"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" The Darkest Journey Home (TV Episode 2019) Poster

Mariska Hargitay: Captain Olivia Benson



  • Olivia Benson : So, Raegan still doesn't remember anything. Tell me that you got something from the rape kit.

    Amanda Rollins : Her blood alcohol was 0.1. Presence of Xanax. She disclosed the drinking and the drugs. There were also traces of marijuana, of cocaine, MDMA, and Ambien.

    Olivia Benson : Okay, that's a lot. Anything else?

    Amanda Rollins : Presence of semen from two different donors. Neither matches the fiance.

    Olivia Benson : So the driver and the passenger.

    Odafin Tutuola : Not according to them.

    Amanda Rollins : Listen, her girlfriends implied that this isn't her first night as a blackout drunk. I mean, there's been four visits to the ER over the past year, all alcohol-related. Um, no family here. No siblings. Her father's deceased. Her mom's in an assisted living in Boca.

    Olivia Benson : And these two suspects?

    Odafin Tutuola : No records. Nothing on social media. The passenger's app shows he was dropped off at his place at 1:35 a.m.

    Olivia Benson : Well, that doesn't necessarily mean that he got out of the car. Can anyone put her at Clemente's?

    Odafin Tutuola : No, and there's nothing on security cameras.

    Olivia Benson : Where are we with the suspects' DNA?

    Amanda Rollins : Counselor Carisi isn't sure that we have probable cause. They have him on a short leash over there.

    Olivia Benson : So retrieve abandoned samples. Have CSU run her apartment. She could've been raped there.

    Odafin Tutuola : On it.

    [leaves the office] 

    Olivia Benson : [to Rollins]  What?

    Amanda Rollins : Raegan reminds me of my sister. She's the kind of girl that just craves drama.

    Olivia Benson : I can see that, but something did happen to her.

    Amanda Rollins : It would just help if she could remember anything.

    Olivia Benson : Yes, it would. And she's had a night's sleep, and I'm gonna talk to her again.

    Amanda Rollins : All right.

    Olivia Benson : And Rollins. This interviewing technique actually helps people remember things.

  • Dr. Alexis Hanover : Olivia, you ask victims when they're at their most vulnerable to go back to a place they'd rather not go.

    Olivia Benson : Okay. Uh, I felt, uh, I felt him pulling the duct tape off my mouth, and it was burning, stinging. I felt his... I felt him breathing in my ear and the whole time, I just kept thinking I'm a cop. How could I have... how could I have let my guard down?

  • Olivia Benson : [to Raegan]  So, honey, are you sure that there's nobody that I can call for you? Your parents?

    Raegan James : Mom and Dad are on a cruise on the Danube. I do not want to worry them about this. And I hate my sister.

    Olivia Benson : Okay, Raegan, you... uh, you told me that you didn't want to go to Mount Sinai Hospital, right? Can you tell me why?

    Raegan James : My fiance is doing his residency there.

    Olivia Benson : You're engaged.

    Raegan James : I don't want Richard to know about this. He doesn't like me partying. He'll be mad. He has anger management issues.

    Olivia Benson : Well, I could call him for you.

    Raegan James : No, no. I-I'll call him, but please be here when he shows up.

  • Raegan James : Well, that sucked.

    Olivia Benson : I'm so sorry.

    Raegan James : It's not your fault. I... I hate when people say that. Can I go home?

    Olivia Benson : Not quite yet, Raegan. Unfortunately, you have a couple more procedures. Let me... let me get you some water first.

    [goes over to the sink to get some water] 

    Olivia Benson : Um, is there is there anyone that I can call for you?

    Raegan James : Like my friends? Sometimes they care. Sometimes they just can't wait to tell another crazy Raegan story, but I feel like I can trust you.

    Olivia Benson : You can.

    Raegan James : Right. So, full disclosure, I drank a lot of tequila at the bar.

    Olivia Benson : Okay.

    Raegan James : And I took a Xany in the cab. I just wanted to sleep when I got home.

    Olivia Benson : And you know what? None of that matters. None of it.

  • Raegan James : Yeah, that's Dennis. My old boss. I like your hair that way.

    Olivia Benson : So, Raegan, can you help me understand why the lab found traces of Dennis' semen from the oral swab in your Invisalign?

    Raegan James : I couldn't tell you. I didn't want Richard to find out.

    Olivia Benson : Okay, well, you need to tell me now.

    Raegan James : I gave Dennis a quick blowie that afternoon. We were in Barney's, I was helping him pick out something for his wife. The dressing room was right there. You don't believe me, ask him.

    Olivia Benson : I believe you, but, Raegan, going forward, I need you to tell me everything. Do you understand? Everything.

    Raegan James : Please don't tell Richard.

    Olivia Benson : Well, that's... that's not my place. Tell me about your parents and your sister?

    Raegan James : Is that what this is about? You're mad because I changed a few details? I exaggerate sometimes. So what? Life is boring and my version is a lot more interesting. I don't need this.

    [gets up to leave] 

    Olivia Benson : Raegan, hold on.

    Raegan James : I thought I could trust you.

    Olivia Benson : Okay, Raegan...

    Raegan James : You betrayed me! I was raped. Screw you.

    [storms off] 

  • Raegan James : I was with friends. I took a QuikRide home. I thought I was going home.

    Amanda Rollins : Can I see your phone?

    Raegan James : Uh, okay. I woke up in my bed. I was all sticky, sore. I think I was raped, but I don't remember.

    Olivia Benson : That's okay, Raegan. We're gonna figure that out together.

    Amanda Rollins : So you took a QuikRide from Chelsea to Sheepshead Bay.

    Raegan James : Hold on, what? Sheepshead Bay. I don't even know what that is.

    [looks at her phone] 

    Raegan James : 140? What the hell? It should've been 15 bucks.

    Amanda Rollins : May I have that back? I just need to take a quick screen shot. Thanks.

    Olivia Benson : So you remember anything else?

    Raegan James : I think he had his hands on my leg. Could I have some water?

    Olivia Benson : You know, if I could just ask you to wait. We're gonna go to the hospital to get a rape exam.

    Raegan James : Which hospital? I can't go to Mount Sinai.

    Olivia Benson : Uh, okay. Um, you know what? Let me make a quick call and I'll be right back.

  • Olivia Benson : Raegan? Raegan?

    Raegan James : Thank God you're here. He hit me.

    Olivia Benson : Richard?

    Raegan James : [laughs]  You should see your face. No, he didn't hit me, but he obviously doesn't believe me.

    Olivia Benson : Okay, Raegan, can we... can we talk?

    Raegan James : Richard didn't hit me. He's never even yelled at me. I know he's mad. I wish he would yell. I deserve it. I cheated on him.

    Olivia Benson : Okay, but you don't want to talk about this. We can talk about whatever you want to talk about.

    Raegan James : I had to pee. I had to go so bad. I begged them to let me up. Please. Just to use the bathroom. They just laughed. They were raping me and I was worried about messing their bed.

  • Raegan James : [remembering a perp's tattoo]  Yes. That's it. What is it?

    Olivia Benson : It's a Corsican flag.

    Raegan James : He was the one. Did he admit it?

    Olivia Benson : Not yet.

    Raegan James : And the others?

    Olivia Benson : They're... they all have different stories.

    Raegan James : Like what? I'm crazy and I wanted it?

    Olivia Benson : Raegan, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

    Raegan James : You're not going to tell them about me and my old boss, are you?

    Olivia Benson : Raegan, if this goes to trial, then everything in your rape kit goes to discovery.

    Raegan James : They're going to get away with this. Promise me they won't.

    Olivia Benson : I can't promise you that.

  • Olivia Benson : Thank you so much for seeing me after hours.

    Dr. Alexis Hanover : I'm glad you could make the time.

    Olivia Benson : Well, the new Deputy Chief made is very clear that this was mandatory. So, thank you.

    Dr. Alexis Hanover : Mm-hmm.

    Olivia Benson : So, um, I have been investigating sexual assault for twenty years, and I'm pretty familiar with... with trauma-based interviewing.

    Dr. Alexis Hanover : Of course. So, you know this part of the training is role-playing. Can you think of a trauma in your life?

    Olivia Benson : [sardonic chuckle]  A trauma.

    Dr. Alexis Hanover : Something that you may have thought about a lot already.

  • Olivia Benson : He gave me something to drink. It wasn't water. It was vodka. That he... he forced down my throat.

    Dr. Alexis Hanover : Can you tell me what you felt?

    Olivia Benson : Uh... I felt his hand... gripping my face. Hard. And then he put the... tape back on. And then he kissed me. And I couldn't breathe. And I was so scared. And I knew... and I knew that I was gonna die.

  • Olivia Benson : Raegan, this is going to take time.

    Raegan James : How many times have you told that to someone?

    Olivia Benson : Too many. Raegan, it's not gonna be easy, but you survived the assault and you're going to survive this.

    Raegan James : You've said that before too, haven't you?

    Olivia Benson : I have because it's true.

    Raegan James : How do you know?

    Olivia Benson : Because I did. So if you ever want or need to talk, I'm here.

    Raegan James : I know.

    Olivia Benson : It's gonna be okay.

  • Dominick Carisi Jr. : I wanted all four of these guys to go, but maybe we gotta cut one of 'em a deal.

    Olivia Benson : On a gang rape? Carisi, I can't tell Raegan that.

    Odafin Tutuola : As much as I hate to say it, I think Carisi's right. It's better to get three than none.

    Dominick Carisi Jr. : Yeah, and Anthony Marino is in the middle of a custody battle. He's got the most to lose.

  • Raegan James : I think I was here.

    Olivia Benson : Okay. Just anything that comes to you.

    Raegan James : They were laughing, singing.

    Olivia Benson : You remember what they were singing?

    Raegan James : They were making fun of me. Calling me uptight. Uh, uptight girl.

    Olivia Benson : [spotting a boat moored nearby]  Uptown girl?

    Raegan James : [remembering details of the assault]  Oh, God. This is it. I can't go in there.

    Olivia Benson : Raegan, Raegan.

    Raegan James : Please don't make me.

    Olivia Benson : It's okay.

    Raegan James : [running away]  Don't make me.

    Olivia Benson : It's okay, honey. Honey, it's okay.

    Raegan James : Don't make me.

    Olivia Benson : Hey, Raegan. Honey, you don't have to.

    Raegan James : I just... I just want this not to have happened.

    Olivia Benson : [giving her comforting hug]  I know, I know, I know. We're done. We're done. We're done now. I know. We're done, and you did great.

  • Raegan James : I don't wanna talk to you.

    Olivia Benson : I gathered that. You haven't returned any of my calls.

    Raegan James : You're a real Angela Lansbury.

  • Dominick Carisi Jr. : Okay, so this girl claims she doesn't remember changing her route to Sheepshead Bay?

    Olivia Benson : Well, her memories are coming back in pieces, but we don't have the whole puzzle.

    Amanda Rollins : There's no evidence that she was ever in the bar, nothing on her phone indicates that she was meeting someone, and the cell got turned off at 1:20 a.m.

    Odafin Tutuola : We found grit in her shoes and bed, all consistent with the marinas in the area.

    Dominick Carisi Jr. : Okay, so working theory is she was assaulted by the passenger or the driver?

    Olivia Benson : Or both. There were two semen samples, and her narrative is "they", "them".

    Dominick Carisi Jr. : So they raped her under a boardwalk?

    Olivia Benson : Well, she remembers being in a bed.

    Dominick Carisi Jr. : Eh, it could've been a boat. Clemente's is right by a marina. You did a canvass?

    Odafin Tutuola : The waterfront's dead after midnight.

    Dominick Carisi Jr. : Okay, so what do you need?

    Olivia Benson : Credit cards, cell records, anything that will put Nick or Julius at that location after 1:30 when they both swear that they weren't there.

    Amanda Rollins : [her phone buzzes]  Captain, we got a hit from a military database on the DNA from one of the semen samples.

    Olivia Benson : Nick or Julius?

    Amanda Rollins : It's neither. It's-it's some guy named Dennis Callahan.

  • Raegan James : What do you want?

    Olivia Benson : I want... us to start over. I know that you were raped.

    Raegan James : How do you know?

    Olivia Benson : I just know. Look... can we... can we try something? Your memory is coming back in-in pieces, and that's normal. But I think that... that you'll remember more details if we re-trace your route.

    Raegan James : If I don't want to?

    Olivia Benson : Then we don't. And it stops here. But I think that this is your best chance, and mine, to figure out what happened to you.

  • Raegan James : We were here. I know it. That smell.

    Olivia Benson : What smell?

    Raegan James : From the fryers. Sour in my mouth. I kept thinking "Where are my shoes?"

    Olivia Benson : So you were barefoot?

    Raegan James : Yeah.

    [taking her shoes off] 

    Raegan James : Gravel. Stuff under my feet. It-it... it hurt. He started dragging me.

    Olivia Benson : He?

    Raegan James : A big man. Uh, he was older. Then the smell changed. The ocean. Low tide. I was here. I know I was here.

  • Olivia Benson : Boat owner turned first, and then the driver turned on the boat owner and the passenger. So this isn't going to trial. Everybody's gonna take a plea.

    Raegan James : Okay. Is that supposed to make me feel better?

  • Amanda Rollins : [to Olivia]  Morning, Lieutenant. I mean Captain.

    Odafin Tutuola : Should we throw you a party?

    Olivia Benson : Please don't. And by the way, if you guys really want to make me happy, sign up for your trauma-informed interview training. It's actually quite helpful.

    Amanda Rollins : What is this, a new Chief mandate?

    Olivia Benson : It is, and he wants us to be better at our jobs, Fin, don't you?

    Amanda Rollins : If he wants us to be better, he should get us some more detectives.

    Olivia Benson : We're working on that, and by the way, nobody wants that more than I do.

  • Raegan James : I was feeling invincible. Like I could do anything. I-I could see my friends. Their lips were moving, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. It was silent.

    Olivia Benson : Okay, tell me about silent.

    Raegan James : I tuned everything out. Focused on my phone. The driver's little picture. Besnick. Weird name. I... I-I got into the car. I didn't hesitate. Shouldn't I have had a premonition or something?

    Olivia Benson : Not always. And even when people do, they don't act on it. They get into the elevator. They stay in the car. You're doing great.

  • Dr. Darby Wilder : Cuts, abrasions, splinters in her feet. Fingerpad-bruising on her neck, arms, and ankle.

    Olivia Benson : She was held down.

    Dr. Darby Wilder : And extensive vaginal and anal trauma. They did a number on this girl.

    Olivia Benson : I didn't let her drink. You took a mouth swab?

    Dr. Darby Wilder : Blood and urine.

    Olivia Benson : She can take a break now?

    Dr. Darby Wilder : Yeah.

  • Raegan James : Is this Special Victims?

    Olivia Benson : It is. I'm Captain Benson. What's your name?

    Raegan James : Raegan.

    Olivia Benson : Hey, Raegan. Did something happen to you?

    Raegan James : I have no idea.

  • Olivia Benson : Anything?

    Amanda Rollins : This girl got taken for a ride. She was picked up at a Casa Mezcal Dos in Chelsea. One stop at West 40th, a rideshare, and then up to 117th Street.

    Odafin Tutuola : Her home address.

    Olivia Benson : So he did take her home.

    Amanda Rollins : But then it looks like she changed her route. She went over the Triborough Bridge into Astoria for a stop, and then to a bar in Sheepshead Bay.

    Odafin Tutuola : Clemente's Maryland Crab House.

    Olivia Benson : Okay, so canvass Clemente's, talk to her friends, track down the driver and the rideshare passenger.

    Odafin Tutuola : You know there's only the two of us, right?

    Amanda Rollins : Who's gonna take the girl to the ER?

    Olivia Benson : I'll take her.

  • Amanda Rollins : We got Corso's DNA on the rape kit, and DNA puts all four of them on the boat.

    Olivia Benson : What's Corso saying?

    Odafin Tutuola : Nothing new. The girl was wild. She couldn't get enough of him.

    Olivia Benson : Of course. And what about Anthony?

    Dominick Carisi Jr. : Still claiming he was never there. Also, his DNA is not in the rape kit.

    Olivia Benson : Okay, and where are we with the driver and the passenger?

    Amanda Rollins : Nowhere. They both lawyered up, and they're digging into Raegan's past.

    Dominick Carisi Jr. : Liv, how do you think she's gonna hold up on the stand?

    Olivia Benson : I don't know.

See also

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