Fight for Survival (1977) Poster

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Entertaining showcase for Polly Shang Kwan
BrianDanaCamp6 April 2013
I have this film in an English-dubbed VHS edition under the title, LADY WU TANG. It's got a standard kung fu plot with an interesting twist—a girl seeks to gain entrance to Shaolin Temple despite a rule barring female students--but is often played for laughs and features some fantasy touches, as when the heroine extends her arms and legs in a manner similar to the comic book superhero Plastic Man. The reason to see this film is the performance of the lead actress, Polly Shang Kwan (18 BRONZEMEN, 99 CYCLING SWORDS). Although she's dubbed in English, her intensity shines through as her character, Shi Fu Chun, expresses earnest devotion to the art of kung fu and shows great joy when an eccentric old master, exiled from Shaolin, agrees to teach her in his cave hideaway. When the "Positive" kung fu she learns has the effect of causing her male hormones to race, leaving her with a barely visible moustache (which comes and goes in subsequent scenes), it doesn't dampen her kung fu ardor one bit. Instead, she goes on a quest for the "Negative" kung fu book in order to counter the effects of the Positive. It's quite a physical role for Polly as she follows the usual trajectory of this kind of plot: waiting patiently for days outside Shaolin Temple; carrying buckets of water uphill as part of her training; getting one-on-one instruction from old master Lin Chiu (Chan Wai Lau); lifting up the red-hot dragon cauldron of Shaolin in order to burn the dragon tattoos into her arms; heading out with two monks-in-training to track down the missing "Negative Classic" kung fu book; and fighting off all manner of opponents. Polly never wavers from her mission and keeps us engrossed throughout, even when the proceedings start to get silly.

There is quite a colorful supporting cast, including some major names, although few of them have large parts. Chia Ling (aka Judy Lee, star of QUEEN BOXER), one of the reigning kung fu divas of the 1970s, plays one of Polly's opponents, but she doesn't get to fight at all. Wong Tao, a star in his own right (THE SECRET RIVALS, EAGLE'S CLAW, etc.), also has a small part as one of the opponents. Other familiar faces turn up, including Fang Mien, Kam Kong, Lee Keung, Elsa Yeung, and Ma Cheung, to name a few. The one supporting cast member to shine the most is Chan Wai Lau, as the eccentric kung fu master, who plays out two entire sequences painted in gold from head to toe (after he's "died" and placed in Shaolin as one of the "Golden Buddhas" guarding the temple). Chan excelled in this kind of physical role, as seen in NEW SHAOLIN BOXERS and THE MING PATRIOTS, to name two other films of his. If I have any complaint, it's that the comic shenanigans of the two student monks who accompany Polly get awfully tiresome pretty quickly.

But it's Polly's show all the way and worth seeing just for her. While other female stars of kung fu films were far more ferocious fighters (e.g. Chia Ling and Angela Mao), Polly was the more versatile actress and played a wider range of roles, from comical to dead serious, and various modes in between. If you've seen her in BACK ALLEY PRINCESS (1973), also reviewed on this site, you've already witnessed what a great actress she was. Every film I see her in just increases my estimation of her.
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Slapdash kung fu with surreal touches
Leofwine_draca3 August 2016
THE FIGHT FOR SHAOLIN TAMO MYSTIQUE is an odd little martial arts film, shot in Taiwan. The script incorporates lots of little fantastic touches that don't really work very well on what is clearly a low budget, but somehow add to the experience anyway. The story is about a female fighter, played by Polly Shan, who is taken in by a wise old master and trained in the way of the martial arts so that she can battle some evil villains.

It's predictable and rather slapdash stuff, too cheap to make much of an impact. The fight scenes are okay and enlivened by the touch of weirdness which reminded me of MASTER OF THE FLYING GUILLOTINE. Shan has the ability to stretch her limbs which makes for arresting viewing and is covered in tattoos at one point so that she looks like one of those female dealers in a Yakuza gambling den. A lot of the film is preoccupied with her training in a weird underground temple where she battles odd fighters. This part reminded me of the likes of Joseph Kuo's 18 BRONZE MEN. The bit where she has to lift a metal brazier is quite remarkable as well. The final fight scene is undistinguished but mildly fun.
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One of the weirdest kung fu movies I've seen.
CMUltra4 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Polly Shang-Kwan is Chi Po Chun, a woman who is determined to study kungfu at Shaolin temple. She will not settle for any other teaching. I'm not sure why.

Two rookie monks who haven't started their kungfu training yet (still at the "carry water for one year" stage) note Chun at the temple steps praying to be admitted. They decide to trick her into carrying their water by telling her they'll train her.

Noticeable from the start is that the monks of Shaolin temple are weak in this movie. Ten students disguise themselves as their renowned masters and go to Shaolin temple. They speak to the head abbot, asking about the "Dao Mo Classics", a collection of ten secret magical kungfu manuscripts. The head abbot says they are in the temple. One of the "masters" says he heard it was stolen and demands to see it to satisfy their worry. The head abbot retrieves it, gets taken out with a single sucker punch and each of the fake masters abscond with one of the books.

While Chun is carrying water she meets an old hermit who lives in a cave outside the temple. Turns out he was the temple's lead martial artist and master of all ten disciplines of the Dao Mo Classic. Chun agrees to bring him water regularly.

The two rookie monks shenanigans are discovered and they are sentenced to carry water another 3 years. But the temple still won't admit Chun since she's a girl.

The old hermit, sitting on the temple roof for some reason, hops down and says he'll teach her. The temple's useless head abbot basically says, "Hey, that's great old master. By the way, since you're here, I should tell you some people came and stole the Dai Mo Classics right out from under me." Understandably upset about the temple's plunging reputation the old master says he will train Chun in the Dai Mo arts so she can retrieve and return the ten books to the temple.

They begin training and the movie, goofy to this point, gets downright absurd. One Dai Mo style is "hand". Beyond the usual cool hand movements it also teaches the user to stretch their arms like Mr. Fantastic. The first time Chun does this in her training, accompanied by a ridiculously cartoonish spring sound effect, you kind of scratch your head.

Then she does the same thing with her feet, having learned the "leg" discipline of Dai Mo. Other shots of her learning the disciplines include her either inhaling or exhaling a huge amount of smoke, (I couldn't tell which) and busting rocks over her head.

Everything's going groovy until she grows a mustache. Old Uncle laughs at her panic and explains that's the normal result of one of the disciplines, "Positive Kungfu". Studying the "Negative Kungfu" discipline will balance this out. Unfortunately the old master has forgotten Negative Kungfu.

Not wanting to listen to her scream about it he decides to fake his death. The temple coats him in gold and sticks him in a hall with other dead masters who were also embalmed.

Chun takes the two rookie monks as her assistants and goes out looking for the 10 books, particularly the Negative Kungfu book so she can reverse her budding masculinity.

This is a typical oddity of kungfu movies. For a girl to appear to be a man, she simply dresses like one. To our eyes she then simply looks like a hot girl dressed like a guy. But other characters in the movie completely buy that she's a guy. Even in their inn room when Chun is hanging out with only a linen wrap up top (leaving it hard to miss her feminine assets) men think she's a guy.

The middle part of the movie follows Chun battling the thieves, capturing them and retrieving the books. More weirdness is that evil folks twist Dai Mo disciplines. The Hand guy can't shrink his arms back, the Head guy walks around upside down, etc.

Chun returns the books and thieves to the temple. The thieves are interned for reform. The real masters now show up, indignant that their students have been incarcerated at Shaolin.

The head abbot and monks are sent running again and then, for no real reason to the story, four of the masters are shown in one-on-one contests with Shaolin animal style masters (dragon, tiger, snake and crane).

The movie jumps again to the masters running into an inner courtyard where they face Chun. She wallops a couple of them in combat and they decide they can't beat her that way. They must form the Shantung Battleline.

The movie, ridiculous up to this point, then impresses by increasing the absurdity. The ten masters, intended to be awe-inspiring, line up single file and start odd synchronized stepping that looks like the Loco-Motion.

Meanwhile, again for unknown reasons, the two rookie monks have retrieved the gold-embalmed body of old master, who is still alive, and bring him out to the courtyard. Inside a huge urn. Why they put him in the urn to bring him out, I have no idea.

The Shantung Battleline actually takes to the air, somehow achieving even more absurdity, and goes slowly towards Chun. Nothing about the Battleline has been fast. Chun could have disrupted it at any time but just stood there watching. As the Battleline goes airborne, so does the urn! The urn flies and collides with the Battleline. The urn shatters and old master lands on the ground laughing. The masters all fall about.

Running time is suddenly of great concern because, without further ado, old master declares the thieves reformed and orders them returned to the masters. He then coughs blood and dies. The last 60 seconds of the film are as abrupt as that.
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