Ninja in the Dragon's Den (1982) Poster

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It's a classic.
tdarugar31 March 2004
This movie has everything and a half. Ridiculous stilt fighting, ninjas galore, the 1/2 sentence plot, God skills, demon possession, the hero fighting the latter half of the movie in a pink outfit, and female anatomy saving the day. Clearly a classic.

Actually, it was a definite classic till the middle-end, where it dragged a bit, but the ending picked it back up and saved it.

I recognize the guy from Azumi, but the rest of them were new to me. The fighting and stunts were sufficiently impressive - particularly when they were jumping around and fighting each other standing on 5 foot stilts. Now that's talent.

The kung fu is fun, the actors are very skilled, and the whole thing is entertaining. If you're into kung fu movies, particularly if plot is unimportant to you, you'll enjoy this one.
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Martial Arts Classic! A must see!
chrichtonsworld21 February 2007
This movie is everything what people want from a martial arts movie. It contains incredible stunts sometimes with wire works. It has Kung Fu magic. It's full of ninja trickery and there is a lot of comedy. Ninja in the Dragon's Den therefore is without a doubt one of the best martial movies ever made in history. Still it is very difficult to get a hold of a decent or affordable copy on DVD or Blu ray in the original language. I have watched the film dubbed in English and German. And you know what despite that handicap I was not bothered by this at all. Since the action alone is superb. I know I already said it but let me state it again that the martial arts is more than excellent in this film. A young Conan Lee and Hiroyuki Sanada (The last samurai, The promise) show their magnificent skills whenever they can. Both of them bring to the screen what the fans want. Do I really need to tell you that the story does not matter that much? The introduction of this movie reminded me of several other movies about ninja's made in the Eighties! You know the ones where each ninja show what they are capable of. But something about it is off like it is meant as a parody of (or tribute to) the other ninja movies made around that time. Or maybe I am looking too much into it and I got distracted by the use of the theme music. Perhaps it was just a way to capitalize on the popularity of the Ninja films. Whatever they were going for compared to those cut and paste Godfrey Ho ninja films Ninja in the Dragon's Den is far superior. But how can it not be since director Corey Yuen made sure the action and the stunts were top notch.

So do check this one out if you have never done before. It's a martial arts classic that deserves your attention.
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China meets Japan in this action-packed mini masterpiece
Leofwine_draca4 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Director Corey Yuen is the sure and steady hand behind this ninja lark which offers plenty of action throughout. It's an odd film, a mixture of typical Jackie Chan-style comedy and hard-hitting ninja action, but unusually the two styles mix together very well and the film as a result is great fun. Conan Lee – who incredibly had no martial arts training before production – is good value as the Chan lookalike who gets into various scrapes with his master, and he's ably supported by Tai Bo in a comic supporting role as a sex-obsessed servant who inadvertently ends up saving the day. However, the real star of the show is Hiroyuki Sanada as the ninja hero; Sanada is particularly graceful in his fight scenes and the eventual extended battle between himself and Lee is a tremendous ruckus that stands out as one of the best in the film.

The plot is a simple one and packed with twists as the story gradually unfolds. There's plenty of humour – a little of the China-meets-Japan style – and, of course, numerous fight scenes unfold along the way. The best of these are the battles between Lee and Sanada, including an early showdown in a room full of traps that has to be seen to be believed! Ninjas play a strong presence in the film and there are some great showdowns with the black-garbed villains. However, the best fight scene of all is the last one, in which Lee and Sanada team up to fight a black magician, played by high-kicker Hwang Jang Lee. Anyone who's watched Sammo Hung in ENCOUNTERS OF THE SPOOKY KIND will recognise the inspiration for the finale, as the magician builds up his altar and sends various demon-possessed foes to battle our heroes. Yet it's just as entertaining, because it's so over the top and complete with magic swords, severed ears and legs, and a final showdown with Lee that incorporates cheesy early computer graphics! Hugely entertaining, the climax makes a fitting ending for an above average, always watchable Hong Kong masterpiece.
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kung fu vs. ninjitsu
jademasq3 March 2000
one cool movie. japan's sensational henry sanada (in my opinion.. the best ninja beyond sho kosugi and sonny chiba) duel off with one of hong kong's best kung fu man conan lee (who look kind of like jackie chan). fights choreograph by corey yuen kwai...the dude who choregraph most of jet li's modern day movies. take my words for it. it's hella good!!!
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Very well made Kung Fu flick
Undead_Master21 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is my kind of kung fu movie.

First there is an incredible opening credits sequence where we watch ninja's training and listen to an R&B song that's actually about ninja's.... Then, almost immediately, there is an insane fight with amazing choreography involving guys on stilts. From that point on, things just get better. Almost every fight scene is incredibly elaborate and long. The production qualities are Grade A for hong kong films during that time. The story is excellent for a kung fu movie, the visual style is excellent...

This is probably the best hong Kong movie that I've seen involving ninjas. It certainly edges out "Mafia Vs Ninja" by a decent margin. This is one of those kung fu films that's just flat out great, even disregarding the campy value and unintentional humor. This is an exhilarating action film and it fully delivers for every second of its running time.

Highly recommended. I didn't want it to end.
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A must have for all genre fans.........
White_Tigerl10 December 2005
This is a great retread of the old and use Chinese vs Japanese story lines with incredible Action choerography and skill from the leads. I had never seen Hiroyuki Sanada in a film except The last samurai (he was the one who kept beating up tom cruise), and was very very impressed with his flexibility and grace, he was genuinely believable as a ninja. Conan lee did fine but the real star is Corey Yuen or Yuen Kwai, his masterful direction especially in the action was incredible and was definitely a showcase for his talent. Overall a great film and incredible action featuring a great supporting role from Hwang Jang lee.
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Let me tell you a story about the Ninja!
sillybuddha8 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Very professional and entertaining blend of kung fu plus ninja action. The film stands out in relation to its two male leads who are both charismatic, good looking and competent fighters. Conan Lee is surely the George Lazenby of the kung fu world, as his physique, technique and English were clearly good enough to allow him to become a major name in kung fu movies. His fairly comedic turn here is contrasted by Hiroyuki Sanada who gives an intense performance as the ninja 'in the dragon's den'. There are a lot of stand out scenes - from the opening montage of ninjas training (and the pop song about the 'legend of the ninja' which goes with it), to the horse-based action, the traps set by Lee for the ninja, (especially the stunt involving jumping into a burning lake - absolutely mental) and the assassination attempt at the water mill. There's plenty of good ideas and neat scenes going on, and the fighting is of a good standard- there's even a surprise twist ending. Probably not a great insight into Chinese or Japanese culture as the film is pretty light-hearted throughout, our hero has a comedy sidekick for example, but this is somewhat contrasted with the more serious ninja side-story. A delightful romp.
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A true ninja classic!
HaemovoreRex18 July 2006
Without doubt one of the very finest Ninja movies ever made, this film also marked the explosive screen debut of the incredible Conan Lee. Even more amazingly, the said actor had previously no martial arts experience whatsoever prior to filming this although you would never guess this judging by his awesome physical performance here.

The fight scenes (choreographed by none other than the superb Corey Yuen who also directs the film) are absolutely jaw dropping, in fact they are undoubtedly some of the best combat scenes ever committed to celluloid.

Hiroyuki Sanada is the Ninja of the movies title and clearly demonstrates to us all why he is considered to be one of the very best screen martial artists ever, displaying probably some of the most graceful moves ever seen in any martial arts film.

Added to this, and a real treat for fans of old style kung fu, the always superb Hwang Jang Lee, considered by many as the greatest leg fighter ever, turns up at the films climax as, yes you've guessed it – the main villain! (As he was perpetually type cast!)

Special note also must be made of the extremely cool music that cranks up throughout…..highly memorable; it'll have you humming it for days!

It's very strange that after such an explosive screen debut, Conan Lee's fame dissipated so quickly. The actor was in fact even being tauted at the time as the next Jackie Chan. Just goes to show what a fickle business the movie industry is.
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Dubbed for extra cheese
qfanatiq8 March 2009
I did enjoy this. I like old cheesy Kung Fu movies.

This is a great fun movie and many of the action scenes are clever, nicely styled and can be very comical.

I find the dubbed version (not something go for if on a serious foreign film) helps add that extra layer of cheese and fun factor then letting you simply concentrate on all the intricacies and silliness going on in the film.

It is fun, but there are better ones around, not counting the early Sammo Hung and Jackie Chan ones. Of course we also have some great modern successes with such people as Stephen Chow.

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Great Movie!!
d_blomgren20 January 2006
This is one of the funniest and well choreographed films I have seen in the genre. The movie evolves around a Kungfu fighter and a Ninja that become rivals. However they have the same master! How could this be you say, well you'll have to watch it to find out. Eventually they have to decide if they are to team up to fight an enemy that is a threat to their master. Personally I like when they mix Kungfu characters with Ninja characters. It provides action from both sides so to speak. I totally disagree with Alangir Miah who gave this film a low score. I watched this with my friends and not only did we laugh at the funny lines. We really enjoyed the excellent fighting scenes. I would recommend this movie to anyone who likes great fighting movies.
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Good movie
dasa10824 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The Seasonal production company has been characterized by offering excellent films where martial arts shine, the direction is competent, the editing is dynamic and the scripts avoid stupid things. This film brings us a story of revenge and redemption when a kung fu expert discovers that a ninja wants to kill his uncle. His uncle trained him in martial arts but the surprise appears when his uncle is a ninja. Surprises keep popping up: the assassin ninja also practices kung fu. Almost for the first time in my life I saw conjugal scenes of a ninja with his wife: his life, his routine ... Finally certain dramatic events happen and the enemies become friends to face a common enemy who in this case uses magic but cannot resist a pair of tits. The movie is fun and you can see it. The one who plays the ninja later ended up making movies with Marvel, so it wasn't bad for him.
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An excellent mixture of Kung Fu and comedy
josey2 April 1999
This Kung Fu movie showcased Hiroyuki Sanada's extremely beautiful and graceful Kung Fu techniques. Under the direction of Yuen Kuei, martial arts director for "Lethal Weapon 4", he was more lively and deft than in the hands of his master - Sonny Chiba. Every movement is a delight to watch. The story line also helps to make this movie a top-rate one. I will put Sanada in the same league with Jet Li. A must-see for all Kung Fu movies fans!!!!!.
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Yawn. Boring.
alangiruk18 March 2003
Personally I would advise people to stay clear of this movie. It's on the whole a bore to watch and the fighting is poorly choreographed. Slow and not very convincing. If you buy the Hong Kong Legends DVD release of this movie, then the only thing worth listening to is the Bey Logan audio commentary.

But in any case, since when has there ever been a Ninja film worth watching. I cannot think of one and frankly do not wish to.

Overall, when it comes to Movies, I have one golden rule: Avoid any films that contains the word 'Ninja'.
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Fast paced martial arts comedy
herolder25 September 2001
Corey Yuen is maybe the best martial arts choreographer ever. In this position he worked on the recent Jet Li movies (Lethal Weapon 4, Romeo must Die, Kiss of the Dragon). But the fights in his own movie are even better. He's the director of such classics as "Yes, Madam"(Cynthia Rothrock, Michelle Yeoh) and "Saviour of the Soul".

In "Ninja in the Dragons Den" there are lots of fights. In fact there is almost nonstop action. It's good old hand to hand (and feet to feet) combat here, no wired action. Also the comedy element works better here, than in most other HK movies. If you're a martial arts fan, this is a must see.
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Loads of fun
dave_or_did12 August 2002
This is the sort of Kung Fu movie I love, one with lots of action, plenty of daft, broad, but enjoyable humour, a cracking pace, and a storyline that although it isn't groundbreaking, does hold your interest and give the film a bit of structure. Its also great to see a mix of fighting styles and plenty of weapon use mixed in with the kung fu. This is low budget (although high at the time for a Hong Kong film) with dodgy music and sound effects, and some dodgy lines (although that might have been through translation), but it doesn't take itself too seriously until near the end, so you can't help but love it.

It really hasn't been given enough respect this film, hardly anyone seems to have seen it on any of the Kung Fu fan sites. It is readily available on the Hong Kong Legends series in remastered widescreen format with plenty of extras though, so I recommend anyone who loves old style Martial Arts films (especially ones like Drunken Master) to buy this now!
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Ninja in the Dragon's Den
coltras3511 December 2022
Hiroyuki Sanada plays a Japanese ninja on his way to China to seek revenge against the man who betrayed his father. What he had no way of knowing ahead of time is that this man had also saved a little baby from death, and now that small child has grown into a martial arts champion of high repute (Conan Lee) who is not going to let anyone harm his father. The two trained masters duke and kick it out, with neither seeming to get the upper hand. Finally, they decide to join forces when they are unexpectedly faced with the same dastardly villain, not leaving much hope for the enemy unless he arrives in a tank.

Looking to expand the formula of the Hong Kong chop-socky, the makers added ninjas to the mix. But don't expect a Sho Kosugi type of film, but this lively mix of Kung fu and Ninja has more in common with Jackie Chan, especially in regards to the inventive fights, action scenes. The stilt scenes come to mind. Comedy takes centre here, some wacky scenes are evident - however, this film has some heart, especially when it comes to the relation ship between the kungfu brat and the ninja. It's an unusual story, loaded with energy and a good pace. Both youthful leads are very good in their roles, Sanada in particular oozes charisma. The finale scene with Hwang Jang Lee is bizarre and the way he loses his powers is hilarious. Nice title song.
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This movie is phenomenal
willandcharlenebrown19 February 2020
What's not to like about this? Cheesy opening with corny 90's music haha. When the action starts it doesn't stop and has a great story line! Amazing martial arts choreography!!!!! How have I not seen this or heard of it before!!!!!???
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I don't know about everybody else, but I LIKED IT!!! The ninja might be in the dragon's den, but the ninja gave a hell of a fight!!!
jrat62003 February 2004
This is a martial arts classic anyway you put it. I really liked the movie. The action was fast paced, and you can tell the hong kong style was in effect. Hollywood will never be able to create (or recreate) hong kong action EVER EVER EVER (Especially with all this Matrix crap going around)!!! Corey Yuen did a very good job of choreographing and directing of this movie. I knew that Hiroyuki Sanada (Henry Sanada) was a talented martial artist, but man he really is impressive in this. After watching Royal Warriors with Michelle Yeoh, this guy is very good, damn good!!! I'm glad he broke through with "Twlight Samurai" and "The Last Samurai" (Not saying that he always was doing good). Hollywood needs to recognize him. But, back to the movie at hand. The chemistry between Conan Lee and Henry was amazing. Henry used he training to his best ability and was flipping all over the place. Conan did a highly impressive job too. I definitely liked the way Hwang Jang Lee was brought in the movie as the villain. He is also a very talented martial artist. In my opinion, he is the king of the leg fighters. HYPHY!!! The movie was kind of slow in the beginning, but redeemed itself towards the middle and end.

My Overall Judgement: 2.5/4 stars
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A brilliant mix of kung fu and ninjitsu.
BA_Harrison25 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Chinese kung fu squares off against Japanese ninjitsu in this early offering from top action director Cory Yuen. Light on plot development, but more than making up for that in the fight department, Ninja in the Dragon's Den is a crazy no-holds barred piece of ninja silliness that any fan of fun martial arts films should see.

Conan Lee (a Jackie Chan lookalike with impressive acrobatic skills) plays Jay, an accomplished fighter who owes his martial arts abilities to Uncle Foo, a disgraced ninja who has fled to China after defeat in battle.

When a mysterious attacker almost succeeds in killing Uncle Foo, Jay steps in to protect his mentor. After a series of impressive battles between the two, the attacker is revealed to be Jin-wu (Hiroyuki Sanada), the son of a ninja who was killed in battle alongside Uncle Foo, who is mistakenly convinced that the old man was responsible for his father's death.

After finding out that the elderly ninja was not responsible, Jin-wu teams up with Jay in a battle to the death against a common foe—The Magician (Hwang Jang Lee), the father of a character bested by Jay in a fight earlier in the film.

From the opening ninja training scenes to the final showdown, Cory Yuen continuously displays his amazing ability to choreograph and direct jaw-dropping action sequences: witness Conan Lee kicking the Bull Demon's butt in an amazing fight on stilts; Marvel as Jin-wu goes sword-to-sword and then hand-to-hand against a scarred ninja master; laugh at the ultimate battle as comedy and action are delivered in equal doses and a pair of breasts save the day (!).

Although belief must be suspended from time-to-time (particularly in one sequence in which Jay utilises a double sided sheet, a plethora of booby traps and some 'silver dust' to give himself the advantage in battle), Ninja in the Dragon's Den is superb entertainment and well worth a watch.
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Ninja in the Dragon's Den
Tweekums1 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Genbu is a young ninja has launched a one man war against those he blames for his father's death. This brings shame upon his clan so they turn against him. He flees to China with his wife; here he intends to kill the last person he suspects of killing his father; a former ninja who now works as a mirror maker known to the locals as Uncle Fu. Living in the same town there is Sun Jing, a young martial artist who can't resist an opportunity to show off his skills and his friend Chee, who is the butt of most of his jokes. When Genbu arrives in China it isn't long before he is fighting with Jing and later learns the truth about what happened to his father.

When I picked up the DVD for a pound in a charity shop I wasn't expecting anything special but soon after I started watching I realised I was in for a treat. The action starts almost immediately and rarely lets up until the very end. This action is highly choreographed and looks great; I particularly enjoyed a fight between Jing and another man where both men were on stilts! As well as lots of action there are lots of laughs to be had; mostly but not always involving Chee. It is occasionally a bit corny but that just adds to its charm; the final fight includes one incredibly corny moment, including some very dated special effects… utterly hilarious! Conan Lee and Hiroyuki Sanada are really impressive as Jing and Genbu managing to give us likable protagonists as well as providing great action. The supporting cast are solid too; notably Tai-Bo who is very funny as Chee. I was a bit surprised by the fact that the film got an '18' certificate here in the UK; there are some slightly bloody moments but nothing too extreme… the 'Black Knight' scene in the '15' Cert 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail' is far more gory. Overall I'd recommend this to fans of the genre; it is a lot of fun.

These comments are based on watching the film in Cantonese with English subtitles, the DVD also included the dubbed version.
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Ninja In The Dragon's Den
kurciasbezdalas5 December 2008
This is one of those Ninja vs Kung Fu movies, it's not the best movie of this kind, like many others says, but it has some of the best fighting scenes ever filmed (my favorite Ninja vs Kung Fu movie is Ninja Over the Great Wall with Bruce Le, the fighting scenes wasn't that good as in this movie, but it was better in other terms). The fighting scenes were unbelievable, similar with that fighting scene between Jackie Chan and Benny Urquidez in Wheels on Meels, only lasting longer and fighters are using different weapons. The scene where main character was reading letter from his uncle was really touching. And of course the most important element which every good Kung Fu movie needs - a guy who's always reading dirty books.
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Welcome to the Ninja hotel. Ninja check in but they don't check out
phanthinga20 April 2019
Despite the fact that since 2006 there not a single movie under his name I still love Corey Yuen to death and I think he is one of the best action movie directors in the world not just in Hong-Kong so going into his directional debut Ninja in the Dragon's Den (1982) I already know what I'm about to get and that is a solid fun time with ninja and kung-fu galore but it still amazes me nonetheless. The movie got some of the best action sequence involving a ninja and a kung-fu fighter that I can think of and it safe to say that this movie and Five Element Ninjas are my favorite ninja theme movie Hong-Kong ever produce. Conan Lee the main character of the movie look nearly identical to Jackie Chan make me feel very off-putting and weird not because he unfunny but because watching him crack a joke while fighting makes me wish he is the real Jackie Chan tbh
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Slow to start, but keep watching...
lucifer2 October 2002
Once you get past the first twenty or thirty minutes, then this film really gets going. Of course, this section features what is surely the only fight performed on stilts.

After that, Conan Lee and Hiroyuki Sanada get to showcase their talents to the full, with Sanada just coming out on top. Hwang Jang Lee makes a nice cameo appearance as a disgruntled sorceror at the end.

Thankfully the action isn't too "old school". The fights are much quicker than many from the late-70s/early-80s (the white eyebrow stuff, and Eagle vs Tiger Crane nonsense), and look more realistic than most films of the period. Even when Sanada demonstrates his own Kung Fu, he seems more 1993 Iron Monkey than 1977.

Oh, and Conan Lee does look a bit like Jackie Chan.
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Ninja in the Dragon's Den
lachezarmatneshliev15 March 2024
Absolutely adorable film, greatest japanese master of the blade Hiroyuki Sanada he present the highest class acting play performances and martial scene arts. Everything that happens here can be written as exposition laying the groundwork for a sequel, where the real kombat can begin. It's a ruse, a come on, a side show with a very sensitive scrypt out front. This movie is everything what people want from a martial arts movie. It contains incredible stunts. It has Kung Fu magic. It's full of ninja trickery and there is a lot of comedy. Ninja in the Dragon's Den therefore is without a doubt one of the best martial movies ever made in history. Still I have watched since the action alone is superb. I know I already said it but let me state it again that the martial arts is more than excellent in this film. A young Conan Lee and Hiroyuki Sanada (Mortal Combat /2021/) show their magnificent skills whenever they can. Both of them bring to the screen what the fans want. Do I really need to tell you that the story does not matter that much?
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