"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" Bad Eggs (TV Episode 1998) Poster

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qtip-794149 August 2020
I liked it a lot it reminded me of the 1998 movie "The Faculty"
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It's good. What's with all the hate?
derekfb14 January 2021
After having read most of the reviews I realize that this episode's low ratings and poor criticism comes from an audience that doesn't understand simple entertainment. They're trying to read too much into it and forgetting that it's just about fun. There was nothing wrong with this episode in my opinion. I found it equally as funny and clever as most episodes and would give it a 7 or 8 out of 10. All-in-all, it's as good an episode as any other episode of Buffy (best show ever).
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another tell by Buffy to her mom Warning: Spoilers
Didn't mind this episode, Buffy "fighting everyone" except Xander, with the "cowboy" baddie vampires, that was sorta funny.

Do love the first part in the mall with her mom, and the "teasing" about clothes, esp when Buffy is asked to go pick up outfit for her mom, gets "side tracked" and forgets, well she does have to save someone from a vamp, the vamp runs away.

Gets back to mom, "where's my dress" opps, Buffy says, then Mom says "let me guess you got distracted by a boy", Buffy, "technically" and offers to go get but store is closed.

Now here again Buffy says to her mom after she asks Buffy if she ever thinks of anything else beside boys and clothes, SAVING THE WORLD FROM VAMPIRES, love the look on Joyce's face with this answer. So yes again Buffy has told her mom what she thinks and does, but the "blinders" are still on. Buffy was told to stay home, got caught coming back from slaying, (Buffy on phone with "Willow" who is already attached),got grounded and told to stay at school in library only till picked up.

Well the eggs of course are not "normal", the are the "babies" of some underground monster. As the eggs hatch they attach themselves to humans and make the human more of less a zombie. Since Xan boiled his egg (cheating ? ) and Buffy killed hers before it could attach, they are knocked out by Cordy and Willow, locked in with 2 more eggs but again wake before and smash them while hatching. Pretend to be like the others, Buffy sees her mom there too, as Giles put a hatched one on her, gets interrupted by the cowboy Gorch brother vampires, and still save the day by "bring" pick ax with her while being dragged into the monster and hacks it from the inside, comes out and the 1 surviving bro runs away, as yes 1 bro was got, by the monster as he was saying hi to it.

Well even after all this, still grounded and her an Angel make out in the window of her room.
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Eggs? Seriously?
gizmomogwai7 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Apparently there's nothing in Sunnydale you can't be afraid of. This episode asks you to fear eggs. I think. Maybe it was a joke? I can't really tell. This isn't the most coherent episode.

While Buffy has to deal with two cowboy vampires who've come to town, Buffy, Willow, Xander, and their classmates receive eggs (which look like normal chicken's eggs) which they have to take care of as if they were children. But it turns out these aren't normal eggs- they contain weird creepy-crawly things that attach themselves to people and control them. Except Buffy and Xander, who kill their creatures first. Predictably, all the little creatures die when Buffy kills the big mother creature. We don't even get to see the slaying.

There are some good points to the episode, which I vaguely recall seeing in high school; even Giles is concerned that Xander will break his egg (maybe because he doesn't want egg yolk on the library rug?) and the talk about cheating (Xander hard-boiled his egg) is amusing. The cowboy vampires are also colourful, but again, there's problems with coherency. As the other reviewer asked, why are they there? The egg and cowboy vampire story lines don't really mesh. Additionally, the jokes in the opening sequence fall flat. Buffy mentions fighting vampires to her mother, and between this and the events of School Hard, she still doesn't get what her daughter is doing. Joyce isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. Monster of the week episodes are generally weak. With Ted, I asked myself why an evil salesman couldn't just be an evil salesman, and not a robot. Here I have to similarly ask, can't an egg just be an egg? Now I know someone might reply, if you're not interested in supernatural things, don't watch the show. But I am interested in those cowboy vampires- why not focus on them and just make the eggs a minor joke? And why do so many of these things revolve around the school?
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Mind controlling monsters that hatch from eggs threaten the students of Sunnydale High
Tweekums22 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
When Buffy spots a vampire in the mall so follows him and saves his potential victim; unfortunately this means that she doesn't pick up the dress her mother asked her to… Joyce feels that Buffy needs to be more responsible. The vampire, who got away, was one of the Gorth brothers, a pair of brothers who were renowned for their violent ways even before they became vampires. They are the least of Buffy's problems though; her class has to look after eggs as part of sex education class to show them the responsibility of looking after a child. Not surprisingly these aren't normal eggs; they hatch and exert a mind control over those they effect. Buffy kills her hatchling before it can get to her and Xander is okay as he boiled his so it wouldn't break! Everybody else seems to be effected though and they appear to have a specific goal.

This isn't the best stand-alone episode but it is still far from terrible. The Gorth brothers provided some laughs and the creatures that come out of the eggs are suitably scary. The scene where Buffy is trying to kill one in her room reminded me of the 'face huggers' from the 'Alien' films even though these obviously aren't quite so scary. It was amusing to see Xander and Cordelia's love/hate relationship continue. The idea that Buffy's mother thinks she needs to be more reliable makes sense given that she doesn't know what Buffy is really up to but it doesn't really add much to the drama. Overall this was an entertaining enough episode even if it is weak compared to most other episodes of 'Buffy'.
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It's a good episode.
alan-5067322 August 2018
People hate anything new and different. This episode is different. Some eggs are full of monsters that control people. Eggs aren't the problem this episode deals with, the monsters inside them are. Buffy starts the episode shopping with her mom and fights a vampire. Her class gets assigned "taking care" of eggs. The eggs are secretly have a parasite in each of them. Those parasites are controlled by an underground monster. The parasites get stick on people and make them do the monster's bidding. Buffy fights it. It's not terrible and it's not wonderful. Every tv show gets highs, lows and middle ground.
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Realrockerhalloween30 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Egg isn't the worst week episode dealing with a creature that resides in the hell mouth laying eggs and infecting the student body like invasion of the body searchers. The creature is frightening with tentacles, mind controlling abilities and many servants to do its bidding. In glad the students are learning about parenthood showing the dangers of sex and what responsibility is all about by taking care of the egg.

Also I enjoy watching Buffy freak out that she may end up like her mother alone and with no one to love. It shows she really wants to find the perfect guy to settle down with rather its Angel or not. In a way I find her decision to be very mature for her she shows how grown up and caring she's become. My only problem here is the cowboy vampires, Gorch brothers, who start the episode off on a good pace and fail to really do anything phenomenal.
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This is where my favorite part of the season begin.
m-4782615 June 2021
Season 2 can be split into two very distinctive half. Which editors did, when the VHS and DVD sets were released. Part. 2 is my favorite. And if it wasn't for a couple of episodes, it would be for the series as well. Only it does not have Season 3 wholesomeness. Bad Eggs is another guilty pleasure episode of mine, alongside Ted. It is considered one of the worst, but not for me. As cheesy and random as this monster-of-the-week was, it introduced the Gorch brothers, and Alex and Cordelia's romance was blooming. Buffy and Angel were also living true blissful moments. And Joyce finally took a stand for herself. The episode was yet another wink at a horror classic. Only the real message, foreshadowing next episode's plot, was muddled into different sub-plots. It also has great lines, which is what I mostly loved about second year. The way they made fun of everything without any care in the world, would have a hard time passing through today's offensiveness detector. But who cares, it was and still is great to spot those scenes anyway.
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The One With The Eggs...
taylorkingston5 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I love this episode. It's so good. It's such an interesting concept.

In this episode, everyone in Buffy's health class gets an egg that they must take care of, for an assignment on caring for infants. I think the assignment is basically telling them to not get pregnant. Everyone gets paired up, except for Buffy who was late class, so she's a single mother. Everyone is caring for their eggs until something comes out of them and attaches to their brains and controls them. Ew. Everyone except for Buffy and Xander are being controlled by the egg monsters. And Buffy and Xander must save everyone including Willow, Cordelia, Giles and Buffy's mum from being controlled forever.

Overall, I give this episode a 10 out of 10.
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A Gas Leak
Hitchcoc21 May 2024
Buffy continues to be judged and punished by her mother. She can't tell her what is going on in her life, so complications ensue. So far, Mom has been involved in several events where there was no adequate explanation. She can't conceive of anything but natural events, and, of course, those explanations don't cut it. Buffy and her classmate in a sex ed class receive eggs to take care of (I remember when that was being done in schools all over the States). They were to treat them as babies. But the eggs they received had creatures in them who would attach themselves to people and make them bend to the wishes of a monster. It was like a Vincent Price movie called "The Tingler." It may be the silliest episode of all.
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One of the weakest episodes of the season
katierose29527 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is trying to say something about parenting, but I'm honestly not sure what. We have Joyce complaining about the burden of being a single mom. Buffy and the Scoobies trying to deal with egg-babies for their sex-ed class. Angel lamenting the fact that he'll never have children. (And, after watching Conner over on "Angel," I sort of wish that had remained true.) We have a one-eyed, tentacled mother creature turning Sunnydale High students into sleep deprived zombies. It's all about having of kids. However, "Bad Eggs" doesn't really give us a clear message. I think that it's trying to warn against having children too early. But then why have Angel being all sad because he can't have kids? And why introduce the cowboy vampires, at all? It doesn't make a lot of sense. All in all, "Bad Eggs" is not one of the better episodes of the season. If you're watching the show on DVD, you could ship ahead and not miss much.

The episode revolves around the Scoobies having to care for eggs as part of their sex-ed class. (You remember, that stupid assignment where you have to pretend the egg is a baby and you take care of it for a week? I think it's a rite of passage.) Anyway, Buffy ends up a single mother to her egg and is worried about turning into her mom. Xander tosses his egg around like a baseball. Cordy carries hers in her teddy bear shaped backpack. And Willow begins acting odd. Of course, being Sunnydale, the eggs aren't exactly from a regular chicken. They hatch into spider-y things that turn people into mindless zombies to serve this giant underground octopus creature in the school basement. Xander and Cordy, meanwhile, continue to have difficulty adjusting to their relationship. And Angel and Buffy are growing more passionate in their's. Also, two cowboy vampires arrive in town and start causing problems.

"Bad Eggs" has some good points. I do like the cowboy vampires, Tector and Lyle. They're funny and it's interesting to see vampire siblings. They even know Angel. Plus, they'll be mentioned again in season three. I just wish that they'd had more to do in this episode. I also like the scene where Xander and Cordelia try to one-up each other in class with dire consequences of dating. Most of the time, they embarrass and annoy each other, but they also have something between them. And you just have to laugh when Jonathan gets taken over by the spider-y thing. He screams hysterically, thrashing around, yelling for help and then he's suddenly super calm and off to dig in the basement. Very funny.

On the downside, the episode really doesn't accomplish much. It seems like it's just spinning it's wheels in places. It's slow and it doesn't contribute to the larger story arc. We have a nice scene of Buffy and Angel discussing children and how he can't have any, but it doesn't go deep enough. The fact that he's vampire (whether or not he has a soul)and she's not is at the heart of their relationship. Buffy's a human. She'll change, grow older, and have kids. Angel can't. He'll always be the same. It's a problem that BTVS doesn't really confront head-on until "Choices" in season three. "Bad Eggs" starts to address the issue, but it backs off too quickly. It ends with Buffy and Angel closer than ever and, apparently, willfully ignoring the problems they will face. Also, I don't understand the monster. I'm not clear where it came from, what it wants, or why it's at Sunnydale High. Or maybe I just don't care.

My favorite part of the episode: Xander hard boiling and attempting to eat his young.
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Cowboy vampire team up with Buffy !
nicofreezer28 March 2022
Good plot and gross images, love, comedy good rytm everything you can ask for a standalone Buffy, Totally ignore the Bad comments, there is no logical explanations to them.

I give the episode a 8.3/10.
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Gas leak episode
ossie859 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Buffy's life at home and school are getting far too hectic, but when the gang are given eggs to babysit as part of a school assignment things get worse. The eggs contain parasites that take control over humans. Also two vampires Lyle and Hector Gorch have arrived in Sunnydale.

Why It's So Good - This, yet another tale of Buffy trying to have a normal life, never quite gets to giddying heights, but it does have many funny moments and is a nice easy going episode after the drama filled episodes before. Again the Cordy and Xander relationship is a highlight, with the building up of the Angel and Buffy storyline.

Watch Out For - Xander and his egg eating.

Quote - "I can't do this! I can't take care of things! I killed my Giga Pet. Literally, I sat on it and it broke." - Buffy, when given an egg "baby" to take care of.
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Nearly the worst ep of Buffy ever
Joxerlives30 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Bad Eggs; The Good; Neat opening scene with the mirror. Some creepy 'Invasion of the Bodysnatchers' stuff including the great scene where Giles' looks at the kids at the bottom of the stairs, you think they're already possessed. Great scene with Giles and Joyce in the library (love the way that even possessed Giles still covers up Buffy being the Slayer) and a genuine shock when Giles' sticks the creature on her. Not really much else.

The Bad; The Gorch's are pathetic as an enemy whilst the monsters are very badly done.

Best line; Xander; "You've got to keep your egg safe and teach it Christian values" Willow; "My egg is Jewish!" Xander "Then teach it that dradle song" and Giles "The Gorch's made their name by massacring a whole village full of Mexicans" Buffy "Par for the course" Giles "No this is before they became vampires" also like; Xander "Well I guess we know what happened Professor Whitmore" Cordy "He saw this and ran away?" Xander "Try best case scenario!"

Kinky dinky; Buffy being swallowed by the beastie is akin to tentacle (Henati) and vore fetishism (just google it)

Questions and observations; Considering what we learn in 'Normal Again' Buffy's remark to Joyce about saving the world from vampires is very reckless. What's painful about this ep is that Buffy and Joyce obviously love each other and Buffy wants to be a good daughter but slaying always gets in the way.

The Gorch's know Angelus? They really don't seem to be his kind people. Jonathon back once more. In a previous post I stated that Giles and Tara were the only Buffy characters never to go bad but I was wrong, Giles is possessed here so Tara seems to be the only one who never went evil. Cordy refers to having sex in a car, so she's no longer a virgin? (if so the first of the younger Scoobies to be so). Love the way Buffy and Willow get so maternal about their eggs. BUT Angel mentions for the first time that he can't have children although we later find that isn't true, at least in Connor's case. Buffy fighting the parasite is very like the scene in Aliens where Newt and Ripley are trapped in the lab with the facehuggers, right down to the plucking strings music. Buffy and Xander and ultimately everyone else knocked out. Presumably the parasites need a conscious/sleeping host which is why they lock them in the closet. No one dies although actually that's not as unusual as I first thought, Halloween, When she was Bad, The Witch and quite a few other eps have no human deaths whatsoever. Buffy expresses horror at the thought of being a single mother but by season 5 she will be.

Joyce refuses to buy Buffy an outfit because it makes her look like a streetwalker. Considering some of the things Buffy DOES wear in the first three seasons it must have been the full Julia Roberts? 4/10, awful story saved by the character elements and a few good lines, very nearly the worst episode of Buffy ever
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Fun eggs
kellyq121 June 2022
This episode is fun overall with the dumb cowboy brothers and Buffy's mother seeing her as irresponsible when she's literally saving the world! Ha. A standalone monster episode but the through thread that's evolving is Xander/Cordy which I love.
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bombersflyup1 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Bad Eggs is about Buffy and her friends being given eggs in health class to simulate parenting, which unknowingly contain prehistoric parasites that take over.

Very similar to last episode, with a lot of mother/daughter stuff and it being filler. Lyle and Tector amusing, though nonthreatening. I like how we're half way through season two and Buffy and Xander don't know how to proceed when it comes to research without Giles or Willow, now that's clever writing. The dialogue's quite thin though and Xander's lines are way off, some of them weak and some totally out of character. The guy apparently has no future and will be working in fast food, but is 'spitting out' lines like this in class. Angel could have continued the conversation with Buffy about their future, but instead says "I know the feeling." Well played sir.
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Bad Eggs is bad, like Beer Bad, but Bad Girls is good
JossIsham17 July 2007
I don't think I'll shine any light this one. But what really illuminated (the night it originally aired) was the full moon. SMG actually likes a good moon (in the sky). She even asked the DP to film one while noises by the 'cemetery' (She doesn't like real ones) interrupted shooting. I'd like to believe I'm 1st to designate the 1st original episode airing on a night of an actual full moon. Now for another strange bit of trivia I don't think anyone has mentioned: The theme musics from Buffy and Angel use the SAME first 3 pitched notes. I bet even Joss, Chris, and Jesse T. are unaware of this. I just HAD to tell someone! Consider this 'Easter'- 'Egg' material of the non-DVD kind.
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1958, 1979, and now 1998!
Aegelis18 April 2024
Echoing both Fiend Without a Face and Alien, Buffy takes a stab (pun intended) at a vampiric-infused version of the theme. Drama seems to go on pause, with no major advancements there, but the intro of two new vamps comes into the fray. I'm alright with this re-telling as there was sufficient faithfulness to the formerly mentioned films, a bit of a creative twist, and a sense of danger when there's a suspenseful moment when the baddie has the upper hand.

This 'floater' episode is alright for weekly entertainment, though a bit phoned-in on the creativity angle being this story exists in two prior forms. Lots of kissy-faces in this one between characters for those who enjoy some smoochy soap between vampire slayings.
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how silly
anna-123883 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
the most stupid Episode ever!...

ooh wait as far as i can remember there is

another Episodes got on my nerves too

this show about vampires, why they included stupid things beside


when i was a teenager i used to watch this show and now re watching season one and two only because ..after season two its not the same to me cause angel will never turn into angelus again :(

i love when angel turn into Angelus its possible the one who can write an

amazing story line like this write such a silly thing like Bad Eggs!!!
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Rip off
Paulldavidson28 August 2023
The whole thing about this episode eggs in class treated by students as their baby to begin with as things start to take a dramatic turn these aren't ordinary eggs these are eggs containing some kind of simbient that takes over people and controls them doing things against their will giles and willow cordelia are taken over by them this is off topic as its not about slaying vampires this episode goes well off track a bit like star trek without the outer space the theme to this episode is no different to other tv and films that have ripped off a certain film from the 1959s and was remade in the 1970s

Invasion of the bodysnatchers comes to mind i was waiting for kevin mccarthy to show up or donald sutherland.
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