Never Been Thawed (2005) Poster

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Simply Hilarious
ja007de11 April 2005
I had the pleasure of seeing this indie at the 2005 Phoenix Film Festival. I believe from what the filmmakers said that it is only going to be in very, very limited release in the Phoenix area as of the near future. So, sorry everyone else. But if you are lucky enough to live in the Phoenix area go and see this movie! I have not laughed so hard so often for as long as I can remember. I don't want to say anymore than that, because the less you know the better.

This is going to be playing at Harkins Valley Art in Tempe starting April 15th. If enough people see it and shell out some dough, it'll probably go into wider release in the Phoenix area. Trust me it's worth the eight bucks.

Independent film lovers and anyone else who wants a great laugh: GO AND SEE THIS MOVIE IT'S HILARIOUS.
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Not as funny as I had hoped
vpant5 June 2005
I applaud the originality of the story, and I'm proud that it's a local production; but, maybe it's been hyped up around here so much that it was a bit of a let down. I'm not easily offended, and I enjoy "edgier" comedy, but this film seemed a bit lackluster--I kept waiting to laugh out loud about something, and I never did. I caught the smaller visual jokes and thought some of them were clever, just not hilarious. I also think I expected the film to be a Spinal-Tap-like spoof, and in some respects it was (punk band goes Christian). However, I felt as if the writers perhaps didn't have enough jokes to write about that so they also flushed out the frozen entrée angle. Maybe if the film had just settled on one thing rather than both, it could've been a bit more fluent for me.
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about frozen entrées, slippery chickens, and virgin hoes
fluffy_gray_cat6 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I had been trying to drag my boyfriend to go see this movie with me for months and he kept saying no because he thought it looked stoopid (worse than stupid). I was finally successful in getting him to go a few days ago and he ended up liking it more than I did! But this is my review. I liked how the plot really revolves around nothing. Shawn is a super duper enthusiastic frozen entrée collector who is a member of a like club. The story gets more broad as it introduces the other members in the club and their silly quirks- they really do play a major role in making the whole movie spin. Perhaps the best line was (it goes something like this/not exact), "Everyone here has their own baggage. Gambling. Queer. Mexican. We all got something to work on." But most of the film focused on Shawn and how he's such a major jerk trying to make it big in the Christian rock scene because he failed in the heavy metal category. Very funny; listen to what he say- comes up with creative cussing. Overall, if the filmmakers got rid of the really crappy film quality, semi-bad editing, sucky audio, and stupid camera, the movie would be a total gem. Perhaps I exaggerate on the poor film quality... it's not really that bad, I'm just really use to cleaned up indie films. When you go see the movie, my summary title will make sense to you.
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Has no IDEA what satire is
eschmidt227 November 2005
I saw "Never Been Thawed" at the Orpheum Theater in Madison, WI--there was a talk-back session with director Sean Anders at the end of the film. Anders giddily came out wearing his "Christers" shirt as the credits rolled and asked, like an obnoxious schoolboy, "Did anybody walk out?!" When told that two people did walk out, he seemed quite pleased. This made it obvious to me that "Never Been Thawed" was a mean-spirited, deliberate attempt to offend people. It certainly doesn't want to "say" anything about our culture, because its satire of Christian rock reflects an utter lack of experience with Christian rock artists (No. 1 rule of satire: Know what you're satirizing); this ignorance is hidden by going COMPLETELY overboard, stretching the satire and parody to the limit (No. 2 rule of satire: Be subtle; true satire preserves the humanity of the object being satirized.) The satire of TV dinner collectors made even less sense; Anders resembles a high school bully anxious to laugh at peoples' weird obsessions and hobbies, instead of understanding them as something unique to the individual. Instead of taking the higher ground of satire, Anders makes fun of these collectors for 87 minutes, never allowing us to admire these people for doing what they love and not caring what the rest of us think; perhaps its because he doesn't think that people with weird hobbies have dignity. The tag-line for the film is "Are these dorks serious?" Anders' response to this question never elevates above "Yes--isn't that STUPID?" This is a satirical film, made by a director with no idea how to satirize. It offers proof that "independent" does not and cannot mean "quality." Anders is promoting his film as having been universally rejected from Sundance; I hope he doesn't think it didn't deserve to be.
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Not a good film
benguy62 November 2005
I saw this movie at the Phoenix Film Festival last year(not a good festival as far as film festivals go). When people who see this thing compare it to "Clerks" or "Best in Show", they are out of there minds. Those films are well written and well shot. This thing is done by a bunch of guys that have Zero knowledge of film or writing and is neither well done or well written(it plays like a first time high school film). The story jumps around so much you don't know what you are watching-they should have concentrated on one story line instead of going on all these tangents to try and be funny. This thing is painful to sit through, stay away. I can't believe it got distribution.
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TV dinner collectors and Christian rock!
eileencasey200229 June 2006
Just rented this last night and laughed my ass off. Why the comparison to Napoleon Dynamite on the jacket? It was WAY funnier, more along the lines of Waiting for Guffman or Spinaltap. I'm an interpreter for the deaf and the "deaf" brother's fake deaf speech did bother me (why not a real DEAF actor?). I can spot a fake one after three words. Had actually hoped to see more convoluted signing like in Napoleon Dynamite or Drop Dead Gorgeous, but the relay telephone call made me almost wet my pants it was so funny. If you haven't seen it yet or are watching it again, pay attention to the magazine titles when you see a character! Gotta love the "Christian" songs and dialog replete with 'fuck', will surely make some right wingers plotz.
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ooops, a waste of my time
olehenry17 November 2005
Viewed this film in Tempe AZ. I disagree that this film encouraged free thinking. It appeared to be a rebuttal against implied social forces (religion), but a very weak and jumbled attack.

In my opinion, the film was not of commercial quality. In other words, why spend any time or money watching someone else's poorly captured home videos when you could create your own? I'm sure Anders and company thought they were funny -- I did not. I'm *not* sure Anders and co. thought they were original -- I surely did not.

Do Anders, et al feel they have ripped off consumers? Such a low quality (in every way imaginable) product and obviously little effort went into this 'project'. (I got my money back and encouraged others who were yawning throughout to do the same).
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Takes some hilarious shots at everyone
fosterthedog23 April 2005
HILARIOUS! The film takes us through a few weeks with people who share a common interest, collecting unthawed commercial frozen dinners. As it explores the lives of these collectors more deeply we are brought into a world that includes various characters that run the ranges of successes and failures. This 'mockumentary' primarily pokes fun at Christian rock and obsessive collectors of all kinds, but in a greater sense takes its aim at the values to which all people believe they are true. The laughs are frequent and well set-up.

Truly an amazing first effort. It will be a shame if this film does not receive the recognition it deserves.
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Austin Movie Show review -- extremely brilliant/awful
leilapostgrad13 November 2005
Everything about this extremely low-budget mockumentary is either extremely hilarious or brutally, BRUTALLY bad. I'm going to start with the bad so that I can leave this review on a high note. The absolute worst thing about NBT: Never Been Thawed is the acting. It's obvious that most of the dialog is improvised, but it's also obvious that most of the cast has never acted before. I know they were trying to make a comedy along the lines of the Christopher Guest comedies like Waiting for Guffman and Best In Show, but they just didn't have the actors to pull it off.

But when it comes to absurd scenarios, NBT borders on genius! It's about a group of "Frozen Entrée Enthusiasts" – or rather, it's about a group of huge dorks who actually collect microwavable TV dinners. Not only do they collect TV dinners, but they actually get together every week to talk about the new meals coming out, and they buy and sell and mix and match meals amongst each other. Insane. The group's leader is also the lead singer in a punk-turned-Christian-rock band called "The Christers". Best line of the movie has got to be: "So the formula for Christian rock is basically – man has problem, man finds Jesus, Jesus solves problem." Some of the other dorks in the "Frozen Entrée Enthusiasts" club include a clown who cuts children's hair at a salon called Klown Kuts. He's in love with a 35-year-old virgin who works at the William Jefferson Clinton Abstinence Center. There's an efficiency expert whose main hobby is playing the highway alphabet game (the one sanctioned by the Arizona Highway Gaming Association). And there's the restaurant owner who opened the No Choice Café next to the abortion clinic to cater to the anti-abortion protesters who are always hanging around. The menu reads: "What would Jesus choose?" NTB: Never Been Thawed is brilliant in its absurdity, I give it that. I laughed more in this film than any other this week. But the actors constantly remind you that you're watching a low-budget farce with really bad actors, and that's a shame.
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Absolutely hilarious if one is not easily offended...
waynet_az23 April 2005
... and if you ARE easily offended, go see a Disney flick.

I saw this with a group of friends last night and we could not stop laughing during the entire film. The story line itself, combined with an amazing number of sight gags lurking in the background (people reading magazines such as "Apathy Monthly" and "Trophy Wife" and posters on the walls like the one at the Christian Cafe that said "What Would Jesus Order?") makes it certain that I will see this again to catch what was missed. It is a SPOOF, people; go with an open mind and a desire for some laughs and you will NOT be disappointed. Watch closely, as great humor is EVERYWHERE in this film...
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Strictly Amateur Home Movie
rogerdob29 January 2006
I saw this movie on DVD and should have realize how sophomoric the movie would be when one of the menu options read "Just play the F*****G movie" One of the most easily copied but most difficult type of movie to do is the mockumentary---which this movie attempted to be. But mockumentaries need to be based in the real world. The characters and setups (some lifted from TV sitcoms) in this film were so badly done that any suspension of belief was totally impossible. Also adding to the problem with this film was that the actors were a little too smug in reciting their lines--you get the feeling that they thought they were really funny. In the end, this movie just seemed like a home video that a couple of deluded kids who think "we are great young filmmakers" put together.
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Deliciosly Funny
IkeThermite17 April 2005
I just watched this wonderfully humorous film at the Harkins in downtown Tempe, after which The Christers played an entertaining set of four songs. I believe this was featured at the Phoenix film festival and was brought to Harkins. I was pleasantly surprised by this film. Centering around a group of frozen entrée collectors this film leads you in a documentary style through their lives and oddities. If you like the more commercial and prominent funny movies that are churned out one after another in the endlessly unoriginal fashion of all those Ben Stiller pieces of excrement then this movie may be a bit too "edgy" for you. However if you revel in a more unique and (again) "edgy" sort of comedic experience i encourage you to see this, for if you do i venture to say you will thank yourself over and over. I believe this film has a great chance of making it nationally, as i think it's just being seen here in the Phoenix area for the time being. Also, if you are uptight about Christianity you may be offended by some of the content of this movie and some language. If you got through the movie "Saved!" alright you'll make it here. But again, if you do see this movie prepare to have a sore abdomen because you'll be laughing and repeating lines hours later with friends.
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Worth Every Cent ! Funny as hell !
shanearizona18 April 2005
What a nice surprise. I had read a lot about this movie and people who love mainstream films like Clerks and Waiting for Guffman and Best In Show will love this film. It is very unique and unlike anything I have ever seen. The storytelling is great and the casting is excellent. There are many sight gags, some of which I'm sure I missed as I was wiping away the tears from my eyes from laughing so hard. I am going to see it again with another group of friends this weekend and hopefully I'll be able to catch all of the gags the second time. I also checked out the Never Been Thawed website and laughed my head off even more. The character bios and MP3's of songs by The Christers (the rock band turned far-from-politically-correct Christian Band)will make you wet yourself. Right now there's a bunch of crap out in theatres so treat yourself, and go see this movie. You will not regret it. This is one of those movies you feel good about "discovering" and turning your friends onto, much like I did with Swingers when it came out. See this flick!
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Amazing New Cult Classic
b-kannberg17 January 2006
Who would have thought a mock-u-mentory about a Christian Rock band who collect frozen food would have done it for me. This is one of the most hilarious movies I have seen in my entire life. Sean Anders did an exceptional job with his directing in this low budget comedy. Excellent acting by just a few average Arizonans and really what Bill Mueller said was true, it should be this year's Napoleon Dynamite. Only problem is that the movie's production company is not as wealthy as MTV films. It is available for rent on Netflix and soon to purchase on the official Never Been Thawed Website at I HIGHLY Recommend IT!!
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Hilarious film, two versions?
lowguppy2 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this film back in August at a local theater and loved it, but from talking to the owner it sounded like the film's legal people shat the bed when they saw what was supposed to be distributed (the owner got both versions). I can understand why the companies named may take issue with their association with the film (especially the Disney Negative Reinforcement Training Camp) but removing those elements probably had a big impact on the final distribution cut. I was lucky enough to see the original, but from the post-June reviews it seems clear that those users unfortunately saw a very different movie.

While NBT may lack production value, its your belly that will be hurting when you leave the theater (not your ass like Blair Witch). The acting and writing might not be all time greats, but they're more than good enough to carry the movie. There are some truly priceless, instantly classic jokes. It is wild and all over the place, but each scene is treated with the same care and attention to detail. The many story lines are no more disjointed than those of Love Actually. I prefer to compare it to the work of Trey Parker and Matt Stone for pulling no punches and being dead on target with their satire.
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Oh... My... Gawd...
Feckinasso9 May 2005
Just see this movie... just do it already.

It'll put a smile on your face that'll be harder to get off than Martha Stewart on a set of dirty sheets.

There are so many little things in this movie that are really easy to miss the first time you see it. I'd advise seeing it once just to "get your laugh on"... and then go back and see it and pay attention to the background things in the scenes. The magazines they read, the statues on their desks, the names of the places they go to, etc. These guys could make a fortune just selling some of the original props.

And who else is waiting for the new Christers album? Yeah, I thought so... well, I'll be camped out at the record store the night before that release and I'm getting the first copy. Just try and beat me there!

This movie is all that... and an entrée.
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Satire at its finest
soleilani2 October 2005
I had the good fortune of seeing this movie several months ago at a director's screening, and no, I didn't know the director ahead of time. The plot revolves around a group of people who collect frozen foods in greater Phoenix. Needless to say, it's an eclectic assortment of characters, and the story revolves around their relationships and conflicts. A Christian rock band is thrown into the mix for good measure. I found the concept to be fresh, the characters original, and the dialogue hilarious. Watch for masterful strokes in the details such as the magazines, items on walls and table tops, lyrics to the band's songs, and of course, the frozen food packaging. Standout performance by Shelly Frazier. See this movie. Twice.
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My face hurts ....christers
larryrwaters21 March 2010
This film had me laughing so hard my teeth hurt the next day.has great depth you have to be a little older to get the subtlety of the comedy.the 20 somethings didn't see all the humor until they watched it with us forty somethings and we laughed at things they did not see. .I am now a big fan of SEAN and his sister.The crazy character development and the Idea of collecting frozen food is whack but it works there is a few slow spots but very few. This is one I had to pause to go to the bathroom. This a good beer and cigar movie with the friends that have a since of humor. Certain people will not be able to figure this one out. It is multi levels of humor . I rewound it several times to read the magazine covers and to get dialog that i missed from laughing.
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Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots
valis19492 January 2010
nbt: NEVER BEEN THAWED is an uproarious and caustic send up of The Anti- Abortion Movement, Punk Rock VS Christian Rock, Sexual Abstinence, Effective Time Management and Catheterising, Clown Hair Stylists, and The Trading and Collecting of valuable, classic frozen foods. I might have missed a topic or two, but don't miss this film. Every bit as good as 'The Classics Of Film Farce' such as, THIS IS SPINAL TAP, AIRPLANE, BEST IN SHOW, and A MIGHTY WIND. Sean Anders, who wrote and directed the film, and is point man for 'The Slippery Chicken Comedy Troupe', has managed to create a tiny tsunami of satire. It might have benefited with a bit more focus, but it's still a laugh riot.
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It is what it is... A great MOCKumentary
TimM-4012 July 2006
For those who argue about the low production value and the jumpy camera, or the unrealistic portrayal of American hobby/interest collectors know this:

1- The production value IS low and IS consistent with the premise of the movie- which is a hilarious look at America's subcultures through the eyes of those who belong to them. If you have ever seen "Trekkies" (1997), you might appreciate this movie a little more. "Trekkies" is a real Documentary that tells the story of how people shape their lives and values around the various Star Trek movies, TV shows, and characters. In fact, "Trekkies" had a very similar production value to "Never Been Thawed." The low production value helps provide some realism to both movies. Could you imagine this with a couple million dollars in budget? I don't think the movie would have had as great of an impact on the viewer.

2- These kinds of people, believe it or not, do exist. Just go on Ebay and check it out- Whether its frozen food, action figures or chewed bubble gum, There is always someone who is interested.

3- In the end it is still just a movie. A movie that pokes fun at a piece of our culture that many don't realize exists
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The best!
egozine15 October 2008
I took a chance on NBT via a recommendation from Netflix. I honestly thought there'd be good chance it would be crap - instead I was in for a HUGE surprise! This is an instant cult classic that can stand proudly amongst the great "mockumentaries" such as "Waiting for Guffman", "And God Spoke" and "This Is Spinal Tap." It's now officially my favorite film. I've been buying copies off Amazon as gifts for unsuspecting friends, as I'm dedicated to spreading the word about this awesome flick. It is low budget, but brilliantly so. I wish they had the DVD for purchase directly off the film's site, as I'd like the filmmaker to receive the funds directly in hopes for a sequel!
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Finally a modern punk comedy
headcaver1 May 2007
Firstly, This is a film festival kind of movie... It is not hi-def!

Secondly, This is the best attempt i've seen to bring punk rock into film without leaving the music genre to be left looking cheesy. It doesn't exploit nor leave a bad taste in your mouth.

Thirdly, it's freaking' funny!

It kinda goes with the stuff the COMIC STRIP were doing in the UK two decades ago.

I'd also suggest it to fans of Reno 911.

Surprisingly original concepts, strong characters, good feeling movie.

Comedy with street credibility!
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Subversively Hilarious!
meddlecore26 November 2011
Never Been Thawed has been called a "wickedly funny and deliciously subversive" film by Kevin Thomas from the LA Times, and "a cult classic in the making" by critic Ryan McKee. If you ask me, it's just damn clever! The film, a pseudo-documentary, focuses around Shawn, played be co-writer and director Sean Anders, and his group of friends in the Mesa Frozen Entree Enthusiasts Club.

Shawn has been collecting frozen entrees since he was 12. He now works part time as a dental hygienist in order to cover the cost of operating fourteen full sized freezers in a one bedroom apartment where he lives with his deaf dumb drunk and belligerent brother whom leeches off him. Shawn is the founding father of the Mesa Frozen Entree Enthusiasts Club, a small and kooky group of Jesus-lovin' collectors who are determined to host the world's first Frozen Entree Convention. Shawn also plays in a punk band with Al, another member of the club.... well they were a punk band at least ..up until, in a shameless bid for money and fame, Shawn converted them into a Christian rock band, renaming themselves "The Christers" in the process.

Al is the bass player in Sean's band but hates the new direction that they are heading. He is also a member of Sean's club, but joined more out his friendship for Sean and his interest in one of the other members, Shelly. He is constantly making pathetic attempts to woo her- even having written a song for the band about her- but alas she is obsessed with Sean, to whom she attributes the songs authorship. The fact that Al lives with his parents and works as a "smilist" at Klown Klutz probably doesn't help his cause any.

Shelly is a born again Christian, virgin, and operator at the intercourse prevention hotline. She is also in Sean's club, but most likely out of her adoration for him as opposed to an actual love for Frozen Entrees. When Shawn's girlfriend leaves him for Vince, Shelly throws herself at him. They hook up and she thinks they are in love, but like a true born again- she's not all that in touch with reality. Her favourite hangout is the Christian themed No-Choice Cafe which is run by Mike, whom also promotes Sean's Christian rock band.

The film follows three other members of the club as well: Vince, who is attempting to turn the "business" of frozen entree collecting into a lucrative cash cow. Vince is in a power struggle with Sean over control of the group's direction and his girlfriend. His ambition and experience gain him most of the support, and eventually, the chick as well.

Scott is a "formerly" gay firefighter- saved by Catholicism- who is addicted to collecting, not only frozen entrees, but also collectible plates. Other than collecting his second passion is directing training videos for the force. He is married to a butch of a woman but just may find new love within the group.

Matt is a safety consultant, frozen entree enthusiast, professional road alphabet game player, and amateur philosopher (very amateur). His philosophy is based around the idea of not being bogged down by "nature" which he feels enables him to lead a completely efficient life. In order to achieve this he wears a polyurethane cathoder taped to his leg, so that he can relieve himself without ever having to stop what he was doing to go to the bathroom.

"Never Been Thawed" is a subversively dark and intelligent look at the subcultures that can turn us into fans, followers, and serious dorks....something we cinephiles know nothing about!! The film gets a little bit caught up in melodrama near the end, but there are so many subtle jokes and jabs throughout the film which hold your attention and really make it an enjoyable watch. For instance, keep an eye on their shirts...they are hilarious! ...and throughout the film they blur out random sh*t for (seemingly) no reason at all. This is a low budget masterpiece and one helluva entertaining film. Definitely check it out! 8.5 out of 10.
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