Zeisters (1986) Poster


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Nutzoid is as Nutzoid does
Cobra-1021 August 2001
This film is so inane it will blow your mind. If you want to clear out your living room at a party, put this in the VCR and watch people leave the room one by one. I've cleared many a room with this video. It does have its super-inane moments that may entertain you, depending on your sense of humor: several quaaludes scenes (one with a quaalude being tossed about and then a minute later a whole bag of 'ludes is spilled all over the floor by the title character), the ultra-inane laughing scene toward the end between Rog and his lawyer, and, if you have the collector's edition of this film, the interview between Lloyd Kaufman (Troma Pres.) and John Golden, director of this opus. If you decide to rent this, you will likely get a funny look from the video store clerk. Recommended for those who like films that are way, way out there.
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An obvious antecedent to Rain Man and Forrest Gump.
sandrewsmith24 November 2002
Anyone with a conscience should go to see this expose on the ill treatment that mentally-challenged individuals face in modern society. The Mouka is a new role-model to inspire us all to overcome our limitations and differences and become a better society. We should all bow down before the chefs at Troma for donating this documentary on the mental health system and its devastating effects on the victims of... what's that, Mother? You want me to come home? But I'm in the middle of reviewing a movie! I don't CARE if you're staring at me from your bedroom window! Look, don't make me put you in the basement with the stuffed birds again.

Sorry about that. Anyway, this film is actually a new low in bad comedy flicks, intentional category. Most of the humor is in the title "Fat guy goes nutzoid." The rest is somewhere in between the vomiting and the Auschwitz joke and the enormous amount of body hair on display. The acting is around the level of "Glen or Glenda" and the writing would bore an 8-year-old. Pretty much the only mitigating factor is the Leo Kottke guitar score, which is fortunately too loud most of the time. Oh, and Tibor Feldman bears an uncanny resemblance to Ethan Coen, which made me want to shout "Where's Joel?" at the screen. That, of course, is not all I wanted to shout. Anyway, thanks for coming: we don't get much business since they moved the highway a few years ago. Here's your key. Cabin number 2. Why don't you take a nice, long shower after traveling so far?
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Agony personified
Progbear-418 April 2000
Abandon hope all ye who enter here. This may well be one of the worst movies of any notoriety I've ever had the misfortune to see. The wacky title may pique your curiosity, but make no mistake...this film isn't "so bad it's good", it's just irredeemably awful and stultifyingly dull. It's overloaded with long stretches of *nothing* where you pray that something, *anything* even slightly interesting might happen, but it doesn't. Apparently, someone thought this was a "comedy", but I fail to see anything in it that anyone with a brain might find funny, even unintentionally. I wasn't offended by any of it, I was too bored to be offended. The one bright spot in this horrible film is the mesmerizing acoustic-guitar soundtrack by Leo Kottke. Skip this horrible film, and buy Kottke's _6 and 12 String Guitar_ CD instead, you'll be glad you did.
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Misleading Title...
prufrock515028 October 2003
Whereas the audience is entreated to identify the promised "fat guy" and discover the degree to which he "goes nutzoid," s/he instead is placed in an epistemological quandary: how do we know who the "fat guy" is, and what type of behavior qualifies as "nutzoid?" Indeed, there are two fat guys in the film, and were the viewer to identify which of them were the intended referent of the title by analyzing their respective nutzoiditude, s/he would arrive at a standoff wherein the viewer is exhorted to discover the inherent social nutzoidity of a cruelly indifferent world harshly juxtaposed against the existential nutzoidness of a benevolent and childlike zest. Surely this film invites post-structuralist and semiotic analysis almost as bountifully as Girls Gone Wild (Totally Unexposed 8, that is) invites geopolitical discussion. And here I was, just expecting to see a fat guy going nutzoid .. .
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The worst film ever
kainaw5 July 2000
This is by far the worst movie ever made. Many years ago, we used it as a torture contest. The person to be able to sit through it the longest won (or lost, depending on your idea of winning). I attempted it three times. The longest I lasted was 45 minutes.
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SugarFunkFairy14 December 2005
Easily the worst movie I've ever seen. Dead air, horrible camera work, weak and uninspired plot, no character development...you name something that can be bad about a film, and this disease showed it as a symptom. In decades of being an internationally known impresario of BAD cinema, Troma has produced its ugliest effort here.

Working at video store about 10 years ago, we had a copy in the store that I often put up in my "Employee Favorites" section. I had a $5 standing bet with a coworker for anytime I could convince someone to rent it. Even in surrounding it with classics like The Maltese Falcon and Chinatown, I seldom was able to claim the reward.

Stay away. Stay far away.
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Crap, pure crap.
FUSOC21 February 1999
No comments needed, simply the worst movie I have ever seen, and I am a huge Troma fan. Horrible.
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What was that supposed to be?
abramz8619 October 2005
My friend turned me on to Troma movies, I had watched a couple at his house, and decided one day that I would get one. The title Fat Guy Goes Nutzoid jumped out at me and it looked funny, so I ordered it. When it finally arrived, I popped it in my VCR and pressed play... I knew I had made a grave mistake...

I watched, half in anger, half in disgust, as I was repeatedly assaulted by the nothingness of this stinker. I was routing for it, giving it all the slack I could, begging it to not suck, and still I found it horrible. I'm not gonna bother describing it any further except to say - if you're thinking about watching it, don't (go with Toxic Avenger or one of the other classics).
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Red-Barracuda13 September 2021
This is not an intelligent look at fat shaming and mental health issues. In this film, two idiots discover that a brain damaged, severely obese nutcase has stowed away in the back of their car after escaping from a camp for 'retarded adults'. Oh, the adventures they have! This mind-numbing piece of garbage is chock full of lame humour from start to finish and every single character is beyond irritating. Moronic lard-fuelled swill!
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A horribly unfunny independent movie
Leofwine_draca11 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Another appalling obscurity which has been picked up by the Troma team (see also DEMENTED DEATH FARM MASSACRE: THE MOVIE), repackaged with a new, exciting title and released to make a few bucks. The film itself (ignore the title which is totally misleading) is a cheap, shot-on-the-streets, low budget comedy yarn made by a bunch of yuppies in the mid '80s, meaning that it's horribly dated as with most produce from that era. The film charts the meandering 'adventures' - and I use the term loosely - of a bunch of uninteresting characters, with most of the low-brow humour focusing on a big guy called "The Mouka" (the most original part of the film) who headbutts, vomits, and generally makes a nuisance of himself throughout the movie. Why this is supposed to be entertainment is anybody's guess, as most of the humour is extremely lame and unoffensive considering the subject matter.

Kudos to leading actor Tibor Feldman, who tries very hard to inject some vitality into his role, and Peter Linari who doesn't mind making a fool of himself as the obese, mentally unstable Fat Guy. Watch out for Joan Allen years before she became a Hollywood star. Unfortunately the script is below par and the slow pacing makes the film feel like it drags on forever despite a fairly short running time. Whilst some of the situations have the potential to be fairly exciting and/or humorous (the stand-off in the phone booth, the escape from the mental institution), they are executed in such hopelessly low-budget ways that any excitement is drained from the film. FAT GUY GOES NUTZOID is a good film to use as a test for one's tolerance level as it's definitely one of the worst, most un-interesting films I've seen, and having watched it I can't think of a good reason it ever got made. When the best thing about the movie is the box art you have to start worrying...
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So bad that words cannot describe it...
Pigbelly9 January 2005
This is an unbelievable mess of a film. This movie makes Plan 9 from Outer Space look like a work of genius. This is possibly the worst film I have ever seen and I have been studying film for well over 20 years. Like the lyrics to Grandaddy's "I'm on Standby"-- "you humans require more words" to describe the putrid stink of this film. I think I would rather have a migraine than watch this film again. Why was this film made? It surely made no money and surely gave no-one any pleasure in watching it. Is it just pure cinematic masturbation? How can a comedy be the opposite of funny? This film verges on being an intellectual crime and, if I were LORD OF THE UNIVERSE, these filmmakers would be banned from making any more films. On second thought no... I would have them dismembered and beaten with their own limbs and then sent back to film school.
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Worst movie of all time!?!? Are you NUTZOID!?!
mightywillg14 September 2001
I can only express pure shock and horror at the number of people on this site who have dismissed Fatguy Goes Nutzoid as the worst/one of the worst films ever made. I'll be the first to admit it's rough around the edges, but my overall opinion of the film is that it is one of the most unique, touching, inventive, not to mention out-right hilarious independent low budget movies of all time. Troma films are known for their shocking gross out excess and no-brainer pandering to the basest of instincts (and why not?), but this film (one of Troma Head Lloyd Kaufman's personal favourites so I've heard)shows a wit and underlying sensitivity beneath the fart and vomit gags that has obviously - and sadly - been lost on most who casually watch this film.

When Roger, a selfish, irresponsible man born with wealth and no real worries, becomes lumbered with 'Mouka', a Rainman far more convincing and empathic than Dustin Hoffmans absurd parody of the disabled, it becomes the opportunity for Rogers redemption, turning him from spoilt rich kid to protector and eventual savour of the mouka (a jewish term for a retarded person - incidentally the film, especially in its opening funeral scene, offers a comic insight into Jewish customs and behaviour worthy of Woody Allen or Jerry Seinfeld). It's also an excellent examination of societies prejudice, but not the much visited areas of race or gender, but those with mental disabilities or behavoural problems. When Mouka goes into society on his own, his child like innocence and exuberance results in a clash with society that results in him being eventually shot and injured by a cop. Rogers brother David (Roger, David, and Mouka being the central trio in the film, all excellently played) shouts in anguish "How could anybody shoot a moron!? The man can't even tie his shoes!" David Mamet would be hard-pressed to write a line of dialogue so damning of societies innate hardships and cruelty.

Now I'm not saying F.G.G.N. is Citizen Kane, but I know which I'd rather spend an evening watching. And I don't think I'm alone; in Adam Sandlers recent big-budget comedy 'Little Nicky' - made 15 years after this film - there is a brief cameo by Peter 'The Mouka' Linari, who appears in the cast simply as 'Fat Guy'. Obviously F.G.G.N. has at least one big fan in the Hollywood mainstream. I consider myself a serious film fanatic, but somewhere in my top ten films of all time, joining such recognized greats as Kurosawa's 'Seven Samurai', Sidney Lumet's '12 Angry Men', Scorsese's 'Raging Bull', Leone's 'Good, the Bad, & the Ugly' and John Boorman's 'Point Blank', there is definitely a place for the Fatguy.
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The best thing about this Movie was the picture on the Video sleeve
obiwobble3 January 2002
Even fully prepared for Troma's usual style this is a uniquely bad piece of film. I can't comment on the acting as I'm pretty sure there wasn't any. There wasn't really a plot either. Most home movies I've seen are better produced. Not even so bad it's funny.
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Mind-numbingly awful
Guardian-1130 September 1999
Truly Awful. One of the worst films ever committed.

And don't think "I'll check it out because something that bad must be good, I mean, look at 'Plan 9'!"

That's what we did. It isn't... it's just BAD.
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I love the music
magicmysteryman1 July 2002
Even if you're not into crazy films like this (i.e. why were you watching it in the first place?). I think a lot of people out there in la la land need to know that the music in this film is a sort of lost treasure. A bit like the soundtrack to Blue Collar (featuring howling wolf and captain beefheart) or Medium Cool (music by Zappa played by Bloomfield and co. - Zappa fanatics take note) this film's unique music was supplied by guitarist and song writer Leo Koetke. Leo music is something like Ry Cooder boiled in ammonia. A bit like like heavy bluegrass. A recommend anybody with a passing interest in good music check it out asnd find me somewhere to get the soundtrack. Back to the film.. It has it's moments. Maybe some of these go over the head of the typical Troma fan. What you see in this film are flashes of a more surreal and spontanious side to Lloyd Kaufmans films (Lloyd Kaufman... does that mean he's a Welsh Jew?). My favourite scene has to be the one where the mental patients devour the guys stash. Now doesn't that have something to say about the irony of drugs and how we choose to use them and use them on other people. I say the Mooka is misunderstood.. SAVE THE MOOKA.... (this has been a 21 century Schizoid announcement....
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the music is the best part!
jccalhoun20 December 1999
This movie is bad. It's not even entertaining. It's really just dull. The most amazing thing is that the soundtrack is by a guitarist named Leo Kottke who is a very talented musician and is well respected for his fingerstyle technique. How did he get to be involved with this lousy movie, I will never know.
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Ridiculously bad
kjnorgaa8 March 2001
I first watched this movie in high school and was blown away by how horrible it really is. Of course, I have to give it a higher rating because it's bad to the point that it's very funny. So if you can find this movie somewhere, I really recommend that you watch it because it might very well be the worst movie ever made.
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quite possibly the worst thing ever made
aho110 September 1999
This is easily my vote for the worst movie ever. Everything about it is uniformly bad. The acting, pacing, lighting, sound, and "plot" were all mindless and reprehensible to a disgusting degree. The film is so bad I was angry with myself for watching it and wasting precious time. It is a whole new plane of badness. See it only to boast that you saw the best evidence for mankind being doomed to stupidity.
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An obese lunatic is set free from a mental institution by friends only to be recaptured!
maniac-82 August 1998
Low, low budget troma comedy, featuring some fat guy and his friends who save him from a life of solitude in a mental home.
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Unfurnny amateur comedy
lor_19 April 2023
My review was written in April 1987 after a screening at Liberty theater on Manhattan's 42 St.

Troma pickup "Fat Guy Goes Nutzoid" is a dud. Filmed in New York in 1983 under the titled "Zeisters" (a meaningless exclamation), pic is a tasteless effort that looks like a backyard home movie shot in 35mm.

Slim premise has ne'er-do-well Roger Morloche (Tibor Feldman) becoming involved with pathetic, 350-poun Dave (Peter Linari), nicknamed "The Mouka", when he crashes at a camp for mentally-challenged kids where his goofy brother Doogle (Douglas Stone) works. The brothers are tossed out after causing the kids to riot and Dave is a stowaway to their truck, getting involved in misadventures back in New York City.

Film takes a sentimental view of the big fellow, who cannot speak but is basically nice and pitiful. However, it uses his predicament as a steady source of cheap, vulgar gags which are neither entertaining nor sympathetic to his plight. Cast overacts to boot and film displays zero production values.

Troma released the film regionally starting last September, bud did not even bother to get an MPAA rating.
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