"Doctor Who" The Three Doctors: Episode Four (TV Episode 1973) Poster

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it was all building up to this!
ianweech15 March 2020
Dayum! This was brilliant! The final episode of this four parter was the best one! It wassent 10 stars, but it was pretty great.
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Omega meets his match.
Sleepin_Dragon28 October 2019
Omega needs a replacement to stay in The world of anti matter, The Doctor is the obvious choice.

I've thoroughly enjoyed The Three Doctors, it's been a worthy anniversary special. Omega has made for a great villain, and the combined forces of Pertwee and Troughton have been an utter joy, I can't believe how well the pair worked together on screen. The story has been terrific, a big, epic story, fitting for such an important landmark.

Omega needs to return one day. Stephen Thorne did a good job.

A great scene where The Doctors remove Omega's mask, a terrific rant follows. I must admit to a deep adoration when I see Hartnell appear on screen, such gravitas, like a headteacher among the children.

Several years until Arc of Infinity, and the return of Omega.

This was excellent, 9/10
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Anniversary Waltz! Pertwee, Troughton and Hartnell interplay creates some magic.
A_Kind_Of_CineMagic12 October 2014
Review of all 4 episodes:

This story marked the 10th anniversary of the series and it is a very good birthday party as all three actors who had played The Doctor appear and have dialogue together. The production is not perfect but it is perfectly magic! It is the interplay of the 3 versions of The Doctor which adds the real magic to this adventure.

The storyline involves a legendary Time Lord, Omega, who is trapped in a world of antimatter inside a Black Hole which he created to bring the power of time travel to the Time Lords. He has been there for a very long time and has become mad with bitterness and rage at being 'left' trapped after giving the Time Lords their powers by his ingenuity and bravery. Over the vast time he has been trapped he has developed ways to attack the known universe and the Time Lords using antimatter. The Time Lords realise The Doctor may be able to fight Omega and to increase his chances they allow his two previous incarnations to cross into their own future so that the three Doctors can combine their intellect and battle Omega. The first Doctor (Hartnell) is caught in a 'time eddy' so cannot physically join them but he is able to communicate with the 2nd and 3rd Doctors. They bicker and banter but along with Jo, Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart and Sgt. Benton they bravely pool their efforts to save the universe.

The production in general is very good but not necessarily really great in every respect. Limitations of technology and budget mean the effects are not very good. The blob monsters serving Omega are the worst example of the imperfections to be found and the effect of the power transporting things into Omega's world is another. However the magic touch from the three Doctors make this something special and I never judge things purely by effects. Indeed if they were to make an enhanced CGI version with everything exactly the same except for improving the effects then this would basically eliminate any real gripes I might have with this serial. I can overlook the unimpressive effects as apart from that there is so much charm and brilliance on show.

The dialogue is beautifully written by writers Bob Baker and Dave Martin and all the character interaction is great. Patrick Troughton and Jon Pertwee are marvelous, performing their roles to perfection whilst William Hartnell's special quality shines through in his scenes despite ill health limiting his contribution. The scripting and performance of all their scenes together is terrific and often very amusing with the fun banter working really well.

There is an epic quality to the storyline with the universe being threatened and the involvement of the Time Lords and their legendary hero turned adversary Omega. The idea is interesting and Omega is a fascinating villain. The plot works in spite of its convoluted scientific ideas. It comes across as menacing, engrossing and fun.

Nicholas Courtney adds real quality as the Brigadier with some hilarious reactions and strong involvement in the story. Benton has one of his best adventures while Jo brings her usual endearing nature. Guest characters are well played also.

A really charming and enjoyable romp with some superb work from the 3 tremendous actors who made Doctor Who's first 10 years so fantastic.

Effects aside, this is a 10/10 classic throughout.
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S10: The Three Doctors: Fun from Troughton/Pertwee but the narrative is weak and Omega wouldn't even make the cut in the WWE
bob the moo3 January 2015
When it comes to Nu Who, there is a certainty aloofness to those who grew up with the original Doctor Who; the message boards are filled with people despairing at the new seasons and while this mostly has to do with the poor quality thereof, there is an element that seems to view the original with different (nostalgic) eyes from the modern episodes (not you Theo!). Particularly prone to eye-rolling are events which occur against all internal rules/logic but which are done for the sake of making a story happen. So, imagine how I feel finding that the very same thing was done all those decades ago to mark the 10th anniversary of the show being on the air.

The plot sees the Timelords permitting the three versions of the Doctor to come together in the same time so they can combine to fight the menace of Omega. It is a story that they could have done anything with and it is a shame that they do not make more of the strengths and have a lot of areas which are underdeveloped. In terms of what works, the banter between Pertwee and Troughton having some amusing clashes of character is the main draw here. Troughton in particular seems to be having the most fun, since this is a bonus for him, and he does steal the scene every time he pops his head up. I would have been interested to be a fly-on-the-wall in Pertwee's dressing room, since it must have been odd to have the last guys in the job coming back, particularly with one being better than you (although maybe that is just my preference – Troughton remains my favorite to date). The shame is that we do not get more of this, I would have happily watched a whole episode of them biting at each other, but sadly the narrative keeps them all apart (well, health kept Hartnell away).

It is also a shame that this strength is lost within a poor serial. The plot is okay but the main villain is like a stroppy teenager crossed with an OTT professional wrestler (even has the outfit for it – and a scene in which he wrestles Pertwee). Stomping around yelling at everything certainly doesn't work that well – particularly following a season where The Master was a much better and more refined villain. I watched this serial at Christmas, which seemed fitting since the monsters working for Omega resembled a trifle once half of it is eaten and the rest slops over onto itself; suffice to say they are not the most threatening creature I've seen in this show. The wider writing is also poor; Levene's Benton has more to do but Courtney's Lethbridge-Stewart suddenly seems to be unable to process other worlds and beings despite that fact that he has been exposed to them for a very long time – he comes over as a bit bumbling here and I have no idea why.

So, a rather "meh" start to the tenth season, albeit with the pleasure of seeing Troughton again, and seeing him and Pertwee do some good work together.
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The Three Doctors: Episode Four
Prismark1013 July 2021
Stephen Thorne's shouty performance as Omega goes up a notch.

The Second Doctor deliberately rubs him up the wrong way to show how unstable he is.

Then again Omega losing his body in this antimatter world and surviving on willpower alone would drive anyone bonkers.

Oh the Second Doctor also finds his recorder. It's now a matter of life and death.

It really is Troughton's episode. Pertwee gets bashing by a monster in a judo match.

There is a bit of padding in this episode. Some of the side characters had nothing to do. Most of them have screen time walking over a funnel to get back to earth.

However it makes for a good slap up celebratory story.
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