Less Than Kind (TV Series 2008–2013) Poster


Parents Guide

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Sex & Nudity

  • Some very mild scenes & references. From what I remember so far, I haven't seen anything with actual sex scenes or long, drawn out scenes of them under sheets doing things. It's not a common occurrence for these scenes to happen though. The conversations about sex may be considered medium (in comparison with most television. This may be a different scale to everyone). There **is** a scene with a chocolate shaped penis in one episode. It's not a long, drawn out subject though. It lasts maybe a few seconds.
  • There is also a scene where a teen boy comes into a classroom naked & I think in one of the shots, you can see his package hanging down from behind. It's very quick & very mildly done. No full, head-on shots of anyone nude (as far as I know)

Violence & Gore

  • None whatsoever


  • -Occasional, but explicit cursing, not very often, and only in an expression of anger (not usually used to describe others or anything, mostly just as exclamations). Also some rare other instances, such as the following example: Example: An angry man enters & is asked who he is, and he replies to Sheldon with "I'm the F**cking guy whose f**cking store you're in", or something along those lines. There is significantly less cursing than in most other HBO shows, especially things with the "mature" rating. I rarely if ever hear it in this show, surprisingly. There are some moments they may talk about sex, but not in a very profane or nasty way. It's more like your average show with the odd curse here & there. Maybe about once or twice an episode.
  • There are also a few scenes involving some bullying of highschool kids, where they call a girl "lebso" (which was supposed to be a dyslexic girl calling her a lesbo) & continually talk crap about her being a lesbian & that her mom being gay was genetic & that she was gay because of it as well.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • There are instances of weed-smoking throughout different parts of the show, or references to it/buying it. There is an episode mostly about one character who is smoking it all the time. Another episode references it when a parent assumes their kid has been stoned, when they weren't. Very mild drug use.
  • There are only a couple instances involving any alcohol, but there is a scene or two in which teenagers either drank or tried to drink it.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • None, other than the kind that make you cringe from embarrassment.

See also

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