"Andor" One Way Out (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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I will let Luthen Rael's monologue speak for itself here.
poseyfan10 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
On all the other reviews I've done for this show, I've given my 2 cents; but here I want to emphasize just how unparalleled the writing is on this show. Exhibit A:

"...and what do you sacrifice?"

"Calm. Kindness, kinship, love. I've given up all chance at inner peace, I've made my mind a sunless place. I share my dreams with ghosts. I wake up every day to an equation I wrote fifteen years ago from which there's only one conclusion: I'm damned for what I do. My anger, my ego, my unwillingness to yield, my-my eagerness to fight, has set me on a path from which there's no escape. I yearned to be a savior for injustice without contemplating the cost, and by the time I looked down there was no longer any ground beneath my feet.

"What is my-what is my sacrifice? I'm condemned to use the tools of my enemy to defeat them. I burned my decency for someone else's future! I burned my life to make a sunrise that I know I'll never see! Now, the ego that started this fight will never have a mirror or an audience or the light of gratitude... so, what do I sacrifice? Everything!"

Best episode of the show so far. Where was this level of care and respect when Kenobi was being written?

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Did You Feel That Tension?
MamadNobari979 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Because if it wasn't for those "boring and slow" episodes as many people I've seen describe most episodes without action, there wouldn't be any ounce of tension and excitement in this culmination of the Prison Arc.

If those two previous episodes didn't exist or they had cut them down to only one episode, this episode wouldn't be nearly as intense and full of tension as it was. Go watch Obi-Wan Kenobi again and see what no build-up or setup and no decent writing does to a story and to characters you've known and loved for years. It takes a real genius of a writer to make me care less about iconic lovable characters played by an awesome actor like Kenobi than a fairly new character with a whole new backstory and side characters. Don't rush a story and go from point A to point B in a few minutes if you want the audience actually care about the story you're telling and the characters you've created or have been handed to you.

With that being said, I did feel like the climax of the Prison arc was kinda a little rushed. The Prison Arc has been the best of the three arcs of the show so far and this episode was still amazing, but I guess I was expecting more from their eventual escape than this? But I do understand that there's not really much else and much more they could've done with it. So it's just a feeling I had and a nitpick, not that big of deal.

Other than that, we had another great scene with Mon Mothma interacting with a really questionable character with again, adult themes and also showing how far they might have to take it to fund and support their rebellion.

But probably the best part of this episode was Luthen's monologue with yet another great performance by Stellan Skarsgård. Every performance is great in this show but Stellan's is just another level, especially combined with the great dialogue they've written for him and this scene was his best scene so far.

The dialogue is just great and even in this scene they try to avoid doing the same old cliché dialogue, and instead they build up toward the line you already know he's gonna say to make it more impactful and more natural and to not feel clichéd, and I think they achieved it beautifully.

And I love that they do not try to make the protagonists or the rebels like Luthen look like saints who don't kill people and are the same cliché protagonist who does no wrong and is morally superior to everyone else, like how they butchered Boba Fett in his show because god forbid we have a protagonist who kills people. So I really appreciate that this show takes itself seriously enough not to make everyone black and white and only good and bad. This shows that rebellions aren't easily formed and sacrifices and hard choices must be made, and even if you're the leader of the good side, you still have to sacrifice some people and play it like the enemy to achieve your goals.

I also have to mention the great performance by Andy Serkis that with limited lines and characterization and only appearing in a few scenes of the last three episodes, made the character come to life and made an iconic character out of Kino Loy. Though I am kinda mad we didn't get a conclusion about his character and I'm sure the writers wouldn't just do this if we weren't gonna see him again, because I would be really mad if we didn't and this was the last of him we saw.

Anyway, this episode was a great finale to the Prison Arc of the show, and just like the previous episodes, there wasn't a dull moment in there, and it was intense and engaging through and through. I just feel like it was a little bit short and they could've shown more of Mon Mothma and especially Cinta, but obviously we still have two more episodes so it's not that big of a deal.
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"I can't swim"
movieturtle20139 November 2022
The writing of this show is impeccable. Andor is Star Wars at its best. The empire feels like a real threat. The people trying to fight it make cruel sacrifices.

I was a bit worried that Aldhani and that climactic episode of the heist was difficult to follow up on but the climax of the prison arc did not at all disappoint. Andor is outdoing itself with every episode.

The writing is of such high quality and the way they tell the story ... they manage to make every minor character matter in just a few camera beats and lines and manage to make the audience mourn when Cassian parts ways with them.

I cannot say it enough. Andor is one of the best Star Wars projects!
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There is Luke Skywalker, yes. But then there's Luthen Rael.
Geekofriendly9 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'd have never, EVER thought that something out of the Star Wars universe would be deserving of accolades that transcend far, far, far away and beyond Coruscant and the entire sci-fi genre.

While George Lucas laid the foundations upon which this story sprang, "Andor" is an entirely different beast than I could have possibly imagined.

"Andor" is as much of a Star Wars disruptor as it is a colossal drama series achievement on its own merit. I am so utterly baffled and impressed by what they've been able to accomplish thus far that I have yet to find a better medium than to pour my emotions into these words.

There will be songs sung about Stellan Skarsgård's portrayal and embodiment of Luthen Rael. Especially after The speech he gave. I can't help but feel deep respect for what is, in fact, altruistic suicide.

This episode lets us in so far behind the curtain that we finally see that the most important heroes in the Star Wars universe (let alone the one we inhabit as well) are usually individuals we will never know. They have made peace with their necessary humility and have silenced their ego in favour of others.

I honestly can't fathom a more beautiful, profoundly sad, but lovingly beautiful human characteristic than that. Luthen Rael just might have become my favourite fictional hero of all time.

Dear creators of "Andor", I bow once more. And to think they released "Kenobi" and the "Boba Fett" nonsense in 2022 as well. Pffff.
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I.... uh..... wow.....
vandykeu9 November 2022
I can't begin to describe just how amazing this episode of Andor is. The three-episode arc that the show has been doing for most of the series always hits a payoff in the third act, and as good as the show has been up to this point, I think this may be one of the most rewarding and satisfying episodes of a show I have ever seen.

It hits all of the notes. I won't describe what happens, but I have to say that the acting continues to be stellar in a way that I cannot recall ever seeing before. I felt like I was there with them, in each of the scenes. The climax literally brought tears to my eyes for the emotional release and that passion that the actors brought to their performances.

This is star wars, the drama. Not the space opera. Not the silly mix of kids entertainment and cackling villains. This is as real as a fictional show can be, because they have paid such amazing attention to fleshing out their characters with impeccable writing and exceptional performances. If only every bit of star wars could be as good as this is. I am in awe.
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This is the best SW ever, period.
dj-wookie9 November 2022
Not even in my wildest dreams i never thought somebody could write and produce one of the deepest sci fi stories i ever saw in my life and that is done in a Star Wars tv series, not in an pretentious movie or in a Star Trek series or Black Mirror or something like that this episode is pure and simple mindblowing, everything is so epic and spectacular to the limit of the impossible, everything, every mimic of the actors, every move of the characters, every visual landscape scene, every sound and every drop of light is so carefully chosen, it is like somebody or some people wanted an Oscar but instead of a movie, this person , or these persons, landed on a tv series. This is ABSOLUTELY MINDBLOWING !!!
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What do I sacrifice?
robertheduardoperezmachado10 November 2022
Calm, kindness, kinship, love. I've given up all chance at inner-peace, I made my mind a sunless space. I share my dreams with ghosts. I wake up everyday to an equation I wrote 15 years ago for which there is only one conclusion: I'm damned for what I do, my anger, my ego, my unwillingness to yield, my eagerness to fight. It's set me on a path from which there is no escape. I yearn to be a savior against injustice without contemplating the cost. And by the time I look down, there's no longer any ground beneath my feet. What is my sacrifice?"

"I'm condemned to use the tools of my enemy to defeat them. I burn my decency for someone else's future. I burn my life to make a sunrise I know I'll never see. The ego that started this fight will never have a mirror or an audience or the light of gratitude. So what do I sacrifice? EVERYTHING!"
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You could only tell this quality of story on TV
robin-5568911 November 2022
My grandad fought in the Second World War, he was captured in Dunkirk and endured three years of prisoner of war camps, mostly labor camps. He escaped from three. The last one he made it from far behind enmity Lomé's to almost the English Channel, smuggles most of the way by the resistance. When he got picked up, it was the Americans who found him, D-day had happened, they took him straight back so he could show them where his prisoner of war camps were so they could be liberated. I tell this story because I always wondered what it must of been like, the times in the labor camps, the struggle, the fortitude and pig headed was he must have had. For three episodes I have been absolutely captivated and more emotionally attached than I am able to say. That wouldn't have happened without the patient story telling and astounding acting that has gone on. This episode was catharsis embodied, and I suspect not just for me, but anyone who has ever dreamed of freedom and liberty on their own terms. Truly amazing, amazing episode.
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Magnificent Episode
dirtydavew9 November 2022
Just when you think this can't get any better! What a fantastic episode this is. It's got everything. Liberation, Sacrifice, Real Hero's, and a cast that can absolutely deliver these things with indisputable quality.

Skeleton Skasgards epic speech at the end is without doubt the most moving part of the episode. He sums up the lengths which must and have been taken by him to imagine any kind of future worth living in.

So pleased Disney finally promoted a version of Star Wars that's intelligently written. This show parallels our own world struggles and the quality performances and gripping story make for premium quality viewing.
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Perfection 10/10
civilizationnorth9 November 2022
This, this episode brought tears to my eyes, the acting, the emotions, the hopelessness within hope. Absolutely a masterpiece in writing, directing and acting. This is entertainment done 100% right.

It's amazing how almost every episode in Andor gets better and better and makes you lean forward with you ending up closer and closer to the end of your seat.

This is Star Wars done absolutely right, and I can't wait to get more, be it whatever Is thrown at us.

I am a biased Star Wars nerd, but at least this nerd is here to stay for a long time.

Thank you so.much for bringing this to my screen!
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This can't be from Disney.....
smaugthemagnificent11 November 2022
Is this show really from the same company that gave us the Star Wars sequel trilogy and Obi-Wan Kenobi? It hardly seems possible. Even on Twitter I haven't found one negative comment about this episode, and the lowest rating from users who have written a review here is 8/10. All praise has to go to the writer, the director, and of course Andy Serkis and Stellan Skarsgard. I have to look it up, but does Disney+ even know how to enter actors for the Emmy's? If they are not entered, and if one of them doesn't win the Best Supporting Actor Emmy, it is a crime against hunanity, and I will never take the Emmy's seriously again.
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"And what did you sacrifice?"
jas979 November 2022
Andor writers and actors, for the most part, are doing to these SW spinoff series what the Rogue One did to the 7-9 SW movies, it shows them how it should have been done.

Gave up on Solo half way, Larry, sorry, Kenobi was so bad that I didn't even bother with Andor when it hit the air, Mandalorian was sort of PG5 level material that didn't interest me, and I'm glad I decided to give Andor the look.

7-9 authors tried really hard to kill off this franchise, but Rogue One and Andor creators are carrying it out the sewage pit, and they deserve a medal for their efforts!

My only though was that Stellan Skarsgård character could have had a longer intro arc, early in the series, before we know who he is, and what he is trying to do, something villainy, something ruthless, a mistake perhaps, that he then would realize, that could have taken the time the long drawn out prep for the credits theft, and make the speech have even bigger impact, I'd be even fine if that was the final scene in this season, the escape from prison, the desperation of the senator, and then bam THE speech, curtain close, wait for S2.
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Over rated
hannes-gudjonsson16 November 2022
Coming from a guy that loved IV-VI, Rouge one and really liked Mandalorian, I must say this show is so over rated.

I like it, it's a 7 for me but it's so slow and the dialog is sometimes very bad. Stellan is just fantastic and the empire actors are all really good but unfortunately I don't like Diego Lupa so maybe that's my main problem with this show.

It's fun to see Forrest Whitaker reprising his role from Rouge One, in better shape.

Still, looking forward for the season finale next week but not expecting it to be so good that I will raise my overall rating to a 8, but who knows?

May the force be with you!
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10/10 reviewers are reprobates.
benprichardsdotcom24 March 2023
Come on guys, this is not good television. I had high hopes for this episode after the awful 'Narkina 5', you fellow reviewers have given this episode a whopping 9.1/10 which, if you believe the numbers, makes it better than Chernobyl, or The Wire, Breaking Bad or True Detective.

But it's rubbish! We're jumping around from prison break, to political intrigue, espionage, heist. The creators of Andor have not got a scooby-do about what they're trying to achieve and this is supposed to be the intelligent Star Wars series?

The script is atrocious, the continuity is absurd, the score creates zero tension and the screenplay is idiotic. I've no idea how you can have a pool of acting talent as spectacular as Andor and the result be a bland, boring and nonsensical mess.
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Insanely brilliant from start to finish
XanderTigerclaw9 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't normally review a single episode of a show, but I'm making an exception here for the sheer brilliance "One Way Out" delivered. Simply put, the quality here is TOO RIDICULOUSLY AMAZING. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

I mean seriously,

Genevieve O'Reilly's controlled fury and terror?

Imperial guards cowering together to avoid detection?

Andy Serkis' moment of wistful realisation that - for the most innocuously ridiculous of reasons - he of all inmates won't be escaping?

And then, Stellan Skarsgård's impassioned monologue, just come ON 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Every moment brought to life in this episode was astonishing and impactful, right to the final frame.

Absolutely loving this series.
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Some of the best writing of the season
shmitty-790509 November 2022
I'll be brief on this as this series has truly impressed me, but this last episode has such good script and raw human emotion in its characters! Certainly the strongest, in my opinion, Star Wars story Disney has brought forth. Of special note, Genevieve Oreilly as mon mothma is a powerhouse of an actress. She dominates the screen in her scenes with Kate Blanchet power. Love the attention to her character.

There's been a lot of 'yawn' comments on this show but I find myself just sitting back and letting the story be told because it's being told so damn well!

The prison story was an interesting 'side quest' but had a truly heart felt ending, the reluctant hero and his tragic resolve. Also the inclusion of another rogue one character showing up has been nice!
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I was on the EDGE OF MY SEAT!!
and_mikkelsen17 November 2022
God damn this episode was so intense that by the time it ended, it felt like it had just begun!! This is one of those TV episodes where you can feel your heart beating and are like... "oh yeah i forgot to breathe", while admirring the brilliance unfolding in front of you!

This episode itself was so amazingly well written, directed and acted! Andy Serkis and Stellan Skarsgaard stood out with their INCREDIBLE performances! Luthens monologue was so powerfull and thoughtprovoking that i got goosebumps! The most REAL a character have felt in not just Star Wars but TV in general! I imidiatly wanted to rewind and just hear it again!

I can not believe how good this show is! The best way i can describe it is that everything feels REAL!
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Wow, just fantastic.
jerryseeds10 November 2022
This is the star wars I want. The speech by Luther at the end of the episode on what he sacrifices was just phenomenal. "I share my dreams with ghosts" gave me chills. This episode is a highlight of the season and gives me hope that the show and story will continue to get more complex, evolve and take us all along for the ride.

The cinematography is on point...Luthens speech is still giving me chills as I write this. THIS is the birth of the rebellion I've always wanted, the patience is paying off and I simply can't wait to see what happens next. I never thought Disney had it in them. Superb episode, excellent show.
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tristan_199 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Andor delivers all the feels this week. The Rebellion is on its way ! The amount of emotion building throughout the episode is outstanding. Kino Loy wants to stay put, but Cassian tells him they are dead no matter what. There is one way to live though, and people will have to unite.

Luthen's presence is heavy and Stellan Skarsgård just embodies his character to perfection. Mon Mothma gets a troubling proposal concerning her daughter.

The notion of sacrifice is at the forefront of this episode. You just feel the tension as the plan is unraveling. But when all goes down, it's a free for all and the guards are quickly overwhelmed. Cassian helps Kino deliver a speech from the heart. ¨You do this everyday. Tell them what to do.¨ It's a real tearjerker and gut punch. The prisoners finally have a chance of claiming their life back and fighting for freedom.

The music is stellar. The cinematography packs a punch. Especially when you see that aerial shot of people swimming out of the prison or the atmosphere created while two rebels are running towards a better life.

10/10 episode and a classic Star Wars tale about rebellion and hope. It should stay with you for a long time.
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Absolutely Phenomenal
Pomplemoose-Pass10 November 2022
Andor is the best thing I've seen on TV for a very long time and definitely a massive improvement on the majority of the other Star Wars spin offs which are IMHO average at best. This succeeds where they fail: Top notch actors; excellent character build up, an amazing plot, and outstanding writing gives thrills, suspense and fantastic action scenes. What more could you ask for. It just keeps getting better and better. This episode was super intense; I was on the edge of my seat for most of it. I can't wait for next week but I'm not sure how they are going to improve on this outstanding episode... My score is 10.
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This episode will give you hope
thefoochie10 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
One way out! What a phenomenal episode of andor, and the second best one after The Eye. Never have I felt such a sense of hope when watching Star Wars content. This episode shows that there is always a way to fight back against evil. And it's absolutely beautiful.

This episode mainly focuses on the prison escape, and it might be even more exciting than the aldhani heist. Even though I know that andor is going to live, my heart was racing throughout this entire sequence. I was cheering when the prisoners were finally able to escape.

Kino's arc ended brilliantly. Throughout the show, he has had the idea ingrained in him that there is no chance of winning, and that fighting back would be hopeless. However in this episode, Kino, much like the viewer, is also incited with a sense of hope. He finally goes full badass and motivates his floor to fight back. His change in character was so believable, which makes it all the more satisfying. Even though he wasn't able to escape with the other prisoners since he can't swim, at least he was finally able to stand up to the empire.

There is also a scene with mon where she must choose between her daughter and the rebellion. I'm really excited to see where her storyline goes. I'm sure it won't be an easy decision.

The episode ends with Luther having a conversation with an rebel spy who is considering quitting so that he can see his daughter. Luther gives an incredible speech, where he tells the spy that he has sacrificed everything in his life just for a tiny chance that the rebellion will succeed.

If this episode doesn't uplift you, you must be rooting for the empire! I cannot describe the amount of intense positive feelings that this episode gave me. This is on par with Luke destroying the Death Star in a new hope. Yeah, I said it. Although I loved the aldhani heist, that episode lacked the emotion of "One Way Out." Fitting title, by the way. There is only one way to defeat fascism. You have to fight it. 9.4/10, although I will likely rewatch this episode multiple times and increase my score to a 10. Wonderful, truly wonderful job, Tony Gilroy.
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What an episode
Hesashi9 November 2022
I don't know what to say i'm speechless. The level of writing, the subtlety of acting from Serkis, Skarsgård and Luna from the small twists that happen i have to say this was a really wonderful episode of television.

Why did I fall in love with Star Wars when i was a kid? Was it because it told me what I had to feel in a tasteless fashion and made throwbacks to things I already knew existed? Was it the flashiness, the coolness of the empty characters that they placed into an even more empty world? No, it was emotional stories that I could connect with in a marvellous setting that transported me into another realm. A realm far away from everyday life where adventures and excitement happened. This is what Andor does, and this episode just showcased what moving pictures are all about.
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One Way Out
Prismark1024 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is the prison breakout episode. Andor convinces Kino Loy that there is no way out for any prisoner alive.

Andor has a plan and it can be activated when a new prisoner arrives. It is a jailbreak that will include everyone.

Unfortunately it also relies on the prisoners having just as bad as aim as stormtroopers. Whatever they were throwing at the guards missed by a mile.

Juxtaposed to the prison breakout scenes. There were side plots regarding sacrifices.

Mon Mothma might have to make a deal with a dodgy oligarch. To launder some credits Mothma has to introduce her daughter to the oligarch's son. Give him legitimacy.

Meanwhile there is a reveal of a deep agent working for Luthen Rael. Giving the rebels prized information but there is no escape for him, Rael makes sure that is the price to pay.

The action is matched with intrigue, although I did guess that some major characters would now know how to swim.
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Its getting better and better
DLochner9 November 2022
The series just keeps getting better and better. You get the feeling the series is building up and the tension is building. What a great cast, what great costumes. The story is so emotional and engaging, as you rarely see in Star Wars, the equipment, the camera but also the music in this episode can surpass a lot of what you have seen from Star Wars so far. But the surpassing is not the decisive thing, but the respect and reverence with which the series builds its own place in the Star Wars cosmos. Already a small masterpiece and absolutely worth seeing. I love the way they do it. Great and please stay great in the forthcoming episodes.
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Only One Way Out!!
gkimmarygleim10 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The best episode of the series so far. This season has been so good. Cassian Andor's back story has been so exciting. I love the Star Wars stories. The Book of Boba Fett. The Mandalorian. Rogue One. Obi-Wan Kenobi. All have added so much to the overall Star Wars canon. And now - Andor. The series has been overall so far, very exciting. Each episode has moved right along. We are introduced to various characters who end up being intertwined in the most entertaining ways.

And now, this prison escape. It was so well written, acted, and directed. The horror on the prisoners' faces when they realize they aren't going home, they aren't ever getting released. And Andy Serkis' monologue, as Kino Loy, urging the prisoners on to escape and freedom, was the high point of his story arc. I can't wait to see where Cassian goes from here. Well played everyone! Well played.
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