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Iguanatic15 October 2003
Korea's answer to American Pie and the like sees clutzy university freshman Eun-shik falling for dream girl Eun-hyo (Ji-won Ha of Phone and Nightmare fame). But while his rather pathetic attempts to woo her fail to register, Eun-hyo is swept off her feet by dashing - and frivolous - playboy Sangik. With Eunhyo unable to see past her new lover's infidelite ways, Eun-shik must try to mature his image to save his dream girl from making a terrible choice.

"Sex Is Zero" starts off in hilarious fashion, with Eun-shik and his similarly sex-obsessed friends trying to score with as many college girls as is humanly possible. Throw in a couple of jokes about manhoods and cosmetic implants and we're talking comedy heaven. Unfortunately, as I've noticed with a few Korean films of late, the director chooses to veer off into other, more serious, genres in the final reel and this really puts the dampeners on the humour. There's one particularly shocking revelation around the hour mark which is so serious for a comedy that the film barely recovers - but of course I won't spoil it here. Put it this way, you know in a Hollywood production of this ilke that the good natured guy is always going to get his girl at the end... Korean productions are far more unpredictable!

Acting is excellent from all the main cast and the director brings a funky, lively and very energetic approach to his duties resulting in a highly entertaining mix of comedy, drama and weepie rolled into one. Comedy fans should be satisfied with the opening hour - people looking for a little more substance will lap up the finale. All in all, a recommended movie - ***.5 / *****
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Gross Out Humor Korean Style
NIXFLIX-DOT-COM6 November 2003
SEX IS ZERO is a rather funny film in the style of, as others have noted, AMERICAN PIE. There are three differences: the characters are Korean; the scene is college; and the Third Act is Overwrought Melodrama that completely undermines all the gross out gags of the first hour.

Anyone familiar with Asian films will not be all that surprised by the movie's sudden shift in themes. Tackling a serious topic like abortion in a movie where characters masturbates at just about EVERY given opportunity??? It provides an odd dichotomy, to be sure.

Still, the film is reasonably funny enough, even if all of its gags are telegraphed about 10 minutes beforehand.

6 out of 10

(go to for a more detailed review of this movie)
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It's AllProtein
Meganeguard19 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Eun-shik seems like a decent, if a bit odd, sort of guy. A 28-year-old freshman, Eun-shik had to delay his entrance into college because of the obligatory military service that all Korean males have to serve and other difficulties. However, with his younger roommates, Eun-shik is able to enjoy the pleasures of college which in this film seem to be limited to smacking the head of the martial arts club with various implements, gawking at pretty girls, and masturbating to his and his roommates large stash of pornography.

Similar to Jason Biggs character in American Pie, Eun-shik is a bit hapless when it comes to striking up conversations with members of the opposite sex. Yet it must be said that he does not aid his cause very well because he tends to find himself in some awkward situations such as standing on a windowsill in his tighty whities, after drinking a medicine that will supposedly give one an erection for three days, with a couple of perverts who seem to enjoy molesting girls on subways and jerking off at any given opportunity, while hiding in closets watching people have sex and at gymnastic events.

The main object of Eun-shik's affection, or lust, is the gorgeous Lee Eunhyo, played by Ha Ji-won, who seems to acquire a bit of affection for Eun-shik after she kicks him in the balls and sends him to the hospital. This incident also leads to Eun-shik's martial arts club being able to share a room with the gymnastics club where the sultry Kim Ji-won rules the roost. Eventually Eun-shik and three of his friends take out Eunhyo and three of her friends, but while his three friends make "progress" with their dates, Eun-shik seems to be losing Eunhyo to Sung-OK, the university's big man on campus and Ji-won's boyfriend. However, for Eunhyo, even though Eun-shik leaves a lot to be desired, maybe in the long run he would have been the better choice.

Similar to Jung Cho-sin's Wet Dreams 1 and 2, Sex is Zero is filled with some very low brow humor, such as the consumption of semen in soup and fried form and a very sloppy kiss that starts before a drunk girl has finished emptying the contents of her stomach, but unlike the two films above there is quite a bit more skin. With the exception of Ha Ji-won each supporting actress bares her breasts with the actress showing a bit more. While some of these bits can be quite humorous such as when one girl gets stuck in "the wrong hole" there is one scene in which the guy unbuttons the top of a passed out drunk girl feels her up amongst other things. While meant to be humorous this scene was a bit uncomfortable especially after the girl wakes up and the guy blames her for coming on to him. They stopped at a hotel because she had a bad headache from drinking too much.

In addition to the scatological humor which is so gross at points that it is not amusing, Sex is Zero falls into the trap of many other comedies and tries to take itself too seriously in the last third of the film. If it had been left as a sex comedy the film might have been more tolerable, but the last third of the film divulges too much from its beginning to be taken seriously.

If one is looking for eye candy one will find it in abundance in this film, but if one is looking solely for a light, if a bit raunchy, comedy then there are better ones to be found.
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Mixed genres to say the least!
Pingo-28 April 2006
Some movies occasionally try to mix serious drama with absurd humor. Most doesn't succeed at all. SEX IS ZERO does succeed, though! Slapstick jokes, some very funny, some very stupid and some lost in translation are mixed with extremely serious drama towards the end, and then goes slowly into the comedy genre again - with great results.

Very nicely done movie that are probably most inspired by movies like BRING IT ON and American PIE. However, this is a Korean movie, and that means it's weirder, better acted, slightly more surprising and original.

Be prepared for serious drama mixed with high-school humor, though. And be prepared for lots of cute girls! :) 7 of 10.
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Too heavy in places for a comedy that tries so hard to be base
BrianThibodeau30 August 2004
SEX IS ZERO (2002): Raunchy comedy/drama starring pop idol Lim Chang-jung (see JAKARTA) as a hapless college schlub who falls for Miss Popularity, who conveniently happens to be dating the biggest prick on campus and is therefore blind to Lim's hopeless overtures until she gets knocked up and beaten silly by her embarrassed mother. Often feels like an idealized male-centric filmization of the director's unrequited college romance, except that here the dream girl is made to suffer unspeakable anguish before she wises up to the man who really cares about her (a made-for-the-movies conceit if ever there was one). The dramatic scenes are uncommonly powerful, but they seem almost too heavy in places for a comedy that tries so hard to be base. You may never look at bread or frying pans the same way, though. UNBELIEVABLE FACT: if you watch the making of doc on the Korean DVD, you'll learn that the scene where a secondary female character throws up on her date WAS NOT FAKED. Man, talk about suffering for your craft: the girl downs two full 1.5 Litre bottles of water, mixed with one cup instant noodle soup and voila! Real barf! Which the actor then has to enjoy while he kisser her in the same take. Probably the most f'd-up thing I've ever seen in all my years of movie watching.
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Shocking, but surprisingly good
dvazp9 February 2006
Having watched a number of Korean films over the years, I got hold of this film assuming that in spite of its raunchy title and subject matter there would be little sex, nudity and grossness. Boy was I wrong! This makes American Pie look like children's TV. Sperm sandwiches, masturbating burglars and anal intercourse slapstick mean that the first half of the film is actually very funny. But like other Asian comedies, a light-hearted beginning leads to a serious second half designed to make the conclusion cathartic.

The film begins with Lim Chang-Jung as a student returning to university after completing his military service. Upon his return he falls in love with one of the cute girls in the university, but she only has eyes for the rich boy who oozes superficiality. Nevertheless Lim Chang-Jung befriends her and tries to help her deal with the difficulties of having a superficial, snobbish boyfriend. It is those scenes where he tries to be there for her that totally change the tone of the film. The serious issue of an unwanted pregnancy is dealt with in a way which is very touching and believable, even if there are certain scenes which are over exaggerated (Lim Chang-Jung getting hit over the head with a hammer in the aerobics competition is ridiculous).

There is an element of fantasy in this film, but perhaps it is more from the female perspective. The man who dedicates his life to make a woman happy and is willing to make extreme sacrifices for her sake seems like the type of ideal man in Sex and the City.
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Korean Pie
kav2001c9 November 2006
This film is commonly referred to as the Korean American Pie But it rips off a lot more movies than just that and it is interesting how they are all tied together The other thing that strikes me is how this film is hyped as a raunchy teen sex comedy when its almost the directors intent to get teens to watch it (via gross outs and ample nudity) and then does the traditional Asian cinema swerve into a much more serious (and darker) matter (where the title of this film is explained)

Ha Ji Won is great (again) and pretty much steals the show The secondary characters are good (but often don't get as much attention as they deserve... a side effect of trying to run too many characters/plot lines)

The only negative I will say about this film is it looks kinda amateurish (but I think it was intended that way)
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Fun and Entertaining
ebiros216 December 2012
Korean movies found their marks with comedy, lavishness, and bit of romance or sexploitation. This is one of the earlier movies of this type that has good plot, and many funny moments.

The movie is about a Korean cheer leading competition, with romance that goes along the way. Many good looking athletic women and men show their skills on screen. I'd say maybe 70% of the entertainment is from the eye candy factor. There aren't any vulgarness to the movie although there are many sexual innuendos.

Korean movies have come a long ways, and the quality of actors have really gone up. The story isn't seamlessly smooth, but this problem goes away with Sex is Zero 2. The movie was pretty experimental when it came out, so that's OK.

I'm all for these cleverly done K movies, and I hope they'd continue making good movies like this one.
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Korean Pie
danspag1512 May 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is just plain is like american pie but much better. Like NetFlix said, the abortion thing at the end was really weird and tacked on, but if you used to asian movies, ya you see it alot. The movie is only an hour and a half long though, so its pretty short but great! The jokes in the movie are the best part, and they will make you laugh, and they are much more orginal then the jokes made in american pie... like i said before the abortion thing was the only bad part If your looking for a great forgien comedy deffenatly check this one out, you will not be dissapointed

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Not bad
aryaguna15 June 2019
This comedy quite okay. Definitely inspired by Last American Virgin which itself is a remake of Lemon Popsicle. The basic of the story is the same with the other two but this movie adds lots other elements to make it quite different but still enjoyable.
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Not believable and not all that funny
KineticSeoul23 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I get Asian humor but this didn't really do it for me. With characters just acting over the top during certain situations in order to try to be funny. It's basically a Korean version of "American Pie" or that is what it tries to be. But the humor in this is a bit more messed up sometimes. The movie doesn't have much of a plot just bunch of horny and overly perverted college students doing perverted things on campus. While one of the guy in the bunch that is a complete dork but has somewhat of a good heart falls for a popular girl in school played by Ha Ji-Won when her stardom basically began. And the girl falls for a popular tool and a prick. The problem with this movie is that it seemed more serious at times because of the direction and subject matter. Also adding to what few of the characters go through makes it a bit nerve wracking. Also the build up of the relationship between the two protagonists seem way to far from being believable and seemed a bit forced at times. If this movie went in a very abnormal direction intentionally the premise and characters might have worked probably but that isn't really the case. Sometimes few comedic moments and serious tone goes well but the direction that isn't the case, except maybe the last 10 minutes. Also besides few crude humor, when it comes to the main plot it's very predictable. If your expecting a very comedic teen comedy you might be disappointed. I give this movie a 4.3/10 overall with few points added because of Jin Jae-Young is in this and she is hot and her scenes stand out for a reason. Although her character doesn't add to the plot much. But she is hot in this and I should probably slap myself for that reason. Well movies like this is about sex appeal.

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The way sex comedies should be.
javierw18 May 2006
I watched Sex is Zero again last night and remember how good it was, with all the awful comedies coming out of Hollywood right now, this is a breath of fresh air. I remember the first thing I heard from this movie was that it was the Korea's American Pie, but for my taste Sex is Zero is much better. You get all gags a sex comedy should have plus more. If you are a fan of Asian Cinema you know they like to throw dramatic twists even in comedies and Sex is Zero is not the exception. For example, let's say the do an Action comedy in Hong Kong like Rush Hour, near the end one of the 2 main characters is going to die, that throws a punch to the viewer out of nowhere, some people hate that and others like me love it, enough of Hollywood endings. Not that I'm saying anybody dies in this movie, this one is a Sex Comedy, not and Action movie. Ha Ji Won plays the lead female character, she is a sweetheart, before watching this I saw her in a Horror movie called Nightmare, she is my favorite Korean actress, last movie I saw her in is Duelist, you should look for that movie too, is one of the best pieces of cinematography I've ever seen. I'm Chang Jung plays the lead male character and he does a great job, the guy is really funny and also shows he can act when he has to. I got both the Korean DVD and the US DVD, both are great, but I got the US DVD because the extra material comes also with subtitles, one thing that the Korean release doesn't have, plus it also has a very entertaining commentary track by mrskin, he had a lot to comment since they didn't went shy on the nudity factor. Hope they keep releasing Korean movies with this quality in the US. So don't wait until Sex is Zero is remake by some money hungry studio, do yourself a favor and watch it now, you wont be disappointed.
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Hilarious comedy...
paul_haakonsen16 June 2017
"Saekjeuk shigong" (aka "Sex is Zero") is the South Korean equivalent of "American Pie" in my ways, for better or worse. I must admit that I found "Saekjeuk shigong" to be far more enjoyable than the aforementioned American movie.

I watched "Saekjeuk shigong" for the first time during the mid-2000's, and I remember enjoying it back then. So when I got a chance to return to it in 2017, I did not hesitate.

"Saekjeuk shigong" is very much still an enjoyable movie, one that still has good appeal and still proves to be funny in many aspects.

The scene where the law student spontaneously break out in song still cracks me up to the brink of tears. It is just so oddly out of place and hilarious, and the actor looks so amazingly funny while doing that scene. And the scene with the vomiting and kissing is a timeless classic, it is one of those scenes that makes you go "aawwww no, that just didn't happen!"

There is an abundance of funny situations, hilarious characters and awkward dialogue in the movie, which all works out well together for a great movie. Some of the scenes and situations will have you curling your toes in disbelief, while others will have you laying flat down from laughing hard.

The cast ensemble is good, and they managed to get a group of greatly talented actors and actresses on board for this project. I initially got around to find the movie because I like the talent of Ji-won Ha. And if you are familiar with South Korean movies, then you will see a handful of familiar faces in the movie, in bigger or smaller roles.

"Saekjeuk shigong" and its sequel stands out in the South Korean comedy scene, because of the sexual tones and concept of the story. And it was refreshing to see a South Korean director branch out to embrace this. And I must say that director and writer JK Youn accomplished this task with perfection.

If you enjoy a good comedy that thrives on below-the-belt comedy and delivers hilarious situations with sexual tones, then you definitely have to watch "Saekjeuk shigong". This is a very entertaining comedy that can be watched multiple times.
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Sex Is Zero
nascentt29 June 2021
I see this movie compared to American Pie a lot, often called the "Korean American Pie", but there's few similarities. Sure the movie's about young adults having sex, but that describes tens of thousands of American teen comedies. Th biggest similarity is that Sex Is Zero is a gross out comedy, American Pie is also a gross out comedy. The difference is, American gross out comedies tend to have toilet humor, (fart jokes, diarrhoea etc), Sex Is God is more about cooking and eating semen, nearly dying from bleeding after dancing right after having abortions etc).

American Pie (as well as other American teen comedies) have a plot, with character arcs and overall progression of story. There's not really a story in Sex Is God, it's more like a series of gross out scenarios. Characters all doing strange and disgusting things, and the scene ends and another scene begins. There's only really two characters that sort of have a story together but it's so incredibly shallow that it really doesn't make much difference other than just linking one set of characters to another.

It's certainly interesting seeing such a comedy from Korea, especially due to their extreme censorship.

It's also incredible seeing Ha Ji-won. And Won-Young Choi, two of Koreas most popular stars, in their early years. I admit I doubt I'd have finished the movie if they weren't in it.

There's definitely some unforgettable moments in the movie, although I'm not sure how many of them I will remember fondly. Definitely worth a watch if you have a strong stomach, just due to how bizarre it actually is.
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Sex Comedy with Depth
sistershrew27 July 2006
Sex is Zero centers about the development of an awkward college student and his unrequited love for a beautiful girl out of his league, successively delivering the usual dose of masturbation jokes and penis cracks along the way. On the surface, it's a debauched concoction of raunch and libido, blending together to give frat boys another way to find hilarity in promiscuity.

However, at the same time, it cleverly meshes smut and sincerity to form a surprisingly charismatic outcome. A sex comedy --with depth, at that. Something that American Pie and other films in it's genre lacks.

While the film explores the sexual exploits of the surrounding characters, it also digs into the plausible outcomes of the loose lifestyles they exude. There are times where it drops it's crude humor long enough to give the film a weighty, sedate factor as well-- making the overall outcome a memorably genuine movie, worthwhile for horny frat boys and curious onlookers alike.
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Korean Pie
masamura200022 May 2003
My Korean wife told me that I had to watch this film and bought me the dvd. I didn't get to watch it till now and I regret for not watching it sooner. Korean films en vogue are definitely heading this way --- romantic comedy with a good pinch of raunchy sex.They are quite funny but I hope they make more films as beautiful as "Il mare" and "my sassy girlfriend" or as engaging as "Happy End".I've seen quite a number of comedies about teens obsessing with sex lately but this is a real gem. It's all quite predictable, the comedic sequences are shocking and frankly, quite gross. A quick comparison with "American Pie" would be inevitable but what makes this film more superior than its American counterpart was the excellent performance by Yim Chang Jung. His honest portrayal of poor Eun Sik was as touching as it was hilarious. You can't help but root for him at the end,forgiving him for all the moronic things that he'd done. A truly likable character since the guy from "My sassy girlfriend". All in all, this comedy ranked highly among its kind, Korea or anywhere else. Just sit back and enjoy. You'll laugh......... you might even hurl.
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Just another piece of an American Pie
jinroh4 January 2003
Saekjeuk shigong, or Sex is zero, is another example of Hollywood influence over country like Korea. I've seen local movie industry has followed the trails of summer blockbusters(Swiri), series of gangster flicks(My Wife is gangster) and now sex comedy.

If you were entertained by American Pie, Road Trip, etc., you might as well live with this one, though quality isn't quite there yet.
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Message included
ricta119 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
At the first couple of minutes do you think it's just another teeny movie. Altought the plot based not in a high school/college. There is a kinda sympathetic goofy headliner Eunshik. Who has a lot of bad luck. He falling in love with the popularity beauteousness, but the rich lady lover get her love.

OK, so far nothing special about it. There are hundreds of movie like this on the market,but...

One day is she pregnant and all what the rich guy does is to break up the relationship. Eunshik, help her to get the abortion done (It wasn't easy for her).He help her to recover from it.At the end does he get her love.

Now to the message. Many people forget the power of a movie.They can make you fear, they can make you cry, they can make you laugh etc. Some change even the life or the mind of people.

Think about some teenager who watch that Movie in Korea. They see how much fun the actors have, funny things happen, drinking, talking/making sex.A beautiful girl falling in love with a rich handsome(well, not really handsome) guy. But then, BOOM... the bubble of a easy movie-life and a surreal world explode. The girl is pregnant and wan't a abortion.The rich guy doesn't care about it and go back to his old girlfriend. She is all alone only Eunshik help and cares about her. A the end get he the love of that girl.

The message is, you don't show true love with simple sex. There are more important thing's which counts. I like the fact that Eunshik never had sex with her. In many movies is it like some sort happy end. They get just engaged without having it before.
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A Somewhat Fair Mixture of Over the Top Comedy, Romance, and Drama
maelstromdragon16 April 2007
The only reason I watched this film was because I was looking into Asian cinema more. The first portion of this movie, as many know, was an American Pie clone. Basically it has all your mindlessly put together script with absolutely pointless adult themes added to it. If you enjoyed American Pie, you'd probably enjoy this. If you didn't, chances are you'll be extremely turned off by this film. I, myself, did NOT enjoy the first portion of this movie but I continued watching. It is not until the second half where the movie picked up and became more of a traditional drama which was surprisingly well done. It caught me off guard in a good way and it redeemed itself as a movie worth watching.

I give this movie a 7/10 because of its well done second half which was brought down by its mind-numbingly dumb first half. Overall, it is a fair mixture of different genres. I only recommend this movie because it redeemed itself on the second half. (Just don't get mad at me though if you can't get over the first half.)
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Some good laughs
kz714 August 2003
Sex is Zero starts as a goofball comedy (and rather funny at that) but later adds Korean drama that shouldn't have been mixed with a comedy. There are some good laughs and both boys and girls mess up well occasionally. Most of the jokes only work in a movie and in context and as a surprise.
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The sex lives of University students in South Korea
DrDumb29 April 2024
It's comedy, it's drama, and it's romance. A lot of sexual references, a lot of sex scenes. The Nudity is severe. Although it's like a soft porn, but there is a lot of funny lines/scenes. In Europe/America, romance is derived from sex but in Asia, it's the other way around (in most cases). But this movie follows the former- "sex first, romance after", which is very unusual in Asian movies/TV series. People with western background can hardly understand the humor in Asian movies but those funny points are very funny and entertaining in Asia. That's cultural difference, and you can't say it's a bad movie because you don't understand their culture and background.
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Horrid experience!
Snapesnape29 March 2003
This movie has been compared to "American pie" since it came out. Although I really liked "American pie", "Sex is zero" was the worst korean movie I've ever seen in my life.

I was extremely disgusted with the movie. I'm not saying some dirty scenes as you might think. I can endure that, have seen worse. There's no respect on women. The director tried too hard to show only actresses' nude, breasts. I'd never so offended like this before.

And as far as I know, this was represented as a "sex comedy" . But suddenly the director pull out the subject "Child abortion" very seriously. It ruined the comic atmosphere, and forced the audience to weep for female character. Maybe the blames have to go to an Absolutely not talented writer.

Everyone picks "Marrying Mafia" was the worst korean movie last year, But this one was far worse than that. However you'd like this. You'd laugh and cry(Ugh!) But that's nothing to do with the quality.
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Simply the best movie since 'Dream of a Warrior'
goldyujo2 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I watch countless movies every year and every year there is one movie that really stands out from the rest. Sex is Zero is that one movie as it pushes Korean cinema far above anything that Hollywood or anyone has ever produced. Comparisons to American Pie are ridiculous as AP simply cannot hold a candle to 'Sex' in terms of laughs or entertainment. In fact, the only movie I have ever seen that surpasses 'Sex' would have to be the other korean classic, Dream of a Warrior.

"'re my Destinyyy!!!!"

It doesnt get much better then that.

The actors in this film are once again top notch, making such stereotypical characters quite believeable and realistic. For example the main character does such a great job that many viewers find his stupidity to be quite irritable. Each and every character leaves a lasting impression as they are all unique in their own way. The women are hardly being degraded in this movie as the male characters are all pathetic in their own ways as well. Sure there is some skin being shown...but whats a sex comedy going to do without any sex?

The whole abortion part of the movie is very trademark of Korean cinema and is done quite tastefully. Here, the actors are given an entirely different mood to portray and they all pull it off wonderfully. Unexpecting viewers may take it too seriously and wont see the comedic aspect of some of the situations (like when the mom is beating up the daughter).

All in all, if you wish to watch a movie that could quite possibly change your life then dont pass this one up. Sure, its not as good as Dream of a Warrior, but what is?
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A typical case of wasted time and money
aabaciu-121 March 2006
This has to be one of the WORST movie (if one could call this junk a movie) that i have ever seen in my life. The hole film is a sequence of imbecilic behavior. I truly found it disturbing and personally i don't see how any person that has at least a bit of reason could possibly enjoy this cheap mimesis of Hollywood low budget teenage movies. The only positive thing about this film is that it provides a very clear image of what happens when young people don't use proper protection in they're sexual life.

Although it can probably be used as sexual education material, i think it's highly overrated.
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hilarious ever
aisitemas6 April 2003
Well, It's Korean movie, and I think except korean no one's gonna enjoy it. that's sad. It's like Korean style American pie. But it's plus more. There are romance, comdy, sexual curiousty of Univ students. The main actor(he also singer) played very well, and lot's of supporting actor,actress also play pretty well. it makes the movie floush. gotta check it out, if it is possible
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