Whatever Happened to Mason Reese (1990) Poster

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Disturbingly bad, I'll be having nightmares tonight!
MrPotassium14 October 2001
This is the sort of short film that leaves a creepy emptiness in you after you have seen it, and worryingly it isn't meant to. It follows Mason Reese (an odd child TV advert star in the 70's) as an adult, it is supposed to be funny, showing him (in a terrible condition of health and greatly overweight) with a bunch of models in a Limo, the main plot as such takes place in a sushi bar when an equally runty gentlemen (dancing dwarf from twin peaks) has been waiting all his life to meet Mason in person. But Mason isnt the person he seems and then an utterly dire twist ends the short which is then followed by a real snippet of a show with mason in his youth, which is just about the most depressing minute of footage I have ever seen. We see a child mason bursting into tears of emotion and being comforted by the presenter with the words "I love you Mason" when the horrible child recites an equally depressing poem....arrrghh this film recieved funding from Spielbergs office and I cannot express how badly it was executed. Perhaps if I wasnt afraid of Dwarves I could find some light in it :P...or maybe not.
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An early shot at celebrities spoofing themselves Warning: Spoilers
"Whatever Happened to Mason Reese" is a live action short film from 1990, so this one is already older than a quarter of a century. The star here of course is Mason Reese, a big child star from commercials several decades ago and also way before this one already and this film spoofs a bit and makes a bit of fun about him / with him on what happened when he stopped being a celebrity. It is also the very first work by writer and director Brett Ratner and while you can say some critical stuff about Ratner for sure, it's still a fact that he made it to being called an Emmy nominee and also his first work is not worse than some of the first works from some of the truly great defining filmmakers of our time. Reese is having a bit of a late career resurgence these days with "Life Interrupted", so lets take a look at what he did back in the old millennium. What did happen to him? Oh well, according to this one we have here he was driving around in limos with hot chicks before going to party a bit at night clubs. But there is some nasty stuff for him in story eventually, surprisingly bloody. Sure this spoof of an alternate version of themselves is not on a level of Larry David or Matt LeBlanc, but for its time it is not a failure I would say. But not really a good watch either. And even if I give this one a thumbs-down and don't recommend checking it out, I still believe that these 11 minutes (which include a fair share of closing credits) are not as bad as you may think from seeing the rating here on IMDb.
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Your missing the point.. this is a homework assignment!!
Balto-217 August 2000
This film wasn't designed for us to like it.. it was designed for a teacher to watch and see if his student learned anything. This is a delightful piece of work, made with someones own two hands. It has everything that a film would ever need: Point of veiw shots, wide shots, pans, medium shots.. the only thing i saw was that he didnt leave enough head room for the models when the stepped out of the limo. For a student film, this is quite a piece of work!
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Insainly Stupid! - Yet Somehow Insainly Funny!
phantom151526 January 2001
Warning: Spoilers
I first saw "Whatever Happened to Mason Reese" when my friend brought over the Rush Hour DVD. After a few mintues of flipping through the bonus features we come across this little wonder of a bad film. As we watched it we could not help but laugh outrageously at the sheer stupidity of this film. From what I can gather this film is about an EX child star (who is a "small person")who still thinks he's on top. After coming to a sushi resturant we meet his number one fan. (He also happens to be a "Small Peson") After being totally made fun of by his icon the fan spears Mason Resse with a Samuri Sword. Yes, I know it's pathetic. Yes, I know it's bizarre. Yes, I know it's pointless. But hey, you know what? If you have 10 minutes to spare and want to be amused, watch it. I can say this for the film. The "Clockwork Orange" style sex scene was pretty cool. This also marks the first on scree appearence of Rebecca Gayheart, who went on to star in the "Urban Ledgend" films.
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Waste of time
Kyopo27 April 1999
I can't believe I wasted 10 minutes of my time watching this cheap student film. After buying "Rush Hour" on DVD, I went through all the bonus materials until I came across this self-gratifying trash.

I wish I had those 10 minutes back--I would have organized my sock drawer and been a happier man.
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There is No Reason to Defend This Movie
GHCool9 September 2001
My friends and I are student film makers with a pretty high reputation in the state of California. We are only in high school and we have won international awards and money from all sorts of organizations. "Whatever Happened to Mason Reese" is the typical student film. It has absolutely no ambition or value. Movies are supposed to tell a story. Ratner obviously did not know that back then (funny, I knew that ever since I was old enough to watch a movie).

I noticed people on this web site have tried to defend this piece of garbage by saying things like "Its a student film, give him some slack." Steven Spielberg give him $1,500 plus whatever funds he had raised for himself! I made a short student film that was made for about $60 maximum and we have won $750 from the Hollywood Radio and Television Society for that film! There are good student films and bad student films. This one falls in the latter category.
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_I_ could make a better film than this.
Nigel-166 July 1999
What an amazingly unfunny piece of garbage. I respect Rattner's other works & I think he's done a pretty decent job with Rush Hour... but this is awful. I realize every director starts somewhere, but this is ridiculous! This short film had no plot, no underlying message, and it went nowhere. He even tried to imitate Kubrick in one "scene" which did NOT have the effect he intended. The one good thing about this "movie" is that it showed me that even I, a 'nobody', could be a director. And maybe even get a girl like Rebecca Gayheart. Don't bother with this one; it's not a very accurate portrayal of Rattner's work. At least so far...
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One of the worst pieces of junk I've ever seen.
Aaron-154 June 1999
Absolutely unwatchable! The scariest part of the whole thing is how did a loser like Ratner ever get Rebecca Gayheart!! I bet Steven Spielberg lost his lunch after seeing how his money went to waste. Terrible, terrible!!!! Made "Manos,the Hands of Fate" look like Citizen Kane.
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Anusface2 March 1999
Good God, this was horrible. A downright terrible student film about little men. Depressingly unfunny. Don't ever watch this.
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Um, it was interesting...
trent4all12 May 2002
I saw Rush Hour Directors, Bret Ratners student film as a special feature on the Rush Hour DVD. It was a good movie, sort of.. He had very good camera angles, and pulled a lot of strings for a low budget student film. The movie had a little heart, it was kinda sad at the end, and also kinda funny. You really just have to see it, its not that bad, but not that good either.
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Whatever Happened to the Good Short Films??
sardid00713 January 2004
Like almost everyone else, I came upon this short film from my Rush hour DVD. Yes this Short film is very bad, but the reason why it made Brett Ratner into the business is because the Cinematography is good, he used most types of shots at the right times. He was also very persistent and sent the film to Steven Spielberg's office, ect. Well done Brett on the Rush Hour series and Red dragon.
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Indicative of Ratner's talentless ambition
pendulumpictures16 August 2004
This "film" was produced while I was a student at NYU, a classmate of Ratner's in fact. Ratner was notorious around campus for his unbridled ambition -- and remarkable lack of talent. The final product is indicative not only of Ratner's blatant disregard for aesthetic (ie total ignorance of basic camera moves, set-ups, etc), but proof that he has succeeded (and quite brilliantly so) merely on the basis of a loud mouth, relentless drive, and an uncanny, almost puppy dog like ability to make friends with everyone.

When this film screened in class, Ratner was laughed out of the room... although it's clear who has the last laugh now. Way to go, Brett. You've affirmed all of our fears about Hollywood -- which is why most of us have stayed on the East Coast to make films of SUBSTANCE.
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Funny, Funny, Funny!
DataGod28 May 2001
This silly little movie made me laugh so hard, I had tears running down my face! I quoted the little guy so many times that my wife gets furious when I even begin to talk about it...

The movie is silly, but you just have to watch it!
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phiddler9 January 2002
Being a film student, watching other bigtime director's student films is VERY insightful. Granted, he aint no spielberg, but he's making the big benjamins! It shows where they first started out - and i gotta admit, VERY encouraging! Sure, it wasnt the best film - not even the best student film! BUT, good buddha! if he can do it! so can i! --so all u filmmakers in the making! check it out ~
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Weird, yet entertaining [ spoiler]
jellyneckr2 July 2001
Warning: Spoilers
I saw WHATEVER HAPPENED TO MASON REESE on the RUSH HOUR DVD. It's a short film by Brett ratner. I admit the film is weird, but it's entertaining. It has a lot of great music, good acting, and a really cool ending. I'm surprised by the how many of actors in the movie became big stars!
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I Was Stunned, This Film Was So Bad!
Renie197424 July 2002
Directed by Brett Ratner, this piece of garbage was included on the "Rush Hour" DVD; apparently, he felt he needed to share this directorial debut with the world. I truly wish he hadn't. Whoever this Mason Reese guy is, he must have been something special when he was a kid actor. I guess he was famous on Broadway or something. All I know is, he's the ugliest man I've ever had the misfortune to lay my eyes upon, and his voice was even worse. He sounds like he swallowed a whole helium tank. The only pleasant little suprise was Rebecca Gayheart (you gotta start somewhere, I guess.)Oh, yeah, and the dancing midget from "Twin Peaks" was in it, too. That was a nice suprise. But what was most shocking was that Ratner had financial help from AMBLIN ENTERTAINMENT! Mr. Spielburg's company helped make this crap possible. Gee, thanks, Steven. Trust me, I had more fun watching M. Night Shamalan's home movie on the "Sixth Sense" DVD! Avoid, avoid, avoid!
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Pretty dang funny... good music
EazyCheeze24 May 2000
I thought this was a great little short film. It was included on the Rush Hour DVD as an example of director Brett Ratner's work. Steven Spielberg paid him $1500 for it! Sure, he even admits that it's bad, and it is, but it's cute. Anthony Michael Hall as the voice of Mason Reese was a great decision; I'm sure Mason of the 1990s has a grown up voice and it just wouldn't be the same if he had used his own. I think the best song in the whole flick is Randy Newman's "Short People," which although derogatory (hey, I'm 5'10 but I know some short people myself) pretty much sums it up for short people, except the telling of lies :)

In summary, a good piece to put on the Rush Hour DVD, which is a GREAT movie in its own right.
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My comments are great
lma127 September 1999
This film should have been called "Citizen Reese" because Welles has nothing on Ratner. Anyone who doesn't like this film should ask himself, "Have any of my movies ever been financed by Steven Spielberg?" And if the answer is yes, he should ask himself, "Why didn't I instead spend the money on a sense of humor?" . I was going to name my first son Seventy-and-sunny Anderson, but will instead be naming him Mason Reese Brett Ratner Anderson. My second son will still be named Daytime-outdoor-drinking Anderson, though.
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Absolute Garbage
ukpilot29 April 1999
I went through the extras on the Rush Hour DVD and listening to the director talk about how Amblin Entertainment gave him some money for a student film. I thought it would be really good. What a GROSS film... What a waste of space. Will never watch the film again. rating 1 / 1000.
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man alive
joey_jeremiah22 May 2000
Ok everybody, take it easy. did you buy Rush Hour for Rush Hour or to see a STUDENT FILM? Yes a student film. Student. Think about it folks.

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