"Superman & Lois" The Perks of Not Being a Wallflower (TV Episode 2021) Poster

Tyler Hoechlin: Clark Kent, Superman



  • Jonathan Kent : Wait, so you can hear every sound in the world at once?

    Clark Kent : It's more like I can hear all the fluctuations taking place in the collective sonic frequency.

    Jonathan Kent : That makes zero sense to me.

    Jordan Kent : So how do you tell between, like, someone in trouble and someone shouting for a taxi?

    Clark Kent : Well, it took lots of years of training at the Fortress, but that's where I learned to hone in on certain sounds, like people in distress.

  • Clark Kent : [talking about their children]  Really hard to know what they're thinking at this stage.

    Lana Lang Cushing : Oh, god. Part of me wants to know, and the other part of me is terrified at what I might find out.

    Clark Kent : Yeah. I miss having mom around to help with this sort of thing.

    Lana Lang Cushing : She would be so happy to know you're finally home.

  • Lois Lane : I'm gonna need to borrow your truck.

    Clark Kent : You gonna bring it back?

    Lois Lane : 50/50.

  • Jonathan Kent : What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever heard?

    Lois Lane : Nope. Not appropriate.

    Jonathan Kent : Be honest, was there nudity involved?

    Clark Kent : Maybe when you guys are older.

  • Jordan Kent : I would have much rather had super-hearing than crazy-ass laser eyes.

    Clark Kent : Hey, let's just stick with calling it heat vision for now, okay?

  • Lois Lane : Have you spoken to the boys since earlier?

    Clark Kent : Nope. Radio silence.

    Lois Lane : Do you remember the first time I caught you listening in on me?

    Clark Kent : How could I forget? Thought I was gonna lose you forever.

    Lois Lane : You almost did.

    Clark Kent : Pretty sure I spent about a week's salary on flowers just to get you to talk to me again.

    Lois Lane : It was two, and you got off easy because I was still madly in love with you.

    Clark Kent : Mm-hmm. Well... any suggestions on how to make things right with the boys?

    Lois Lane : Make them the same promise you made me.

  • Clark Kent : Every power comes with its own burden.

    Lois Lane : And responsibilities.

    Jordan Kent : You mean rules.

    Clark Kent : Which are meant to protect you.

    Jordan Kent : Yeah. "Don't use my powers, don't draw attention to myself."

    Jonathan Kent : Oh, "don't feed him after midnight."

    Clark Kent : Hey, it's important that we don't draw unnecessary attention to our family. If anyone ever found out the truth about me, it would change everything.

    Lois Lane : It's not like we're worried you two are gonna post it on Facebook.

    Jonathan Kent : I mean, yeah, we're not soccer moms.

    Lois Lane : My point is, you need to be mindful of your actions. It's the small things that'll raise suspicion.

    Clark Kent : Look, when I was your age, my dad was really strict, and at the time, it seemed unfair. But now, I realize it gave me a normal life. And that's what I want for the two of you.

    Jordan Kent : Yeah, if by normal you mean we're cast out like lepers, Smallville High has it covered.

    Clark Kent : All I'm asking is that you're careful, okay? I can't always be there.

  • Clark Kent : You both were right. I'm sorry. No more listening in on your conversations. I give you my word.

    Jonathan Kent : Mom mentioned something about flowers. What are the chances of you raising my allowance?

    Clark Kent : Nice try.

  • Jordan Kent : You know, I thought you said it was okay for me to go to school.

    Clark Kent : It is. Jordan, having a new power is a lot.

    Jordan Kent : Yeah. So that was a lie, too.

    [he heads into the house and slams the door shut] 

    Clark Kent : Oy.

  • Clark Kent : So, how was your first day?

    Lois Lane : I tried following up on those reverse mortgages, but it turns out people aren't interested in talking to someone not from Smallville.

  • Clark Kent : [after telling the boys he occasionally listens in on them during the day]  I was just making sure that you were okay.

    Jordan Kent : Yeah, you could've said something this morning, but instead, you lied to our faces.

    Clark Kent : It wasn't a lie. You just didn't ask.

    Jonathan Kent : How long have you been doing this? Since we moved here? Our whole lives?

    Clark Kent : It's not like I'm listening all the time.

    Jonathan Kent : That is... that is the wrong answer.

  • Jordan Kent : [narrowly avoiding a confrontation with Sean]  I didn't need your help.

    Jonathan Kent : Apparently needed dad's. What are you doing here?

    Clark Kent : Oh, just wanted to, you know, see how things were going at your new school.

    Jonathan Kent : So you decide to randomly drop by during fifth period?

    Jordan Kent : This wasn't random. He was spying on us.

  • Lois Lane : Does this have too much blue in it?

    Clark Kent : I still like the Huntsman's Tribute.

    Jonathan Kent : Dad, I'm pretty sure that's just slang for "poop."

    Clark Kent : Hey.

    Lois Lane : Jonathan. Don't be gross. Also, he's not wrong.

    Jordan Kent : Mom, can we just pick something?

    Lois Lane : Sweetie, this is an important decision. We're finally putting our own stamp on this house.

    Jonathan Kent : If you'd make up your mind.

    Lois Lane : [picking up a wet paintbrush from its can]  What about this color? You like this color?

    Jonathan Kent : Yeah, it's fine.

    Lois Lane : Yeah?

    Jonathan Kent : Yeah.

    Lois Lane : [wiping it down the front of his shirt]  Ah!

    Jordan Kent : [chasing her around the room]  Someone is just asking for the Huntsman's Tribute.

    Lois Lane : Anything but dad's color!

    Clark Kent : [insulted]  Oh, come on!

    [Jordan grabs a brush and wipes paint down his arm] 

    Clark Kent : You really wanna do this?

    Jordan Kent : No super-tricks.

  • Clark Kent : Well, trust takes time.

  • Clark Kent : [Coach Gaines has allowed him to help out on the football team]  Thanks for the assist.

    Lois Lane : You sure about this?

    Clark Kent : No. But I've gotta try.

    Lois Lane : [kissing]  All right, I gotta run. See you later, Coach.

  • Lana Lang Cushing : Do you wanna explain to me what happened back there?

    Sarah Cushing : Isn't it obvious? I quit the team.

    Lana Lang Cushing : Mm-hmm. You don't need to give me attitude.

    Sarah Cushing : Well, you don't have to hover every single day.

    Lana Lang Cushing : Look, I'm just trying to keep you safe.

    Sarah Cushing : Because you think I'm gonna kill myself?

    Lana Lang Cushing : Okay, this is not the appropriate place to be having this conversation.

    Sarah Cushing : How many times do I have to tell you I'm fine? Can't you just trust that and back off?

    Lana Lang Cushing : I know you're not telling me everything that happened.

    Sarah Cushing : That's hilarious, coming from the most full-of-crap lady in all of Smallville.

    Lana Lang Cushing : Okay, Sarah...

    Sarah Cushing : No, you act like our family's so awesome when it's literally a dumpster fire.

    Lana Lang Cushing : Enough.

    Sarah Cushing : Dad sleeps on the couch every night. Sophie bullies all of the kids in her class, and you can't go to bed without taking a pill.

    Sarah Cushing : I said that's enough! Look, grab your stuff. Let's go. Now!

    Clark Kent : [coming in as they leave]  Lana?

    Lana Lang Cushing : Not now, Clark.

  • Lois Lane : [after Jordan shouts at Clark]  He didn't mean all that.

    Clark Kent : You sure?

    Lois Lane : He's 14. He was lashing out. I'm not saying that makes it acceptable, but we can't take everything he says at face value.

    Clark Kent : Then how am I supposed to know what he needs?

    Lois Lane : All I'm saying is maybe figure out the reason behind Jordan's anger and address that.

  • Lana Lang Cushing : I hear Jordan's quite the football star.

    Clark Kent : Oh, I think you mean Jonathan.

    Lana Lang Cushing : No...

  • Clark Kent : When I was in ninth grade, I wanted to try out for the baseball team, but my dad didn't let me. I begged him over and over, but... he always said no.

    Jordan Kent : So you never even tried out?

    Clark Kent : I came close. You know, showed up at the field and everything. But... at the last minute, I realized one of the main reasons I wanted to try out didn't have anything to do with baseball.

    Jordan Kent : Was it a girl?

    Clark Kent : It's always a girl.

    Jordan Kent : So did you regret not playing?

    Clark Kent : Yeah, I did. It's been over 20 years and I still think about it. Which is why I need you to be very honest with me. Is playing football something that you really want?

    Jordan Kent : To be honest, at first, I wasn't sure or anything, but these last couple of days, they've... they've been kind of just been incredible.

    Clark Kent : And you're sure you can keep your powers under control?

    Jordan Kent : Yes. I'm... I don't know how to explain it, it's just a feeling. I guess you would know.

    Clark Kent : Yeah. Yeah, I think I do.

    Jordan Kent : Does this mean I can play?

    Clark Kent : It does.

    Jordan Kent : Really?

    Clark Kent : Yes, but... there's one last thing we have to talk about.

  • Jonathan Kent : You were right. I-I should've said something. That's my bad. I know I'm not a perfect person.

    Clark Kent : Trust me. We all make mistakes.

    Jonathan Kent : Yeah, but what if Jordan joining the team wasn't a mistake?

    Clark Kent : Not sure I see your point.

    Jonathan Kent : Trust me, this... this feels really weird to say, but maybe Jordan needs football. I mean, he's been a really messed-up kid for a really long time. And, I don't know, what if joining the team's a good thing?

    Clark Kent : I appreciate you sticking up for your brother...

    Jonathan Kent : No, look, it's... it's not even like that. You should've seen him out there. He's making friends. He's been happy for the first time in.. forever.

    Clark Kent : Jonathan, there's nothing I want more than for you guys to be happy, but we have to be careful. And him using his strength like this, it... it could raise suspicion.

    Jonathan Kent : Yeah, but he doesn't have super strength like you. That's what Jor-El Debarge said, right?

    Clark Kent : Just because his strength isn't like mine doesn't mean it's not elevated.

    Jonathan Kent : Okay, so maybe that puts him on the level of the other kids. Okay, maybe he's a little stronger, but maybe that does even the playing field for a kid his size.

    Clark Kent : You don't know that.

    Jonathan Kent : Neither do you.

  • Clark Kent : How could you possibly think it was okay to join the football team?

    Jordan Kent : You didn't say it wasn't.

    Clark Kent : No, no. Don't... don't do that. I see what you're doing.

    Jordan Kent : As long as you don't mention it, it's not a lie, right?

    Lois Lane : Your father apologized for that.

    Clark Kent : Your powers are not something to be taken lightly, Jordan.

    Jordan Kent : Yeah, well, I barely have any, remember? That's what Grand Pabbie told us at Elsa's ice castle.

    Lois Lane : That's not funny.

    Clark Kent : He was only comparing your powers to mine.

    Jordan Kent : No, he said my powers suck. Don't act like he didn't.

    Clark Kent : I admit, taking you to see him this early was a mistake.

    Jordan Kent : Mistake? You know what? Everything you do is a mistake. You get fired, you bring us here. You know, I just wish you would go back to not being around anymore.

    Clark Kent : Go upstairs.

    Jordan Kent : Yeah.

    Clark Kent : Right now.

    Jordan Kent : Yeah.

    Jonathan Kent : I-I'm with you guys. I don't know what he was thinking.

    Clark Kent : You, too.

  • Lois Lane : I made a total fool of myself accusing Edge like that.

    Clark Kent : It's an honest mistake.

    Lois Lane : We have been here for a week, and somebody's already tried to blow up my car.

    Clark Kent : Look, folks in Smallville, they're good people. Don't let what happened today change that. Besides, it's not like it's your first Molotov cocktail.

    Lois Lane : I just feel like everyone here has their walls up. Maybe I should just hand the story off and mend some fences.

    Clark Kent : Well, what's your gut telling you?

    Lois Lane : That there's more to this.

    Clark Kent : Well, then you have to dig deeper. Listen. I will support whatever decision you make. I just want you to be able to live with it.

    Lois Lane : I love you.

    Clark Kent : Still?

    Lois Lane : Thanks for the flowers.

  • Coach Gaines : You wanna be an assistant coach?

    Clark Kent : I just want to help out. I don't know if you know this, but I was actually the team manager back in high school.

    Coach Gaines : LinkedIn résumé notwithstanding, you're a little late. We've been staffed up since the summer.

    Clark Kent : Well, you see, the thing is, with both my boys on the team now, I-I'd really just like to find a way to spend more time with them.

    Coach Gaines : Take 'em camping. Rent a canoe. Make some s'mores.

    Clark Kent : Look, I-I promise I won't get in the way. I'll do whatever job you need.

    Lois Lane : Not to mention, he'll work for free.

    Coach Gaines : You should've started with that, Kent.

  • Lana Lang Cushing : Listen, Clark, about yesterday...

    Clark Kent : Oh, no. No need to apologize.

    Lana Lang Cushing : It's just, Sarah quit cheer out of nowhere and I suddenly feel like my whole family is falling apart. Can you walk?

    Clark Kent : Uh, yeah.

    [glancing back at his truck, then waving it off] 

    Clark Kent : Oh, I left my keys in the... it's Smallville.

  • Clark Kent : Everything okay with Lana?

    Jordan Kent : Not really.

    Jonathan Kent : Yeah, she just went all scorched-earth on Sarah.

    Clark Kent : Oh. Well, your mom's working late, so it's just us. Anything exciting happen in school today?

    Jordan Kent : Actually, football practice was pretty interesting.

    Clark Kent : Yeah?

    Jordan Kent : Yeah, uh, Jonathan got a couple good reps in. I really think Coach is starting to take notice.

    Jonathan Kent : Yeah, there's just a little more to it than that, but...

    Clark Kent : That's great! Let's, uh... oh, let's celebrate with some chili cheese fries.

See also

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