Carrousel International du Film

Rimouski, Quebec, Canada


  • The event takes place since 1983 with no festival being held in 1984.
  • Le Carrousel International du Film is an organization which aims to promote cinema for young people. Since 1982, the CIFR has presented North America's only annual film festival for French-speaking youth. The festival's jury, consisting solely of young people from different countries, brings a unique quality to this event. Each year during the festival a number of educational cinematography activities are organized including workshops at schools, films showings, meetings with film industry professionals and experimental learning activities. Staff of the CIFR are actively involved in researching and developing new study programs and activities that familiarize youth with cinema. (from the festival's web site, 1999)


Audience Camério

C.I.F.E.J. Award


Camério - Special Mention

Camério of the Humanities

Carrousel Award

International competition

People's Choice Award

President's Camério

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