The Passion of the Christ (2004) Poster

Parents Guide

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MPAA Rated R for sequences of graphic violence

Sex & Nudity

  • You see a naked Jesus walk out of a cave. It is shot from the side and you can see a partial of his behind.
  • Jesus is stripped of his garments, but anyone who's seen a crucifix or knows the Way of the Cross knows what it looks like, and it isn't graphic or sexual.

Violence & Gore

  • Jesus is whipped in a violent sequence. He is bloodied and wounded. The man's body is hurt and a tiny bit of blood squirts on the man's face. A blood puddle is seen at the end (uncut version only).
  • Guards take large mallets (and possibly axes) and strike the legs of the two other crucified men (who are still alive). A guard then orders another guard to check if Jesus is alive. That guard reluctantly stabs a spear into Jesus's side, resulting in some blood coming out, quickly turning to a clear liquid.
  • Blood drips and then pours through a hole in a man's cross as His ankles are nailed to it (during which we see some blood splatter from the impact).
  • Jesus rises up naked from inside a cave. There is a close up of his hands with scars on them.
  • Two children, which are demons summoned by the Devil, suddenly become violent and have disturbing facial expressions, and terrorize Judas for a couple seconds, including bloodily biting him. In another scene, a group of hallucinated children kick a man, leaving him bruised
  • A crow repeatedly pecks at a crucified man's face (while he's alive), eventually getting his eye (seen in quickly edited shots, with resultant blood on the crow and the man's face).
  • During the carrying of the cross and the crucifixion sequence, there are rather gritty close-up shots of Jesus's eyes that dart around wildly. His face is bloody and one of his eyes is swollen, only adding to the uncomfortableness
  • A man finds a rotting decaying corpse of a donkey with a rope around it. He uses the rope to hang himself. His full lifeless body is shown for a couple of seconds.
  • In the scene where a man is being taunted, a leather whip is shown hitting his body while blood pours from the wound. One of the more graphic scenes in the film.
  • Several graphic depictions of torture throughout the film.
  • Men struggle with and hit various other men who accompany Jesus. That includes knives used to attack others, including cutting off one man's ear (with bloody results).
  • Various men grab a man, tightly wrap a rope around His neck and then hit Him with a chain as they lead Him away. Later, we see them hitting Jesus as they return Him to a man and the others. One such incident sends a man falling off a bridge where He lands hard on the ground before being hoisted up by the chains constraining Him.
  • A man is then turned on His back so that the guards can now flog the front of His body and we see a great deal of sprayed blood on the ground around Him and a tremendous number of bloody lacerations on His body.
  • Roman guards place a crown of thorns on a man's head and then push it deeper into His scalp with sticks. One then hits Him with a stick. They then slap and spit on Him.
  • Others have a man's blood on them as they lower Him down from the cross.
  • In The Passion Recut, most of the graphic violence is either shortened or completely deleted. The flagellation scene is greatly trimmed and we instead focus on Mary's reaction. We also only see Jesus's face in pain as he is scourged. In the crucifixion scene, we do not see the soldiers tipping over the cross on its face, nor the nails piercing through Jesus's wrists. Again, we only get Mary (and Mary Magdalene's) reaction shots.
  • After Jesus is flogged, he is seen the rest of the film with hundreds of lacerations and covered in blood.
  • During the scene where Jesus is flogged, there is an instance when a guard rips out a chunk of flesh off of Jesus' side using the flog. Graphic but fast.
  • No age rating. Italy allows uncut version for all ages.
  • There are numerous scenes involving a man being stabbed, taunted, tortured, and beaten. It is violent and at some parts brutal. a man is bloodied from head to toe, and the characters performing these actions are all sadistic. These scenes may make viewers uncomfortable.


  • Jesus is taunted by the guards who use obcenities in their own language, however the subtitle tracks tend not to translate these lines.
  • Rated R for graphic violence (GV), brief nudity (BN), and adult language (AL).
  • One mild obscenity (damn) and insult ("idiot"). One instance of "Jew" being used as an insult.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Jesus drinks some wine in the movie.
  • When Jesus is brought before Herod, several people are drinking. Herod tells Jesus "I hear you can raise people from the dead." A drunk person mockingly falls over, and all the others laugh at the joke and ultimately at Jesus. He is drunk, but he does not stumble as a result of the wine, only out of mockery.
  • People drink wine in several scenes.
  • People appear drunk in a couple of scenes, e.g. one man falls off a chair, while another stumbles and falls to the ground.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Satan has a frightening, brooding androgynous look. She is bald, pale, and makes ominous appearances out of nowhere. Her baby, where she uses it to mock Jesus, is grotesque looking as well, and possesses a disturbing smile.
  • Overall, the movie is very emotional and dramatic with a dark tone. Several scenes (such as the scourging scene) are very intense, disturbing and difficult to watch due to their brutality and graphic depictions of violence and torture.
  • A gory rotten corpse of a donkey is shown for a long amount of time.
  • One unexpected jump scare of a demon.
  • The Roman guards who punish and then crucify Jesus are cruel to Him and laugh at His misery and pain throughout the film. They are generally very derisive and are extremely mean, much like a bully. Their behavior can offend or anger viewers.
  • The violence is very in your face and astonishing. During the crucifixion blood comes out of Jesus' palms when he is nailed (not shown in detail). When a Roman can't get his arms aligned to the cross' hole, he pulls it (where we hear bone pop). This bit is unnerving.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Violence & Gore

  • Judas commits suicide onscreen, we see his hanging corpse for a few seconds.
  • Soldier stabs Jesus his abdomen then inside heart blood caused to blood like water come out dripping very ending scene.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • When Jesus dies, Satan is immediately screaming with the camera pointing out her face.
  • Jesus' death is emotional, especially to the religious audience.

See also

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