Hell House LLC III: Lake of Fire (2019) Poster

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Too busy wrapping up the story that it forgets to be scary
jtindahouse28 October 2019
A summation of my reviews for the first two entries in the 'Hell House LLC' trilogy would be that writer/director Stephen Cognetti wasn't getting the regular scenes in his movie right, but that his horror scenes were world class. Interestingly 'Hell House LLC III: Lake of Fire' serves to prove that the opposite of that is a much worse thing. This film has far better acting than the first two and also the dialogue is much better written, and yet it is the weakest of all three by a significant margin. Why? Because he forgot about the horror this time around.

The film has a tremendous amount of over-lapping shots from the first two films, mostly to show what happened in a certain part of the hotel/house or who a certain character was. At first this is helpful, but then it happens far too often from there on out and becomes very annoying and distracting. I think you just have to have faith that the audience has seen the first two films, and if they haven't then the information they are missing out on isn't hugely critical to the enjoyment of this one.

I think Cognetti was so intent on wrapping everything up into a nice little bundle storywise that he forgot what made the first two films so good, which was the epic horror sequences they featured. This one has little moments here and there, but there is never that big payoff that the first two films achieved. 'Hell House LLC III: Lake of Fire' was a little bit of a disappointing way to end an otherwise very good horror trilogy. It's not unwatchable, but it is a big step in the wrong direction.
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I'm a Hell House LLC fan so I'm biased but...
RandomFlux19 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I can only give this five out of ten. I'd give it five and a half but there are no half stars.

The original Hell House LLC was an excellent indie film that I have watched many times. I highly recommend it. Unfortunately, the 'curse' of the ever diminishing sequels is in effect here.

This movie actually has a lot of good moments. I love found footage movies and I really enjoy the subtle scares they create.

Unfortunately the potential here is often sacrificed for the sake of clunky exposition.

I appreciate the desire to create a finale. An ending that would round out the trilogy. But they're trying too hard and it shows.

If you want to get technical this isn't really a 'found footage' film, although some footage from the original film was apparently "found" by one of the characters.

And how about that bit at the very tail of the film? WTF was that even supposed to be? Footage of the afterlife?

"You're dead. We're stuck here." ... "Now it's time to move on." Ok... wait, what?

Needless to say some of the dialogue is ... iffy.

The actors are good, except for the guy playing "Russel". He's kind of terrible. Flat and wooden all the time.

Overall it's a good final installment for the series. I had hoped for more but at least it wasn't a disaster.

Here's hoping they stop here and don't beat the premise to death trying to cash in on the title.
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Feels Cheaper, More Awkward And Just Watered Down
TwistedContent19 September 2019
I liked the first (7/10), made peace with the second (5/10) and was frustrated by the third (4/10). I think it's awesome that there is such a trilogy, but it only got exponentially worse. I really wanted for that not to be the case.

The third part of "Hell House LLC" feels like more of the same with the same being much more amateur hour. Cheap is a fitting word here. It's hard to separate the positive things for there are so few of them, but in the bits and pieces was a good, short scare sequence, some ambitious concepts (with poor execution) and maybe something else. Shamefully, it's easy to point out the acute flaws, like the one that disappointed me the most, which was acting. At times there was on-the-nose, cringe-inducing performance materials, obvious and whacky (weakly) scripted dialogue citations & characters sometimes didn't make a lot of sense. At the start I was trying to be intrigued by the story, but the plot, with all its twists and turns, seems like a far fetch, a rushed script awkwardly executed. The amount of scares is smaller, somehow even the visual & technical aspects of the movie feel cheaper, showing off boring cinematography, very little new props/locations etc. in the game & an choppy, unintentionally funny climax with a shot that's seasoned with grade c cgi. Both video and audio editing doesn't excel with anything as well. One little thing I hated was the constant, repatitive flashbacks with the footage from the first two parts, it felt like anything but necessary.

Comparing it to its two predecessors, the third part feels undeservedly underdone and uninspiring. I don't know what happened, maybe it was financial issues or time issues, we-don't-have-any-good-ideas issues, but something went wrong, leaving us with a found-footage / mockumentary horror flick that rests below average and comes with a bonus disappointment, being the 3rd part of a franchise and all. I really wanted to like it more, but I can't say I didn't enjoy it. Wishing the filmmakers of "Hell House LLC" trilogy great future success, I give this one a 4/10.
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I do not get the hate
geddyneilalex2822 November 2020
I really liked the first one. The second one was not as good as the first, but I didn't think it was terrible. The third one, I mean, it is part 3, how much truly new ground could they cover? A bad horror sequel is Blair Witch 2, and this film is certainly better then that one. I think people get a tad judgmental, and troll just to troll. This film, imo, is a decent conclusion. It was a fun, jump scare flick that is a decent way to spend about 90 minutes. Shudder is a cool channel that gives fans of horror, thriller, and suspense a place to go and find a bit of popcorn fun.

If you dig the genre, like honestly, dig the genre, there are films that are far worse. Let the trilogy tell its story and move on. This is not life changing material, but who said it was supposed to be?
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One Star. Absolutely terrible
Nolafilmmaker17 October 2019
I'm a huge fan of the first one, which really captured a sense of impending dread. Even the second one, with its flaws, still managed to capture at least some sense of dread. But the third film is absolutely terrible.

First, it doesn't have the atmosphere of the first film. The first film had an almost grainy look to it, while this one has a soap opera video feel to it. Second, the climax is downright awful. Scenes which should be dimmer are brightly-lit, which nulls the scare factor. Also, the acting in the climax is terrible - to the point where I actually laughed throughout the last twenty minutes.

Sad to see a franchise with such good potential, quickly go down the drain.
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carrie-kaidan24 October 2019
Watching the Hell House Trilogy is like watching the Matrix Trilogy; the first was so damn good you get kinda psyched for the sequel but have some doubts because "how can they top that?"...and they don't. And it's bad...so you know in your gut the 3rd is gonna be bad but you just wanna know how the damn thing ends.
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The End of Hell House LLC
northernlad20 September 2019
The first movie had so much dread and genuine creepiness to it. It's a shame that couldn't be carried throughout the series. Even the second one, the story was somewhat lacking but still there were moments of dread in it. This third installment just doesn't have that. I give it 6 stars because it kept me interested enough to watch to the end and it was by no means a boring movie. It simply had a lot to live up to...and the first movie in this series will always outshine the two that followed.
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aboveaura22 November 2020
The second movie definitely wasn't as good as the first, but this? What the hell is this? How does it even have a higher rating than the 2nd atm? It feels like an amateur project in so many ways, especially towards the ending. Story, acting, effects, it's so bad that it makes you laugh, and considering how the first movie kept you on edge and delivered some good horror moments, it's sad to see how this series ended up. Not everything needs sequels and explanations. Don't bother watching this, it's basically recycled content from the first movie but with a lower budget and terrible acting, and it's not like you're gonna miss out on the "story". The story itself is very shallow and unsatisfying in how it ends. Maybe could've given it a 4 if it wasn't connected to the Hell House LLC series, but as a final movie this is terrible. 2/10.
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lindseyebranch11 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first hell house llc was really good. Actually quite frighteningly scary. All of these movies were decent but this one fell far from it. There were some jump scares but besides Harvey's character the acting was so bad. I liked the twists and turns but then I felt like I was watching a comedy. Is Russell supposed to be an angel or something? If he was then why was he such a dick! I have too many mixed emotions to just give it a high ranking or a low ranking, so I scored closer to the middle ;-)
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jcslawyer19 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So, I loved the first film. Such a good concept with genuine scares. The second one was ok and still delivered some good moments. But this movie had potential up until that last several minutes. What made the others so good was the unknown. I am good with knowing a little to give backstory....but don't try to put a bow on it. I felt that the filmmakers were insecure about this film, so they felt the need to put an ending straight outta hollywood. And it ruined everything.

First, the fact that they kept reusing the gimmick with changing head positions to indicate an off camera movement still works....even if they kept using the same clowns. But then they bring in this weirdo rich guy who happens to have died and became the only person who can close the gateway. Who cares.... I don't want resolution in this kind of movie. We want scares. How cheesy were the dark figures at the end going around killing everyone. I wasn't feeling the carnage. It looked so sadly fake, I was embarrassed. That end with the floor opening up was the worst. They brought that bald guy back who is a crappy actor...he's not that interesting. Also the forced Faustian themes were really lame. The story had potential and the only reason I gave 5 stars was because it had some good moments.

Who was that weird dude narrating? What purpose did he serve? Why wasn't anyone the least bit weirded out when viewing footage? Why did they do s horrible job with the light testing scene? It looked like a bad high school movie.

I am sad that this is the entry to bookend the fantastic first one. You can skip it. It was poo.
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Another Disappointing Follow Up to the Excellent Original
jonathancupp6623 September 2019
The first Hell House LLC was so good, an excellent found footage which used limited perspective to its advantage. Part three, like the second, has a handful of good moments and is watchable enough, but falls apart in the last third when it really should be getting going.

I don't mind finding ways to incorporate the actors of the previous films but the film relies far too much on re-using footage from the previous movies as a way to establish this. It totally shoe horned in and the audience doesn't really care, it's just there to make sure the actors all have role in the third (and likely final) installment. I mean, it's nice everybody gets to come back for a cameo or whatever but the whole "now they're ghosts who are trapped in the building" thing kind of feels pointless and by the fifth or sixth time it just seems gratuitous. Wouldn't it have been better to use "unreleased" footage from the previous movies instead of badly incorporating them into the current timeline?

Also, the play or whatever they're showing in the house is terrible. There's barely any set, the "acting" is awful and the story is moronic. Who the hell would be impressed by "Insomnia"? As theater, it's worse than a haunted house and that's saying something. I've seen a play where the audience went from room to room and it was pretty cool. I would be mad, as an audience member if I showed up and it was like the worst version of Faust ever.

The movie has some moments. But they just overuse things from the previous movies too much. Like, why are those clowns still there? I mean the blonde girl going into the basement is pretty much the highlight of the movie, but it just doesn't make sense. And I could not stop thinking about how that guy's scar seemed so fake and not like something someone would get in a car crash. For me, the whole ending just kind of did what the first movie did but worse.

There's a twist, which is ridiculous and... surprisingly Christian? It's sad because I honestly enjoyed a lot of the movie, thinking it better than the second, until it began its downward spiral in the second half.

A good found footage movie is always welcome, and clearly they're harder to get right than you might think. But please, lets let go of all this angels and devils nonsense. And stop re-using footage in your sequels, it wasn't cool in Silent night Deadly Night 2 and its not cool now.
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3 strikes you're OUT !
duckboy-9417122 September 2019
Part 1& 2 not bad but this should not have been aloud to be released, They ruined a half decent horror trilogy with the 3rd installment. When you have $ 9,000 for a budget you don't make a movie..... you wait until you have more $$$
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Pretty good end to a great series
saphira_dragon-8027022 September 2019
We are massive fans of the first movie. We absolutely loved it. We did not like the 2nd movie, but this one was MUCH better than the 2nd movie. Of course, it could never touch the first hell house. However, we enjoyed the 3rd film. It has the spirit of hell house Llc. As huge fans of the original we will give this a 7 and we definitely enjoyed it. If you like the first one but didn't like the 2nd, then watch this one and you'll be happy. We liked it!
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The third, is a crap.
jsawhite27 October 2019
Was really hoping that they could salvage the wreck, that was the second film. They didn't. Should have been a one and done. Watch the first one, and then walk away
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A Bad Case of Sequelitus (again)
natechristopher-284-23157420 September 2019
Well, even though expectations were not high after the clunky 2nd act, this 3rd stab at recapturing the magic and tension of the first Hell House LLC falls even further off the mark. The script is weaker, the scares are less, and the acting is diabolical. Such a shame as the original was so good. Will be writing off parts 2 and 3 in my memory to return the original back to being a strong and scary standalone film.
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Worse than the 2nd one.
gojirafan-624-60136119 September 2019
Cant even get into the story of this one, I knew from watching the trailer I had no clue what type of story I was gonna watching. The first one was awesome 2nd one good but not as good as the first one.But when you cant even work out the story you cant get into the movie. Dissapointing movie in the end should of just made it one movie.
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Disappointing End To Series.
cjdgod719 September 2019
This was a bit of a letdown to be honest.

The first HHLLC was an amazing, under the radar gem that genuinely ranks as one of the best horror films of the last 20 years.

HHLLC II was never going to live up to the first but it gave it a real good try and save for some 'by the number' characters it was still a great horror.

HHLLC III was released today and after a year of waiting I was quite disappointed! Boring in parts, annoying cast and anticlimactic, I would rather I had just watched the first one again!

Give it a watch as part of the trilogy but after part one, lower your expectations.
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I guess it's better than Hell House II
twesterm-1043320 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I liked Hell House III a little better than Hell House II, if only because it didn't recycle the ending and they kept the villain monologue short.

It's obvious that Stephen Cognetti is very good at making creepy, tense, found footage scenes and I'm pretty sure that's all he's good at. In fact, he's very good at specific types of terror in found footage movies. It was brilliant in Hell House, but in II and III, we've seen it all before. It's still creepy and tense in this movie, but we've seen it twice now. We've seen the clown head turn, we've seen the ghost wander into the background, and everything else Hell House has to offer. All three of the movies play about the same.

Aside from that, this movie brings in a lot from the other movies. They go REALLY overboard in the first 30 or so minutes where it's just constant cuts to previous movies, it's a bit much. After that, they try to give the new characters life and you're just left feeling kind of eeeeeh. This movie didn't drag in the ending nearly as badly as Hell House II did, I at least wasn't counting down the minutes to the end, but this does almost nothing to expand the lore and the characters they introduce just aren't interesting. They try to give some of them some dimension, but it doesn't really work.

Then there's the ending. I was sure Wynn was the domino just reading the description of the movie and that Vanessa was going to be the dead girl that "escapes", I was half right and pleasantly surprised. Tully started monologuing as everything went to Hell and I groaned. Vanessa got killed and was like "there it is!" and then they did some weird Avengers time heist nonsense where Wynn somehow saved everyone and erased everything that happened that night. I don't know. I don't really get it. It leaves a lot of open questions about where the tapes came from and not really good questions. You're just left with a that made zero sense feeling. I guess it ends with Wynn and the original Hell House crew (I guess they couldn't get the Hell House II people) in the afterlife. There's some terrible dialogue and they get a drink.

I appreciate they closed the trilogy but it was just kind of a sad trombone sound of an ending.

And one final thing-- I know this movie probably did not have a large budget but. Oh. My. God. That final act massacre. I have not seen such bad acting and effects in a movie in a long time. I think this was supposed to be a crazy scary gore fest but I was laughing because it was just so bad. I don't know where they found the actors for the people that were being massacred and the demons, but put them back wherever they came from. Also, fire your CGI lake of guy because lawl.

Anyways, not a bad found footage movie, slightly better than the second, worse than the first.
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Truly awful
nanagladys22 September 2019
Oh dear, I don't know where to start! Loved the first movie, second movie was pretty bad and a huge let down then I saw this advertised and I thought ok It's Sunday, it's raining and I am so bored, I'll give it a try. I really should not have bothered. Terrible acting, re-used props , no originality and all on a budget of $10 ...
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Wraps it all up but it was not quite scary
jaylemieux-232372 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
6 out of 10


I usually try not to write reviews with spoilers but there is a moment in this movie where I just have to talk about it!

Cutting right to that point, the acting was so-so, but pretty good for a FFF. However, one part was excellent! The actress who played Jane (Bridgid Abrams) was doing a scene where she took on the task of going inside the hotel at night, going into the basement and touching a clown on the nose. We all know what those clowns look like! So she gets to the basement, points the camera at her, and kisses the clown on the nose, and as she was pulling the camera away, she could see that one of the clowns head had turned and was looking right at her. Her face changes so fast, and her acting showing her scared was EXCELLENT! When she walks away and then turns the camera and that clown has stood up and is near her, when she screams, it was very convincing!! In case she reads this, you rocked girl!!! (Cute gal also)

The rest of the movie had a bit of an issue and that was the fact they spent so much of the movie trying up loose ends and making sure the story mixes with the first 2 well enough to end it there, that it forgot to be scary...except when Jane was in the basement!!!

It was a decent story, tied things up to finish things up in the trilogy and all the stuff with Faust and the way the house was decorated for Insomnia was really unique.

Obviously if you have seen the first 2, then this is a needed viewing and while as I stated above, it was not very scary, it was easy to watch!
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Not good
pensacolacomputer20 September 2019
I'm giving this a generous 3...Because at least they tried...I understand it was on a very small budget....PLEASE, makers of this movie, please go back and watch other really good horror movies on a small budget and learn...It can be done, if done properly...
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Excellent conclusion to the series
pmcguireumc21 September 2019
Let me start by saying that I am a huge fan of the original Hell House LLC. It is truly a masterpiece of the found footage genre.

I liked the second one, but it was, if I am to be honest, far from the original.

Hell House 3, Lake of Fire though, is a return to the original form. Excellent film and acting all the way through. Whereas the actors in the first were amazing, and the ones in the second wooden, in this one, they raised the bar again. Believable, genuine and likeable throughout #3.

Though not as pure a found footage film as the first, this is an excellent conclusion to the series and we'll worth the time. And by the way, the creepy clown continues to be the scariest thing on screen in a generation!
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Skip Part 2, Just Watch Part 3
thalassafischer3 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I am of the opinion that Hell House LLC III is better than Hell House LLC II. In some ways I think it's actually better than the first two because the characters seem more like real people, somehow, than even the first one which is considered the best of the franchise. In Part 1 Sara is probably the most relatable character while Paul is the least (I think this is intentional because they want you to suspect Paul is just toxic and messing with everyone, possibly having a nervous breakdown). But in Part 3, Vanessa is a completely well-rounded female character and Harvey - while somewhat stereotypical - is less hollow and basic than the straight frat boys lined up in Part 1. Even Russell is very convincing as the narcissistic, crazy rich man, the actor has that tell-tale overly thin cyclist physique that many middle aged wealthy men have.

Tl;dr - the character development in Part 3 is the best of all three films.

HOWEVER, the ending is cheesy af and is nowhere near as eerie and scary as Part 1. So overall I'd say watch Part 1, skip Part 2 and just follow-up with Part 3 in the Hell House LLC franchise.
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izzypito19 September 2019
This movie as slightly better than the 2nd movie but it was still awful. The ending is stupid and didn't make a lot of sense when connecting the movies..it was a terrible explanation.
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Stick to the first two.
kjjames819 February 2021
The first one, very good. The second one, good. This one was just okay. Not scary, the story seemed rushed. It combined footage from the first and second movies, thus making this on it's own barely an hour of a movie. Overall it came across as a mess of a film, one which didn't really get to where it was meant to and didn't add any thing the series. If you miss this you won't spoil the series.
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