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burny-718 May 2006
Today i was speaking to a lad at work about old late night TV, when we got onto the subject of VIDZ! In all the time since it's been of air he's been the only person i've met who's seen it, so we spent half an hour skiving of work trying to remember the collective nouns for various DVD box sets.

A bastard of clint eastwood movies?? a scrotum of sci fi films ??

I don't know if we made them up or if they were real but i know that vidz was the only show i have ever bothered looking out a tape for an setting the video.

bring them back and Adam n Joe
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truly wonderful TV
mcgurkepi8 October 2005
one of those gems of TV that never got the airplay it deserved, though it's late night channel 4 slot probably helped it attain its cult status, while stef and nigel clearly knew a lot about movies, they also were two of the funniest people i have seen on TV. i tuned in as much to see what crazy sh*t they would be getting up to, as to see some more reviews of obscure movies. nigel coming out with some of the funniest stuff i have ever heard, and stef playing the straight man was some of the most memorable TV i have seen. i urge anyone who hasn't seen vids to get a copy (don't ask how) and marvel in it's low budget brilliance.
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Late Night Channel 4 in the late 90's
StevoGittins17 March 2019
I miss the late night selection of programs that 4 later served us in the late 90's. A selection of Vids, Bits and HBO's Oz always made my late night complete 😎

The selection of Films/Video that was reviewed each episode was a great collection and even looking back now turns out some real cult classics
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pure genius
glen the lad30 August 2003
when i was in the uk the best part of my week was 'vids' i'm temped to say stef and nigel are the best double act ever. Stef was pretty straight and how anyone would be on the show yet could come out with some of the best gags and nigel was so insane you couldnt help but laugh even when you thought how dumb it was. I mentioned the show to my dad on the off chance he'd even heard of it and he said "oh yeah it's so funny" shame it was on so late at night. Staggering home from the pub to watch 'vids' are times i'll never forget. 9/10
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Late Night Madness
Apart from being incredibly well informed about the films they reviewed, Steph and Nige were also incredibly funny. Padding out the film reviews with strange sketches and alter egos. Why these two werent given another series or picked up for another show is quite baffling. It was great entertainment from 4 Later, which seemed to run a really diverse mix of shows that most likely were only ever viewed by revelers coming home from the pub.

Alas, it seems to suffer the fate of a lot of great channel 4 talent in that it gets under skin and then vanishes off the face of the earth.

Even in antiquity, the zany reviews are still a joy to watch. I recall fondly the Urotsukidoji poster proudly displayed across the front desk.
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Funniest thing on TV
tizmond26 October 2005
I watched this during my unemployed stoner days at the age of 17-18 and it is still the funniest thing I've ever seen. Steph & Nigel were a great double-act and their skits in between the video reviews were hilarious.

Filmed in Glagow. The 2 funniest bits I can remember is when Steph is seriously reviewing a film while Nige takes his trousers down in the background. At the end of the review, Nige bends over next to Steph, sticks a fag in his arse and says: "Got a light Steph ?".

The other one was just a wee skit. A young woman walks past the Vids Shop on crutches. Nigel runs out and boots them out from under her !

I know, both these skits sound stupid, but it was just the way the 2 of them done it. Steph was very deadpan and Nigel was nuts and some of the faces he could pull made the stupidest jokes & acts a lot funnier. And to see a fag sticking out from someone's arse was just genius.

Just a shame Vids didn't run for longer. 2 series I think it ran for from 98-99. It just says 98 on here, but I'm sure it ran for longer.

Also a shame that these 2 guys didn't make it on to something for all to see.

I can still remember waking my Mum every week up with my laughing at 2am on a Friday morning.

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mrbigtimepimp6 January 2004
This is without a doubt my favourite TV show ever!

Despite it's humble premise, it is a weekly show reviewing the latest UK film video and rental releases, the combination of Nige and Stef, the fantastically funny, often dirty as feck humour, honest yet insightful (and frequently elegantly wordy) reviews, the locations (my home town!!!) and generally the evident friendship between Nige and Stef and as the beating heart of the show, the absolute GENIUS of Nige.

I have many of these 25 minutes slices of pure bonobo biscuits taped and even though they are now years old I still watch them every now and then, sure, the releases are no longer current but the laughs remain and still frankly outranks anything made since labelled 'comedy'.

I don't know why this giant of late night TV was cancelled or ended but I genuinely still miss it, for every stinker like 'Pearl Harbour' or 'A.I' or 'true to life' Brit-trash like 'Notting Hill' or 'Love, Actually' I can imagine Nige and Stef tearing them apart critically whilst fitting in any number of masturbatory, middle class corn-fed sand eating silky boy jokes and comments and improvising new and hilarious SHOUTY NOISES. AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHH.

I have seen Nige on ScottishTV occasionally doing reports on the Edinburgh Festival and at New Year celebratory shows and he was a reporter at T in the Park 2003 but these slots are mere snippets of what he can do with his genius overshadowed by the likes of him-from-shetland-whose-brother-won-big-brother. Criminal eh? Bring back Vids Nige!

Basically, it's brilliant. If you ever seen it, like me, reading this will bring a tiny tear to the Japanese eye, if you never saw it, weep for the experiences lost to the ether and curse yourself for not staying up to watch it.

This programme had it all, I miss it constantly (yes, I am very sad). However, only a low-centre of gravity gruffle grabber would disagree!
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Biscuits! Hundreds Of Biscuits!
Eddie-7823 February 2001
Without doubt the best program on British TV today. Opening 4later in 1998, Vids is now in its 6th series and is maintaining the same style and razor sharp wit it possessed when it first began. Fronted by Nigel Buckland (angry and Welsh) and Stef Gardiner (calm and Scottish) the series has expanded from a micro budgeted video store in Glasgow to... a micro budgeted warehouse in Glasgow, but they have two sets now. Interspersing vitriolic reviews with a story (ranging from Nige learning to drive, to killing his half brother Lingus) each week provides a brilliant slice of cult entertainment, and its late night time slot only adds to the feeling that you have found an overlooked gem. Which, if you watch it, you have.
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Christ on a cornflake
SusanAdebisi5 February 2006
As Is the consensus Vidz was pure genius. A strange contradiction of the most vulgar and amusing yet hugely educational, Vids was unmissable at whatever obscene hour of the morning. Late night or Indeed genuine cult TV has never been so good.

Flying In the face of those awful "At the premiere" type love-Ins with some sycophantic, chizeled jawed moron Vidz told It straight. For all the stupidity Nige & Stef knew their films, the number of films Nigel actually endorsed could be counted on one hand - the only one that comes to mind being Ringu.

Vids actually ran for about 3 years maybe 4 seasons In all, the last series clearly shoehorned In. Never repeated since I can't think of a more anarchic guy on tele than Nige at his craziest and that sadly Is probably why Ni-gel (or Lingus) won't ever get the gig his talent deserves - Imagine the litigation from studios after unanimously slating 95% of the rubbish In the cinema. When you see the propaganda accompanying a film "It's great 9/10", "better than Goodfellas" etc just wonder what the vids boys might have put on the poster!

The answer be.....Halashapadooooo
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