"Happy Families" Edith (TV Episode 1985) Poster

(TV Series)


Jennifer Saunders: The Fuddle Family


  • [first lines] 

    Guy Fuddle : Grandma?

    The Fuddle Family : Oh, it's you, Guy. What d'you want?

    Guy Fuddle : Well... I've been thinking lots about Grandpa lately.

    The Fuddle Family : Oh, my dear boy, I do hope so. I too, often think of your Grandfather.

    Guy Fuddle : Yes, well... I think we ought to bury him.

    The Fuddle Family : What on earth for?

    Guy Fuddle : Because he's dead.

    The Fuddle Family : No, he's shamming, Guy. He just wants attention.

    Guy Fuddle : No, no... he really is dead Grandma. Completely and seriously not alive anymore, and I think we ought to bury him.

    The Fuddle Family : I'm an old woman Guy, many things in my life are dead... flowers, love affairs and dear dear friends. I couldn't possibly bury them all!

    Guy Fuddle : Yes, but they're not all wedged under the garage door! I can't put my car away.

    The Fuddle Family : If you think I'm going to disturb you Grandfather's final resting place for your damn car...

    Guy Fuddle : He can't rest wedged under the garage door! Well, it's that, and the cat thinks he's a lavatory.

    The Fuddle Family : I promised him that if he should die, he would be left to lie where he fell.

    Guy Fuddle : But that was in 1939 Grandma!

    The Fuddle Family : Oh, Guy... how like your Grandfather you are standing there! So sad and serious. I could almost fancy you. We Fuddle girls have always gone for the same look in a man; that strange far away look that seems to say, 'I'm a half-baked Prat!'

    Guy Fuddle : I wish I knew why you hated me so much Granny. Is it because... I'm here and the girls are gone? My life was hell... you made me suffer every possible indignity! 'These are my four pretty little granddaughters,' you would say to your friends, '... and that's a total bastard that lives with us called Guy!'

  • The Fuddle Family : Leave me in peace, now that your Grandfather is gone.

    Guy Fuddle : But he hasn't gone! He's wedged under the garage door!

    The Fuddle Family : And there he shall stay until I say otherwise! Now, get out and leave me in peace!

    Guy Fuddle : I only want to be loved, Grandma.

    The Fuddle Family : Well, I'm not going to love you, and that's final.

    Guy Fuddle : Have you any consideration for my feelings at all?

    The Fuddle Family : And what of my feelings, Guy? I'm an old woman, soon I shall die... with only a dick-head like you to mourn me, how d'you think I feel? I wonder where the girls are?

    Guy Fuddle : Well, you don't know do you? So, 'hahah ha ha' to you, bloody 'ha ha ha' with knobs on! Ptttz!

  • [Jennifer Saunders as Cassie] 

    The Fuddle Family : If just one of those bloodsuckers mentions my mad old Granny, you are fired. Understand? You are finished in promotion. I will bury you so deep you won't be able to sell your own body. Are my teeth straight?

    Sandy : Oh, Mrs. Epris-Curtis, you are the most beautiful...

    The Fuddle Family : Shut up! I know. Now, get on with it. Oh, by the way, that big stunt guy, your husband - we slept together, so have Mel sack him. I can't take the emotional pressure.

    Sandy : I understand Mrs. Epris-Curtis. You give too much.

    The Fuddle Family : I guess you're my only friend Sandy...

    Sandy : Susie...

    The Fuddle Family : I don't care what your damn name is! There are reporters - waiting!

  • [Jennifer Saunders as Cassie] 

    Hack : Uhh, Mrs. Apprey, Mrs. Epris-Curtis; what about your childhood in England? Is it true your real name is Fuddle, and your Grandma's a fruitcake?

    The Fuddle Family : Hey, hold up, come on. Isn't there the most truly wonderful thing, about this land of ours? It ain't where you start, it's where you finish... and that's what you are - finished! I'm a Yankee doodle dandy, he's my Yankee doodle guy...

  • [Jennifer Saunders as Grandma] 

    Cook : Doctor's here mum. I've sent him up to your room.

    The Fuddle Family : Good... and don't call me 'mum', cook, I'm not your mum. I once had the misfortune of meeting your mum and I remember quite clearly that she wasn't me.

    Cook : I'm sorry Mrs. Fuddle. Y'know, it's my eyesight is that bad; I spent the whole morning hovering the bath with a tin of spaghetti hoops.

    The Fuddle Family : No, your eyesight is perfect Cook, it's your mind that's gone. Right - where is this bloomin' Doctor?

    Cook : He's up here. Here we go...

  • [Jennifer Saunders as Grandma] 

    The Fuddle Family : Where are you Quincy?

    Doctor De Quincy : Splendid, splendid! Are you decent? Let's hope not, ehh? Hahahahaaah. Life in the old dog yet, ehh? Hahheheheh. Splendid. Nmmm...

    The Fuddle Family : Call me an old dog again Quincy, and I shall sue you for defamation of character. I'm in no mood to jest, I feel extremely unwell.

    Doctor De Quincy : Oh, well that's easily enough explained, it's because you *are* extremely unwell... or perhaps I'm being too technical for you here, dear lady.

    The Fuddle Family : Can it be cured?

    Doctor De Quincy : D'oh, I should't think so, but if you let me have that sample you promised for lab analysis, I shall be able to let you have the bad news for sure.

    The Fuddle Family : I do not keep urine... about my person, Doctor. You'll find what you require for your sordid investigations, deposited with Cook below stairs.

    Doctor De Quincy : Splendid Mrs. Fuddle, splendid. Commendable forethought, although I must say; I personally find efficiency in a woman... strangely unattractive. How-some-ever that may be, I should collect it and be tiddling. I say... are these your granddaughters? What a corking bevy of unplucked cherries! Nothing so bracing as young flesh on the hoof, I always say. How they used to cheer the neighborhood up with their laughter and their play. Where are they now I wonder...

  • [Jennifer Saunders as Madeleine] 

    Cook : Heeeeello, tiny stranger! You are so beautiful. Like a huge red lawn with a sausage on it. We have only just met, but I feel as if I have known you since breakfast. Perhaps in some other life, we have made love in the morning, with only a warm croissant for protection. Come, let us be nude-ing.

    The Fuddle Family : Oh, Dalcroix, I have travelled so far to hear your wisdom. You who are France's greatest poet and stinker.

    Cook : Thinker. France's greatest poet and *thinker*.

    The Fuddle Family : Pardon me, I am English and my French accent is not always perfect.

    Cook : Ahh, but French is the language of beauty and poetry, my little... doorbell. I will help you. Let us begin. Do you know the word 'shag'?

    The Fuddle Family : Oh, Dalcroix, I have come to learn from you. To join your happy band of disciples and dedicate my life to poetry. I've come to make my home with you!

    Cook : Your home? You have no home already? You're very young!

    The Fuddle Family : No, I'm an orphan. I've not had a real family since I was a very little child. I remember almost nothing of them. Oh, Dalcroix, all my life I've worshipped poetry and beauty, and even dared hope that perhaps one day I might write something of merit. Allow me to come and live here with you and your other pupils, and worship at your feet.

    Cook : Yeeeees, well... we can start with my feet.

  • [Jennifer Saunders as Grandma] 

    Cook : Now come along, my young lady. This is bubble one thirteen now, not these ten million years time. Stick your elbow in the kettle, see if the water's boiling; you lazy little lumpy.

    Flossie : Don't call me 'lumpy'... wobble butt.

    Cook : Oh, such insolence! Never in my b... what have you got there?

    Flossie : Nuthin'.

    Cook : Don't you give me, 'nuthin', you naughty naughty wicked... is *this* nothing?

    Flossie : It's only an old photo.

    Cook : Why... this is Master Guy!

    Flossie : Washed his pants all my life; but I love him! Seen the packaging; get one hand on the goods.

    Cook : Scrub your mouth out, to say such things!

    Flossie : He's a lovely man! He's sweet and noble and that old witch Mrs. Fuddle treats him so cruel, I could weep to see it!

    Cook : Never in all my born doings have I seen such naughtness!

    Flossie : She's a bonkers old bag, and I'd like to blow her up.

    Cook : Not one more word! Am I to take the broomstick to your backside, Miss? To say such cruel things. Her, with her poor husband still warm under the garage door.

    Flossie : She had no more love for Mr. Harold than she has for Master Guy. All she loves is her granddaughters, but they've gone aren't they? Where'd they go Cook? Why'd they leave?

    Cook : There's some things better left unsaid Flossie, and that's one of them. So is 'plop', and another one is the f-word. Yes? What is it you want Mrs. Fuddle?

    The Fuddle Family : A peaceful and caring society, Cook.

    Cook : And it does you great credit - if I may be so bold.

    The Fuddle Family : Don't patronize me, you stupid servant! Where's my bloody tea?

    Cook : Oh, dear... dear! Hasn't that young Flossie arrived with it yet? Why, I sent her packing five minutes ago...

    Flossie : No, she didn't, Mrs. Fuddle!

    Cook : Oh, yes I did.

    Flossie : I'm still here! Oh!

    Cook : I'll umm... just tippin' her along, thank you, Mrs. F. Now young Flossie, get that tea tray upstairs! And let's have a bit less mooning about over Master Guy, shall we? You know what they say, don't you? 'Dirty thoughts - anal warts.'

  • [Jennifer Saunders as Grandma] 

    Flossie : Tea's ready... Mrs. Horrible Bitch. Hope it poisons you, Cowpat Face.

    The Fuddle Family : Huhhh, ooohhhh.

    Flossie : Afternoon tea is served Mrs. Fuddle, and the new Curate has come to call.

    The Fuddle Family : Oh, the new Curate you say? Well, show him up, Flossie.

    Flossie : Oh, dear no, ma'am; couldn't speak ill of the cloth.

    The Fuddle Family : You keep your fatuous remarks to yourself, and if you ever... call me 'Cowpat Face' again... your dead. Y'understand me? Dead.

    Flossie : Yes, Mrs. Fuddle.

    The Fuddle Family : Go on.

    Guy Fuddle : All things bright and beautiful... the Lord is my shepherd. Good afternoon.

    The Fuddle Family : Oh, good afternoon, Curate. How kind of you to call. Will you take tea?

    Guy Fuddle : Do I? Mate, I'm bloody parched! Oh, uhh... mmm, hmm... huh, yes! Ah, thank you, Mrs. Fuddle. Uhhhm, I will partake of the Lord's plenty. Onward Christian soldiers.

    The Fuddle Family : Lovely. Now then, Curate, what can we do for you?

    Guy Fuddle : Well, umm, first of all; may I offer my sincerest condolences for your recent bereavement.

    The Fuddle Family : Why, who's dead?

    Guy Fuddle : ...uhh, your husband. Blessed are the meek.

    The Fuddle Family : But that was the day before yesterday.

    Guy Fuddle : Ah-ha, yes, that is the point. I notice you still have no plans for the disposal of the body.

    The Fuddle Family : Well, I really don't know what else there is I can do. I mean, the dustmen absolutely refused to take him away, unless he's in a black plastic bin liner; and I've split two on him already.

    Guy Fuddle : But he'll rot and stink, and stink, and give everyone Cholera! You've got to bury him; he's a health hazard.

    The Fuddle Family : Don't you dare speak of your grandfather in that manner, Guy.

    Guy Fuddle : I am ordering you as a man of God, to remove that corpse from out of the way of my car! Gu... Guy? You've seen through my disguise then?

    The Fuddle Family : Yes!

    Guy Fuddle : You've been laughing at me.

    The Fuddle Family : Yes, I have!

    Guy Fuddle : Because I still have a heart? Because I still have feelings? Because I'm still... human?

    The Fuddle Family : No, because you're a prat. Simply being human isn't a good enough joke. Everyone can do it.

    Guy Fuddle : Why are you doing this to me Granny? I only want to be loved. I try *so* hard! Making my life a misery isn't going to bring your bloody girls back.

    The Fuddle Family : The girls, the girls; everyone seems to be going on about them today. Can't people forget them?

  • [Jennifer Saunders as Joyce] 

    The Fuddle Family : He's got the whoooole wah-ha-orld, in his hands, he's got the whoooole world, in his hands, he's got the whoooole wah-ha-orld, in his hands; and nails in his hands...

    Mother Superior : Novice Joyce!

    The Fuddle Family : Hullo! Pip pip, Super Mum! Oooh, sorry. Good day to you in Christ, Mother Superior.

    Mother Superior : I was trying to listen to the sacred music.

    The Fuddle Family : Well, I don't know if I can sing much louder, but I can certainly try.

    Mother Superior : Novice Joyce... have you considered the vows of silence, then?

    The Fuddle Family : Ptzzzzt! You are a scream Super Mum! Cheerio. He's go the whoooole world...

  • [Jennifer Saunders as Roxanne] 

    Judge : Roxanne Fuddle, you are an habitual delinquent, a sad burden on society. All your life you have been in and out of captivity of one sort or another.

    The Fuddle Family : It's my life, I can do what I want with it. It's my life...

    Judge : I intend to put an end to this shilly-shallying, and send you to prison... For Ever.

  • [Jennifer Saunders as Grandma] 

    Guy Fuddle : Here, come on, come on; heave straight, heave straight. I know the feeling. Well, it was great of you blokes to come out on such short notice. Sorry it was such a tough job. He was well and truly waxed, wasn't he? Hah hah. Well, anyway, thanks!

    Cook : G'morning Mrs. Fuddle, here's your coffee. I just left Master Guy positively foaming at the mouth. Certainly seems upset.

    The Fuddle Family : I'm not surprised, I just blew up his car.

    Cook : Hehehe...

    Guy Fuddle : Grandma, what is wrong with this family? What is wrong with you? Other people's grannies knit them jumpers, or bake them delicious cakes... you blew up my car!

    The Fuddle Family : Yes, I did.

    Guy Fuddle : I mean, I've always known you were't a warm or effusive person, but you're not really a proper granny at all are you? I might as well have had an old piece of chewing gum for a granny, instead of you. A piece of chew gum, might not be able to knit very well, or bake; but it wouldn't blow up my car, would it? Maybe, just maybe, it would love me for just what I am; and not the four girls I never can be! I wouldn't mind that it was small and horrid, and annoy people when they have it stuck under their tables in restaurants. Also, I would love it, and it would love me, and that's the sort of relationship *you* can't understand Grandma! The deep affection that a man can have for an object, any object... just so long as that object doesn't blow up his sodding car!

    The Fuddle Family : Get out Guy, I'm sick of you! Get out of this house and never come back! Your a scrounging little git and I'm sick of ya. Your Grandfather always insisted we gave you a home, and now he's gone; you can go too. You will undoubtedly starve under a hedge.

    Guy Fuddle : All I want to know is; where is my family? What's happened to my mother? Why my sisters all left home, and why you hate me *so* much?

    The Fuddle Family : Well... I'm not gonna tell you, so sod off.

  • [Jennifer Saunders as Grandma] 

    Doctor De Quincy : Just wait her Jim, I shan't be a mini-mo. I just have to go and tell Mrs. Fuddle she's dying, and Cook that she's pregnant. Quite extraordinary... I never would have thought it of old Cook. I'm afraid that I'm just going to have to suggest to the Vicar that he ban her from attending any more church hall Gay Discos.

    Jim : Good luck, Plum Plops.

    Doctor De Quincy : Oh, there was something that I wanted to tell you, Cook... now what was it? Oh, can't remember. Can't have been that important can it? Ah, Guy, and how are we? Tiggery-boo or not so pucker?

    Guy Fuddle : Not so pucker, I'm afraid, Doctor. My grandmother's blown up my car, and thrown me out without telling me the true history of my unhappy family!

    Doctor De Quincy : Women, hey? Ha Ha haaaa, bless 'em!

    Cook : Come along, doctor... Dr. De Quincy!

    The Fuddle Family : I can see that Cook, now get out!

    Doctor De Quincy : Oh, splendid, splendid. Gorgeous.

    The Fuddle Family : Fine of you to call, Doctor.

    Doctor De Quincy : Not at all, not at all. Dear me, I do have some professional pride, you know? I can hardly tell you you're going to die over the telephone, could I?

    The Fuddle Family : What?

    Doctor De Quincy : Oh my God... I've gone and put my foot in it, haven't I? Didn't know, did you? Tsk. I've always taken such a pride in my bedside manner. Still, there it is - you can't hide it now, you're going to die in about, umm... nine months time.

    The Fuddle Family : Nine months, you say? So, I can presume this is not merely old age?

    Doctor De Quincy : Oh, absolutely not, you could live for years yet. No, I'm afraid you're suffering from a very rare disease. In fact, the last chap who had it, was a seventeenth century Spanish book burner; and of course, he's dead now. Which shows you just how dangerous it can be.

    The Fuddle Family : Is there no cure?

    Doctor De Quincy : Well, I... there is one, but I... no, it's too fantastic. A real long shot! On the whole I should advise you to start gathering your family about you. You know the sort of thing; aged aunts, family friends - anybody you fancy bidding cheerio to when you finally shuffle off this mortal coil.

    The Fuddle Family : This cure, Doctor?

    Doctor De Quincy : Oh, it's out of the question. it's messy, it's dangerous... probably illegal. No, as I say...

  • [Jennifer Saunders as Grandma] 

    Guy Fuddle : Well Cook, Flossie... this is it.

    Flossie : Oh, sir, it's a proper,what's-it... no mistake.

    Cook : We shall miss you, Master Guy.

    Guy Fuddle : Yes, and I shall miss you too Cook. Well, not you specifically, of course; but I shall miss having servants around the place. Which amounts to much the same thing, doesn't it?

    Cook : That it does, sir.

    Guy Fuddle : Well... here goes.

    The Fuddle Family : Guy? Guy!

    Guy Fuddle : Grandma!

    The Fuddle Family : I need your help, Guy, I need your help. I want you to track down your four sisters, Guy. Track them down and bring them home.

    Guy Fuddle : Grandma, are we going to be a family again? All the secrets and hating done with?

    The Fuddle Family : Oh... yes Guy, yes. I want you bring them back, all of them; within nine months. Then we can all be happy.

    Guy Fuddle : Grandma! Grandma!

    The Fuddle Family : Please Guy, don't.

    Guy Fuddle : What?

    The Fuddle Family : Put your hands in your pockets like that, I know what you're doing. Now, run! No time to waste. All of them, mind... all of my darlings... shall all return.

    [last lines] 

  • [Jennifer Saunders as Grandma] 

    Doctor De Quincy : Hope you get the door open, Guy! Forecast's fine weather, so it's bound to rain. Nyahhahaha. Experts, haha! Look at me, I'm a doctor, but I hope I'm man enough admit I can't tell a urine sample from a bottle of Lucozade. Hahaha, toodles didgery, hahaha...

    Guy Fuddle : Ahhh, huh! Grandma? Are you there?

    The Fuddle Family : Guy wants me to bury you, Harold. Wants me to take you away from here, and give you a good Christian burial. But is that really fair, I ask myself? I mean, what've you ever done for me? Nothing. So, why should I? Does that sound awfully hard and bitter? I do hope so.

    Guy Fuddle : If you don't let me bury Grandpa this instant, I shall... call the police! I will! I'll tell the police.

    The Fuddle Family : You're such a hypocrite, Guy! Why all the sudden interest? You never wanted to bury him when he was alive?

    Guy Fuddle : I've called them, I have! I've called the police... and they'll be here any moment. So you better watch out! Oh... look, here they come! Dee-Dah, Dee-Dah, Dee-Dah, Dee-Dah! Vrooom! Screech! Clunk. Pitter- patter. Slam! Oh... hello officer, that was quick. Well, we've got to get the old boy planted pretty sharpish... or there'll be hell... to pay.

    The Fuddle Family : Stop putting on that ridiculous voice, Guy, because I know for a fact you're not a police officer. Why, you could't even get your First-Aid badge in Cubs!

    Guy Fuddle : That's a bloody lie! I was victimized just because I wouldn't play hide-the-sausage, when we sang 'Ging Gang Goollie'.

    Cook : Tea's ready in the drawing room, lovey.

    The Fuddle Family : If you ever call me 'lovey' again, Cook; I shall take Mr. Fuddles old hunting rifle and shove it up your behind... sideways.

    Cook : Oh, Mrs. Fuddle, you spoil me.

    The Fuddle Family : I do!

    Guy Fuddle : Grandma, *please* let me bury grandpa. It's raining! At this rate I shall have to have it resprayed!

    The Fuddle Family : Guy, under no circumstances are you to have your grandfather's corpse resprayed. But if you do... you must consult me first about the color!

See also

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