Plus, some of the characters felt underdeveloped, which was a real missed opportunity considering the potential they had.

On the positive side, the visual spectacle of Rebel Moon Part 2 is undeniable. Snyder's signature style shines through, and there are moments of pure cinematic magic that left me in awe. But it's clear that the focus on franchise-building came at the expense of fully fleshing out the story and its characters.

So, where does that leave us? Well, if you were a fan of the first Rebel Moon, you'll probably find Part 2 to be a more polished experience. The action is top-notch, and there's definitely a sense of progression in terms of the overall feel of the film. However, if you're looking for a completely satisfying conclusion with high stakes and deep character development, you might be left wanting more.

In the end, Rebel Moon Part 2: The Scargiver is a solid improvement over its predecessor, but there's still plenty of room for growth. Here's hoping that any future installments can strike a better balance between franchise-building and delivering a compelling, standalone story.

The hate for this film is not justified at all.

People are treating zack Snyder like he killed a puppy.
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A war over...wheat??
b166er_19 April 2024
Yes, a whole war over a literal ton of wheat, in a bunch of hessian bags.

This overflowing wannabe western porta-potty of tripe is a festival of ridiculous wildly contrasting, and grotesquely incompatible ideas. Energy weapons that reload like cowboy western guns, fighting alongside Conan using his axes. Soldiers that cannot hit a target in a 1 by 2m passage, high tech ships that smoke like they are diesel powered, soldiers that behave like they were hired as extras on a F-grade scifi film (oh wait that's true) Fight scenes with energy weapons so close quarters that the fighters would rather hit their enemies with their rifle than shoot them. It's so insanely ridiculous I nearly chewed through my own foot out of frustration.

Then the monologues. Lectures by warriors given to villagers they just met, minutes before. More lectures and 20 second "tragic" back stories that will make you wish the "warriors" telling them were rather killed on the spot by the evil empire, who apparently kill just for sport, and have no real motivation.

Acting so wooden and hollow, you'll feel like you're watching a play about hearding sheep, performed by the society of grave diggers, at your local town bowling alley on a Wednesday night during happy hour.

If you like this film, please, please, for the love of humanity, do not procreate.
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I actually enjoyed it
anutaajovwokedev17 May 2024
I see no reason why this movie is receiving so much hate. It was enjoyable. Snyder did well.

Initially the plot was unclear. But I get the idea behind the plot. Synder can improve on it. But this was very enjoyable for me.

It was filled with rollercoaster vibes especially the consistent war unending. That got me like aren't they going to stop lol. The movie tells well about what happens when there's a fine mix of warriors and some dedicated villagers.

Positives: good cgi. Good plot. Some parts unpredictable. Increased suspense.

Negatives: actually none for me lol. Just my opinion.

I loved it.
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Why all the hate?
luconator23 April 2024
I wasn't aware people had a "Nickelback" level of hate towards Zack Snyder but so it seems.

These 2 movies are not the next Star Wars or Star Trek but they are by no mean as bad as people make them out to be.

With Part 1 & 2 we have 2 quite entertaining Space Action Scifis, with good special effects and acceptable acting and plot. These are not meant to be Academy Award nominated dialogues or scripts. They are meant to entertain you and I can't see how a sci-fi fan wouldn't find them fun.

As for the plot being just every big sci-fi blockbusters blended together, all I have to say is... if we can accept Avatar being "Pocahontas in Space" then we shouldn't have any problem accepting this as "Magnificent Seven in Space" or "Seven Samurai in space".

I do believe that over time these will have a cult following and if people could just let themselves enjoy something fun maybe we could have a new cool cinematic universe here but with the reception they're getting it's doubtful.
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Absolute tosh
dragontung19 April 2024
What a load of tosh.

I didn't feel any connection with any of the cliched, 2-dimensional characters so didn't care when any of them died.

However, it gets a few stars for great visuals and CGI, the satisfying splashy-lava effect of the blasters, and the light-trail effects of the light sabres. The coolest moment was the James the mech with his cloak in his One Punch Man moment.

Half the movie was the farmers harvesting wheat and after one day of combat training got a better kill-death ratio than any of the veterans.

The other half of the movie was a guy turning the little wheel to aim the Dreadnaught cannon.

Remind me never to watch any more Synder movies on Netflix.
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"We don't know how bad the damage was.."
daisukereds21 April 2024
Slow-motion farming.. Slow-motion water-refilling.. Grain-bag filling, falling, dying, you name it. This is unnecessary-slow-motion the movie.

And while this sequel is easier to swallow, it continues a hollow story of unlikeable characters. And less time for world-building doesn't excuse the lack of it! Rebel Moon has gotten 4 hours, and has done nothing with it.. Character backgrounds coming out half-way during the second movie is inexcusable and poor writing, and I still don't buy the displayed camaraderie anyway.

If Hallmark made Sci-Fi films, I would believe this to be one of them! Not sure why I gave it a chance, as I feel I've wasted my time in the end.
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Still shaking my head in disbelief Warning: Spoilers
I get escapism but:
  • Intergalactic high tech imperialists who can recreate humans from DNA but somehow depend on manually harvested wheat
  • Gigantic coal powered space ships capable of light speed travel but with hand crank controlled weapons of mass destruction
  • Farmers with knives and spades successfully taking on a massive laser gun equipped army and mech tanks
  • Modern warfare is currently done with unmanned drones. In what future reality would we go back to infantry and tanks/fighter jets piloted by humans (on board)?

Watching the Teletubbies would rot your brain significantly less than this lazily written pile of incoherent rubbish. Seems we are currently turning every low quality brain fart into a full length movie just because CGI has become cheap and Netflix will air virtually any piece of trash as long as the thumbnail will attract viewers.
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Hones review
jmvdneut20 April 2024
Honestly, I find the reviews of this movie not very credible...

Although there's a sense in the first 10 minutes that the cast is finding its footing and there's some clumsiness with the acting, once I surrendered, I was sucked into the story.

Sure, the Star Wars storyline is heavily relied upon, but once the clichés are set aside and the saccharine moments pass, it actually becomes quite an exciting film.

The epic battles and significant losses, even among main characters, truly immerse you in the conflict.

Sure, there are areas that could be improved upon, but all in all, I thoroughly enjoyed it and am genuinely looking forward to a sequel.
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An entertaining movie!
domi_do_dominique20 April 2024
There are many movies on Netflix, and this film is highly entertaining! It has great action, beautiful costumes, and talented actors. Is it the best film? No, but it's certainly not the worst either.

I found the first part better; the second part took a bit longer to really get going in the film. It's nice how they try to save a village in various ways within the story!

The different main characters are highlighted more, which made me feel more sympathetic towards them. I felt the weight carried by the main actress, which is what I want to experience, being immersed in a film.

I'm curious about the sequel!

If you enjoy action, I definitely recommend this film!
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Absolutely Putrid
dstainer-3286419 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What a horrible movie. The first one was a hot mess, but somehow, this one was worse. I've never seen such an overuse of slow motion. It has ruined that effect for me now. Going forward, whenever I see something in slow motion, I will think of this garbage. I don't understand how a fairly decent writer/director can be given a freight train full of cash and produce 2 absolutely putrid movies. I will be extremely hesitant to watch anything from Zack Snyder in the future. I honestly can't believe how bad these movies were. They make the worst Star Wars films look like masterpieces. If you feel like watching something, pick literally anything else. Just crap.
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You know exactly what you're going in for, It's a Zack Snyder movie.
vonell20 April 2024
It seems that Zack Snyder's modus operandi now is to release a fair to middling take of the movie at PG-13 (though funnily enough, the first film had a 15 rating slapped onto it by the BBFC after Netflix had already rated it as a 12. I'm guessing the same will happen to this due to the dark tone of it) Then release the Snyder Cut, which is not only longer, but darker, more violent, with profanity and sexual scenes that wouldn't pass at PG-13. These cuts end up being the definitive versions of the film, and vastly superior to the one the studio put out initially.

I don't know why the studios don't trust in Zack Snyder's original vision, as he's proved time and time again that his vision is the better movie.

Justice League was infinitely better than the Joss Whedon debacle that was initially released, as it restored whole deleted sub-plots. Got rid of the cheesy(and sometimes sleazy) humour, and introduced a whole new big bad, which due to the poor reception of the studio butchered cinema release, has just been left hanging.

Batman Vs Superman explored more of the story as a whole, went deeper into each characters psyche, and introduced more story threads that would be picked up in Zack Snyder's Justice League.

Watchmen, the directors cut actually gave justice to it's original inspiration. The seminal comic book Watchmen. It was long thought to be unfilmable, but Zack Snyder pulled it off, and apart from one very uncomfortable sex scene, should be up thee with the best comic book adaptations ever made.

I'm guessing you've got my point by now, and I know this time it was a marketing ploy by Netflix to have the two different version. One that's more family friendly and one that's a Hard R rated, adults only version. But please reserve judgement on this duology of movies until you've seen what is Zack Snyder's original vision. The man is a masterful filmmaker when he's let off a leash and encouraged to do what he wants to do. I for one can't wait to see a bloody, violent, sweary, and jet black version of both of these films, and they deserve to be seen before any judgement is passed on them.
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Slow motion harvesting!?!
mrleonw19 April 2024
I am thoroughly disappointed and have come to realize that I may never watch another one of his films again. It has become increasingly clear that his films, consistently lack meaningful plot progression and substantial character arcs.

The repetitive film sequences and copy and pasting, for me have become boring to watch. It sucks to watch his body of work, which fails to bring anything new to the table.

The persistent use of slow-motion effects seems more a stylistic crutch than a narrative necessity. The excessive reliance on CGI and these slow-motion scenes, which add nothing of value, is confusing.

Additionally, particularly the editing, was underwhelming. Glaring continuity errors in the scenes. I even saw the dull end of an axe slice a throat. These are not minor oversights; they significantly detract from the film's credibility.

I had high hopes that 'Part Two' might redeem the cinematic tragedy of part one, but instead, it confirmed my reservations. This film feels more like a visual spectacle devoid of soul than a coherent narrative. Why make a story in 2 parts, 2 hours a piece, and prioritize flashy visuals over compelling storytelling?
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I Don't Understand the Hate
guymonkey22 April 2024
So this was a science fiction/action space story... It's exactly what they set out to make...and it was decent - for what it was. If you go into both of these films expecting Citizen Kane or some epic space opera, of course you'll be let down. The visuals were beautiful, the sound design was good, and the action scenes were top notch.

It wasn't bad for what it was. This was an original story that Zach Snyder put a lot of time into - and frankly I'd like to see a directors cut or an extended version. I wish they had given us more background/back story on the other characters. The prince, the robot, the brother and sister fighters, etc...
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Not terrible
nicolefogolin20 April 2024
It looks good and pays attention to the modelling of its characters. Boutella acted better in this second one. Story line really needs a bit of work though and i doubt we will see a third movie. Maybe it would be better as a series. I like the ideas in this and they get a bit swamped out by the action and loads of unnecessary time harvesting wheat. Balance is a bit off between story and action and character development. Ive seen way worse films tho and dont think it deserves a 5-10. That is definitely a bit harsh as are some of the reviews. Its alson not overly boring which is also in its favour.
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One of the absolute dumbest films I have ever forced myself to watch...
tfdnrnzn19 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Sure, it looks stunning... an absolutely visually gorgeous film (sometimes)

The acting however? Is laughable...

The story? Seems to have been written by a 15 y/o in a freshman creative writing class.

It appears as if the dialogue has been intentionally cut in many place's (Maybe so Wacky Zachky can get his dIrEcToRs cUt released... f'n ridiculous). This cut in dialogue makes the film feel vapid. It makes the film seem childish and lacking in emotional depth.

At the beginning of the film when they explain there's "just six of them", I had a realization that this story is nothing new. It's a copy and paste Magnificent Seven space adventure... stealing ideas from real creatives who came before.

It offers nothing new, no cutting edge, no edge of my seat thrill. A true waste of time in production and viewing.

I am REALLY disappointed in this film, as I expected better from such an acclaimed director and cast. I think I am done with Snyder, he should have stuck with turning Army of the Dead into a series in my opinion.
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What a shame IMDB does not have 0 rating
stefkariotidis19 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Little House on the Prai... Space with Celtic music while harvesting wheat, for an army who technologically has conquered space travel and clearly depends on flour.

A bit of classical music with violins at the betrayal and killing of the king scene because why not. If you are going to copy famous sci fi movies, also make sure to copy their music style and the cantina band...

Forgettable characters and villagers who in 48 hours became killing machines. Hilarious dialogs just to fill time, without meaning or impact.

As for the costumes, baroque costumes in space, I'll just stop here.

A copy paste gone bad, pretty bad.
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