Assault! Jack the Ripper (1976) Poster

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Brutal and violent, and lives up it's reputation
The_Void21 January 2008
Everyone with an eye to see this film will no doubt have heard about how brutal, violent and shocking it is; and after seeing it, I've got to say that Assault! Jack the Ripper lives up to its reputation. I've no idea what the title is alluding to, but to surmise the film; it's an unflinching depiction of murder and rape that is all the more shocking because of the fact that most of the film is really quite realistic. The film is a part of the 'pinky' genre that was popular in Japan around the sixties and seventies, but unlike many of these films; this is not amusing or 'fun' - Assault! Jack the Ripper goes straight for the jugular! The plot focuses on two restaurant employees. While out together one night, they accidentally murder a hitch-hiker. The pair soon realise that murder is their mutual aphrodisiac, and from there the murders continue as the restaurateurs begin an unflinching rampage of rape and murder, with any random stranger unlucky enough to be in their way the victim! Naturally, this relationship doesn't last too long...

The only place the film is lacking is on the actual 'money shots' - we don't get to see the protagonist stab his victims in the crotch, and the reason for that is down to the Japanese penal code - which states that no full frontal nudity can be shown in films. This is a shame both for this film and just about every other Japanese exploitation film ever made. However, director Yasuharu Hasebe doesn't let that stop him delivering the shocks. The lack of full frontal nudity is more than made up for by the brutal violence and the film features plenty. It's not a particularly gory movie, but there's plenty of stabbing and butchery going on to please the gorehounds. The atmosphere is dirty and sleazy throughout and this compliments the brutal action nicely. The film is very short at just seventy two minutes, but this is not really a bad thing. The plot is very thin and while there's more than enough to keep the audience entertained for the time that it's on for, any longer and the film may have ended up grinding to a halt considering the thin plot line. Overall, I'm not raving about this film; but it lives up to its reputation and I wasn't disappointed by it.
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Spuzzlightyear22 March 2012
Man oh man, I had SOME idea of what to expect from this movie, but no idea of it's depravity! Even describing it would cause your mouth to drop open. OK, a pair of restaurant workers discover, quite accidentally, the best aphrodisiac is for the guy to kill (more like gut) females before he does it. Pretty soon, the aphrodisiac wears off, and the guy just wants to kill. It's barbaric, and definitely not for everyone, but DAMN, what an amazing film to watch. Some serious money went into making it I'm sure.. Widescreen, hippy music, crisp direction and editing.. Someone must have known what they wanted and paid a great deal of money to get it. It would be interesting to find out the backstory behind this one.
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Does NOT Live Up To Its Reputation
ebossert2 January 2009
I'm a newbie when it comes to Japanese exploitation films from the 1970s, but what little I've seen has underwhelmed me. "School of the Holy Beast" (1974), "Wife to be Sacrificed" (1975), "Tattooed Flower Vase" (1976), and "Angel Guts: Nami" (1979) were all decent in terms of soft core sex, but weak in terms of everything else. "Holy Beast" probably had the most entertainment value because of a few memorable torture scenes, but even that film wasn't very good. And this is coming from a guy who enjoyed "Entrails of a Virgin" (1986), "Flower and Snake" (2004), and "Urotsukidoji: Legend of the Overfiend" (1988), so I'm most certainly capable of enjoying depraved exhibitions of gratuitous sex and violence. That said, I was particularly excited about "Assault! Jack the Ripper" after reading the glowing IMDb reviews. Unfortunately, I find myself (yet again) scratching my head at the overblown reputation of a silly, middling movie.

First and foremost, the death scenes are incredibly lame. This was quite a surprise given the IMDb reviewers who pointed out the "extreme and nasty violence" that is "shown raw and uncovered." If you're looking for shots of torn flesh, look elsewhere. The majority of the stabbings here use camera angles that obscure the point of contact. What results is a dull, repetitive series of killings that look more like a guy punching some girls in the stomach. The cumulative amount of visible blood in "Assault" could probably fit inside of a ketchup bottle. I kid you not. Even the minority of scenes that actually show something are mediocre at best. The stabbings executed in Lucio Fulci's "The New York Ripper" (1982) are about 10 times better than the ones shown here. It's not even close.

All the more reason for my perplexity after watching "Assault." Where the heck was all of the shocking violence that I was promised? To my surprise, it's nowhere to be found. Even more astounding is that some reviewers actually attempt to defend "Assault's" death scenes by asserting that the "inference" invoked by "sound and FX" are enough to make it disturbing. If this isn't an unintentional admission of failure by an exploitation film, I don't know what is.

Sure, the premise of a pastry chef and waitress who stab people in the genitals for sexual gratification is a great idea, but if you're gonna skimp on the red stuff you had better set up convincing characters or construct effective suspense sequences that don't rely on graphic violence. On the contrary, the characters sucked, the victims were cardboard cutouts, and there's not a lick of suspense to be found here. The dynamic duo kidnap someone, then punch them in the stomach (uh, I mean kill them) a few seconds/minutes later. That's about it. There's little to no torture and nothing at all to raise the viewer's heart rate. How can a movie possibly make a murder/"bang" session in a graveyard boring? Well, "Assault" somehow did it. Given the poor execution, the best part of the film is the plot synopsis.

Yeah, there's nudity here. Woopdee doo. The lead actress has nice boobies, but I'm gonna need a little more than that to sustain my interest over the course of 70 minutes. Even the sex scenes were pretty tame, barely reaching the low heights of Cinemax Late Night. As much as I criticize the Korean director Sang-soo Hong for his foray into dull art-house pornography, his direction of body motion during sex is much better than anything seen in "Assault." What I found especially disappointing is that the intercourse between the couple was not appreciably different before and after a murder. The entire film is reliant on how killing gets them off, but it doesn't take the sex to another level when necessary. I expected some real bed-denting after the murders, but all we get is soft spooning. In short, I was never convinced that the murders resulted in more gratifying sex.

Everything that "Assault" allegedly offers is done more effectively in non-exploitative genres. "Strange Circus" (2005), "Tetsuo: The Iron Man" (1989), "Moonlight Whispers" (1999), and "The Isle" (2000) are way better at portraying sexual perversion. The sex scenes are good in completely different ways, but most importantly every one of these films held my interest throughout much of their running times with a mix of effective characterization, stylish technical qualities, and/or mind-numbing insanity – all things that are absent in "Assault."

I keep reading all of these rave reviews from persons who have earned my respect for their sheer knowledge of unorthodox cinema. Almost all of the heavy hitters gave "Assault" high marks: Fertilecelluloid, Evol666, HumanoidofFlesh, ElijahCSkuggs, Obscure 437, BaHarrison, Soucriant, and Coventry. This makes my disappointment all the more confusing. I even gave this film a second chance with lowered expectations, and it still failed to impress me in any way. Not only are all of the formulaic standards of conventional film-making absent (e.g., good acting, storyline, etc.), but all of the exploitative elements are feeble and forgettable.

My initial impression on 70s exploitation films in general is that they're much like a dog with bark but no bite, or a sheep in wolf's clothing. I certainly hope that my future experiences are more satisfying.
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Assault! Jack the Ripper
Michael_Elliott8 February 2009
Assault! Jack the Ripper (1976)

** (out of 4)

Original Title: Bôkô Kirisaki Jakku

Perversely sexual and violent, this Japanese film has a reputation as being one of the stronger "pinku" movies out there. The story centers on a cook and a waitress who one night accidentally run over a crazed hitchhiker. The two find themselves being turned on by death and blood so they keep killing women and borrow the trademark of Jack the Ripper by cutting them from their private areas on up. I just recently became aware of these pinku Japanese movies so I' doing research on which ones to start with and this here seemed to have pretty good reviews but in the end I was somewhat let down. The one part of its reputation that it lives up to is the rather bizarre sexual nature of the film. There are quite a few sex scenes here, which come off very perverted and sleazy even though nothing hardcore, or really softcore for that matter, happens. The lead actress, who's name I can't find anywhere, has a rather amazing body so seeing her strip off certainly wasn't a negative thing. Her round face also comes in quite handy because she looks so innocent yet is as deadly as they come. Her performance is quite good as is her co-star but yet again I couldn't find his name among various reviews I read. I think the most disappointing aspect is that the film really isn't all that violent. Yes, the aftermath of a woman being sliced up and down is pretty grim but very little of it is actually shown. Usually we see a minor stab wound and then the rest happens off camera and then we go back for the aftermath. I've read reviews saying the film was ultra violent and downright raw and nasty but I didn't find that to be the case. The biggest problem however is that the film runs 71-minutes and really doesn't have enough of a story to fill that short time. The movie starts to feel rather long because we keep going through the same thing of a murder, sex, a murder, more sex and so on.
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Jack The Stripper - Good Violent Pink Film
ninjaalexs25 February 2022
A shy pastry chef gives a newly employed waitress a lift home. They pickup an attractive, but mentally deranged young woman who is standing in the pouring rain. She gets into the car takes off her clothes and attempts suicide with razor blades. The couple push her out of the car to find she has collapsed and died in the middle of the road. They then hide the body. After the event they find themselves strangely turned on by her death. What follows is Ken murdering men and women using a chef's palette knife and having sex with Yuri afterwards.

The mixture of sex and violence is still strong even by today's standards. The film uses optical censorship, as well as carefully placed objects to obscure the most explicit sex scenes, but there is still frequent nudity and a high number of sex scenes even for a Nikkatsu pink film. The film clearly takes influence from the Italian Giallo films of directors like Umberto Lenzi and Lucio Fulci more so than the "stalk and slash" American horror films of the 70s. The violence is bloody and frequent with much talked about scenes involving a knife being inserted in-between women's legs.

It's all sleazy stuff and aficionados of exploitation films have seen it all before. What elevates this one is nice moody photography, well known faces of Nikkatsu putting in convincing performances and a high level of mayhem.

The DVD from Mondo Macabro features a nice print and some good extras. I'm not sure if this film would pass uncut in the UK.
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silly, but really disgusting
oowawa25 September 2007
I will confess that I do not understand how anyone can enjoy watching women being killed. There seems to be a connection for some people between violence against women and sexual potency. Certainly, the male lead in this film cannot get it up unless violence of the most horrible kind is involved. Are some viewers also sexually excited by this? A better title for this movie would be: "The Spatula Rape Rampage," since the butterknife he uses to rape his victims resembles a frosting spatula used in a bakery. How odd!

Some other oddities: his victims die in a big hurry, as if they were shot through the heart--certainly not in keeping with the types of wounds they are receiving. And come on girls, this guy is going to do unspeakable things to you, how about putting up more of a fight! Why don't any of these ladies from the land of ju-jitsu try kicking this pastry-chef twinkie in the nuts? I know it wouldn't be ladylike, but good god, he's going to spatulize your crotch! The female lead is perhaps the most rude and worthless waitress in the history of cinema, and I wonder if this might be the most horrifying aspect of this horror movie to a polite Japanese audience. I can't help but feel that her indifference to doing a really bad job would be one of the most shocking things in Japan. I think there might be a culture gap in understanding this movie. I know I'm perplexed!
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Super-Sleazy Violent Pinky Film...
EVOL66611 April 2006
ASSAULT! JACK THE RIPPER is one of those films that just ain't gonna be everyone's cup of tea. It's brutal in it's depiction of rape and murder and has pretty much no redeeming value in terms of "entertaining" cinema - and that's exactly why it is such a "classic" of the pinky genre. At a time when many other pinky films dealt with sleazy subject matter in a more "fun" and tongue-in-cheek manner, ASSAULT! went straight for the jugular, or more appropriately, crotch...

Two restaurant co-workers realize their penchant for brutal rape and murder after a mishap with a whacked-out hitch-hiker. As the two find that murder is their only aphrodisiac - things get out of hand. They continue to "feed" off of each other and pick up random strangers to do their "business" with. Homeboy finds that he has a thing for stabbing the victims in the cooch - this appears to be his major "turn-on". Homegirl starts to get a little to clingy and jealous when she realizes that he's been doing some "moonlighting" on his own. This all results in the end of their relationship, among other things...

There's nothing really comical or fun about ASSAULT! (except for the strange disco soundtrack...). It appears that the main goal of this film is to shock and disgust, which it does appropriately enough - especially for it's 1976 time-stamp. Although the crotch-gouging is not "graphically" shown, the sound FX and inference of what's going on is enough to be disturbing. This is a rare film as it predates a lot of more sadistic films that became notorious throughout the late 70's through today. Again, not a film for all tastes, but for those that are looking for something a little "rougher"...this may be the one. 9/10
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Very nasty and sexually violent pinku eiga shocker.
HumanoidOfFlesh9 May 2006
During the mid-1970s and early 80's,Nikkatsu-the most important of the pinku eiga studios-launched a series of pink films which were progressively more extreme in their level of sexual violence."Assault!Jack the Ripper" is certainly one of the nastiest pink films I have ever came across.It tells the story of a young waitress and a cook,who after incidentally killing a young woman on a street ends up sadistically raping and murdering women via stabbing them in the crotch.The scenes of rape and sexual violence are truly unsettling,but the film is well-made and acted.Yasuharu Hasebe directed a series of very extreme Nikkatsu pink movies including brutal "Rape!" and horrendously offensive "Rape!13th Hour".In 1979 came Koyu Ohara's "Zoom Up:Rape Site",notorious for a scene in which a rapist shoves a light bulb inside a woman's vagina,then stomps on her stomach until it breaks."Assault!Jack the Ripper" is not easy to find,but for fans of misogynistic Japanese exploitation this sleazy sickie is a must-see.10 out of 10.
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The best Violent Pink film ever made
fertilecelluloid29 December 2003
Yasuharu Hasebe's BOKO KIRISAKI JACK (aka ASSAULT: JACK THE RIPPER) is as mean as they come and twice as effective.

I have no moral objections to this material because it is what it is, and what it is is a tour de force of violent cinema with not a single cell of poltical correctness to muddy its intentions.

A strong-willed woman coerces a weak man to rape and kill with her.

The man's obsession leads to the downfall of the relationship.

The sexual violence is on a level you haven't seen before if you haven't seen any Japanese Violent Pink films, the production values are high, the performances are amazing and the jazz score is exceptional.

Director Hasebe also directed the excellent RAPE, the satire RAPING!, the solid RAPE 13TH HOUR and the more well known BLACK TIGHT KILLERS.

BOKO KIRISAKI JACK is his crowning achievement, a film that is violent, erotic, funny, perceptive and always entertaining.

The best Violent Pink film ever made.
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Vagina Death Blow
ElijahCSkuggs28 November 2006
Assault! Jack the Ripper! is a movie the average person will never forget, or actually, will never see. It's a rare, brutal Japanese film that includes rape, sex and murder. For fans of pinky films it's a leader in the genre. And I can see why. It's a well made film with very nice acting from all members of the cast. For anyone who's into video games, there is some great music in this that is very similar to a game called Katamari Damacy. Which is a fantastic game by the way.

The movie is about two restaurant workers who realize that the only way they can have hot sex is through killing someone. Good enough reason for me. But things begin to go seriously wrong for this Japanese Mickey and Mallory.

AJR! is definitely not for everyone. It's a very sexual and violent flick that will most likely only appeal to extreme cinema fans and brave souls willing to widen their horizons. I personally think this film kicks ass in it's depiction of no holds barred sex, violence and mayhem.
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No 'Saucy Jack', but still loads of nasty attacks.
BA_Harrison18 December 2014
No matter where in the world, sex and violence in the cinema have always gone hand-in-hand.

Italian giallos; UK Hammer horror; the many films of Spain's Jess Franco; the trashy US gore flicks of H.G. Lewis: every country seems to have made its own contributions that combine the two elements.

Violent 'pinku' movies are the Far East's offering, and many fans of extreme cinema agree that they rule the roost as far as sexual nastiness is concerned, since almost nothing seems to be 'too taboo' to be portrayed. Assault! Jack The Ripper (a misleading title, if ever there was one, since 'Saucy Jack' is nowhere to be seen!), from director Yasuharu Hasebe, is a classic example of the genre and clearly illustrates why no-one does sleaze quite like the Japanese! After a fatal mishap with a crazy hitch-hiker, a pathetic pastry chef and a chubby domineering waitress discover that, for them, killing is a mutual aphrodisiac. They set about abducting and carving up innocent women (more often than not, by stabbing them in the genitals!) in order to fuel their sex life, but, when the chef eventually decides to go solo on his murder sprees, their bizarre relationship begins to crumble.

With umpteen steamy sex scenes, a couple of repulsive rapes, and loads of grisly deaths, Assault! is not a film for your 'casual' viewer. The killers are completely callous and, although the numerous crotch stabbings are not explicitly shown, the sheer offensiveness of the acts (coupled with some suitably yucky sound effects) is enough to upset most 'normal' people. Rabid fans of politically incorrect exploitation, however, will have a field day watching the killers as they indulge in all manner of wickedness, including a marvellously depraved finalé, in which an entire room-full of nurses are rapidly dispatched.

And if all that excess wasn't enough, solid acting, good production values, and a great score all go to ensure that Assault! is an experience that you won't forget in a hurry.

7.5 out of 10, rounded up to 8 for IMDb.
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Not for everybody, but not bad
lazarillo13 February 2009
A disgruntled waitress and a shy male pastry chef "accidentally" become serial killers when, while driving home one night, they pick up a crazed hitchhiker (kind of a female version of the guy in "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre") who strips out of her clothes, smears cake batter all over her body, and cuts herself with a razor blade. After they accidentally kill this nut-job, they have frenzied sex for the first time and realize that murder is a real turn on. . .

This movie is kind of a horror/black comedy like Oliver Stone's "Natural Born Killers". But it doesn't have the smug hypocritical "social commentary" of that film (i.e. preaching against violence in the media at the same time you're wallowing in it). It's also a Japanese "pink film" so it has a lot of gratuitous sex and nudity. It's obviously very politically incorrect, so people who are always getting offended by movies (isn't there enough stuff to get offended about in real life?) should probably avoid it. The truth is though where American movies tend to take murder with a grain of salt (and sometimes even make it entertaining), Japanese films do the same with murder AND rape. Thanks to years of misguided feminism, Americans tend to take the latter very seriously, but nobody is REALLY being raped in these movies anymore than they're really being murdered. (Wouldn't all the political energy be better spent by, I don't know, trying to enforce the prosecution of REAL-LIFE rape as an international war crime or something?).

For what it's worth, this movie is not as "rape-happy" as a lot of Japanese exploitation flicks. The far more disturbing thing is that this couple is sexually turned on by blood and violence. It is also, however, a very well made by a respected Japanese director. The lead actress is not very attractive in the conventional sense (although she is a lot more impressive with her clothes off), but this actually works well with her "outsider" character. The male lead is also very good, transforming believably from a shy male virgin to a raving psycho. This movie obviously isn't for everyone, but if you're the right kind of viewer and in the right frame of mind, you might very well enjoy it.
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Perhaps not the most ideal way to begin a relationship
toshionakamura-911-81982110 February 2014
One movie I keep going back to time and again is Yasuharu Hasebe's Assault! Jack The Ripper (Boko Kirisaki Jakku). It's one of those films that I really get drawn into from start to end, as the storyline IMHO is so much more than the standard Pink Violence fare. Setting aside the assaults and murder it really is a bit of a romance. Meeting each other while employed together at a French themed coffee house, the tiny yet comforting apartment, spaghetti dinner and watching B&W telly....and oh how I miss Coca Cola in the hourglass bottles! Dunno, maybe it's just daily life during the late Showa era that holds so much fascination for me. But the film is so very much 'atmospheric' in other ways as well. The rainstorm during the drive home (along with the memorable squeal and chatter of wet drum brakes and distinct whir of a Datsun gearbox in reverse), hanging the wash out with a light evening breeze rustling through the balcony doorway, picnic and lovemaking on the invitingly lush grass-plot of, and at the plaza overpass you can practically feel the cool night air mixing with the remaining warmth rising up from the asphalt and traffic below. This truly is a visually beautiful film and one that stirs many nostalgic memories of 1970s Japan. There's such a connection drawn with the two main characters portrayed that they have my affinity throughout, irregardless of their savage calling. I take delight in how their individual personalities clash yet blend so well at times. Opposites can attract (23 years with my lovely missus will attest to that). Yutaka Hayashi and Tamaki Katsura were the perfect pair for this film both in presence and appearance. Even the busty but rather plain Tamaki is especially cute with her 'poodle' hair cut! Needless to say further this is very possibly my favourite film, whether part of an all day movie marathon or just on in the background while milling about with household chores =^.^=
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builds to the most amazing and bloody climaxes
christopher-underwood22 January 2009
Fine bravura tour de force from Mr Hasebe. A young nerdy cake decorator and a waitress misfit work in the same tea-shop. She makes a play for him and they end up on the road, in the rain picking up a near naked hitch-hiker who gleefully rips off her wet clothes and more. This delirious movie begins almost as a comedy, although there is always an edge. The scenes preceding the hitch-hiker's demise are almost dreamlike and it is unclear quite what the tone is to be. But gradually the waitress, desperate to get her pal to get hot enough in bed to get her hot, hits on the connection between the blood and violence and his erection/performance. Once the direct correlation between killing and f***ing is established there is no holding this kid back. Inevitably, in the end he seems content just to kill and the film builds to the most amazing and bloody climaxes. Very well made with loads of s & v.
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Love is ... Stabbing other women in the crotch for sexual kicks!
Coventry4 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
It certainly isn't love at first sight when two restaurant employees meet each other on a rainy night. She's an arrogant waitress who yells at customers and he's a shy and introvert cook who's reluctant to drive her home after work. But when they accidentally kill a crazed hitch hiker and hide her corpse, they discover murder is a mutual aphrodisiac and fall head-over-heels in love. However, their sex-life only properly functions when the blood of innocent women is shed and thus they start a vagina-stabbing killing spree across the city. Things get even more out of control when the shy cook turns into a unstoppable psychopath who goes out vag-stabbing all by himself. "Assault! Jack The Ripper" definitely is a mean-spirited and tremendously sleazy pinku classic, but in all honestly, I expected a little more spectacle considering its rough reputation. Due to budgetary restrictions, we sadly don't see how the women get stabbed in the crotch with the razor-sharp buttering knife, but the uncanny thrusting noises as well as the women's agonizing facial expressions leave very few to the imagination. The multiple sequences in which defenseless ladies are pursued, beaten, raped and eventually stabbed quite rank among the most misogynistic and relentless images ever shown on motion picture. I can't wait to see more movies from director Yasuharu Hasebe, as he seemed to specialize in ultra-violent pinku film, such as "Rape! The 13th Hour" and "Black Tight Killers". The two leads give away splendid performances and provide the film with steaming hot sex sequences, demented dialogs and blackly comical undertones. The odd and rather inappropriate disco-soundtrack is awesome and the cinematography is steady. The outrageous finale, in which the guy completely goes berserk and literally butchers a room full of young nurses, will be loved by all us depraved fans of extreme cinema.
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The Crotch Killers
Soucriant24 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
"Assault! Jack the Ripper" centres around a cranky waitress who has a chip on her shoulder and a nerdy, submissive cake decorator who both work at the same restaurant. One night, their worlds collide when they have a run-in with an insane hitchhiker (whose bizarre performance rivals that of Edwin Neal in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre as far as insane hitchhikers go). Our protagonists soon discover that they can only become aroused by stabbing pretty young women in the vagina.

Their new found hobby becomes an obsession, that soon leads to an interesting role reversal. Primarily, the waitress being the driving force behind the murders, and her accomplice complying silently. Once the waitress realises her boyfriend has been having some "fun" without her, she becomes possessive and dependent on him. Events soon take a turn for the worst...

"Assault!" is incredibly stylish and well made. I really liked the Jazz/slightly noir soundtrack, which seemed an unusual choice at first but soon felt appropriate. The acting is top notch, and the violence comes thick and fast. Recommended to those new to Pinku and fans of exploit.
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The icing on the cake for those who love a little "stab in the crab".
chuck-2195 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
We start in a restaurant where a patron hits up on a waitress. Let me tell you, I've seen surly before, but this chick "takes the cake" (if those who have seen it will pardon that one there).

Anyway, things start a bit slowly, with our waitress and her somewhat cowering pastry chef, until a hitchhiker stops them dead in their rain splattered tracks. After stowing aboard aft, she proceeds to strip and cover herself with his confectionery creations (which she augments with his pastry knife to her arm). She then goes for a "space walk" alongside the car and becomes a visceral experience (sexually) for the both of them. Foreplay is yet invented for this couple. The story goes on with our happy couple discovering pleasures anew with victim after victim (all beginning with some "sharp to the carp" for them all). Our chubby waitress is the dominant factor in the opening, but our knife wielding chef soon takes matters into his own hands. His freelancing only fuels her fire to keep them together.

This one has some "roughiness" that is somewhat nasty as Formula-1 cars are just a bit fast. There are carvings galore in this one with one getting "upped" Don Ciccio style to her sternum. The sex is single "X", but it's definitely a great experience (with good production values and acting alike). Highly recommended.

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