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The Kevin Kline Show!
Coventry30 April 2005
Brief and simple: this movie is terrific entertainment! With its uniquely eccentric characters and delightfully absurd storyline, 'A Fish Called Wanda" unquestionably is one of the funniest films ever made. The exhilarating screenplay works on so many level (a diamond heist gone wrong, Brits vs. Americans, romantic comedy...) and the top-notch cast obviously had an excellent time doing this film-job. There's not a dull moment throughout the entire movie and every sequence contains at least two or three hilarious moments. The humor is very over-the-top at times but, what the hell, it remains a joy to behold. The cast is nearly perfect with John Cleese, Michael Palin and Jamie Lee Curtis at their absolute best. Still, there's one actor who deserves extra praise for his role here and that's Kevin Kline. His hyperactive, deranged and extravagant character Otto is one of the most brilliant roles in comedy cinema ever! His moves, grimaces and monologues will make you fall off your seat laughing. Kline won an Oscar for his role and, everybody who has seen "A Fish Called Wanda" will agree on the fact that this was a well-deserved price.
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One of the funniest movies I've seen.
Maxta10 July 2000
When four people team up for armed robbery then all try to keep the whole lot for themselves, hilarity follows. The humor in this film is clever and constant, never letting up for a minute. Watch especially for Kevin Kline's performance of Otto, it's one you'll remember for years to come. His attitude and his character suit him so well. His contrast with John Cleese's Archie Leach is phenomenal. A must see for all. Brilliant film.
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Excellent caper comedy with a perfect cast
funkyfry28 August 2003
This is one of the best, if not THE best, caper comedies of the modern era. The writing is very witty and at the same time sometimes turgid. The cast is absolutely perfect; Cleese makes a great subdued lawyer who wants to be a bad boy, Curtis is wonderful and just keeps you guessing (as perhaps her own character is guessing, as to what it is SHE wants), and Kline is perfectly annoying as the Nietzsche-quoting American. This movie has strong shades of "The Big Sleep" and other Howard Hawks comedies, even going so far as to name Cleese's character "Leach" in honor of Cary Grant.

This film should appeal to those with no classic movie knowledge, but for those who have seen "To Catch a Thief" and other caper classics, this is even more of a treat. Romantic, funny, and slick.

Also big ups to Michael Palin for another memorable supporting performance.
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One of the best (and most underrated) comedies of all time
Cpartak8 March 2005
Before I review this film, I want to mention that I've seen it about ten times and have yet to stop laughing at any of the jokes. This is one of the best written and acted comedies that I've ever seen. The plot is airtight, and the jokes are perfectly timed and delivered. This is due in large part to the spectacular cast of the film. Jamie Lee Curtis, Johh Cleese, Michael Palin, and my personal favorite Kevin Kline as Otto the moronic ex-CIA agent who's too stupid to realize that he's stupid. The film centers around the four aforementioned actors who are involved in a bank robbery, and the conniving and backstabbing by each that takes place afterwards. A large portion of the comedic material in this film comes from the mixture, or more precisely clash, of British and American cultures. Kevin Kline's portrayal of Otto the red-blooded American with entirely too much ego and confidence is contrasted perfectly by John Cleese's reserved and in Otto's words "sexually repressed" English gentleman who is too scared to go out and live his life. Jamie Lee Curtis is also great as the title character who is determined to back-stab and cross anyone and everyone in order to get what she wants. Finally, there's Michael Palin as Ken the hit-man/animal lover/severe stutterer who must kill a key witness in order to protect his boss. If there are any funnier scenes than the ones where Ken must kill this witness, I haven't seen them. Palin is absolutely brilliant, easily one of the best comedic performances ever. The film is close to 2 hours long, but the plot is so clever and well structured that it's over before you know it. To me, that is one of the trademarks of a great film. You don't want this movie to end, and you're disappointed when it does. Do yourself a favor and watch A Fish Called Wanda and you will wonder why you haven't seen (or in many cases even heard of) this film before.
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The Funniest Movie Ever Made
DanB-431 May 1999
This is the only film I ever paid to see two days in a row. I missed too much of it the first time because of my own hysterical snorting laughter.

This is a work of comic genius. And, like any good film, the screenplay is at the heart of the belly laughs. Every character is given a detailed personality quirk or two, and then it is shamefully exploited for laugh after laugh. Note for example, John Cleese's speech to Jamie Lee Curtis about how awful it is to be British - the eternal fear of embarrassment. Moments later, he is caught buck naked in a marital tryst in some else's flat by the people to used to live in his own home. Also, the funny-offensive envelope is pushed to the limit when K-K-K-Ken (Michael Palin), the passionate animal lover inadvertently kills three innocent dogs in his attempt to murder an old woman who would otherwise be a prosecution witness. Now that's funny!

Cleese's character, Archie Leach (Carey Grant's real name) is a likable buffoon of a lawyer, happy in his banal existence until he meets the sexy American, Wanda (Jamie Lee). I cannot even being to describe the plot beyond that point without doing it a grave disservice. It twists and dangles about in a world of double-cross and goldfish-eating for no other reason than to set up a joke.

You cannot speak of this film without mention of Kevin Kline as Otto, a role that won him a richly-deserved Oscar. Otto is the ex-CIA "weapons man" who makes it his business to read philosophy but would be more at home with Curious George. An obsessive, self-indulgent, painfully stupid, violent, deceitful, gullible egomaniac, the character of Otto is amongst the best comedic performances ever delivered.

The film's funniest scene takes place at Leach's (Cleese) house. In a scene that rivals anything that has ever hit the screen for laughs, the film and its scripts looks deep enough into itself to even give Cleese's dry-as-toast wife a laugh or two. Then, later on, this scene proves to be the set up for even more jokes. A Fish Called Wanda is pure comedy and every scene either provides a laugh or sets one up - it graciously does not waste our time trying to be moral or turning into a formula car-chase flick.

My comments are choppy but so is this movie. If you see it and don't laugh, check your pulse. We have only been given a handful of good comedies in the last decade. A Fish Called Wanda is a treasure. **** out of ****.

NOTE: TBS and some other TV networks show this film with the "offensive language" edited out. It kills the movie - if you can't hack the language, pass this one over.
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Funny In Parts, But Hardly A Classic
bigverybadtom23 April 2011
The movie was created as a hybrid of 1940-1950's Ealing comedy and later Monty Python-type silliness. The combination didn't quite work as intended.

I went to see it in the theater because of all the praise the movie got, but when I saw it, it had some laughs but it was less funny than I had come to expect. The movie's main joke is about the culture clash between the loud, overaggressive Americans versus the over-mannered, comatose Britons, but the stereotypes are so exaggerated they are more irritating than funny.

The movie is somewhat redeemed by the scenes with Cleese and Curtis, but the other leads resort to overacting, which in itself is not very funny. As a crime drama, it's not particularly clever either. I was glad to see it once, but I wouldn't bother again.
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something's fishy (in a good way)
lee_eisenberg24 October 2006
Portraying a heist gone awry, "A Fish Called Wanda" goes all out in every way possible. Maybe the whole thing is little more than an excuse for a bunch of silly situations, but they have some great ones here. Whether it's John Cleese's dance, Kevin Kline's rips at England, Michael Palin's stuttering, or Jamie Lee Curtis's deadpan performance, they know how to do everything here. I can't describe how funny the movie is; you just have to see it. And you may very well die laughing - or if nothing else, you'll want to take a trip to England. Kevin Kline definitely deserved his Oscar. And of course, the cast teamed up again for the equally funny (maybe even better) "Fierce Creatures". This is a comedy classic in every way.

Oh, and in case Kevin Kline is reading this: Happy birthday! You're my favorite actor!
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ajdagreat10 November 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Lewis and Clark ventured to the unknown west parts of early America. Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay climbed Mount Everest. Me, I write my own opinions on movies that everyone else seemed to love.

It's not that I didn't like "A Fish Called Wanda." I didn't laugh once when I saw it, but that can be ignored if the plot is good. And I kinda liked the plot, although it was a bit disturbing - I am not easily offended by cruelty in movies, but the treatment that Ken gets throughout the movie is just disgusting, and his revenge on Otto is not substantial enough. Also, some points in the movie are just plain corny, like Ken's aforementioned revenge.

(SPOILER ALERT! SPOILER ALERT! I mean, come on. Running over Otto with a steamroller? That is really corny. And why are his feet stuck in place anyway? He was just moving his feet a few seconds earlier. This would satisfy me, however, if it weren't for a final shot of Otto, covered in cement, looking in the airplane window. What did Ken do, really, besides getting Otto a little dirty? SPOILERS OVER! SPOILERS OVER!)

Not a complete waste of time, but there are definitely better movies. If you want to see a movie about ruthless people duking it out over big money, the superior movie is..."Ruthless People." If you wanna see Jamie Lee Curtis sleeping around, the superior movie is "Trading Places." If you wanna see John Cleese and Michael Palin goofing around, the superior movies are "Monty Python and the Holy Grail", "Monty Python's Life of Brian", or countless other displays of Python silliness.
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keuhkokala31 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
(Contains SPOILERs for the movie and DVD)

This film ought to be funny, as every critic in the world thinks it is, it has been written by John Cleese, is directed by the talented comedy director Charles Chricton and stars Cleese alongside with Jamie Lee Curtis, Kevin Kline and Michael Palin, all of whom are great comedians. But it just isn´t. The fault is not in the actors, they all do a great job, but it´s Cleese´s script that makes this such a disappointment to me. Many scenes that other critics have praised high, such as Cleese stripping, while the family comes in are hardly funny if you have seen at least one episode of Mr. Bean before this movie. Also Kevin Kline is too good as sadistic maniac Otto. If this was a Monty Python movie, Otto would be such an outragiously exaggerated character, that it would be at least a little bit funny. But Kline acts so naturally that you just hate the guy throughout the movie. It seems to me that the whole movie is made for American audiences rather than British, as the jokes are dumber and Kline and Cleese both mock the British culture all the time. It would´ve been fun to make the both mock each other´s cultures, but Cleese´s only comeback is the comment on Americans losing the Vietnam war. Sadly, a great scene, in which Cleese complains about Rambo, American football etc. was cut and even in the Special Edition DVD it´s a hidden extra.

Very little in Cleese´s script is the same comic brilliance, good timing and as funny as his material in Monty Python and Fawlty Towers (Like the Dead Parrot sketch, Ministry of Silly Walks and the Towers episode "Germans"). There are some of those moments, however. Michael Palin´s animal-loving stutterer Ken almost saves the movie for me. The only part that made me laugh is Ken trying to murder the witness, but each time accidentally kills one of her dogs. It´s like a Road Runner cartoon came to life, when the second dog is squashed like a pancake and very, very funny. It also gave me lots of pleasure, when Palin gets his revenge in the end and drives over Otto with a steam roller. It´s Palin alone who lifts this movie´s grade by two whole numbers.


The best part: The actual best part was for some idiotic reason deleted from the final movie and it was another part that reminded me of those good Python and Fawlty days. The scene can be seen on the DVD in one of the documents.

Cleese tries to get the stuttering Ken to tell him, where has Otto gone with the diamonds. Ken stutters too much, so Cleese can´t make anything out of his speech. ken tries to write it, the pen´s run out of ink and the pencil needs sharpening. The electric type writer hasn´t any paper, it´s no use trying to write with toothpaste on the window and so on. Finally, Palin succeeds on writing the place´s name on the wall with his own blood, with the cut he got from trying to sharpen the pencil with a pen knife.
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A Tasty Bit Of Tastelessness
boblipton13 September 2021
What makes this old friend so very funny? There are lots of great setpiece sequences, like Michael Palin running over Kevin Kline in slow motion. It's the energy that Kline gives to his Oscar-winning role, the way Jamie Lee Curtis double crosses everyone, Michael Palin's stammer, Tom Georgeson's malign mastermind, the clockwork jewel robbery..... but mostly its the mean-spirited selfishness that suffuses every moment of it. It's pretty much unique for British comedy, which always seems to have a soft spot some place for the little fellow. Even the Boultings, at their most vicious, have that normative core , a sense of right and wrong, to grimace dourly at the actions of their petty tyrants.

This movie, however, makes no such claim. In fact, Cleese's monologue about the stifling, lifeless way in which the British are terrified of saying the wrong thing the terror of asking about the spouse and being told she left that morning... it's not a comedy of embarrassment. It's a comedy of shamelessness, and pretty much unique. And anyone who talks about 'poor taste' doesn't get it. It's meant to be tasteless.
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Not Cleese's best
paul2001sw-111 January 2007
The great John Cleese starred in two post-Monty Python films in the mid 1980s: 'Clockwise' is arguably under-rated, but 'A Fish Called Wanda' was a huge commercial success. This is actually surprising, as the film is only fitfully amusing, with its obvious (and commercially-minded) Anglo-American theme. A bigger problem, perhaps, is that Cleese himself plays a relatively straight role, leaving it to Michael Palin (never the funniest of the Pythons, and here merely annoying) and the always annoying Kevin Kline to attempt to deliver the laughs: the film only really becomes funny in its second half, when Cleese is finally allowed to show us his talents. Another point of note is that the Python-esquire vision of Britain, maybe enhanced by the use of veteran Ealing studios director Charles Chrichton, is starting to look dated: the world shown is a parody of contemporary life, but no longer accurate enough to be considered satire. There are still some funny moments here, but for a true demonstration of Cleese's greatness, look elsewhere.
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Absolutely brilliant comedy
The_Void27 April 2005
To make a comedy that can be lauded with the comment 'absolutely hilarious' isn't an easy thing to do. It's not so difficult, however, when you are one of the funniest men on god's green earth; and the extremely talented John Cleese has certainly managed to write a fine piece of comedy here. Teaming up with Monty Python buddy Michael Palin and Ealing studios director Charles Crichton, these talented comedians have managed to create a film that is most certainly one of the funniest; laugh per minute and lasting hilarity when it's over, movies ever made. The plot is taken straight from the classic Ealing comedy era (no wonder it works so well) and it follows four crooks that have stolen a bunch of jewels and now decide to double cross one another to take the loot solely for themselves. The plot thickens when the female of the bunch decides that the best way to get the loot would be to get close to a grassed-up co-conspirator's barrister; John Cleese.

Aside from an inch-perfect screenplay, A Fish Called Wanda also benefits from a fine cast of actors to deliver it. John Cleese steals every scene he's in, as you might expect, and he more than justifies his reputation as one of, maybe even the, finest British comedy actor ever. He is joined by a talented pair of Americans; Kevin Kline and Jamie Lee Curtis, along with, as mentioned, his fellow Python Michael Palin. Kline is certainly one of the most underrated actors working today, and his comic timing in this movie is right on the money. Makes you wonder how much better he could have been used over the years. "Scream Queen" Jamie Lee Curtis also does well in the title role; and Michael Palin obviously knows his way round a comedy script. The jokes in the film come thick and fast, and I can't think of a single one that didn't work. It's the big gags that are the real stand out of the movie, though, and one in particular that sees Kevin Kline trying to explain to Cleese's wife what he's doing in their home is absolutely priceless. I nearly fell of my chair laughing. This film is a must see.
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Why is this funny?
bigarbel2 August 2003
I saw this movie when I came out in the theaters and I thought it not really funny. But, a lot of other people called it "one of the best comedies ever", so I must be missing something. So, last night I watched it again on television and see if I would like it now, so many years later. It would not be the first time I change my mind about a movie (although not always in a good way). Well, I did not change my mind. It's an OK movie, but it's not really funny and I thought it was a waste of talent. Maybe I'll find it funny in another 15 years, but I guess not.
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Is it really that funny?
jimbo-53-18651122 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It's my understanding that A Fish Called Wanda is often regarded as one of the funniest films of all time. However, after watching it I'm perplexed as to why it's quite so highly regarded as to me it was barely funny at best.

There isn't much wrong with the basic idea behind the film and the idea of the protagonists double-crossing each other in an attempt to get the stolen loot certainly holds a lot of promise, but sadly this was just a really big missed opportunity.

For a start, the characters aren't very well-written and sadly the gags are very one- note and repetitive. Michael Palin's character Ken Pile has a stutter and that's about it - it's mildly amusing at first, but when that's the only funny thing about his character it wears thin very quickly. I'm also surprised that Kevin Kline won the Best Supporting Actor Oscar. Really? Perhaps he should have won the award for Best Overacting Actor. God was he irritating in this film - he shouted all the time, randomly spoke in a stupid Italian accent for no apparent reason, and he was just generally annoying. Later in the film we see Pile trying to take out a witness to the robbery, but every time he tries to kill her he ends up killing her dogs - it wasn't that funny the first time, but to have this as the only running gag shows a real lack of imagination and I must admit that this is very lazy and disappointing (and as one of the writers Cleese must burden some of the responsibility for some of its failings).

The only moderately interesting aspect of the story was the relationship between Wanda and Leach. Leach is a believable character - a middle-class man stuck in a loveless marriage who merely wants a bit of excitement in his life. Leach is quite a likable guy & Cleese's dead pan expressions and excellent comic timing do help to keep the film mildly tolerable. It's a shame that the material here is thin and largely unfunny. However, Cleese's and Curtis' acting are the best things about this film and their scenes together are easily the best in the film.

However, the final nail in the coffin was the ending which I found to be utterly ridiculous and totally unbelievable. A Fish Called Wanda is a film that seems to be loved by the masses, but it's appeal is something of a mystery to me.
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Perfect comedy.
Peach-26 December 1998
This is one of the funniest films I have ever seen. The film is so well put together that time flew on by and I was sitting there wanting more. This movie is perfectly cast and well directed. There is no real style to the direction, but when you have a script like this all you need to do is point the camera and let it rip. I would like to point out that if you haven't seen this movie yet, check it out for Kevin Kline's performance alone. It is one of the best comedic performances you will ever witness. Great movie.
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Molto pericoloso, signorina, molto
Shaolin_Apu6 June 2005
'The Fish Called Wanda' and 'Some Like It Hot' are the two best comedies that I have ever seen. They're both very unique films and represent one complete story and manage at same to be devastatingly funny films. They don't need sequels because they are both 'perfect' in their own right. I have seen these films so many times but they always surprise me again and again when I find out how good they are.

'The Fish Called Wanda' is not only well made but also happens to be funny. I call this movie 'the best', which may sound ironical, because Cleese and Palin have even been more funny as Pythons. Also ironical is that Jamie Lee Curtis says only one joke (Aristotle was not...) in the whole film. Kevin Kline is hysterically funny without one-liners and slap-sticks. It is the overall situation that makes the film complete. This is to say, that the film is not at all stuck up with gags but has absolutely right timing for every event. This feature makes the film even better than anything what Monty Python and the Marx Brothers have done. Or at least reaches the same level with them. This film proves that a movie can kill you in laughter using only everyday realism.

A Masterpiece from John Cleese, who proves here that he can be funny even without Pythonity. He actually did the same with 'Fawlty Towers', but as a single film is this the very best. It just works.
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What was the big deal?
world_of_weird16 September 2004
Part of the beauty of John Cleese's masterful sitcom 'Fawlty Towers' was the complex, interweaving plot threads and slowly unfolding disasters. He obviously tried to replicate this in 'Wanda', but succeeded only in making the whole thing needlessly confusing and even rather boring. Jamie Lee Curtis can't do comedy - it's as simple as that. Kevin Kline, an ardent Python fan, offers one of the most abysmally overbaked and embarrassing performances I've ever seen, and Michael Palin is wasted in a one-note role as the bashful, animal-loving Ken, whose 'comedy' stutter is more irritating than amusing. Cleese himself turns in an oddly flat performance, especially compared to his hilariously manic turn in 'Clockwise' (the nearest we ever got to Basil Fawlty on film), his treasurable character parts in all the Python movies and his eccentric cameo as the mischievous billionaire in 'Rat Race'. The rest of the cast are largely wasted. Charles Crichton's direction is creaky and the film as a whole looks cheap, as if it was shot on leftover stock and bearing the same slightly seedy "shot on location in London, England" look as a lot of sixties 'swinging England' comedies. In short, it resembles a Michael Winner film, and that's not intended as a compliment. Cleese's screenplay blatantly attempts to play up stereotypes from both sides of the Atlantic, but it takes a good deal more skill and lightness of touch to hunt with the hounds and run with the fox simultaneously. Whatever certain over-excited critics tell you about this film heralding the revival of Ealingesque 'caper' comedies or the art of perfect timing is untrue. There were better and funnier films being made in England all through the eighties, but they didn't have one beady eye on the lucrative American market or a couple of unappealing Hollywood star turns in the cast. A Fish Called Wanda? A turkey named John...
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Pretty Good, Maybe Not As Funny As It Wants to Be
gavin694220 March 2015
In London, four very different people team up to commit armed robbery, then try to double-cross each other for the loot.

This film's genesis begins way back in the 1960s, when writer John Cleese and director Charles Crichton met and even (unsuccessfully) proposed a comedy film... the steamroller gag allegedly gestated all that time. By the 1980s, both Kevin Kline and Jamie Lee Curtis had helped on early drafts to make it more American (Cleese modestly suggests that 13 different people perfected the dialogue). Kline and Cleese had been acquainted since "Silverado".

What bothers me right off the bat is this idea that Jamie Lee Curtis is attractive and can lure people. This was not the first film where she was used in this way, and certainly not the last ("True Lies"). But it is confounding, because she really is just not the sort of person you expect to be the "sexy woman" in Hollywood films. This is not meant as any disrespect to Curtis, but her strong point is not her physicality.

That nitpick aside, this was a nice film from some of the Monty Python folks (John Cleese, Michael Palin). Interestingly, neither one of them stole the show -- that honor goes to Kevin Kline as Otto. Maybe I am mistaken, but I always got the impression Kline lingered just below the A-list and just above the B-list, and no one knew what to do with him. A shame. He is a real talent, with an incredible comedic skill. Appropriately, this film landed him an Oscar. According to Cleese, Kline was different on each take, and invented his physicality on the fly (which drove the editor bonkers).

For those looking for other Python connections beyond Cleese and Palin, they are there if you dig hard enough. Costume designer Hazel Pethig had been with them since 1969, practically another member. Assistant director David Skynner is the child of Robin Skynner, who co-wrote "Families and How to Survive Them" (1983) with Cleese. And you may recognize actor Andrew MacLachlan from wither "Life of Brian" or "meaning of Life".

The film's quasi-sequel, "Fierce Creatures" (1997) also starred Cleese, Kline, Curtis and Palin, but was as big a bomb (both commercially and with audiences and critics) as "Wanda" was successful. On the other hand, some have alleged that the success of "Wanda" opened the door for other British-American films such as "Four Weddings and a Funeral", so perhaps it had other quasi-quasi-sequels that carried the torch.

The Arrow Video Blu-ray is a full house, aces high. Beyond the brand-new 4K restoration from the original negative, there is commentary by John Cleese; brand-new appreciation by Vic Pratt of the BFI National Archive; brand-new interviews with composer John DuPrez, production designer Roger Murray-Leach, executive producer Steve Abbott and makeup supervisor Paul Engelen; "John Cleese's Final Farewell Performance", a 1988 documentary on the making of the film; "Something Fishy", a 15th anniversary retrospective documentary; "Fish You Were Here", a documentary on the film's locations hosted by Robert Powell; 24 deleted/alternative scenes with introductions by Cleese; "A Message from John Cleese", a tongue-in-cheek introduction; and more!
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Excellent Film! Very Funny!
Dale8626 December 1998
A Fish Called Wanda is my favourite movie of all time and always will be. John Cleese has written this masterpiece very cleverly, his best best writing piece since Fawlty Towers. Kevin Kline, who won an Oscar for his role in the film, is excellent as the looppy, arm pit sniffing Otto, and is my favourite in the film. Michael Palin is also brilliant as the stuttering Ken. John Cleese, in a role rather different to Basil Fawlty and his Monty Python characters, plays the lawyer Archie Leach fantastically. But the movie is all around Jamie Lee Curtis' Wanda, who is an American thief, after diamonds that she, Otto, Ken and George (Tom Georgeson) stole. In order to get the diamonds, Wanda has a fling with just about everybody. The movie will leave you in suspense wondering who will get the diamonds. Along the way, there are plenty of funny lines and gags, especially from Kline. A top movie. Watch A Fish Called Wanda, don't skip it. A++++
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Comedy gold
AmyJenson199513 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm gonna make it brief: this movie is a gem of a comedy. There is not a moment when you don't at the very least smile.

The cast is just spot on especially Kevin Kline who is just hilarious in this movie as Otto, a former CIA hitman, spouting nonsense italian words coming to his mind while sniffing himself, hates to be called stupid despite the fact that he is, drives like a maniac while shouting the A word to the poor drivers he totalled.. He got an oscar for it and my god he deserves it so much.

The rest of the cast is as hilarious as Kline especially John Cleese and Michael Palin. Michael is a genius comedian in his own way. The scenes when he tries to kill that old lady who is the main witness in his boss trial but somehow took down her dogs instead are just hilarious. Then after he realized that she died of an heart attack after losing her last pooch, he's laughing and jump out of joy while everyone else watches him in shock and dismay is hilarious as well.

John Cleese is also hilarious as Archie Leach, that British lawyer who is as politically correct as he can be, royally ignored by his family and who becomes Jamie Lee Curtis pawn so he can reveal the location of the diamonds and somehow breaks off his chains as he dances naked in an appartment he doesn't own until he's confronted by the owner and his bewildered family who freshly came back from their vacations...

Like I said Comedy Gold!
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Sexually absurd, yet attractive and stimulating. Jamie Lee Curtis' vulgar femme fatale has done the job
A Fish Called Wanda (1988) : Brief Review -

Sexually absurd, yet attractive and stimulating. Jamie Lee Curtis' vulgar femme fatale has done the job. Charles Crichton's heist comedy is not a pure family film; rather, it's vulgar and sexually absurd. The maverick and no-limit femme character of Jamie will stimulate you as a viewer, especially male audiences. There are some loopholes in the script that need a little attention, but that's alright as long as the gags keep coming. Nevertheless, there are a few issues with the film that I'll disclose in brief. A Fish Called Wanda revolves around a robbery, and there is a girl as the central character who traps three men in her sexual desires for the diamonds. Her lover is arrested after being tipped off by her brother (and her), but he was smart enough to hide the treasure before going behind bars. Well, the girl also has a sexual relationship with her brother, who speaks Italian and stimulates her. "Even if you are my brother, I still want to F you," she says (that's absurd and rubbish, though). Then she traps a married barrister so that she can get him to talk about the treasure once her lover is sentenced to jail. This part is damn funny and sexually attractive, but seriously, how can you have a well-educated barrister with an IQ level of a KG student? Her ideas are simple yet are never challenged by any male characters-that's what hurts the most about the script. In one scene, the barrister is caught nude by tenants, who apparently know him already, but did that cause any alarm about his identity and personal life? No. That's childish. And wait a second, why didn't they catch the girl who was right there, upside the stairs? Jamie's sex appeal has covered many loopholes, and this fishing tale manages to trap the audience. Overall, a fantastic sex comedy with an outdated femme fatale touch.

RATING - 7/10*

By - #samthebestest.
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So many laughs and memories
bennettpaul-2218819 October 2023
My favorite comedy of the 1980's and probably beyond..This film is so dear and so personal to me. I was seventeen when A fish called Wanda was released and watched it at my Cinema in Romford about three times..This fact is amazing g enough as in the mid to late 80's pirate copies was the norm. But I loved this film so much I see it three times at the pictures and bought a sell through video of it from a video shop(younger readers of this review please google "local video shop",and "sell through videos").

The film it's self still is as funny today as when I was seventeen and the scenes around London really take me back to a London of back then. The plot and pace of the movie jogs along well with plenty going on and what is going on is the excellent characters. Each role is so well written and acted with every actor bringing their best to their performance. In conclusion I would like all to watch "A fish called Wanda",as I'm sure watching it wouldn't disappoint..
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vastly overrated
kyle_furr26 March 2004
Was this movie actually supposed to be funny? Their wasn't one funny thing in the entire movie and i don't see how anyone could actually call it a masterpiece. Everybody was just really annoying and i could barely stay awake during this movie. Was the guy with stuttering problem actually supposed to be funny? Or, how about a guy with french fries up his nose and being forced to watch a guy eat his fish? is that supposed to be funny. The plot is a bunch of crap, it has to do with a robbery and everybody begins to turn on each other right after. Kevin Kline is a hit man who reads philosophy but doesn't understand it. Jamie Lee Curtis will sleep with anyone to get the money and John Cleese is the lawyer. Don't waste your time and just watch Monty Python instead.
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askeland8925 September 2023
Took me longer than I prefer to admit before actually seeing this movie, even though I'm a huge fan of John Cleese and his work.. And I honestly had no idea who Kevin Kline even was before watching this. Winning an Oscar for best actor in a comedy was not normal in the 80's but he stole every scene he was involved it and he deserved it to say the least. Every actor did their job well and I can tell they had fun making this.

I read somewhere that the entire movie was written around the final scene with the truck and the "limey" sement.. How they turned a simple idea like this into a heist-comedy is beyond me but they made it work somehow, and it worked well.

This is an absolute classic!
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Really enjoyable watch
tidelund31 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Walked into this expecting over the top monty python wackiness but was happily surprised with John Cleeses, in some ways very simple but in some ways very clever, writing for this movie. The story runs smoothly and fast paced. Well acted characters (especially Kline's Otto) keep you interested even when some very John Cleese like humor scenes are overplayed and take over a bit too much (dog killings, Otto acting CIA). At some points thou the humor is brilliant and really struck me and i get that is the payoff to John Cleeses style.

Overall very enjoyable and the runtime went by in a quick fashion. Doesnt quite reach brilliancy for me, for that I would require a lean into something deeper than the humor and fast paced action that this picture relies on.
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