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Adventure , horror and ¨sword and witchery ¨ based on the historic character Gilles De Rais
ma-cortes4 February 2011
It's an adventure/action movie with sensationalistic scenes , Naif style and lots of blood , swordplay and witchery .Dark Ages , Gilles De Lancre (Paul Naschy) , former Mariscal of France , brave chief and courageous warrior is now a vengeful lord , helped by his nasty underling Sille (Mariano Vidal Molina) and his beautiful lover Georgel(Norma Sebre) . He falls into Occultist practices and spend his money looking the philosopher's stone by means of alchemy . A prisoner is beheaded and Gilles pronounces a curse against his enemies , meanwhile he continues a murderous rampage . Gilles longing for power and for his ambition on French crown , then he carries out criminal rampage . He commits ominous killings and injustices against his vassals . Gilles takes on Gaston of Malebranche who previously was under his command . As a valiant group of rebels (Guillermo Bredeston , Luis Induni) sheltered in woods -such as Robin Hood and his Merrymen- fight against the tyrant .

This terrifying exploitation picture displays adventures , fencing with bounds and leaps ,necromancy , grisly killing, satanism and lots of blood . B-entertainment with a fairly adventuring and horrifying story in which a prestigious Mariscal of France turns into craziness and undergoes a cruel slaughter . This tale about countrymen who are attacked by the malevolent knight begins well and grows more and more until a spectacular finale with duels and exciting fencing . Revolting, horrible scenes and nasty images take place on decapitation , and bloody murders with axes and arrows .The movie has a bit of ridiculous gore with loads of blood similar to tomato and is occasionally an engaging ¨sword and sorcery¨ movie full of thrilling sequences , witchery , beheading , and several other things . Sensationalistic and exaggerated performance of Paul Naschy or Jacinto Molina . It packs a colorful cinematography by Francisco Sanchez and atmospheric musical score . Filmed in location on Aldea del Fresno, Madrid, Belmonte, Cuenca, Castilla-La Mancha,Pelayos De la Presa, Seseña, Toledo, Castilla-La Mancha, Talamanca del Jarama, Madrid, Spain. The late Naschy was a good professional , writing, filmmaking and acting about hundred titles , mainly in terror genre. ¨Marshall of Hell¨ is written by Molina along with 21 screenplays as ¨Mark of Wolfman¨, ¨Night of Walpurgis¨, ¨Vengeance of the mummy¨, ¨Licantropo¨, among them . He directed 13 films as ¨The Cantabros¨, ¨Return of Wolfman¨, ¨The Beast and the magic sword¨ and several others. Years later , Naschy goes back with a similar character named Alaric De Marnac role in the film titled ¨Horror rises from the tomb¨ and ¨Panic beats¨ that acted , produced , wrote and directed in his peculiar style . This Spanish-Argentinian co-production is regularly directed by Leon Klimovsky . Rating: 5,5 . The flick will appeal to Jacinto Molina fans and Euroterror buffs .

The picture is based on historical character Gilles De Rais , the actual events are the following : Rais served as a commander in the Royal Army, distinguishing himself by displaying reckless bravery on the battlefield during the renewal of the Hundred Years War. In 1429, he fought along with Joan of Arc in some of the campaigns waged against the English and their Burgundian allies. He was present with Joan when the Siege of Orléans . In his confession Gilles maintained the first assaults on children occurred between spring 1432 and spring 1433. The first murders occurred at Champtocé-Sur-Loire; however, no account of these murders survives. Shortly after, Gilles moved to Machecoul where, as the record of his confession states, he killed, or ordered to be killed, a great but uncertain number of children after he committed sodomy upon them. Forty bodies were discovered in Machecoul in 1437. Gilles' body-servant Étienne Corrillaut, known as Poitou, was an accomplice in many of the crimes and testified that his master hung his victims with ropes from a hook . Taking the victim down, Rais comforted the child and assured him he only wanted to play with him. Gilles then either killed the child himself or had the child slain by his cousin Gilles de Sillé, Poitou or another body-servant called Henriet. The victims were killed by decapitation, cutting of their throats, dismemberment, or breaking of their necks with a stick . Rais's prosecution would be on charges which included murder, sodomy, and heresy. The precise number of Gilles' victims is not known, as most of the bodies were burned or buried. The number of murders is generally placed between 80 and 200; a few have conjectured numbers upwards of 600. The victims ranged in age from six to eighteen and included both sexes.Execution by hanging and burning was set and Gilles and his two accomplices made their way in procession to the place of execution on the Ile De Biesse. There, Gilles addressed the throng of onlookers with contrite piety, and exhorted Henriet and Poitou to die bravely and think only of salvation. Gilles' request to be the first to die had been granted the day before. The brush at the platform was set afire and Rais was hanged. His body was cut down before being consumed by the flames and claimed by "four ladies of high rank" for burial. Henriet and Poitou were executed in similar fashion; their bodies however were reduced to ashes in the flames and then scattered.
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Not The Great Late Paul Naschy's Finest Hour
Witchfinder-General-66621 December 2009
I tend to love everything the great late Paul Naschy (R.I.P.) ever was in. While not all films starring Naschy are great, they all have a specific charm that can be found nowhere but in Naschy-flicks, and they are always entertaining. There is no rule without exception, however, as "El Mariscal Del Infierno" aka. "The Devil's Possessed" (1974) proves. While the film does have the specific Naschy-flick-charm, it sadly drags far too much and gets really, really dull in-between. Naschy stars as the evil Baron Gilles De Lancré, who oppresses the people and uses black magic and bloody rituals to stay in power. When Gaston de Malebranche (Guillermo Bredeston), who fought side by side with Gilles De Lancré against the British, learns about the Baron's evil behavior, he decides to turn against his former comrade in arms and help the people free themselves from the satanic Baron's tyranny...

Directed by León Klimovsky, who is best known for directing Naschy in "La Noche De Walpurgis" ("The Werewolf Vs. The Vampire Woman", 1971), the film was scripted by Naschy himself. Naschy often scripted his own films, and one must say that he mostly did a better, more original job than it is the case here. "El Mariscal Del Infierno" is mostly built up as a historical adventure rather than a Horror film, and it gets quite boring throughout the middle. It often resembles the Sword and Sandal films from the 50s, only that this film is set in medieval times. The Satanic part was probably only added because the great Paul Naschy's name is linked to the Horror genre. The film has its good parts: Paul Naschy giving weird speeches, Paul Naschy looking weird, Paul Naschy doing Satanic stuff, Paul Naschy torturing innocent victims, etc. But sadly, most of the film concentrates on the boring hero and the good guys, and these moments are boring. The female cast members are nice to look at, but, unlike most Naschy films, this one features no nudity and sleaze. There is some gore, but it mostly looks clumsy and isn't as fun too look at as it is the case with most other Naschy films. Overall, "El Mariscal Del Infierno" is only worth a look for my fellow Naschy-enthusiasts. There are dozens of films starring the Spanish Horror deity which should be seen before this one, such as "El Jorobado De La Morgue" ("The Hunchback of the Morgue", 1973), "La Orgia De Los Muertos" ("The Hanging Woman", 1973), "El Espanto Surge De La Tumba" ("Horror Rises From The Tomb", 1973), "Latidos De Panico" ("Panic Beats", 1983), "Rojo Sangre" (2004), or any of the 'Waldemar Daninsky' werewolf films. R.I.P. Paul Naschy. Legends never die!
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THE DEVIL'S POSSESSED (Leon Klimovksy, 1974) **1/2
Bunuel197628 January 2011
This misleadingly-titled film should not even really be classified as horror, despite the myriad diabolic invocations and torture scenes. It is a good-looking medieval epic with a plot which basically amalgamates Shakespeare's "Macbeth" (spurned nobleman Paul Naschy being egged on by his ambitious wife to seize power from the current ruler) with the legendary exploits of Robin Hood (opposition to the tyrant being provided by a band of outlaws) – cue numerous athletic action scenes, and there is even a jousting tournament in an effort to catch their leader (who happens to be the tyrant's former ally) but, rather than hide his identity, he smiles defiantly at Naschy's wife before taking on her husband in mortal combat!!

As usual, the star also penned the script – attempting to lend sympathy to his character by making him gullible rather than truly evil (he is also shown feeling remorse and being, economically but effectively, haunted by his victims)…though he still gets to lose an eye and, eventually, expires from a hail of arrows in clear imitation of Akira Kurosawa's own definitive "Macbeth" adaptation THRONE OF BLOOD (1957). Still, Klimovsky being no more than a journeyman director, the result is too often heavy-handed (if undeniably enjoyable) and, in any case, the countless references to the villain's lust for power as "The Great Work" is not a little silly (especially since he only sends for the man he himself dubs "the world's greatest sorcerer" to this end only after several other alchemists had failed – WTF?!). To add insult to injury, the latter is just another quack who even performs the "Wizard of Oz" routine of enlightening the hero through a dead man's skull (when, in reality, he is hiding behind some rocks nearby and talking through a primitive microphone)! Equally anachronistic is the fact that, while generally appropriately robust, the music score is marred by intermittent and completely incongruous electronic passages!

While Naschy's "Waldemar Daninsky" Werewolf effort CURSE OF THE DEVIL (1973) similarly adopted a medieval setting (as did the opening scene of his best outing in that popular series i.e. THE CRAVING [1980]), THE DEVIL'S POSSESSED – whose original Spanish title translates to HELL'S MARSHALL – was the first of a loose trilogy, to be followed by two the star directed himself (which he actually considered his own personal favorites and that I will be checking out in quick succession): INQUISITION (1976) and THE TRAVELER (1979).
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One of Paul Naschy's Worst Efforts
Paul Naschy, werewolf of Spain and worldwide horror icon thanks to DVD, has done a bevy of great work--but this isn't among his finest outings. This movie centers on two war heroes who have returned from their fight, Naschy and Guillermo Bredeston. While Paul was away, his sexy bride (Norma Sebre) employed an alchemist and adopted the black arts. She persuades Naschy to engage in the dark doings as well and soon he begins sacrificing virgins to Satan in an effort to rule the world.

Guillermo, as Gaston, who saved Naschy's life in battle, sees the transformation of his battle buddy and isn't pleased. Naschy has effectively planted the seed of terror throughout the kingdom and the master swordsman can only be beaten by an uprising led by Gaston, his military equal. Gaston, in great Robin Hood fashion, leads a revolt against the devil-worshipping Baron Naschy in order to quell the fears of the people.

STORY: $$ (As with most of these Spanish horror films we, US film viewers, don't know what all has been cut for editing purposes. Be that as it may, this story has many flaws that editing had little to do with. At times Paul struggles with his satanic dealings and a great inner conflict could have been had there, but the writers fail to deliver. Naschy hears the voices of dead women and children he has killed but we only get one such seen late in the film. This leads him to make a pilgrimage to cleanse his soul but he decides to slaughter monks instead. The alchemy touch in the script was wanting as well. You'll scratch your head too much in this film).

ACTING: $$$ (The acting is okay across the board. Naschy makes a much better werewolf that aristocrat but he gets decent support from Guillermo Bredeston as Gaston. The two actors were well cast as opposites. Paul has that dark quality which contrasted quite well with Guillermo's more stereotypical heroic looks. Norma Sebre shines as Paul's twisted wife who lures him to do the Devil's bidding with promises of world domination. It's easy to see why Paul went along with the schemes--Norma Sebre is quite exquisite).

NUDITY: None (However, the version I viewed was clearly edited--from the Mill Creek PURE TERROR 50 MOVIE PACK, so there might be some skin in another version of the film. Norma Sebre is nice to look at and in an unedited version she might offer skin. There is probably also some virgin sacrifice nudity in unedited versions but what struck me as odd was Paul had to sacrifice seven virgins to the Devil but he he sexually assaults all the virgins first. Perhaps they weren't as pure after Paul invited them to his chamber).
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Short-order satanic snoozer.
EyeAskance14 August 2011
In days of olde, an evil but beautiful seductress and her alchemist cohort manipulate a wealthy Baron into serving Satan. He grows more power-hungry with each ritual killing, until a revolt of the working class is mobilized against him.

DEVIL'S POSSESSED is a limp offering, ennobled somewhat by Paul Naschy's dependable screen vitality and the variably asute direction of Leon Klimovsky. Despite having a few fleeting gory moments, it's a curiously tame item, and less a horror film than a fantastical medieval adventure with poorly choreographed swordfight scenes. The strongest aspect of this production is the better-than-usual stylistic formulation of its period setting...but that's hardly reason enough to sing great praises.

Forestall Ye this picture, lest Ye perish of a great boredom. 3.5/10.
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Only the Philosopher's Stone will give me the strength.
lastliberal31 January 2010
Not the greatest film to remember Paul Naschy by.

Gaston (Guillermo Bredeston) is probably the worst swordsman I have ever seen. Zorro would be ashamed! His only salvation came as the competition was just as bad.

This film is described as adventure and horror. Forget the horror - there is none. No nudity, no blood, no monsters; just a Robin Hood adventure against an evil Baron (Paul Naschy) who wants to be King.

The main feature of the film was seeing Graciela Nilson, who only made four films in two years and disappeared to our regrettable loss. Where did she go?
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What a load of Ars (Magna).
BA_Harrison25 May 2016
As part of a Mill Creek box set called Pure Terror, I expected this 1974 Paul Naschy film to offer up the excess of cheesy gore and gratuitous female nudity that one typically finds in many a Euro-horror of the era—except that this isn't a horror, more of a historical adventure (with more than a touch of Robin Hood about it), and as such delivers not nearly enough in the way of graphic violence, and absolutely no bare flesh.

The pedestrian plot sees Naschy playing power hungry Barón Gilles de Lancré, who, along with his wicked mistress Georgelle (Norma Sebre), turns to the dark arts to further his plans of becoming king, employing the services of an alchemist who uses the blood of virgins in his magic. Shocked by de Lancré's nefarious activities, valiant nobleman Gaston de Malebranche (Guillermo Bredeston) joins a band of partisans determined to put a stop to the wickedness.

Much of the film consists of poorly choreographed sword-fights, with a boring jousting competition, and extremely mild scenes of torture, while Naschy rants about the Philosopher's Stone and Ars Magna — all of which proves extremely tedious. There is some amusement to be had as de Malebranche repeatedly leaps onto a trampoline (hidden from camera) during a melee in a bar, and from a silly scene featuring an unconvincing severed head, but for the most part this is a very disappointing and instantly forgettable vehicle for Spain's premier horror star.
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The Gilles Man
ferbs5420 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The real-life historical figure Gilles de Rais apparently inspired Paul Naschy--the so-called "Boris Karloff of Spain"--to create two of his greatest characters. de Rais, a 15th century French knight who fought alongside Joan of Arc and later became an aspiring alchemist, Satanist and serial child killer, first prompted Naschy to come up with the necromancer/Satanist character Alaric de Marnac for his 1973 classic "Horror Rises From the Tomb." Though beheaded in 1454, de Marnac (played by Naschy himself) returned to cause major-league mishegas 520 years later in the film, and even came back for an encore in 1983's "Panic Beats," an even superior outing. In 1974, though, Naschy wrote the screenplay for a more realistic look at the Gilles de Rais legend, for that year's "The Devil's Possessed." Here, Naschy plays a character named Gilles de Lancre, a noble French warrior who returns to his baronial castle after years of warring with the English. Not given what he deems sufficient recognition by his king, de Lancre decides to dedicate the remainder of his life to learning and science. His wife Georgelle (a wonderfully evil performance from the beautiful blonde Norma Sebre) and the quack alchemist Simon de Braqueville (Eduardo Calvo) convince him to seek the legendary Philosopher's Stone, despite the necessity involved of sacrificing young village maidens to obtain their blood. de Lancre initially refuses to proceed--"Science should not be related to crime," he declares--but once on that slippery slope, he becomes increasingly more power hungry, sadistic and insane. Meanwhile, an old war buddy of his, the Captain Gaston de Malebranche (an energetic performance from the extremely likable Guillermo Bredeston), returns from a four-year captivity amongst the English, is appalled at the change in his old friend, and opts to lead a rebellion against the baron and his well-guarded castle....

Basically a sword-and-sandal flick with an increased payload of violence and gore, torture and mayhem, "The Devil's Possessed" has been well directed by frequent Naschy collaborator Leon Klimovsky and features authentic-looking costumes and realistically grubby sets. (Many of these medieval epics look a bit too clean and tidy to me; here, even the baron's feasting chamber looks like the inside of a barn; hardly an ornate affair!) The picture sports some nice outdoor location shooting and a most impressive-looking castle, having been shot in Sesena (30 miles south of Madrid), Aldea del Fresno (30 miles west of Madrid) and Belmonte (80 miles southeast of Madrid). The film's lovely opening theme for strings and flute, composed by Carlos Vizziello, goes far in setting up a medieval atmosphere; his background music often turns decidedly strange, however, such as those electronic blips and blurps that accompany the first Satanic sacrifice at the ruined abbey. Befitting a film of this type, traditional set pieces such as a quarterstaff match, a joust and that aforementioned castle banquet (replete with capering jesters) are trotted out, and the gorehounds in the audience should delight in the film's many scenes of torture (on the rack, with red-hot brands and a red-hot crown, via eye gouging) and mayhem, including a decapitation and any number of sword and knife casualties. The viewer waits patiently for the final showdown between de Lancre and Malebranche--"It could be a great, great spectacle," de Lancre muses out loud whilst thinking of this impending mano a mano--and when it does come, it does not disappoint. (Still, it cannot compare to the awesome sword fight to be had between Stewart Granger and Mel Ferrer in "Scaramouche," or between Errol Flynn and Basil Rathbone in "The Adventures of Robin Hood," or between Tyrone Power and Basil Rathbone in "The Mark of Zorro"....) de Lancre is a fascinating character, an epileptic who shows remorse for his sins and is plagued by the voices of the many villagers he has slain. But when he goes to a local church to do penance, and kills an accusing monk while en route, the viewer knows that he is truly doomed. And in a finale cleverly lifted from Akira Kurosawa's "Throne of Blood," that doom really is something to behold!

As for this DVD, from an outfit apparently known as Substance, it gives us a decent-looking print, although nothing wonderful, and backed with lousy dubbing. A bare-bones affair, the only "extras" included are the chapter stops and a list of some of the cast members. Hardly the packed-to-the-gills DVD that Troma offers for the Naschy title "The Hanging Woman," but still, well worth investigating. A project obviously close to Naschy's heart (and he IS terrific in it), "The Devil's Possessed" is an important addition to this great filmmaker's ouevre....
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A medieval sword and sandal film
classicsoncall7 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A bit of a misnomer there for the title don't you think. I didn't detect the devil at work here, the story takes place in medieval times and calls to mind a Robin Hood adventure more than anything else. There's lots and lots of swordplay and a little jousting, and I had to wince more than once when the archers didn't use a proper grip for their bows, instead using their fingertips to release their arrows. You would think the film makers would have consulted someone on that. On the flip side, the cinematography and period costuming is quite good, but not enough to compensate for the dreary story line. The stylish queen Georgelle (Norma Sebre) looked stunning in her choice of single colored gowns, but I always marvel at the use of eye shadow going back centuries in time. Did they really have that back in the fifteen and sixteen hundreds? Spanish horror master Paul Naschy deserved better than this, but hey, you can't win them all.
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Needs Further Evaluation
gavin69427 November 2017
An evil ruler uses witchcraft and evil spirits to keep his subjects in line, but the his reign of terror prompts the people to revolt.

This film is proof that Paul Naschy has not yet reached the level of horror icon that he so richly deserves. Despite starring in this excellent film, you will not likely be able to find much about it online. No Wikipedia page, for example. And when Scream! released it on Blu in 2017, it came without commentary. Luckily, it does have a section in their booklet.

It is with high hopes that Scream releases a third Naschy collection. I do not understand the business end -- the costs of rights and how many copies would need to be sold to make it worthwhile. But I think what they are doing here is more than selling a product. They are preserving a legacy.
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Not the Spanish Inquisition..
John_Mclaren7 January 2006
This 1974 Naschy outing is directed by Leon Klimovsky, and a cursory glance at the publicity photos and packaging might lead you to believe that this medieval romp lies somewhere between "Inquisition" and "Sadomania". Sadly not.

This is a strictly PG affair with tame torture sequences, no nudity and little edge at all. Naschy (of whom I am a fan) struts his stuff as Gilles de Lancre, "antiguo Mariscal de la nacion". Sadly he is more pantomime villain than anything else. One gets the feeling with this film that we have seen him (and it) done all before. Strictly therefore for Naschy completest only.
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An offbeat and atypical Paul Nascy vehicle
Woodyanders18 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Nobleman Baron Gilles de Lancre (Paul Naschy in fine sadistic form) falls under the pernicious control of his evil mistress Georgelle (a nicely wicked portrayal by ravishing blonde Norma Sebre) and her shrewd alchemist accomplice Simon de Braqueville (a sound turn by Eduardo Calvo). Gilles begins a vicious reign of terror over his village that includes torture and ritualistic sacrifices. It's up to a band of outlaws to overthrow him. Director Leon Klimovsky, working from an engrossing script by Naschy, relates the intriguing story at a steady pace, delivers a vivid evocation of the flavorsome medieval period setting, stages the lively sword fights with real rip-roaring flair, and certainly doesn't skimp on the bloody violence and raw brutality. Moreover, the plot has neat similarities to Shakespeare's "Macbeth," Naschy has an absolute ball with his juicy bad guy role, and there are praiseworthy contributions from Guillermo Bredeston as the dashing Gaston de Malebrauche and Graciela Nilson as sweet fair maiden Graciela. Francisco Sanchez's crisp cinematography gives the picture an impressively sumptuous look. Carlo Viziello's alternately harmonic and dissonant score does the trick. Worth a watch for Naschy fans.
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Cheap Medieval Melodrama
Flixer195730 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Despite the torture sequence featured on the video box this isn't Paul Naschy's answer to MARK OF THE DEVIL. (For that, you'll have to find a copy of INQUISITION.) This is a five-and-dime historical drama with trace elements of horror. Naschy is a nobleman corrupted by his evil mistress and a twisted alchemist when he returns from combat in Normandy. He starts murdering local lasses in demonic rituals so an old friend starts a revolution that leads to Naschy's eventual downfall. This is not too surprising since, despite discussion of his "mighty army," Naschy seems to have only nine or ten soldiers at his disposal. There's some brief dungeon footage, a graphic beheading and one character used as a human pin-cushion. If you want a cheap Medieval saga just a little bloodier than the ones you saw as a kid on Channel 9, THE DEVIL'S POSSESSED may be just what you're looking for.
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More satanistic eurotrash nonsense.
mark.waltz18 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A conflicted land baron in the middle ages is manipulated by his evil wife into committing acts of great cruelty which involves sacrifice and butchery. Young virgins are the target, as are enemies of the state who seek to stop the malevolent acts from continuing. Families who don't pay their taxes have the virginal daughter used for sacrifice, while the family head ends up on display, a rotting corpse for all to see. OK, so I find the possibilities of this being true somewhat believable, and the beautiful but sinister looking queen is reminiscent of Elizabeth Bathory. But as realistic looking as this is with the cruel details and sets just right, it's just plain boring. And confusing, with some obvious details cut out for some unknown reason other than neglect in the editing process. I found the pace to be truly creaky and often just not interesting. Things here, in this era, though, really were rotten, and the touch of the supernatural and love of carnage truly barbaric.
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Decent But There's Much Better Out There
Michael_Elliott29 February 2008
The Devil's Possessed (1974)

** (out of 4)

Barón Gilles de Lancré (Paul Naschy) is an evil King who is searching for a jewel that will give him eternal life. When he's not doing that he's torturing people in a variety of ways so that they know who the boss is and that they should never try and cross him.

THE DEVIL'S POSSESSED is yet another Spanish horror movie that takes witchcraft and makes a full feature out of it. If you've seen MARK OF THE DEVIL then you've pretty much seen this movie as elements of it are thrown in with a touch of THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD. This film is certainly far from being a bad movie but at the same time the genre is just so crowded and this film really doesn't do anything to set itself apart.

I think the best thing going for the film was its visual look. The atmosphere is just right and I thought that the director really nailed the setting. You really do feel as if you're watching a movie that captured the era just right. Director León Klimovsky does a very good job at making this film look a lot better than its budget would have normally allowed. The cinematography is quite good as is the music and overall it has a very professional look. I'd also add that Naschy is quite good in his role.

So, what's wrong with the film? I'd say it's just too bland for its own good. If you're familiar with the genre then you know there have been countless films like this. The problem here is that everything is just rather bland and there's nothing here that really jumps out at you. There's no real gore or major violence so those seeking that are going to be disappointed. The story doesn't offer anything original enough to make it stand out. Again, THE DEVIL'S POSSESSED is a mild entertainment but there's much more interesting films out there.
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In The Name Of Science... Bring Me The Virgins...
P3n-E-W1s327 January 2021
Before I get into the review, here are my ratings for the movie. The story gets 0.5 out of 2: The Direction a 0.5: The Pacing receives a 0.75: While the Acting gets 1.25: And my Enjoyment level earns a 0.5 out of 2: The Devil's Possessed, therefore, receives a total of 3.5 out of 10.

This project is not Paul Naschy's best work, though he has both written and featured in the movie. The trouble is fans of Naschy will likely be expecting a horror film. However, this story is more of a Medieval action-adventure, which includes a hint of the supernatural. Naschy has included a fair amount of swash and buckle. Sadly, the director isn't too adept with action sequences. Every fight scene has the feel of being choreographed on the fly.

The story tells of a downcast Lord who, when his heroic deeds on the battlefield are forgotten, turns his attention to science. He wants to lead the way forward into a more modern era. His lady, however, has other plans and ideas. While the Lord was abroad fighting, she had been conversing with an alchemist. With her Lord's scheme in mind, she introduces them. The alchemist convinces the Lord he can bring his dreams of a scientific future to life, but it will require some sacrifices, especially those of youthful nubile virgins. At first, the Lord is distressed and angered at the thought, but soon changes his mind. He then embarks on the slaughter and torture of his people. While in the background, his lady is his puppet master, and we are presently to learn both she and the alchemist practise the arcane arts and pray to Satan.

At this initial point in the film, I was ready for the dungeons, the torture chambers, and the potions. Though these elements are there, you soon realise they're not going to be the key focus. No, the emphasis moves onto the Lord's trustworthy friend Gaston and his discovery of what's happening and his action to rectify the evil that's taken over the land.

It's this change in direction that establishes this more as a Dark Fantasy rather than horror. There are some gruesome scenes, though not too many and the special effects are weak.

A further hindrance is the direction and pace of the filming. Klimovsky chose a moderate pace, and he does speed it up in the action scenes trying to generate more excitement. As I previously stated, all these sequences are poorly structured. At times it looks as though Klimovsky asked the actors if they could do this stunt. They said, "Yeah, of course." And then shot it without proper planning. It's most evident in the tavern sword-fight. There are two cringe-worthy sections. In one shot Gaston, Guillermo Bredeston, has to jump from table to table, and he achieves this with the aid of a trampoline. He jumps from one table onto the trampoline and springs up onto the other table. Regrettably, Bredeston doesn't add the flare or panache of Errol Flynn to his performance. It all looks rather foolish. At that moment, he turns around and bounces back to his original table. The other scene is when he decides he's going to swing on the chandelier. Once again the style is missing - and that is valid for most of the fights. Swifter movement from both the actors and stuntmen was needed in these scenes. It's like watching geriatrics scrap. Not good, but a little funny.

The performances are the best thing about this picture, but that ain't saying too much. Everybody is okay, though not on their top forms. But Bredeston as Gaston is exceedingly smiley. Though he's confronting evil, he wears a perpetual grin on his face. It would have been more amiable had the cast added depth to their characters. Norma Sebre, the Lord's lady, needed to be more sinister and conniving. The Lord, Naschy, demanded a tougher personality. As did his friend and enemy, Bredeston. And the alchemist, Eduardo Calvo, would have been more loathsome if he was more of a slimy snake-oil salesman.

If you're wanting a Naschy horror flick, this is not for you. If you're after a swash-buckling adventure set in medieval times, then watch an old Errol Flynn flick. There are many better films around than this one. And, in that respect, I cannot recommend anyone to sit through this film. It's not bad, and it's not total drivel. It's just ungood, in too numerous ways.

Now buckle your swash and come on over to my Absolute Horror and Obsidian Dreams lists to see where this mad Lord landed in my rankings... and to select a worthier film for your viewing pleasure.

Take Care & Stay Well.
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So and so movie
jordondave-280851 August 2023
(1974 Devil's Possessed/ El mariscal del infierno DUBBED HORROR THRILLER/ HISTORICAL

A cross between "The Adventures of Robin Hood" and evil MacBeth starring Paul Naschy who was also credited as a writer as he plays the Baron, Gilles de Lancré allowing himself to be manipulated by his evil wife, Graciela (Graciela Nilson) upon listening to their alchemist's Sille (Mariano Vidal Molina) mythical way of using common peasants and farmers as a sacrifice toward his eternal life with hero, Gaston de Malebranche (Guillermo Bredeston) staging a rebellion. Low budget and does not offer anything new to the genre.
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What possessed Paul Naschy to be in this piece of crap?
soulexpress24 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Though its titles invokes the Prince of Darkness and it is categorized as horror, there's not much by way of occult goings-on in this film. The pedestrian plot involves one Gaston de Malabranche (Guillermo Bredeston), a nobleman who leads a peasants' revolt against a despotic lord, with whom he had fought side-by-side against the British.

Thanks to his manipulative wife, Baron Gilles de Lancre (Paul Naschy) has sold his soul to the Devil. He also employs an alchemist who uses the blood of virgins to make his concoctions (which never seem to do anything). The baron's goal is to obtain the Philosopher's Stone and the Ars Magna, which will enable him to seize the throne of France. It is unclear exactly what Gilles received in exchange for his immortal soul. We're told he possesses great powers, yet he is unable to keep a peasants' mob from killing his men and storming the castle. He even loses an eye in a jousting match. If I were Gilles, I'd be on the horn to Hell's customer service department!

For all its violence and (barely) exposed female flesh, DEVIL'S POSSESSED is neither gory nor erotic. It consists mainly of badly staged sword fights, a humdrum jousting tournament, tepid scenes of torture, and the baron's repeated ranting and raving about the Philosopher's Stone and Ars Magna. Since the film never explains what it is, I googled "Ars Magna." It's a 16th-century book on algebra written by Girolamo Cardano. Seems all one needs to become the King of France is a math book and a magic rock. Why even bother to sell your soul to the Devil?

For many years, Paul Naschy was France's #1 horror star, and with good reason. DEVIL'S POSSESSED, however, was his equivalent of Bela Lugosi starring in THE CORPSE VANISHES.
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Loosely based on a true story
Leofwine_draca8 December 2022
THE DEVIL'S POSSESSED (1974, original title El mariscal del infierno) marks another collaboration between director Leon Klimovsky and star Paul Naschy, not as classic as their earlier WEREWOLF SHADOW, but still telling an intriguing and entertaining tale. This one is more of a horror/adventure film, based loosely on the life of the notorious French nobleman Gilles de Rais. Naschy plays a French baron who commits endless atrocities in his pursuit of fame and fortune and unlocking the secret of the philosopher's stone.

The film is heavy on the swashbuckling and light on the gore and nudity, which is unusual for Naschy. There's a notable stand-out scene involving a severed head and some nasty moments in a torture chamber, but this is more involved with a Robin Hood-style outlaw band hiding out in the woods. There are fine real-world locations, Naschy's on strong form as the sympathetic sadist, and we get some fun with his Lady Macbeth-esque wife, although horror lovers may be a little disappointed by the lack of explicit grue on offer.
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Hilarity, a mix of castles with strange synths, and satan!
kirbyclements4 March 2021
The clash of odd synth tones with old world castles and flutes is what keeps me tuned into this colorful piece of nonsense. Brutal murders of families, magic and alchemy, satanic rituals, horrible treatment of human kind. Well, that's about it but I enjoyed the humor of the absurdity of the film.
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Imperfect but fun swashbuckling horror romp
I_Ailurophile23 September 2022
Sometimes the means one has to watch a movie can itself impact how well the movie comes across. I always prefer subtitles to dubbing, and there's no better example of why than when only a dubbed version is available - and the dub is plainly deficient. This is definitely true of 1974 Spanish genre flick 'Devil's possessed'; would that this were its only flaw. There is, still, much to enjoy here, and it's worth checking out, but it does have its problems.

Blending swashbuckling elements with significant horror vibes, this is fun but curious. On the one hand we see swordfights and grandiose stunts against the backdrop of harsh and cruel governance; on the other hand, torture, sorcery, and Satanic worship. Why, is this "Robin Hood, but make it Satanic?" Both facets are very well executed, together building a story that's fairly compelling, if direct and heavy-handed. Scenes of violence are finely orchestrated, whether adventurous action or more gnarly brutality. The production design and art direction at large are splendid; perhaps less robustly vibrant than in contemporary British titles (especially those of Hammer), we're nonetheless treated to excellent costume design, hair and makeup work, set pieces, props and weapons, and an otherwise feast for the eyes. Blood, gore, and effects look great, and the narrative and scene writing are very strong despite their curtness. I also quite like Carlos Viziello's original score, though it too is peculiar as themes vary from early, experimental electronic music with pensive overtones, to dramatic orchestral ambience, to light and jaunty tunes.

Meanwhile, audio in the picture is overall troubled: music and environmental sounds cut out very abruptly; the sound mix is notably imbalanced, such that no matter the volume one selects, the result is always grating on the ears; what we hear is often fundamentally warbled, like a vinyl record that has suffered from exposure to extremes of temperature. There's a certain stilted pacing to the direction of some scenes, and assuming that the dubbed dialogue accurately reflects Paul Naschy's script, the dialogue itself is often blunt and inelegant. Solid as the title is generally, there are moments where the relative lack of detail in a scene betrays the seeming limited resources to go into days of filming. And once more to emphasize, there's no mistaking the brusqueness of plot development.

For whatever shortcomings it bears, however, more than not I still think 'Devil's possessed' is a good bit of fun. The filming locations are choice, and despite faults, one can readily recognize the hard work, passion, and earnest intent that went into making this. León Klimovsky's direction, Francisco Sánchez's cinematography, and Antonio Ramírez de Loaysa's editing are all more capable than not. Naschy's writing has some issues, but is broadly suitable and engaging as he mixes genres and tells his story. And if unremarkable in the grand scheme of things, I think the cast are pretty swell as they help to bring the tale to life. Most impressive among the ensemble, I'd argue, are Naschy himself as the cruel Barón Gilles de Lancré, and Norma Sebrelle as his proverbial Lady Macbeth, Georgelle; both demonstrate greater nuance in their acting than their co-stars, and I commend them.

Uneven in various ways as it presents, the weaknesses never completely overshadow the entertainment value. There's a lot going on here, and it's a little odd, but ultimately I can't bring myself to overly nitpick a production that only wants to tell a good story and have a good time. I don't think you need to go out of your way for it, but if you have the chance to watch 'Devil's possessed,' it's a delightful way to spend 90 minutes.
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A Good Medieval Melodrama
Rainey-Dawn18 January 2016
This film is much better than some of the critics and reviewers say it is. I for one enjoyed watching the film. I love the sword-n-sorcery and swashbuckler type of flicks and this film is a mix of the two styles.

There is nothing wrong with this story - it's interesting. The costumes and sets are fantastic. The acting is good (even the dubbing into English fine). The filming technique is good too. I don't understand the disdain for this one - it's quite a fine film.

If you like the older swashbucklers, sword-n-sorcery and horror movies then this is a film I would recommend.

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Naschy nasty
BandSAboutMovies1 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Leon Klimovsky - The People Who Own the Dark, The Dracula Saga, The Vampires Night Orgy - teams with Spain's resident horror movie bad guy, Paul Naschy, to deliver some medieval torture and Satanic slaughter which is in no small way influenced by Ken Russell's The Devils.

Written by Naschy himself, here the actor plays Baron Gilles de Lancre, who has returned from war only to be mistreated by his king. So he does what you or I would naturally do - search for the Philosopher's Stone and kill anyone who gets in his way.

Gilles might have started out just trying to be a good guy, but Lady Georgelle and the alchemist Braqueville get him thinking that he could be King of France if he just starts sacrificing one virgin every Saturday for seven weeks, then doing that all over again. Only old war friend Gaston de Malebranche can stop the insanity.

Known as Marshall of Hell in its native Spain, this movie plays more like a historical drama than an outright occult film. That said, there are some fun psychedelic sacrifice scenes.
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Paul Naschy And The Philosopher's Stone...
azathothpwiggins27 August 2021
Baron Gilles de Lancre (Paul Naschy) seeks out an alchemist in order to obtain the throne. Said alchemist agrees to help, but requires the blood of a young maiden.

After hurriedly obtaining and sacrificing the required lass, de Lancre awaits his new position.

Oh no!

It seems that before he can become Lord and Master, he must also get his mitts on the legendary Philosopher's Stone! In the meantime, he spends his time torturing and killing his subjects.

Much hocus pocus is employed, including the use of a rubber head in a bad wig as an oracle.

DEVIL'S POSSESSED is another fairly entertaining Naschy vehicle. He's always at his best when portraying eeevil, sadistic villains. Unfortunately, this movie contains several long stretches of dullness. Still, it's worth a viewing, especially for the Naschy fanatics out there...
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