Bunnyman (2011) Poster


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War of the IMDb voters!
Verona11 August 2012
I can come into this honestly, for I had never heard of this movie before, never seen any trailers or had any expectations of this film. I consider myself a horror buff, not an expert but as a viewer who has seen her fill and can enjoy an exquisite masterpiece just as much hopeless schlock. Both of us run the gambit of low-budget to blockbuster. Bunnyman, however commits a serious movie crime: its freaking boring.

I can appreciate moody, atmospheric, tense. Things hinted at, mysterious beings. This however, was boring. The first HOUR gave us the token girl being killed, and then, well, we have some road rage and walking. And some talking. And some bickering. And a pointlessly disgusting hillbilly. Then a little killing. Some torture porn.

All in all, it was pointless, sloppy and lazily written. The absence of splatter gore didn't bother me too much, it was absence of caring about any of these characters, trying to find a motivation for our victims (he sets down the chainsaw-?) and trying to I guess fill in the back story of our killers since the movie didn't help at all in that regard.

I saw another reviewer bring up "The Room"- like "Birdemic", all three of these movies suffer from being out of order, story lines that go nowhere and pointless characters. Find another movie for atmosphere, if thats what you're into. This is NOT "David Lynchian"- this is freaking boring. If you're looking for atmosphere, try "Surveillance" with Bill Pullman, directed by Jennifer Lynch. If you're looking for splatter gore, try "Wrong Turn"- I suspect thats what this movie was trying to rip off. If you're looking for low-budget splatter comedy, try "Monster Man" by Michael Davis. Those are some ones I can recommend, that actually ENTERTAIN.
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Greenzombidog2 July 2011
The plot for this movie is simple a group of young morons are tormented by a maniac dressed in a bunny costume. The execution however is terrible.

If your one of those people who shout at the screen every time a character in a horror movie makes a bad decision prepare to scream yourself hoarse. This movie has possibly one of the most moronic group of characters I've ever witnessed. Every decision they make is either the wrong one or just plain stupid. Some choice examples. Never once taking the opportunity to overwhelm a single bad guy when they greatly out number them. Always running off and leaving their friends to die. But my favourite is when the Bunnyman has been chasing them in a truck and is trying to run them off the road they pull over and the Bunnyman pulls up behind them. What do they decide to do? Wait him out, both the truck and the car just sit there for what is portrayed as several hours. DUMB.

The Bunnyman is not alone though he has a pet hunchback chained up in his house. There is also a normal looking woman who has a rather mean streak connected to him. In what way we never find out is she the sister, the mother, who cares, I certainly didn't by this point. If your wondering what the Bunnyman looks like under that bunny head I'll tell you, disappointing.

The gore effects are few and far between pretty much everyone has a chainsaw (the Bunnymans' weapon of choice) shoved into their stomach. But you don't see it, you just see some blood spray up their face. All the kills are off screen so it doesn't even have that in it's favour.

The acting is pretty terrible but then so is the dialogue so you can't win. The sound is also annoying I found myself turning up the volume to hear the talking and then the chainsaw would start going or a car horn or some other irritating sound and it would be deafening.

The movie was a massive disappointment for me. I was expecting something like motel hell, but it was nothing like it. I wasted my money on this movie and the only comfort I can take is that the makers of the film probably didn't get their deposit back from the fancy dress shop they got the Bunnyman costume from.
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Pathetic and hard to watch... but I did watch it.
sempremilanista23 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
So you're watching a guy in a rabbit suit surrounded by dead bodies and you watch curiously without any hint of alarm? So you are caught by the guy in the rabbit suit and proceed to be mauled by his chainsaw but the look on your face seems to imply nothing particularly wrong is happening? So you wrangle the chainsaw from the guy in the bunny suit and have ample time to take him out but instead hover around the doorway and let him walk away? So you then leave the chainsaw on the floor and run into what is apparently the killing room, then leave your friend there because that gimp in the Burning Man goggles is pretty freaky, right? So you're in a tree being sawed down by that guy in a bunny suit, surely facing a slow and painful death if caught, and you scream "take off your mask!"? So are we supposed to think the guy in the bunny suit is some kind of Josef Mengele protégé with his love for classical music and medical experiments or is that element just supposed to be ironic and "scary"? They should have just used Wagner and gotten it over with.

It takes a lot for me to give a movie one star. I'd even give Troll 2 a few more stars because at least the sheer badness of it is entertaining. The acting and casting in Bunnyman is just as bad but not as laughable (cue depraved redneck hillbilly guy in plaid with shotgun and chaw in his cheek and "pre-med student" in daisy dukes). It looks like they trolled the local community college drama department to find their actors not to mention the crew. Just read other reviews to find out how abysmal the special effects are. I could do better just having watched a few seasons of Face Off. And can we talk about the convenient similarities the dinner table scene has to both TCM and House of 1000 Corpses? Notice some of the same audio effects as well. So original, guys!

The one star is for the creepy female antagonist who reminded me of a less funny soccer mom version of Sleepaway Camp's Angela Baker.
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Shocking and disappointed
die_computer_die30 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
After being given the film by my other half's brother, we sat down to watch it. From the very beginning, we had doubts. Within 20 minutes, my other half had fallen asleep, but I decided to carry on watching. Where to begin!! I guess with the "special effects". What special effects?!?! The most "exciting" bit was in the 8mm footage at the beginning. That's definitely the most graphic murder you see. Everything else is out of sight so, in my opinion, therefore out of mind. It's hugely predictable when the characters are going to die. The most you get from these murders is unrealistic blood splatter on the victim's faces. BORING! The acting - wow oh wow. I have never seen a group of young people act SO badly. What with the forced dialogue from the very beginning to the fact that one of the girls continued to breathe after she died (!!! Could see her chest moving up and down very visibly)...horrendous. I was practically begging for them all to get killed, just so I could stop watching them attempt to act! The plot - I know it's based on a true story, but I got more scared reading about the actual events than watching the film. It may well be based on one, but were the actual victims as stupid as depicted in the film?! I mean, when someone is plowing into your car, you don't pull over, get out of the car and apologise to them - you just get out of there! When you're watching a human sized bunny harvesting organs from his previous victim, you don't shout for someone else to go away, or you'll end up with a hole in your stomach (and rightly so)! Overall, I've never ever been so disappointed by a film. My other half's snores say it all really. Seriously, don't even attempt it. That's 90 minutes of my life I'm never getting back! If I could have done, I would have given it a 0 out of 10. There was nothing I enjoyed about the film at all, except for it ending.
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Highly disappointing.
13Funbags30 October 2017
I really thought this movie would be OK, at least by slasher, horror standards. I couldn't have been more wrong. This movie has no plot and makes no sense. It's starts off with old 8mm footage of a girl waking up in a bath tub and running for her life. They imply it's a camera laying on the ground even though it's moving and switching to other cameras. This scene has nothing to do with the movie you are about to waste your time with. Then it cuts to a girl climbing out of a refrigerator and running from the Bunnyman. She climbs into the back of an old truck and somehow Bunnyman is in it and he drives away. I don't even know if that made sense. I think we never see what happens to the girl but I can't be sure. Then it cuts to a group of people who are now the focus of the Bunnyman. Two different times they say that their car can't out run Bunnyman's large truck that is at a stand still. They clearly aren't very bright. There's no gore, they just splash lots of blood. There's also no nudity, just a fully clothed raped scene. I thought this was a major motion picture but it's clearly a low budget turd.
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C'mon guys. Seriously?
evilherbivore8 August 2011
Some of the reviews for this movie (and so many others) really get on my nerves. You're reviewing a movie about a slasher who wears a bunny suit and then griping that "the acting is terrible" and the overall movie is horrible. When a blurb says that a film is supposed to be "the most hardcore" anything I can almost guarantee IT'S NOT. As a proclaimed B- movie aficionado, you should know better.

This isn't the worst low budget movie ever. This isn't even the worst low budget movie with a slasher in a weird costume I've ever seen. So, I ask of other reviewers: What exactly are you looking for in a low budget slasher flick with a dude in an Easter Bunny suit? Fellini?

Now then. I actually quite enjoyed the movie. Despite what other reviewers have claimed, the acting is surprisingly good. I've certainly seen much worse. Hell, I've seen worse in the last 24 hours. The action lagged in areas and the gore wasn't really explicit enough for me (I'm a total gore hound), but overall not too shabby.

Don't let the Negative Nellys above scare you off. Check it out!
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Bad on so many levels
Heislegend7 July 2011
After reading a blurb about this movie declaring it "the most hardcore horror film of the year", I set out to watch it for two reasons: I either had to know how awesome it would be or how wrong that blurb was. It was wrong. Dead wrong. In so, so many ways. Allow me to explain.

I can excuse a lot of things in low-ish budget horror movies. I understand you do what you can with what you have. I had to stop making excuses for this movie after about 20 minutes. The acting is among some of the worst I've seen in quite some time. It actually made me cheer on the ridiculous antagonist solely because I wanted all of these kids dead so I wouldn't have to put up with their unique brand of suck anymore. Then there's multiple levels of laziness. Putting the bad guy in a bunny costume? Are you kidding me? The only reason you do that is because you're too damn lazy to do the makeup. Same goes for all of the kill scenes. They're all implied, never shown aside from some blood spray. Yes, it saves money but it also makes you look lazy and incompetent if you use that style every single time.

I'm trying to think of something redeemable in this movie and I just can't. I was almost mad at myself for sitting through the entire 90 minutes without throwing something at my TV. Low budget horror movies are supposed to be fun...or at least an attempt to get away with something that wouldn't really go over well in a theater. But this...this is just a failure on so many levels that it's embarrassing.
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This Rabbit Hole Should Be Condemned
yaktheripper26 July 2012
This movie is about as "fun" as a bunny making doo in your hand. Don't be conned by the gimmick. Killer in bunny suit. That's about as deep as that rabbit hole goes. The script attempts to expand the mythology of the killer and his crew but it fails miserably and leaves questions unanswered. The acting is terrible. The motives of the characters are insulting. The characters will actually make you loathe them almost immediately with their initial plan of action on first contact. It's hard to empathize or have any interest beyond that first encounter. So there's a sequel...how shocking...these guys love to take horror fans money because we're so loyal. If you watch it...make sure your pal is footing the bill and remember that you heard it was bad. Rub it in when your done...it's the only satisfaction you'll get watching this pile of poo.
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It's too late for me...save yourselves!
Steiner_Rolf8 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
From watching this film! Good grief, what the hell was I thinking watching this? You know how some people mix foods that should never be mixed, like Italian sausage and peanut butter? Imagine this film: Dennis Weaver's Duel meets the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

This cinematic train wreck starts out with a home movie of someone being stabbed and a guy licking blood off a blade and then some blood-spattered girl being chased by some guy in a bunny suit. She hides in the back of this logging truck and it starts and goes barreling down the highway.

The next thing we know we have a car full of friends coming up behind the truck and passing it. Not one to have his doors blown in, the truck driver passes them and slows down again, which prompts the car driver to fly by again. Now the truck driver is really unhappy and comes from behind, ramming them. They finally pull off into the berm and the truck pulls behind them. After about a ten minute standoff with one of the girls trying to reason with an unknown driver through a tinted window, they decide to wait him out and see if he leaves. I've never heard of anything so dumb, but apparently the guy sees reason and takes off.

We next flash to a scene where he drags the bloodies girl from the back of his truck, chains her to a tree and his truck and rips her in half. All off screen, of course. he then takes the time to find this group of friends driving along again and run them off the road into a field and disabling their car. Now I also have to ask at this point: how the heck did they fit four grownups in the back of the car? One of the group decides to try and fix the car and jacks it up, when the truck driver returns and rams them again. The jack collapses and the first protagonist is dead. Thereafter ensues a bizarre tale of walking through the forest, begging for a chance to use a telephone from some redneck, and being set up for the kill by some girl and her boyfriend who direct them right into the Bunnyman's cabin.

Now, Bunnyman is no slouch when it comes to murder! His cabin is adorned with a retarded hunchback who scuttles around, several medical posters and all sorts of implements used for dissection of his victims, of which a chainsaw and a nail gun appear to be his favorites. Most of the kills occur off screen and there is very little in the way of special effects except for splashing blood. The characters don't have much in the way of development and seem to get over the death of their first friend all too quickly.

I'm sorry. I was just not impressed with this movie. It lacked direction, character and plot development, and overall didn't make much sense. It might be good to watch if you happen to be under the influence of illegal pharmaceuticals or you want to sit back and laugh at a B-movie with your friends. Just don't expect to be seriously entertained!
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Awful beyond words.
dominion762515 December 2018
As a connoisseur of bad movies, I've seen more than my share in the last 30 years of seeking them out. Movies with low production values but high on heart and creativity. Movies made on a shoestring budget that have often transcended their limitations, achieved much more than what was intended, and inspired others to do the same. The Evil Dead would be a shining example of this success. Some fall short, but many others have succeeded on some level. Just about all have at least some subtle value, or even a small cult following. This is not one of them. I'm not sure if I can even articulate how bad this movie is. Bunnyman is basically a sad commentary on where movie making is lately. It is not even close to being in the "So bad it's good" category, being watchable just for the laughs alone. This one is "So bad it's just stupid". You can't even make fun of it because it's physically painful to watch. It's as if a group of 12 year olds made a movie, never having seen a movie before; this would be the result. The situations, and the actors' reactions to them, are, well... just plain stupid. The whole thing is just an insult to your intelligence. For instance, a psycho in a huge truck is bashing into a car in a road-rage type assault, and the 6 passengers in the car don't yell, scream, or say anything for the longest time. One even sleeps through it (maybe he wasn't acting?). Is there really a 4-door sedan made that can't outrun a 24' long, 3-ton flatbed truck? After he runs them off the road and disables their car in the process, their first reaction: let's take a nap! The whole thing is just nonsensical crap. Very few movies manage to actually assault the viewer's intelligence and incense them to the point of rage for having wasted their time, but Bunnyman delivers on that one. This one makes "Alien 3000" look like Oscar material. You could literally strap a video reorder to a park bench in a large city, point it to the nearest intersection, hit record, walk away, and have a more interesting 90 min product to watch. If this counts as a movie, absolutely anyone on the planet can make movies. Hands down the worst dreck ever put to video. I'd rather be strapped to a chair and forced to watch an endless loop of Progressive insurance commercials. You have been warned.
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If you enjoy cheap nihilism and half baked screenplays, Bunnyman is for you!
lemon_magic29 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Interestingly, I watched both "Bunnyman" and "Bride Of Frankenstein" on the same night, within 2 hours of each other. "BOF" was superior in every way, a true classic of the genre...and yet "Bunnyman" was the film I kept thinking about afterward.

I think this is because "Bunnyman" has that sleazy, gritty, "shock" thing going for it, and because a bad film can bug you much more than a good film can entertain and exhilarate you.

Man, there's a lot of things wrong with this film, not the least being that the novelty and irony of the bunny costume wears off quickly. It's not nearly as compelling as the filmmakers seem to think - it's just a dirty, shabby animal head costume that spends way too much time on camera.

The 2nd problem with the screenplay is that the actions of the characters often make NO SENSE in any context I can imagine - for instance, if YOU had a murderous lunatic in a giant bunny costume and you were holding him at bay with his own chainsaw...would YOU put the darned thing down at any point in the immediate future? And yet, the characters do this several times!

And of course, there's the problem with pacing. So many potentially exciting movies are ruined because the director falls in love with his own shots and setups and dialog and so he lets scenes and dialog exchanges and setup shots go on for far too long. There's a particularly nasty bit of torture porn about two/thirds into the film that serves as the perfect example of this problem - when Tobe Hooper did something similar in 1976, the shock part of the scene was over in about 10 seconds. Here things drag on for nearly 10 minutes. I think the filmmakers were going for Eli Roth, but Roth, for all his exploitative tendencies, knows what he's doing, and these people don't.

I won't comment on the acting (or lack of it) here - the script doesn't give the actors much to work with, and IMO the movie gets the performances it deserves.

"Bunnyman" is memorable and annoying in the way it simultaneously wastes your time and yet makes you mourn for lost opportunities. OK to watch late at night with friends and a keg and a nice buzz going on. Otherwise, forget it.
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surreal imagery
jill-valanta23 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Here we go again. I am writing this review to counteract some of the idiocy in the other reviews. This movie is not for everyone, no movie is. It is a well shot, slow-paced, moody, and unique horror movie. It is asinine to critique a film for not being something you expect it to be. That is the exact reason why I love the film, well played.

The film has surreal imagery, a example pointed out was a scene with a giant bunny listening to classic music as it tortures a blonde girl. What I like is that the film has a David Lynch type surrealism, but always stays in the confines of a comprehensive story. The film has more interest in doing things unique, unexpected then just showing another gory scene of some blonde bimbo being killed.

I think we can agree, whether you love the film or hate it, (I happen to love the film) we should all appreciate filmmakers wanting to make unique horror films and encourage them, or we'll just get another countless sequel to Friday the 13th.
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Really People? Bunnyman is GOOD
jason-vorheesa8 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I'm so tired of enjoying a movie, and then wanting to go online and share the experience with other people. All people do online is hate, and judge. Seriously.... Bunnyman is a good film. You need to check your expectations at the door when you rent a movie with a giant bunny on the cover. In my book, I rent these types of films, the Roger Corman films, the Troma films to laugh at them. I was expecting that level of filmmaking when I rented Bunnyman. What I got, was a good film leaps and bounds better then these two studios have ever produced. Bunnyman was done seriously, and introduced us to a interesting bad guy (that they are already expanding on) as opposed to a recent b-movie I rented with a giant two headed shark. Seriously, if you want to rip a movie apart (to feel better about yourselves), go rent that film. Or better yet, go try and make a film yourselves.... and learn to respect a good film when you come across it.

To everyone else who has come to this board, don't let the haters distract you. I for one, loved Bunnyman and can't wait for the sequel.
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Bunnyman, AWFUL!
gokeymichael18 September 2013
Some of the dumbest characters to ever be put on film. Dumb choice after dumb choice. Horrible dialog coupled with dismal acting make this hard to stomach. The gore is off screen and includes the disappointing spray. I expect that from television, even though shows like Supernatural have more gore than this movie. This movie had a million opportunities to be good and failed, miserably every time.

From the moment the turds in the car began speaking, I wanted them dead. I wanted them all dead. Lets walk down a dirt road lined forever with upside down crosses and then human bones in bags hanging from trees. The guy says to his girl, "I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation". Are you F'n kidding me dude? I see human remains in bags I run, the other way. If there was a sign that said "HELL" and it pointed down, this crew of idiots would go down.
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Silly Rabbit- Terrible!
jts09-113 April 2020
The concept was great about a slasher in a bunnyman costume but the movie has NO plot and the killing is done off screen. No gore just buckets of blood splashed on people and signs. Terrible dialogue. A complete waste of time. It looks like the movie was filmed with a cell phone. There was absolutely NO budget for this trash. Maniac, Chromeskull, Pieces, even the Mutilator all on a tiny budget were a very good and entertaining movies. Not sure how trash like this even gets made.
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I have seen worse "low-budget independent" films...but not many...
azjustjack24 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I give it a 2 because there can be only one 1...."The Room", which fails in all aspects.

But this one is pretty close...

Very poorly shot (there is an item in the bonus features called "Production Shuts Down", with laughable misspellings, which is a pet peeve of mine in our spell check society, devoted to the Saga of the Broken Letus. I figured, "Oh, bad equipment, that explains it", but it seems the problem was solved, so why is it still so poorly shot?) and there is no actual "plot" besides "young people get lost...mayhem ensues".

Not one minute comes off as natural or organic-the characters do and say nonsensical things with a detachment and indifference utterly belying the context of the scene, and while in some instances it might be attributed to the talent level of the actor, overall they are given little script-wise to exhibit their skill upon. They come off as strangers handed cards to read to each other rather than dialogs between lovers and friends. Baffling choices are made repeatedly, apparently for no other reason than the script calls for it. Characters have knowledge they couldn't, yet seem to forget it moments later-editing miscues, perhaps. Nothing is explained, even obliquely. One character seems to appear once and vanish, another takes up a lengthy scene having no exposition purpose at all. I won't "spoil" it by pointing it out, if you see the film it's obvious you were supposed to learn...something...but you don't) and while "suspension of disbelief" is fine, "suspension of coherence" is not.

This was an interesting premise (at least from the box cover) that really failed to deliver. When scenes in the Deleted Scenes section (allegedly there because the "commercial" won out over the "artistic") are more competently executed than the feature, that can never be good for a film.

This production should have taken it's equipment problems as an omen, and called it a day.
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Pleasantly Surprised
wsmith-262 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
A look at the title led me to believe this would be a horror comedy/spoof, but I was wrong and was pleasantly surprised.

This movie is a cross between the old classic "Duel" and "Texas Chainsaw Massacre".

The Duel theme is at the beginning of the movie and repeats throughout - a mysterious truck taunts and terrorizes a car for an unknown reason. This theme is well played, as the director Linbergh has obviously learned what made Duel work, the ominous representation of the truck as it pursues the vehicle. The camera work here was impressive. What I don't understand is why you have a bunnyman drive the truck, which is unusual to say the least, yet then present the truck driver as an unknown entity behind tinted windows (a la Duel).

The TCM theme is obvious, a group of lost youngsters being chased, tortured and killed by a chainsaw wielding maniac. Except, the maniac is wearing a bunny outfit.

The movie is pretty well made, especially considering its low budget. What I just can't figure out is why the bunny outfit? Unlike clowns, for example, bunnies and bunny outfits are not scary nor are they creepy. There appears to be no significance to the outfit, as it could have been any other animal outfit. Oh well...

This movie will not change the world, but I enjoyed it enough and it is certainly better than some of the reviews here would indicate.
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Potential dies young
TheLittleSongbird14 August 2018
Have an appreciation for horror with shades of thriller, slasher can be done well as well. So despite hearing a lot of negativity, 'Bunnyman's' premise did really intrigue. Plus the cover was an attention-grabbing one. Really wanted to like it and for it to not be another waste of decent potential.

Watching it, unfortunately 'Bunnyman' turned out to be exactly that...a waste of decent potential. Not how to execute an intriguing idea. It's not irredeemably awful by any stretch, there is one good thing. Sadly eclipsed by the numerous things 'Bunnyman' gets catastrophically wrong. Some unintentional humour that was just cheesy and irritating, the attempts at seriousness felt misplaced and the incoherence of the editing and the dialogue make it very difficult to take it seriously and the horror elements were predictable, not scary and too tame, no matter how much gratuitous blood effects it threw in.

Lets get the good things out of the way first. The best thing about 'Bunnyman' is the villain's look, it is great. So cool and menacing, not goofy at all.

Uniformly the acting ranges from very bad to truly terrible, lots of histrionics and an equal amount of phoning in. Their cringe-worthy, unintentionally silly dialogue (one deserves a prize if they succeed in not bursting out laughing when they're not meant to, that is a challenge), annoying characters with stupid and illogical decision-making and behaviours and indifferent direction gave them no favours.

Neither did the story, which is paper thin and much of it doesn't make any sense, with scenes that bear no relevance. There is no tension or suspense here, no surprises, no creativity, no wit and the only thing that is scary is the look of the villain and the scare factor ends there. The kills are un-creative, instead of biting the nails one is shrugging their shoulders, and the whole horror atmosphere feels tame and leans towards being dumb.

'Bunnyman' is an eyesore visually. With the lighting and camera work, it seemed to striving for the showing off or experimenting with supposedly arty to them feel but instead it comes off amateurish and nauseating. The editing is incoherent. Cannot remember the music, other than its over-bearing intrusiveness.

Overall, not irredeemable but very bad. 2/10 Bethany Cox
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We're not alone here
nogodnomasters15 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is rather confusing. They took the initial film BUNNYMAN and renamed it BUNNYMAN MASSACRE. They also named the sequel BUNNYMAN MASSACRE. It is possible to own the original film and the sequel with the same identical title. I have seen them both. I believe the sequel to be the far superior film.

In the original tale a dysfunctional cannibal family with a chainsaw and truck eat people who annoy them, and some who don't. Three young adult couples driving through the area etc. etc. etc.

Guide: F-bomb. No nudity. Forced dry humping.
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Just wow
kennagalvan0914 September 2018
I've seen porns with better acting and back stories.
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painful to watch
traitorjoe66616 January 2014
Oh. My. God.

I like bad movies. I really do. Even if they're laughably bad, or have unintentional humor, I can find something to like, that make it worth sitting through the flick to the end. Whether somewhat recent, such as "Aliens vs Avatars" (2011), or ancient history, such as "The Giant Claw" (1957), I could find plenty to like and laugh about in a movie, no matter how bad it might be.

Unfortunately, "Bunnyman" had no such redeeming qualities, except maybe the cute bunny-costume on the title character, and the incredibly hot Cheryl Texiera who's a pleasure to ogle, umm, watch.

From the beginning, "Bunnyman" became almost too painful to watch, and only got worse. I don't think I ever, in any slasher flick, actually HOPED the "good" characters would meet their demise, but in this case, they were just so painfully stoooooopid that I found myself rooting for the Bunnyman, if only to make the movie stop! Their actions throughout the movie were akin to lighting a match in a dark cellar to find where's the leak in the gas main. You're left open-mouthed in utter disbelief. I can't imagine any twentysomethings with more than two brain-cells to rub together, to do what these kids did in the movie.

I don't care about plot-holes that can be explained away reasonably, and I don't pick apart movies because they may have featured a 1972 Datsun, or a radio was playing a top-10 hit from 1971, when the movie would be ostensibly set in 1970, but, oh lordy, without getting into spoilers, these characters could win the Nobel Prize for stupidity.

Watch this movie, if only to experience what might be one of the truly worst movies you'll ever come across. At least you'll appreciate actually GOOD bad-movies!
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Bad Beyond Comprehension
hannahsutcliffe23 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Where do I even begin with this movie? The first thing I noticed was that the sound was atrocious. While the sound effects were extremely loud, the voices of the characters were barely audible. I was constantly turning the speakers up and down in order to hear or avoid being deafened by this movie. The second thing I noticed about this mess was the appalling acting. Not a single person in this film could act. Their exaggerated facial expressions and outbursts were just laughable and certainly not believable. Did I really spent £3.99 on this?! So half way through I decided that it must be a comedy horror and that I am surely taking this movie way too seriously...but I was so wrong. This movie neither tried to make me laugh nor tried to scare me, which is a shame because I genuinely expected much more from this low budget "horror" flick. There is one particular scene in which one of the group members is struck down and killed by a man wearing a ridiculous bunny costume, wielding a pathetic looking chainsaw. After we see that she is clearly deceased, her chest moves up and down. She is BREATHING. I could not believe that this movie was even made, let alone spawned not one, but TWO sequels. Finally, I want to conclude by warning anyone who is even slightly entertained by the idea that this movie could possibly be a fun watch. Boring, lame, cringe-worthy and down right silly are a few adjectives that spring instantly to mind when I think of this movie. Save your money, time and attention!
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a film in the tradition of the 70's and 80's horror films
bnnymanattack20 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This film belongs in the 80's, and that a good thing. The film is about mood and style as it is about gore. In fact, there's not much gore in the film which the film really isn't about. It's like one of those classic 80's films that takes it's time to build a believable world for these charters to inhabit. The filmmakers show nature as much as the people, and it's about the environment that these characters "survive" that's wisely presented as one of the characters in the film. I won't go into talking about the actual character Bunnyman, since I'm sure other reviewers will have a field day dreaming up where this character comes from, he's motivations, and what they would like to see Bunnyman do next. I will admit, there's plenty to mine with this character. Browsing some sites, this film is finally getting the respect it deserves.

The DVD presentation is packed with so many goodies it's hard to know where to start. An "fly on the wall" documentary, commentary, tons of deleted scenes...and so much more. If you like this one, get the DVD, it's worth it for the extras alone.
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a good indie horror film
jacob-hillenta1 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Say hello to the launch of a new franchise, BUNNYMAN ! I was intrigued by this character from the trailers, and the film did not disappoint. Hands down, the dinner table scene at the end of the film had me glued to the screen. I love the absurdest, dark sense of humor in that scene. Seems like the sequel is taking that tone, and kicking the kids to the curb (great idea, they sucked). I also like they are bringing back Joe, who was another highlight of the film. Now as Bunnyman 2 follows just them, then we're good. That brings me to one point of contention I had with the ending of Bunnyman 1, they didn't even try to kill Bunnyman. He just walks off into the sunset. I applaud them for doing something different, however I would have liked some closure on the character/film. Show us more Bunnyman, and I'm there !
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Velja371 October 2021
This movie is so bad because the poor acting, camera, editing and directing. All in all not quality film.

I am sorry.
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