"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" Teacher's Pet (TV Episode 1997) Poster

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Episode 4 Review
leecdewsnap7 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER WARNING As said in my review of the previous episode, I like the fact they used the character of Dr. Gregory leading up to this episode. I was a little disappointed with the graphics used for the portrayal of the She-Mantis at the end. I think the inclusion of Angel and the 'Fork' Guy in this was a clever bit of writing to make sure Angel is remembered until it's his turn to be brought out of the shadows. It was a nice touch with the coat at the end, which was used as part of a future episode. Again, this is another nice use of the episode specific story mixing in small ways with the overall background story.
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Love can be a giant pest
callanvass3 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Xander is still in love with Buffy, still dreaming of her. Buffy is told by Dr. Gregory that she has to pay more attention to detail and do her homework. Buffy gets a warning from Angel about events to come. They find out the next day that he disappeared. Cordelia finds Dr. Gregory's headless body inadvertently. A mysterious, yet pretty substitute teacher by the name of Natalie French takes over. A despondent Buffy is determined to find out how Dr. Gregory was killed. A vampire attacks her, but to Buffy's shock, the vampire flees the scene from Natalie French. Xander falls for Natalie French. Buffy issues a warning to Xander about Natalie French, but Xander doesn't listen. It turns out that Natalie French is a giant praying mantis. I would rate this is as the weakest episode so far in season one. It's entertaining for sure, just lacks the pizazz of the others in this season. I didn't find the Mantis very intimidating. It felt a bit silly to me, regardless of how hard they tried to make it look imposing. The Mantis is decent looking and everything, just not very scary. I did like how they decided to conceal the face of the mantis before revealing it near the end. It built the anticipation nicely. Angel's role is still minimal at this point, but that would change quickly. People like Cordelia and Willow don't have much to do, especially Cordelia. Xander gets some nice exposure though. The finale is a bit anti-climatic, but the ending seemingly leaves on a bit of a cliffhanger. As I said in previous reviews. I'm essentially a new viewer. If they decide to continue this storyline, I hope it is done a little more efficiently. I liked it, but it's forgettable

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Buffy the bug-hunter.
BA_Harrison14 June 2015
When Buffy's biology teacher Dr. Gregory (William Monaghan) goes missing (only to turn up later minus his noggin), sexy substitute teacher Natalie French (Musetta Vander) takes over his classes, much to the delight of the male pupils who are only too happy to help out with the class project. What they don't realise—until it's too late, that is—is that Miss French is actually a shape-shifting she-mantis, a giant cannibalistic insect looking for virgins to fertilise her eggs, after which she devours their heads!

As a fan of cheesy science fiction films, particularly those featuring giant man-eating bugs, I think I enjoyed this one a little more than your average Buffy fan. The episode starts off in fine form with Xander fantasising about Buffy, impressing the girl with both his vampire killing and fret-widdling skills, but he soon forgets about the slayer once Miss French starts to release her pheromones. Xander is lured to the home of his new teacher, who is waiting for him in a cleavage enhancing dress, clutching a pair of Martinis; his dream of scoring with an older lady turns into a nightmare, however, when he wakes up in a cage in the basement, with Miss French now in mantis form, preparing to lay her eggs.

Xander's awkwardness with women provides some genuinely funny moments, and Musetta Vander is a nice distraction, but for me this episode is a winner thanks to the terrific mantis monster at the end, a cool animatronic creation that reminds me just how much I prefer practical creature effects over CGI.

7.5 out of 10, rounded up to 8 for IMDb.
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Teacher's Pet
Joxerlives30 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Teacher's Pet

The good; Sex raises it's ugly head in the Buffyverse and it's all the better for it. A lovely little bit between Buffy and her teacher (who is also in The Witch) and although a minor character you feel the loss for both Buffy and Giles (we know Buffy is a bright girl when she applies herself and here it's made clear that she's not just some blonde airhead). Angel's back although compared to what Buffy faces later this vamp is small change, he seems to talk it up rather unnecessarily, maybe it's just an excuse to see Buffy again. Some lovely humour around Xander and his teenage lust, especially love his Bronze fantasy.

The bad; Really the She-Mantis itself, when you compare it to some of the monsters from the later seasons it really does look awful. This ep is really a filler ep, very much 'monster of the week', it's fun but if Buffy had kept up this sort of ep it would never have become the great series it is

Best line; Xander (looking at Miss French's cleavage) "It's a beautiful chest...I mean dress"

Questions and observations; Giles shows interest in a woman for the first time, if he hadn't I must say I thought he might be gay? Flutie takes everyone to see the counsellor, is that the same one Buffy goes to see in 'Beauty and the Beast'? In 'Doomed' Willow says she's always the one to find the bodies but actually it seems more often to be Cordy. The Sunnydale Police are also hunting the claw handed vamp, the last time they do anything useful until 'The Zeppo'. Maybe that vamp was an enemy of the Mayor's? This story is an interesting reversal of fictional norms, how often do you see the heroine racing to save the boys from losing their virginity to the villain and not the other way around? What happens the eggs? Presumably Buffy and co deal?

6/10 I think but that may be a little generous
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The One With A Giant Praying Mantis...
taylorkingston10 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I really like this episode. But it's also creepy. I mean, a giant praying mantis, that poses as a high school teacher, creepy.

In this episode, a new teacher arrives to Sunnydale High, after another teacher mysteriously gets murdered. Yes, his head was cut right off. Ew. Anyway, every single guy in the school is drooling all over her. She is moderately attractive, but everyone wants her so much, because she's spraying out pheromones. It turns out that she's a giant praying mantis posing as a woman. She must find virgins and get them to impregnate her, and then she will eat their heads. Yummy. The main thing is, that Xander has fallen hopelessly for her, and is going to be one of her victims. Unless Buffy and the gang, can stop her. Buffy is really surprised when she finds out that Xander is a virgin. It's really funny.

Overall, I give this episode a 7 out of 10.
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This episode is amazing, despite some less than stellar reviews
BenTramerLives7812 October 2020
Buffy's reputation makes it hard for her teachers to see potential in her, but one teacher lets her know he has faith in her. The next day, the class finds out the teacher is missing and substitute Natalie French steps in. The boys (and Giles) are quite smitten with the new teacher, but Buffy soon learns Ms. French is not perfect.

This episode is great and the acting by Sarah Michelle Gellar is very good because we see her tear up over the murder of the one teacher who had hope in her. I always thought this was a very interesting story as well and it is the second episode of the series where the main villain is not a vampire.
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The beautiful new supply teach is a giant bug!
Tweekums7 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
When Dr Gregory, the school's biology teacher fails to turn up to work he is replaced by the beautiful Natalie French; a substitute teacher who has a very noticeable effect on her male students. Soon afterwards Cordelia finds Dr Gregory's decapitated body; Buffy is convinced that a monster was responsible but not one she or her friends can immediately identify. She soon starts to suspect that Miss French must be involved as she terrifies a vampire Buffy was chasing. The next day Buffy sees her rotate her head through a hundred and eighty degrees making her believe Miss French is a giant bug! Giles tells her that an old friend, now in an insane asylum, had investigated a creature that he referred to as a 'She-mantis' or 'Virgin Thief'; she has invited Xander to help her with a project… Buffy thinks he can't be in danger but Willow thinks he is in real trouble!

This episode opens well with Xander daydreaming about rescuing Buffy from a vampire only to be brought back to reality by Buffy telling him that he is drooling. The idea of a monster that appears to be a beautiful woman and preys on men isn't all that original but the idea that she is a shape-shifting insect was rather fun… especially when one of her prospective victims is Blayne; a student who boasts of his success with women but was clearly lying. Of the main cast Nicholas Brendon, as Xander, is the one who shines the most as he takes centre stage for much of the episode and provides plenty of laughs. Guest star Musetta Vander impresses as Miss French; it isn't hard to see why the male students fell for her charms, especially when she shows off her attributes in a low cut dress… something that leads to Xander delivering one of the episodes funniest lines. On the downside the creature effects haven't aged very well meaning that once we see the creature it isn't that scary. Overall not the strongest of episodes but still pretty entertaining.
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Cordelia: I don't know what to say. It was really, I mean... One minute you're in your normal life, and then who's in the fridge?
bombersflyup28 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Teacher's Pet is about a shape-shifting praying mantis in the form of a substitute teacher, that lures her prey using pheromones.

At one point would of been one of my desert island selections, but it has waned. Sarah's extremely cute here, Buffy starts having feelings for Angel. Xander's having dreams of Buffy, good music again. The ending's poor for the show's incredible standards. The praying-mantis looks and moves terrible and some of the comedy's weak. The performance by the actress playing the mantis is good though and Xander's interactions with and about her excellent, ay caramba!
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Teenage boys are very stupid
ossie858 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A teacher winds up dead and at the same time an attractive substitute teacher Natalie French arrives. The boys of Sunnydale high are falling head over heal for Miss French especially one jock named Blayne and Xander. When Buffy sees Miss French scare a vampire she deduces that something is not right. Miss French also has an obsession with bugs and can turn her head around 360 degrees.

Why It's So Good - The very first Xander stuff up episode. Xander is a character that hasn't particularly aged well, but is very quotable, lovable and provides a lot of entertainment.

Watch Out For - Xander drooling.

Quote - "It's funny how the earth never opens up and swallows you when you want it to." - Xander.
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Xander's first demon love interest
katierose29513 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Demon women love Xander. It's a fact of the Buffy-verse. In this episode it's Miss French, the praying mantis lady, who sets her sights on him. She arrives at Sunnydale High to breed with and devour teenage virgin males. Honestly, this isn't the best episode, it's dialog and plot lag in places and the Scoobies spend a lot of time separated or in Biology class. But as Cordy would say, we need to look on the bright side. After all, even used Mercedes have leather seats. It does contain an interesting message about the double standard that exists for male sexuality, with Xander horrified that people now know that he's a virgin, even though Willow and Buffy are virgins, too. And I like the bat sonar sounds audio taped over one of Giles dry library lectures. Instead of terrifying the Bug Lady with the sounds of the praying mantis' natural predator, Buffy accidentally plays it a monologue on the importance of alphabetical filing. "Other side of the tape!" Giles shrieks.

The episode has some downsides. Angel shows up briefly to warn Buffy about a vampire with forks for hands that is terrorizing the town. With all the build up he got, I expected the clawed vampire to be a greater threat. But he was kind of a dud. It seems like he should have done more than just run from the Bug Lady. The FX are a little bit rubbery in this episode,as well.

My favorite part of the episode: Xander blanking on the location of the science room when the sultry Miss French asks him for directions. "Oh, God, I go there every day. Where is it? Where is it?" I swear I've had that moment.
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Bugging Out
injury-6544728 June 2020
I don't know why this episode is so low rated.

Xander really gets to shine in this one. He's so adorable.

It's my favourite one yet. I thought it was hilariously zany. Has a great B movie feel to it.

I like that there's a random claw vampire who isn't even a part of the main plot.
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Very Buggy
kellyq1226 November 2021
This episode is pretty quirky, and I do love a Xander episode, but the praying mantis thing isn't my favorite in terms of monsters, so I'll give it a 6.
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I Love This Show, But This Episode Makes No Sense
mrybrcht15 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is just plain weird. I don't get exactly why but everything about this is really bad, now I love this series but this episode is just why? First off why make it a big praying mantis, I wouldn't have made it any kind of giant bug anyways. It got even weirder though when the substitute was capturing these kids to fertilize her eggs. What the heck! The beginning makes even less sense when Dr. Gregory is killed, whole deal of the episode was that the praying mantis was luring people to use them. Wouldn't she want her eggs all in one place, so why were they in the closet? Also how did the praying mantis get the body of Dr. Gregory in the refrigerator, better yet why go to the trouble of putting the body in the refrigerator, and wouldn't the lunch workers have noticed the body when they put the one girls food in there, or they just not smart enough. I'm just glad the ending didn't lead to sequel.
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ehh...not THAT bad
kleen_edge14 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
All in all this episode has and will forever be a disappointment to loyal fans of the show for many reasons. The first of which is the plot which involves vampires...no sorry...praying mantis's.

This episode is a little bit out there as far as the main storyline goes but that does not say the episode is worth missing. For die hard fans of the show, the special fx and the overall "attitude" the episode displays will be worth watching even though the general story is flawed.

While trying to be bias meanwhile avoiding spoilers all I can say is this episode had promise but was not executed in a way which would have brought out such promise.

The episode is far from "bad" but also far from "excellent" In my opinion I give it a six.
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...could've handled the sexual misconduct better than it did (or a lot worse)
nysmbs16 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There's room to be generous to this episode, but I struggle to. It feeds into the idea that it must be a teenage boy's dream to bed his teacher... and while there may be some who no doubt fantasize in such a matter, there needs to be care exercised in works of fiction that tackle this topic because a teacher having sex with a high school student is, simply put, rape. The gender of each participant doesn't have any bearing on that. It's always rape.

While this episode, to its credit, does ultimately end up being a bit of a cautionary tale-- as the substitute teacher turns out to be a quite literal predator, I don't think the episode does enough to make obvious the parallel between this and a *human* teacher who inappropriately invites a boy over to her home. That's just my two cents, people may have different reads here but I thought the episode pulls its punches a bit much.

As far as the rest of the episode goes, bit of a mixed bag. The teacher who takes Buffy under his wing at the beginning in particular is a nice touch. The clawed vampire, on the other hand, feels like an exercise in time wasting.
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Even Vampires Fear This Monster
Aegelis17 February 2024
Driving the way of X-Files, Buffy and her crew encounter a rather gruesome predator... the substitute teacher! Besides teaching, she also has a terrible beguiling power held in secrecy. Throw into the mix a tale of desire and temptation, the suspense action goes into mad slashing by the end.

At first, the far-fetched tale seemed to leave an obvious concern about the villain unaddressed, but in a twist, the baddie's subterfuge was actually reasonably planned out. A credit to the writing there, certainly the full cast sell this weird idea while viewing. Granted our monster looks like the creature walked off of a 1950's B-movie set, but with adequate directing and low lighting, reasonably compensated for the budget costume. I actually found the human substitute teacher more terrifying with deception.
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Quit Bugging Me
Hitchcoc13 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Xander is such a lost and sad character. He feels so deficient in his manhood and yet tries to present bravado. Buffy doesn't try much as a student and is frequently vilified for that. But her biology teacher tells her she is smart and capable of anything. Unfortunately, he is attacked from behind and dies sans his head. Enter a beautiful, sultry brunette who takes over his class. But she has ulterior motives. She is actually a giant praying mantis, the variety where the female bites off the male's head during sex. She apparently keeps a stash of young virgin males to fertilize her eggs. Does that sound as stupid as it truly is. Anyway, a creative solution comes up, but the fact that anyone could do this is a little beyond belief. It was entertaining but the monster looked silly.
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buffy 1x4 review
jackDee-565659 November 2020
Filler episode alert, again this is a pattern with season 1 after a couple of great episodes they give you a either fun but filler or a silly and a waste episodes until the next great episode comes along
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down there with the bottom
madman_salv4 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers ahead Buffy receives a warning from Angel about a dangerous new vampire in Sunnydale whose hand has been replaced by razor sharp blades. When her biology teacher turns up decapitated in the lunch room fridge, Buffy and the gang are quick to blame this new vamp. However, things aren't all they seem with the new substitute, Miss French, who is a little too good at raising the boys' temperatures and, it turns out, scaring evil vampires with razor sharp blades. When Xander and other male students who were helping Miss French begin disappearing, Giles remembers a story of a creature, not unlike a praying mantis, that preys on male virgins. Buffy, Giles and Willow rescue the guys from Miss French's basement, dusting the evil vamp and slicing and dicing Miss French in the process.

This episode is i think the worst of Buffy which i just don't like viewing and its so dull.Its the only episode that i don't like.
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Some good parts, Let down by some bad parts
rohanumpleby-3405711 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Beggining of this episode is exciting because we get to see the Science teacher getting taken away by something, that we don't know what it is just yet. A quick paste start can excite the audience, as we have to guess what the thing is.

Mrs. French is the supply, after the Science teacher is killed!. The Boys have a weird obsession over her, which takes me out of the episode. The fact that these boys and one of the main Characters, Xander is in love with the teacher is really strange decision and is uncomfortable to watch.

Buffy is also weirder out by this obsession and rightfully so to be honest. She then wants Giles to find out what she's like and her past history. Then the weird stuff starts to happen, when she follows Mrs. French back to her home. She's in the woods as to try and not making it obvious. A Vampire sees Mrs. French walking along and alone, and when he looks at her, he's immediately taken aback by something of her. We don't know what it is but we can only guess at this point. And say Praying Mantis!, As she herself has a weird obsession with animals and goes onto talk about the Praying Mantis and seems to know all about them. Buffy then tries to talk to Xander about Mrs. French and when she fails, she then resorts to Giles for the awnsers. And he's just as shocked as the audience are. She then tries to go to her class, and when she looks threw the glass window. Mrs. French proceeds to turn her head 360 degrees to face Buffy. How no one cared to notice is down to sloppy writing, because I'm sure nobody other then Buffy was weirded or even creeped Out by that. And found it strange. Xander needs some help with his work and she agrees to at her house!, which takes me out of this episode. Seems strange that she's trying to invite a College student to her place!. Buffy soon realises this after Willow tells her, after Buffy had presumed he was fine and just out. So then they go to Mrs. Frenches house. The Boys have been drugged and now our the daddies of the Praying Mantis Eggs!. Or which ever one gets picked that is. Which is also another uncomfortable bit to watch. And Buffy has to think of a clever way to solve the problem, which she does successfully. The Slow pacing and build up to this episode is fantastic and is really engaging to me.

A weird but fun, Campy and Cheesy Buffy the Vampire slayer Episode.

5/10, ( 2 Viewings ).
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Not Buffy's best work
Realrockerhalloween26 September 2016
The first season took a lot of risks to establish what it wanted to do and this was poor attempt in my opinion. Its slow building up suspense and never seems to go anywhere until the finale which seems to end before it began. The special effects and lighting are the worst probably due to the low budget to save money for the big shows they present making teacher's pet the scrape goat in the process.

I truly tried to find anything to like but the arches feel disjointed and taped together. Its not interesting or offer any perspective we haven't seen before and ends up a dud. Maybe if the film story had been fleshed out more so it was more well rounded it could be exciting instead of full and the worst episode in the series I skip on rewatches.
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