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The Package (1989)
a solid political thriller
13 January 2009
I ran into The Package on TV the other night and was pleasantly entertained. I'm quite surprised not to have heard about this movie since it has a star-studded cast and a renowned director. Maybe the reason for being relatively unknown is the film's genre, the political thriller. Anyways, The Package is a solid film with a good pace and a story that probably was more relevant back in the day but still enjoyable today. As for the actors, Gene Hackman stands out of course, he's always been good at portraying military characters. It's amazing to see his ability to bring intensity on the screen, especially when it comes to face-to-face confrontations. His scenes with John Heard are good examples of this and he will bring this to another level with Denzel Washington in Crimson Tide. It was also interesting to see Tommy Lee Jones in a bad guy role earlier in his career. For fans of Hackman and Jones The Package is a must see, for others it's a safe bet for worthy entertainment.
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Elegy (I) (2008)
just beautiful
4 January 2009
Elegy is a beautiful film. Quite possibly Isabelle Quixet's most accomplished and mature work to date. She might explore similar themes over and over again but still she manages to put on a new layer of meaning each time. This time it's about the possibility of love beyond age and the difficulties of commitment. Elegy is a character driven piece, one that draws its power from the dialogues and interplays of the actors. An important part of the director's job is to bring out the best from his or her actors. Isabelle Quixet pulls this off brilliantly. Ben Kingsley gives one of the greatest performances of his career as the professor who is trying to get in terms with ageing. He had a really difficult job because he had to convince the viewer that even at his age he is man enough to seduce a beautiful young woman played by Penelope Cruz. Kingsley succeeds no doubt because never for a minute during the film have I thought that their relationship wouldn't ring true or seemed unrealistic. Penelope Cruz brings her usual charm and grace to the film and as it is said in the movie she is a work of art. I don't remember seeing her more beautiful than in Elegy. It would be blasphemous no to mention the supporting cast as well Patricia Clarkson, Peter Sarsgaard and Dennis Hopper all bring their best to make the film work. It was especially good to see Mr Hopper in a meaningful role. The music and cinematography should be mentioned too because they each contribute a lot to the overall experience. I must admit I left the theatre deeply moved and thought about the movie for several days. Strongly recommended for those who appreciate movies that have the courage to be slow, dialogue-driven and emotional.
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At last the Coens' biting satire is back
4 January 2009
Following their hugely successful and equally brilliant No Country for Old Men the Coens have returned to their all too familiar territory: the black comedy. The good news is that their approach was different than in case of Intolerable Cruelty and The Ladykillers, which were in my view lesser works for their mass appeal oriented humor. With Burn After Reading the biting satire is back: plastic surgery, internet dating, body building/shaping, the marriage-adultery-divorce triangle and even the CIA are all targets that get their fair share of the Coens' poisoned arrows. As always, a terrific cast supports this endeavor. First and foremost Brad Pitt has to receive special credit, not only for being the funniest of the lot but for willingly making a complete fool of himself for the role and doing it brilliantly. Actually this shouldn't come as a great surprise since he was equally hilarious as Mickey in Snatch and also as Jeffrey in Twelve Monkeys but this time he's funny in a completely different way. And this is a quality great actors share: always showing something new, something we haven't seen before. As for the rest of the cast it seems that the males got the funnier parts, Malkovich is great, Clooney is good (somewhat reminiscent of the character he played in O, Brother), while Frances McDormand could've been funnier (her name is spot on though). Other highlights include all the scenes that take place at the CIA (the concluding dialog between JK Simmons and David Rasche is a killer) and the first phone conversation between Pitt and Malkovich is deadly, too. So, what we get is a true Coen-style black comedy that provides numerous laughs and altogether great entertainment. And if you want to search for something meaningful beneath all this fun, you'll find that the movie is about how egoistic, lonely and lost we are when we elbow each other out of the way to accomplish our petty goals. It may not be as strong as The Big Lebowski but nonetheless proves that when it comes to sarcastic humor the Coens still stand way above the rest.
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Impressive cast, disappointing movie
15 November 2008
I stumbled upon "The Secret Agent" amongst the cheap DVDs at a mall and this should have been a sign of warning. But you never know where you can dig up a hidden gem and with this impressive cast this film certainly looked a safe bet.

Well, as it turns out acting is the only facet of the movie that doesn't disappoint. I especially liked Jim Broadbent's Chief Inspector Heat but the real surprise is Robin Williams, who turns in a convincing performance in one of his few darker roles. His scenes with Depardieu at a bar are the rare highlights of the movie.

Acting aside, there isn't really anything worthwhile that the movie could come up with. The story wasn't engaging enough to hold my attention I kept pushing the display button on the remote to see how much longer I need to endure. Also, since the movie is set in nineteenth century London I was constantly thinking about how they could find the locations or build sets to make the film believable, which is a clear sign that the filmmakers were not up to the task in that respect, since had the illusion been alright I wouldn't have been thinking about that in the first place.

Overall, a below average affair with a strong cast which the film itself couldn't live up to.
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Fall Time (1995)
Fall Time is Waste of Time
13 November 2008
Man, how I regret wasting my precious time on this film. Fall Time is so awful that I kind of feel ashamed to have it in my DVD collection. Not for long though… Don't be fooled by the Sundance nomination (how this piece of junk achieved it is a mystery) and the promising cast: Fall Time is an annoyingly bad film. Its plot is contrived, the developments of the story border on the ridiculous and to top it off the acting is poor. Even those actors who proved elsewhere that they can do much better (Mickey Rourke, Sheryl Lee) fail to impress.

When you feel that it is a movie that you are watching and not a story that you could immerse yourself in, when you see sweating actors instead of characters or cheap sets instead of real locations you know that the illusion you expect to get from a film will not arrive this time. Try as I might I would be hard pressed to find a single redeeming feature in this film. I only gave it 2 stars to reserve 1 for the absolute black holes of cinema. Avoid it like the plague!
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Not quite the new Delicatessen
26 October 2008
I think when you make a movie about butchers that use a "special kind of meat", it's inevitable that your film will be compared to and measured against a former masterpiece Delicatessen that uses pretty much the same premise. And if you do this comparison, sadly The Green Butchers will fall short.

It lacks the visual gags of the French classic, its characters are underdeveloped and kind of distant and the story has its bumps, too. As far as the humor goes, there are a couple of good lines but altogether I didn't find the film particularly funny. And it's not me against black comedy because I like the genre but I think a film like this in order to be really amusing needs characters that are genuinely funny in their quirkiness. Unfortunately in Green Butchers there weren't any and on top of that the scenes involving the twin brother were more embarrassing than comic. I also felt that the two Danish stars were not as comfortable in their roles as they should have been to be able to portray them effectively.

So the Danish Delicatessen was a bit of a letdown for me considering the high standard movies from Denmark have set lately. Maybe if you see it without having Delicatessen in your mind the experience would be better (it won't be an easy job because the filmmakers were obviously aware of the French movie and included various hints at it throughout).
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Deception (2008)
Doomed to be forgotten
19 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The thriller is one of the genres I enjoy most so I give it a chance every time a promising one appears on the horizon. And Deception had promise: Ewan McGregor, Hugh Jackman, and Michelle Williams, actors I think highly of; Dante Spinotti, brilliant cinematographer of Heat and LA Confidential; and a story of anonymous sex, a secret list and white-collar crime.

Unfortunately, Deception turned out to be a film of unfulfilled promises. The script lacks the least bit of originality, if you've seen a thriller or two, you'll figure out the "twists" in no time. Even the film's title reeks of zero imagination, it simply gives away the one thing that should be kept hidden until the second half of the movie. Not to mention the various hints that enable even the less imaginative moviegoers to see the turns of the story from miles away. This is not how you make a thriller that should keep you guessing what will happen next… It's quite frustrating to watch a scene (the money transfer to Spain) and think "oh, this is when I'm supposed to be holding my breath for Ewan to succeed! But hey, something's wrong, I don't give a damn!" It is clearly a sign that the movie does not work.

The only saving grace of the film is the cinematography and there are a couple of good scenes between McGregor and Williams but they only make Deception barely watchable and cannot save it from its fate: complete oblivion.
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The Strangers (2008)
Home is not safe anymore
12 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
As a big fan of the genre I prefer horror films that show less and leave much more to the imagination. If you are into this type of stuff, The Strangers is your movie. Maybe it's not the most original flick out there but it uses the gimmicks of the art to great effect.

Last year's 'Vacancy' offers a good point of comparison because of the similarities in storyline: a young couple with problems in their relationship ends up at a remote house only to fall into the hands of some very disturbed individuals. But the resemblance ends here: 'Vacancy' is sort of okay, but it does not leave a lasting impression.

The Strangers however stayed with me for days afterwards and I know that some of its scenes and lines ("Because you were home"…) I will never forget. It's much scarier than 'Vacancy' and its villains are a lot more menacing, too. It is because we never get to know who they really are or what motivations they have. The masks hide their true identities and their intentions remain unexplained. I like the idea that even if they shed their masks in the end we still not really see their faces. Not knowing by whom and why you are about to lose your life is one maddening prospect indeed.

I think one reason why the movie works so well is that it takes time to introduce our protagonists. Getting to know what happened between them brings them closer to us and thereby they become people to root for and not just victims that we don't care about as is the case with a lot of contemporary horror movies. Liv Tyler and Scott Speedman not only look good together; they are able to portray a relationship that looks real, which is not too common in the genre. Because we care for them it is much easier to put ourselves in their shoes and thereby the 'it could happen to us' aspect works better, too.

Another thing to mention why the film worked is that our protagonists were attacked at their (summer) home not at a cheap motel or at some other impersonal location. Home is supposed to be safe and when this image is shattered and you start thinking about how safe you really are at home, it's terrifying to realize how vulnerable we are to evil.

Maybe it's a little far-fetched to state and Alfred Hitchcock would surely say it's only a movie but I still think that good horror films are reflections of our times and the anxieties we face and The Strangers touches on some of these really well and thereby not only giving a memorable movie experience but some food for thought as well.
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Reckless (1984)
A memorable debut for James Foley and Aidan Quinn
20 August 2008
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I caught Reckless on TCM the other night and it turned out to be a pleasant surprise. In the beginning it seemed like the all-too-familiar small town college romance thing with the quarterback, the cheerleader and the outcast but as the story developed I found myself more and more intrigued. And the reason for this was the inspired acting by Aidan Quinn (his first movie ever!) and Darryl Hannah. The chemistry between them was exceptional and as their relationship unfolded the movie really came alive. Credits must be given to the then first-time director James Foley for directing their scenes in a down-to-earth, natural way. Maybe the script is not too original and we've probably seen these characters before, nevertheless the film manages to grasp the relative pointlessness and hopelessness of the industry town milieu really well. Although our two protagonists come from different family backgrounds which–under normal circumstances–would produce totally divergent ways of life, they still find each other and share the common desire to escape from the lives that are laid out for them in order to step on a road less traveled. The top-notch performances and the unmistakable 80s atmosphere make it well worth looking out for this film.
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The Bank Job (2008)
a messy piece of work
3 August 2008
If you have high expectations (like I had) for Roger Donaldson's next film after the brilliant 'The World's Fastest Indian' (IMHO one of the highlights of 2005), let me give you a fair warning. For me, unfortunately, 'The Bank Job' turned out to be a let-down. My overriding impression of the film when I walked out of the theater was that the movie was a messy piece of work. It's a half an hour too long, its multiple story lines never quite find their proper course (some of them are downright superfluous) and the ending, particularly the final scene, is preposterous. Without memorable scenes and characters, it's the type of film that you'll forget in a day's time.
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Body/Antibody (2007)
Germs are not welcome
15 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Saw this surprisingly good dark comedy at the Titanic Film Festival in Budapest. It's best labeled as dark comedy although there are various tone shifts throughout the movie. I guess all of us could -to a lesser extent, of course- relate to the main character, Kip's phobias. His "problems" are well documented and create some really funny moments at the start of the film. Only an attractive and mysterious woman could possibly penetrate Kip's elaborate defense mechanisms, thus the middle section introduces a femme fatale to the isolated world of our hero. This demanding role, which is pivotal to the film's success, is brilliantly played by the beautiful Leslie Kendall. At this point we are led to think that the movie might turn out to be a romantic comedy after all, events however take a different turn as love is replaced by manipulation, betrayal and greed and we are back into black comedy territory again. Although the film is for the most part set in a Manhattan apartment it is never really an issue: the script with its various twists and turns manages to keep our attention level high. Special credit must be given to Charlie Schmid's score too; it's very atypical and adds a great deal to the overall atmosphere of the movie. One of the directors, Kerry Douglas Dye was present at the screening and he told us that his intentions when writing the script was to always go for the less obvious and try to avoid all Hollywood clichés. Budget was tight, filming was tense but he pretty much succeeded and the end result is an unconventional yet very enjoyable dark comedy. I'm a sure buyer for the upcoming DVD
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Unfaithful (2002)
Starts promisingly but fails to deliver in the end.
23 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked how this movie started, the cinematography, the music, the atmosphere, the wind metaphor and all that were just about right and it continued in this fashion until we reached the turning point and it's all downhill from there. In the first part of the movie Diane Lane dominates the picture, and she really shows her talent in the train scene when she travels home after the first sexual encounter and relives all the events of the afternoon reflected in her face, just beautiful.

*Spoiler ahead* However, when we reach the murder scene, the film starts to fall apart. First off, that scene is absolutely unrealistic. A poor delivery at a crucial scene like this can really put me off. After that as Gere starts to take center stage, the magic disappears as we are subject to his unconvincing acting. It's a shame because the film promised so much more. Although he tried I think Adrian Lyne just couldn't live up to his earlier work, particularly Nine ½ Weeks.
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'Diner' of the 90s
1 January 2008
Beautiful girls is the type of feel-good movie that you can watch over and over again to the same effect: you find yourself easily at home with the characters, you understand their problems and the insecurity they feel about the future. In somewhat similar vein to Barry Levinson's classic, Diner. It's the 60s there and the 90s here but the issues are the same: becoming an adult, commitment, responsibility, finding one's true love and so on. The reason why the movie works is that the characters are well-written and the actors depict them spot on. All of the cast does an excellent job but special credit must be given to young Natalie Portman whose talent just shines through in this film. And of course, the man who created the environment for the actors to excel and the wonderful atmosphere of the film is the director, Ted Demme (RIP). It's a great loss to the world of film that his career abruptly ended when he was about to become a major filmmaker.
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Next (2007)
Another PKD story wasted
9 October 2007
Hollywood's fascination with Philip K. Dick continues. Sadly, the quality of these adaptations does not quite match up to the standard of the science fiction genius. Next - much like Paycheck - borrows a brilliant idea from Dick, then turns it into a below-par action-adventure flick. It has nothing that we haven't seen before, the characters are boring, the acting is uninspired and to top everything the CGI effects are simply poor. In this computer age you expect faultless special effects but in this case they are clearly visible, destroying the illusion that keeps movies alive. I wonder where the 70 mil budget went... As a PKD and science fiction fan it's frustrating to see another work of the master mishandled and I can only hope that not just Blade Runner will be the only movie that is able to show the depth every Dick story possesses.
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Mr. Brooks (2007)
better than a sleeping pill
9 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I just simply don't understand the hype about this film. It has no pace, lacks any tension, it's 90 minutes long (at least the version shown in cinemas in Hungary) but feels like two and a half hours. The conversations of Mr. Brooks with his other self kill the otherwise non-existent pace of the movie. The only decent scene could have been the final shooting between Demi Moore's character and the guy called Meeks but in the moment when some tension is introduced at last with gunshots blazing loudly in the hotel corridor our director decides to go silent and lets the score take over. What a let-down. The atmosphere is dark and the actors are okay - these are the good parts but we dissolve into the inevitable dull in the end. When we left the theater with my friend we could not help but smile at the honest criticism of one fellow movie-goer - a guy sound asleep amidst the roar of the end credits...
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Calvaire (2004)
this is where singing love songs will get you
15 September 2007
A very disturbing piece from Belgium. I would go so far as to say that Calvaire is one of the sickest films you'll ever see. Not the type of movie that you watch after a hard day's work and I did exactly just that. Boy, I wish I had chosen another movie. I'm not saying that it's total garbage, there is some good cinematography in there, but the story and the characters are so sick and twisted that I was totally turned off. Frankly, I'm not interested to see 'people' like this and their miserable lives, acting out their perverted fantasies. The only thing I can credit the movie for is that it solidified my long-time conviction: singing (and enjoying) crappy love songs will sooner or later have its punishment.
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Someone Else (2006)
there is always someone else
15 April 2007
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Saw this little gem of a film at the Titanic Film Festival in Budapest. It's about relationships from a male perspective and the difficulties of committing oneself to a relationship. The director was present at the screening and we had an interesting Q & A session after the movie, where Mr. Spector labeled his film as an unromantic comedy. He did rightly so because he manages to avoid the clichés of the genre and stays realistic all the way keeping its characters with their feet firmly on the ground. The dialogue is well written, the acting is solid, so it's pretty easy to identify yourself with the characters and the situations they're in. There is a touch of humour as well but the overall tone is a bit saddish as our main character, David learns his lesson the hard way. Overall, Someone else is a decent debut and I look forward to hearing from Mr. Spector again.
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curtains in style
9 January 2007
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I guess going to the cinema to watch this film was my way of paying tribute to Mr Altman and his works, even though I knew that it wasn't going to be my type of movie. And I was right, but all in all it was a still enjoyable piece for me. Although the story is about the end of something good and valuable which is always sad, there is also a glimmer of hope that these people will continue with their music no matter what. I cannot help thinking that by commemorating this outdated and out of fashion radio show of a bygone era Altman celebrates the old style of movie making that he represents. As the Prairie Home Companion lost out to a presumably very profitable parking lot (not even divine intervention could help!), will Altmanesque film-making lose as well to the CGI-oriented special effects fireworks of today's cinema?
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