"The Sopranos" Join the Club (TV Episode 2006) Poster

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I love how much this makes you think!
austyca134 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, I didn't get the Purgatory thing the first time I watched this episode. It seemed like something significant was going on that I couldn't put my finger on. This time those Costa Mesa fires on TV really caught my attention- and it helped that I was just writing an essay on Inferno! But let me see what HASN'T been discussed yet...

A TWOP review mentioned that Tony had 7 flights of stairs to go down because of the broken elevator. Yeah, 7 is a significant number for lots of reasons, especially religious, but here's one more for ya. On a hunch I consulted wikipedia, and guess what Dante divided into 7 levels? Purgatorio. Excluding ante-Purgatory and Paradise. (The stuff at the bottom of the stairs and... what Tony can't get to.)

On to the allegedly "random" monk-slap scene. As soon as the monks appeared, it fit perfectly in place with Tony trying to get out of Purgatory. You can tell he got worried when that Christian commercial (death, disease, and sin) came on, and he's getting more and more desperate because Christian heaven is looking kinda iffy for him. By the time he meets the monks he's thinking "hey maybe these guys can help me?" which sounds like contemplating other religions (e.g. Buddhism) and wondering if some other path could take him to "salvation". Not that Tony is necessarily literally thinking about becoming a Buddhist, but it appears Finnerty tried that (and messed up). That slap in the face basically tells Tony there's no quick fix- as in, no, you can't suddenly embrace Buddhism and get out of here.

Tony was initially not too concerned about getting to heaven. But at the "conference entrance", he realizes that's not going to be so easy for him. At first I saw the name vs. driver's license problem as Tony having led sort of a double life, what with the killing people and sleeping around that he kept secret from most people. He feels free to have an affair with quasi-Melfi because "he's Kevin Finnerty". He figures out that he CAN fool some people with KF's cards, like hotel receptionists, but it won't get him out of Purgatory. Those helicopters- the helicopters of Heaven?- are keeping track of him and everything he does.

After reading all the theories on "inFinnerty", though, it seems like KF's identity is a reminder of the infinite different paths Tony could've taken in his life. Possibly along with the car joke involving Infiniti's that made no sense to me otherwise. Aaaand at that point my brain fizzles out.
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A life-altering episode if you've ever lived in the ICU for a weekend
bensmerglia26 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start off by saying that after watching this episode for the first time on DVD at 10 o'clock P.M. one night, I could not fall asleep until about 3:00 A.M.

This brief review may contain spoilers.

I'm a long-time fan of The Sopranos and I can safely say this is the best episode I've seen. I'm not saying everyone should feel this way, but I do. This episode is identical to the weekend I spent with my family, watching over my own father, comatose in the ICU before he passed.

The episode begins with Tony in an alternate reality: he is a salesman who's identity has been mistaken for that of a man named Kevin Finnerty.

By the time ten minutes had gone by, I knew either Tony was dreaming, or I was watching some other show. It wasn't like the normal Sopranos and I loved it.

Option 1 is confirmed when Anthony (or "Kevin") looks into the sky at a "helicopter spotlight" and we see prodding through it, a doctor with a flashlight. We see this only for a moment and the sequence plays out until we go back to real life in a situation similar to the one I just stated.

Tony has come out of the coma for only a moment. His boys take A.J. home and Carmella, overcome by stress, breaks down in the hallway: a signature moment in the episode.

For the remainder of the episode, we cut in between the real world: the family dealing with the potential negative outcome of this coma, and Tony's alternate reality, which parallels what's going on both in his mind and in the real world around him.

Then comes the stellar point in the episode: after A.J. finishes telling his mother he's flunked school, she walks in to see Meadow sitting at Anthony's side.

She approaches Tony, and utters the best line of the episode: "Anthony, can you hear us?" In Tony's world, he enters a dark hotel room and turns on a light. He takes off his shoes and goes to the phone. He tries to dial, but he cannot--as if he were trying to say something back to Carmella, but couldn't physically bring himself to do so. Not yet.

He sits down and looks out his window. A shimmering light that has reoccurred throughout the episode now seems to call to him from the other side of the city.

"When It's Cold I'd Like To Die" by Moby marries perfectly with these last images and helps in creating an emotional roller-coaster of an episode.

10 out of 10.

P.S.: Watch the next episode. You find out what the light is. It's wonderful.
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Pure existentialism
tarantinobosi22 April 2022
This episode captures perfectly what you feel when you are at the point of your life when you don't know where you're going. The moment you no longer know who you are or where your choices took you. It perfectly portrays what it feels like by feeling lost, without knowing what needs to be done. And also the sense of absolute loneliness.
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not a dream...it's purgartory"
tadmoore4-121 March 2006
Alan Sepinwall NJ Star Ledger

IT'S NOT a dream. It's Purgatory.

When I had my annual summit with "Sopranos" creator David Chase a few weeks ago, I complimented him on having the onions to put a major dream sequence like this so early in the season, considering how many fans complain about the dreams.

"I, frankly, would not call those (episode two scenes) dreams," he said, which sent me scurrying back to watch my DVD over and over again, until (with some help from my wife) I got it.

Here Tony's stuck in Orange County, quite possibly the most personality-free corner of the world, with no way to leave (a k a Purgatory). On one end of town is a shining beacon (Heaven), on the other, a raging forest fire (Hell). Over and over, he stops to assess the worth of his own life, asking, "Who am I? Where am I going?" Then he steals the identity (sin) of Kevin Finnerty -- a heating salesman who lives in one of the hottest states of the union (Arizona) -- checks into another hotel, and falls down a red staircase, at which point he learns he has Alzheimer's (eternal damnation). And while Carmela's busy in the real world telling him he's not going to Hell, Tony's in Purgatory debating whether to tell his wife this is exactly the fate he has in store.

It may be hair-splitting to call this something other than a dream, but Tony's misadventures in Costa Mesa were much more linear and coherent than his regular dreams have ever been. There were important details scribbled in the margins (the bartender joking, "Around here, it's dead," or the "Are sin, disease and death real?" commercial on the TV), but there was an actual story here instead of Tony bouncing from one surreal tableau to another.

Still, Chase followed last week's water-cooler cliffhanger with an 11-minute opening sequence set in a world that's not our own, with a Tony who wasn't quite right (it's startling to hear James Gandolfini's natural speaking voice), and only one split-second nod to the shooting (the brief flash of the doctor shining a light in Tony's eye mixed in with the chopper spotlight).

For years, most of "Sopranos" fandom has been divided into two intersecting sets: those who watch for the whacking and crude humor, and those who watch for the psychiatry and art-house storytelling. By putting the shooting right next to Tony's afterlife business trip, Chase is pushing his chips to the center of the table and telling the audience they had better go all in -- murder and therapy, flatulence jokes and metaphysics -- if they intend to stay at the table for this final season.

So will Tony ever get to check out of this hotel, and, if so, where will he end up? Again, I can't say, but if this season is going to be about a moral accounting for all of Tony's sins, then there's no better place to start.

Back in the physical world, give Edie Falco the Emmy right now. Just give it to her. Seriously. Do not pass Go, do not collect other nominations, just ship the statuette to her apartment today. There is no way any other actress on television is going to have two better scenes this year than Carmela's hallway breakdown and her monologue to Tony, scored perfectly to Tom Petty's "American Girl." And is there an Emmy category for Best Silent Hug? Because Michael Imperioli was pretty great when he put his arm around Carmela in the hallway. I know scenes where characters sob or give long speeches are stock award-show bait, but these performances went so far past showing off that I actually had to look away a few times out of a feeling I was spying on a private moment between real people.

Some other random notes: The song played at the end was Moby's "When It's Cold I'd Like To Die," with vocals by Mimi Goese.

The voice of Purgatory Tony's wife wasn't played by Annabella Sciorra, or any other actress who's been on the show before; she's just a generic non-Carmela female voice.

Boy, Janice's gift for making every moment of every day be all about her survives even her brother's shooting, huh? She shows up at the hospital, pretending she's there to help comfort Carmela, then immediately spazzes out so she's the center of attention. If I didn't know Janice so well from the last four seasons, I might have found her freak-out genuine, but this is Livia Soprano's daughter, people. And speaking of which...
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David Chase everybody...
danieldraper_11 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
When David Chase writes an episode, you know you're in for a treat.

This man created the series and really understands the ins and outs of their characters; this episode emphasises that. Lots of directions pointed towards Tony's real feelings, whether it be staying faithful to Carm (which had an AMAZING performance this episode), being 46 and lost, being diagnosed with alziemers (which runs in the family) etc.

This episode also revealed more about how AJ really resembles his father when it comes to confrontation and the Sopranos family deals with this tradgey. Like someone mentioned here, the dream sequence shows what Tony will do once he gets out of a coma, and we all know he will because come on, it's Tony fucking Soprano.

Poor Junior too, honestly. I'm a big fan of his character arc and seeing him like this, is heart breaking.

Vito too is a bit of an ass, but hey, who is actually not an ass on this TV show? LOL.

Amazing episode for me; flawless.

Praise to David Nutter as well for directing also.
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Kev Infinity
MaxBorg8920 May 2008
To call this episode brilliant feels like too little. To say it keeps up the excellent work of the season premiere is reductive too, 'cause there's never been a far-from-great Sopranos episode so far. In fact, the title might be a smug invitation for those who aren't real fans yet: Join the Club...

Picking up where Junior left off (putting a bullet in his nephew's gut after mistaking him for a crook he killed in the first season), the story begins with Tony being absolutely fine. With no recollection whatsoever of what happened to him, he's attending some kind of convention. Only he's not speaking with his normal accent, and there seems to be something wrong with his papers: apparently, he is not Tony Soprano but Kevin Finnerty, or at least that's what a group of people think, and until the mess is sorted out he can't leave his hotel.

Naturally, in pure Sopranos tradition, that turns out to be nothing but a dream: Tony is actually in a coma, with the doctors uncertain regarding his fate, his family and friends worried sick and Junior refusing to believe the whole thing actually happened. Unfortunately it did, and Anthony Jr. looks willing to avenge the attempt on his father's life.

Dreams have popped up rather frequently in the series, often as some kind of spiritual trial for the protagonists (most notably in the Season Five show The Test Dream). Join the Club, however, takes the metaphysical qualities of the program, already hinted at by the previous episode's use of a William S. Burroughs poem, and pushes the envelope in the most audacious way: Tony hallucinating about his dead friends (the first occurrence of the sort was caused by food poisoning, four seasons ago) is one thing, him actually being in what would appear to be Purgatory is radically different. The "heavenly" section of the story is crammed with allegorical significances, not least the name Tony is given (as one character points out, spelling it in a certain way will give you the word "infinity"), and none of it comes off as overblown or far-fetched: David Chase has created a piece of work that is far too intelligent to use weird set-ups just for their own sake; it all helps the narrative. Talking about "help from above" in the case of Tony Soprano might be stretching it a tad, though.
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Join the Club (#6.2)
ComedyFan201025 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Tony is in the hospital in a coma and his whole family keeps on visiting him. Carmela and Meadow stay there every night and AJ later comes as well to talk to his dad and promises to take revenge on Junior. In the meantime Tony has a dream of being stuck in a hotel with someone else's identity.

A very good episode. As some reviewers said before it does seem like a purgatory dream. So many references to death, being out of identity, a very different personality, him being slapped by the monks.

And I wonder how much development of AJ will we see now that he got out of school and even swore take Junior out. It could very well be the moment when he is "joining the club".
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Needs more praise
caidenhillier11 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I find it surprising how this episode has only a 8.7/10 score considering it is perhaps one of the best in the series. After Junior shoots Tony and Tony is set in a coma in the hospital with many unsure whether he will live or die. Even though the audience knows Tony will likely survive the emotions of the characters really shows how intense this scenario really is. The acting from every cast member is amazing. The Kevin Finnerty dreams where incredible and shows what Tony would be like if choose a different path than the mob world. In this he seems much different than the Tony we know in the series. His heavy New Jersey Italian accent is gone and he's a legitimate businessman with a loving wife and family. One of the deepest and saddest episodes in the series but one of the greatest ever produced.
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"Meanwhile though, AJ continues to be a disappointment to his family."
Neptune16521 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Hearing James Gandolfini speak without the Jersey accent in this episode is so disorientating, but also an incredible moment showcasing his range as an actor. Carmela was quite spiteful to Ro. She threw up her son's death in her face just because she felt offended. My favorite scene in the series is in this episode during AJ talk with his father where he get so emotional talking about "how they might be ever to play catch together again" & it's so heartbreaking to see this son who idolize his father yet having to deal with instances of neglect & inability to be himself. The scene where Carmela started to cry hits so hard to me, I've seen A lot in that situation so many times with them, this is one of my favorite episodes on the entire show. Wow the acting by Carmella when she breaks down is really something .. she was great when Tony was in a coma. "Carmela continues to make excuses for him" She's been doing that since Season 1 and is the real reason AJ is so intolerable.
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One of the show's greatest episodes
julienlegiletier15 July 2020
My current rewatch has revealed unlikely front-runners among the episodes of The Sopranos and, so far, this and The Test Dream I hold in extremely high regard as moments of effective introspection. If you are someone who was not a fan of the early dreamier moments of the show (like Funhouse), then I can understand some dissatisfaction here. But for those who appreciate them, these later seasons really offer a lot. In this, and in The Test Dream, the dreams take on more supernatural qualities. They are not simply visually symbolic nonsenses which appear during sleep. I would even posit that they are not dreams, but visions. The narratives they contain are sophisticated and fleshed out (unlike a dream) and, especially here, their pacing is the pace of real life. In this episode we see Tony either in purgatory or just having a dream about what his life would be like if he was "normal", i.e. outside of the mafia. There is a healthy sprinkling of post-9/11 anxiety which exists in prior seasons too, which forms part of the "normal" Tony's conundrum. It's worth noting, as 'current affairs' form a large part of the discussion of anxiety that the show conducts. I always say to fans of Mad Men who have not seen The Sopranos that the last two seasons of the show is where Mad Men was born (arguably, the Gloria Trillo plot line is very significant too, but I believe the best part of that arc occurs after her death, in season five). This episode is an illustration of that. Outside of Tony's purgatory dream is another stellar moment for Edie Falco and a continuation of minor characters' arcs amidst the general plot stasis caused by Tony's hospitalisation.
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Pure Carm episode....
00Yasser8 August 2020
One Family together forever, the dreams idea from the writer is perfect, i liked it so much.
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Powerful and thought provoking episode
snoozejonc31 January 2023
We see the consequence of the shooting portrayed in the previous episode.

It's difficult to discuss the plot without spoiling, but the focus on Tony is a typically unconventional David Chase approach to the situation. The writer stated that these scenes are not dreams but he also left their meaning ambiguous. There are clues relating to Tony's soul being possibly in various states of limbo, hell, purgatory, or awaiting rebirth, but the main theme is about his identity. There are images and dialogue relating to possibilities of who he might be if not that "fat f______ crook from New Jersey" and also the aspects of his personality that are quintessentially him. I'm not pretending to understand it all, but I think it's compelling to watch.

The other aspect of the story that transitions brilliantly from Tony's journey is the family at his bedside. The scenes with Carmela, AJ and Meadow are wonderfully portrayed and recognisable to anyone who has been in the unfortunate position of being round the clock in hospital with a relative who is critically ill. Edie Falco is great in most episodes, but here she is exceptional.

His other family is amusingly portrayed with a dynamic of one-upmanship amongst each other that provides some humorous relief, but also shows how self-serving they are.
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What was a good idea in the 80s, it is just a lack of originality and an excuse not to strive to be creative
angelomascaro13 December 2020
One of the worst episode of the whole series. It's hard to refrain using bad words. How come that Buddhist monks came into the story? Totally useless and stupid non sense. I should have started to fast forward these part!

I find unacceptable to repeat over and over the old cliché of dreams while sleeping or while being unconscious. It was a great twist in "Jacob's ladder", but now it is just an expedient used by writers with no ideas or B-movies writers. I expected much more from "The Sopranos". The fifth seasons was already disappointing for 50% of it and the first three episodes of the sixth season are much worse. The Sopranos does not deserve such a low level writing.
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a view from above
bigs16620 March 2006
in the second episode to the season the use of the dream sequence, to me, becomes a key element to how tony will react when/if he comes out of the coma. his voice inflection and the way he is carrying himself makes him feel more and more like just another part of the population, and the name Anthony soprano isn't internationally known, but just another shlub. if you listen closely to the lines in the dream sequence ("its dead around here"... "you could have broke your neck"..."their lookin for a perp") there are many more but after these are said the look on Tony's face suggests that he knows that something is wrong. one thing that no one is noticing is the light house in the background at 2 points. in the very beginning and in the very end of the episode. this will absolutely play a part in tony coming out of the coma, or going to the afterlife. the view from above (the helicopter) is them (doctors and family) peering down into Tony's mind trying to find him. he is living a life with another woman, a woman he truly loves and is not just married to. you can tell by the way he talks to her on the phone. i enjoyed this episode very much. i believe that the hospital scenes were meant to be boring and drawn out, this put more emphasis on the dream. watch it again and you'll notice a few things you didn't before
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Best episode in my opinion
nicktusk-9559111 August 2023
Honestly, I love the Sopranos. I tend to laugh and have a good time and then some parts are very serious where I cringe but this. This series this particular episode is the only one that really makes me cry. Almost like watching a movie cast away. The power meadows is in the back forest saying don't leave us daddy very sad episode yet with a happy ending. Then I think about real life actor, James garner Fenian that makes me more upset. But I love the spectacular show David, Chase, and David Nutter did an excellent job of directing this episode. "You are going to be fine Tony" the part where Carmella plays the Tom Petty CD "American girl " priceless.

So the writing the directing the acting in this entire episode is just impeccable I seriously can't think of another episode that tops this one? I know a lot of people don't like the dream sequence and all that stuff but to put Tony in a coma and make him Kevin Finnerty that's just freaking awesome. Imagine going to Disneyland and Mickey and Minnie. All the sudden were different types of characters and Disneyland. Took you for a ride. That's how good the Sopranos is. If you don't like the dream sequences tough luck! Don't watch it lol.
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Coma chameleon
ctomvelu-122 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
With the badly injured Tony in an induced coma, two things happen: Tony imagines himself leading the life of a salesman attending a business convention, while his family and friends go through hell trying to cope with the possible loss of the big man. The dream sequences are right out of an old TWILIGHT ZONE episode, as Tony finds himself transformed into an Average Joe trying to deal with a missing wallet and mixed-up identities while on a cross-country business trip. His intonation as a blazer- and khaki-wearing schnook is more mid-American and less that of an Italian thug from Noo Joisey. A nice touch. The shockingly long-haired, hippy-dippy AJ (whom Paulie calls "Van Helsing" at one point) has a nice scene with his comatose old man. The best moment has the big boys trying to talk about life without Tony, which immediately breaks down into a territorial dispute. Vito gets off a line about the new-dead Gene possibly having been a closet case, which is interesting in light of what we are about to learn about Vito.
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Perchance to Dream
buddhanmarley20 March 2006
While still leaving it's viewers without resolution concerning Tony and his inner struggle to find answers, the second episode of the season does do a good job of stripping away some layers superficiality in certain characters and revealing more of their human side in attempting to cope with this tragedy. I felt the dream sequence was a bit overly-emphasized, but it truly was the only way to portray any of the emotions that Tony may be feeling in his current state. Admittedly, it was quite intriguing to see Tony break character during the dream and become just another "average Joe" facing some of the common individual's daily dilemmas.

The hospital setting did become mundane at times, but was an absolute necessity in allowing the writers to bridge the gap between the incident in the first episode and the development of future plot lines throughout the season. The amount of foreshadowing used within this episode was again very pronounced as it was in the premiere, leaving the audience with a hint of what may lie ahead while no doubt setting the stage for more unexpected twists down the road. Overall, this episode certainly would not rank in the series' top-ten. But if you are an avid follower of the Sopranos as so many of us are, there is definitely sufficient reason to tune in.
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In the end we all will be humble like Tony is now
broncoz7123 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I have often wondered what I will act like when I face the afterlife, and this Sopranos episode reminds me what all already knew. But I'm getting ahead of myself..let me explain. When the episode first started my wife and I thought, oh boy here comes a dream sequence. But unlike my wife, I immediately noticed the change in Tony Soprano's demeanor in the hotel. No ultra tough guy mob accent,Tony's voice is more reminiscent of a mild mannered salesman you pass 100 times a day while getting your morning coffee. He is calm, happy and polite even when someone throws an unsolicited wise crack at him when he is down, "Lexus/Infiniti". Where the normal Tony Soprano would have choked this man and spit in his face, Tony just looks back at the man with a blank stare. The fires burning out of control on the hotel televisions obviously represent hell, and the searchlight Tony looks at at night on the horizon that seems so far away is Heaven. Man I hope I am explaining my thoughts right, I'm not a great writer thats for sure, but this episode was so deep and attacks your subconscious. Yeah I love the action episodes too, and the T & A as much as the next fan..but this final season is like real life...As tough as you are, or pretended to be in life it all will one day end and you will be standing at the crossroads, no longer able to intimidate anyone, you will have to be you . Then there is the rest of the family, AJ has failed school and now will follow in Tony's dark footsteps.. Will he kill Junior to avenge his Dad? Carmella looks like death, Meadow seems like such an adult now, her mom will need her..Silvio wants to take over, and thats a fight already brewing
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one of the best episodes
Sankara8817 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Its too bad a lot of people didn't understand this and the next episode.

But don't worry! ill explain it too you :)

This episode is split in 2 parts.

first part is Tony's "Dream" in his coma. Second part is what happens in real life.

now what people didn't understand is that Tony's dream is more then just a dream. in this episode its about his preparation for his Death. He loses his own identity and eventually even forgets himself, thus he disconnects all his bindings with this world. You will notice what I'm saying at the doctor scene, where tony says he has lost his briefcase which contains "his life". They makers really did a superb job of interpreting they're own thoughts of what happens when you die.

If you understand the whole plot you will find this and the next episode an unique thing, with great spiritual meanings.

Like every sopranos episode the acting and filming is superb.

Only thing i didn't understand was what the role where of the monks. gonna re watch it till i get this.

anyways this episode really touched me, and i don't think anyone else can make a better view of what happens in a almost death experience.

10/10 no doubt.
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2006 Season - Episode 2
slamADM20 March 2006
Many hardcore fans dislike the dreams that frequent the Sopranos, but I find them interesting and provocative. Tony's coma/dream didn't disappoint. It raised many questions:

  • A.J. has proved himself an aimless coward, but showed uncharacteristic conviction when he vowed to murder his grandfather (while telling his mother he flunked out of school). Is he going into the family business ? -Was the dream Tony's subconsious wish that he was a WASP middle class schlubb ? - How will the outfit adjust to Silvio as the new boss ? Will they lose street cred or come out of their corner swinging ? - Was this Edie Falco's greatest episode in the entire show ?
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"Urban Critic" has no idea what he's talking about
SBrown667720 March 2006
The poster "Urban Critic"'s review of this episode was ridiculous. While the episode wasn't a classic, I found it enjoyable because it showed Tony dreaming about life out of the mob. The dream sequences were also full of metaphors, very allegorical. A bit too much sap with the hospital scenes, but the few "family" dealings scenes were good. The seeds are being sown for some turmoil within the family. "Urban Critics" thought that The poster "Urban Critic"'s review of this episode was ridiculous. While the episode wasn't a classic, I found it enjoyable because it showed Tony dreaming about life out of the mob. The dream sequences were also full of metaphors, very allegorical. A bit too much sap with the hospital scenes, but the few "family" dealings scenes were good. The seeds are being sown for some turmoil within the family. "Urban Critics" thought that "Perhaps, another suicide would have made a substantial positive difference in this episode?" was the sickest thing I've ever read on IMDb.com. Get help, Critic. If suicide scenes are what you want from your T.V. shows I feel sorry for you. I've had someone close commit suicide and it's not something to take lightly.
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Far from Great
UrbanCritic19 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I must say, this episode of the Sopranos was very disappointing. Probably one of the worst episodes I've seen-- perhaps the worst since the Christmas episode (Season III?). The first episode of the season was much much better. This episodes had a few highlights concerning Family politics... like Chris having a CD player delivered to Tony's ICU room after telling Paulie in a previous scene that Tony "don't need that." I did like the conversations about the Suicide. Junior had a good scene. Otherwise, generally pretty weak. I don't care about the Soprano family enough to go through what seemed like an hour-full of endless hospital visits. The A.J. character remains consistent. Just when you think he has a head on his shoulders, he proves you wrong again. The dream sequences were OK... but, the first few were sufficient. Spare me all of that and give me more mob dealings, violence and death. Perhaps, another suicide would have made a substantial positive difference in this episode?
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thorodinson-501303 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
When Tony wake up i think it is he's Dream that he was shot. But not there is two scene in one the Tony is in new Jersey who lost is briefcase with id and now using some Kevin Fettrnity id and another one he is in coma in hospital after shot by uncle Jun.
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