Last Exile (TV Series 2003) Poster


Parents Guide

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Sex & Nudity

  • Rare and mild fanservice throughout, mostly in the form of cleavage. There is technically one bath scene, but absolutely nothing whatsoever is shown, not even an inch of cleavage or boob. There's also a certain fictitious species that will sometimes lick others as some kind of an expression of affection (sort of like how a dog might lick it's owner). This might come across to some as erotic.
  • There's a short but detailed scene showing front of a naked male character, while he's covering himself with hands, in front of female characters. He was forcefully stripped by other male characters for laughs.
  • Some shortly, but closely, visible female characters have outline of nipples visible through opaque closes.
  • A porn magazine is visible for two short but noticeable moments, with a girl in a skimpy clothes on one cover, and a nude girl (covering breasts with arms, with the image cut off just below the belly button) on the other.

Violence & Gore

  • Conventional human-on-human violence is very rare. The vast majority of the violence is mild and consists of just airships engaging in cannon battles and dogfights. When human violence does occur, it is mild to moderate in both intensity and depiction. Small amounts of blood are usually shown in these instances, but nothing near gore.
  • Probably the most violent scene is a brief instance where a man breaks a woman's neck with his bare hand (fully onscreen). It appears as though he is choking her, but then we hear an audible "snap!" and then her body drops to the floor. This is probably the only reason why I'd label the violence in this show "Moderate" over "Mild".


  • Very rare mild profanity, almost non-existent. About three uses of "*ss" and two uses of "d*mn" (and maybe one use of "h*ll") in the entire show.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Alcohol (such as fine wine) is rarely seen.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

See also

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