Rite of the Shaman (2022) Poster

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A little kindness goes a long way
DragonTwoSeven8 January 2022
I saw this tonight for the Utah Film Festival and it'll take some time to process what I've seen. I may add more later. This is a gorgeous film with fantastic cinematography, acting, storyline and oh THAT SCORE. More than anything though it touched me deeply in ways I thought it wouldn't. The world is full of such negativity these days and when people are depressed, they push others, even their loved ones, away. But what would happen if we got the call to do the opposite? What would happen if we took the time to leave positive reviews instead of negative ones? What if our small acts of kindness made the biggest difference in people's lives? This one really made me think and probably will for some time.
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Family movie, message of hope
This movie is a beacon of hope and encouragement that is much needed in our world right now. The impact it had on me and my family is indescribable. We left the theater feeling enlightened with a new energy to life. To any of those out there feeling alone, different, helpless, confused, or even just want a movie you can take the whole family to without wondering what will pop up on the screen or be said, this is the perfect movie. Such an inspiration for change!
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Beautiful Movie
elliotwoodridge28 May 2022
This movie has a wonderful, if sometimes simplistic, story, that is well worth seeing on the big screen. Tyrell Oberle shines as young Kai, a high school student, immersing himself in the life and wonder of nature, but struggling to manage daily life in a world that doesn't understand him and dealing with his mother's trial with cancer. The reality of his presence on the screen, draws the viewer in, though he barely speaks throughout the film.

The cinematography is gorgeous, from shots of the mountainous countryside to careful scenes of animals, to dramatic shots of all the characters. The score is beautiful, at times haunting and at times earthy and lighthearted,.

There were a few issues that may distract the casual viewer, including sound issues: sometimes the music, though lovely, was overpowering, and sometimes there were audio glitches that sounded like an editor did the best they could with inferior material. A couple of special effects looked amateurish and quickly reminded me that I was watching a low-budget local indie film. A few of the acting performances missed the mark, but there were several who stood out as remarkable talents, including James Morris as Mr. Browning, Kim Stone as Wendy, and Lauren Holdt as Aspen, among others.

What really drives the heart of this story is the central message that what we put out in the world matters. People in pain, spread that pain to others, or as the saying goes, "Hurt people hurt people." On the flip side, the love we give makes a real difference. It comes across simply and clearly--the pain is heart-wrenching, and the kindness is exhilarating. This alone gives the film amazing power and makes it well worth the watch. As someone who has gotten tired of big blockbuster action movies dominating the big screen, it was a real treat watching an independent film with soul, with a real message to send, and made with an artistry and vision that seems to be sorely lacking in the film corporatocracy. Go see this film.
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Powerful and uplifting
albertwise16 January 2022
This story is one that needs to be told in today's age of online bullying and hatred. The idea that kindness and mutual support really can lift us out of the darkness and self doubt is encouraging. May many lives be as touched as mine has!
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Bridging reality with fantasy
Fantasymoviefanatic8 January 2022
This film is well executed. The characters do a wonderful job of drawing you in to cultivate a sense of connection. I cherish storylines that have deep meaning and films that surprise me within the storyline, and the Rite of the Shaman effortlessly ticks both boxes. This is a movie with a powerful message that is creatively woven into elements of fantasy.
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Beautiful film
kimtulin29 May 2022
Watching the characters in this film as they are negatively affected by one person who then finds it within himself and changes.... the positive affect he then had on everyone around him is exactly what needs to be heard right now. My teenager (and frankly anyone who is having a hard time with the challenges life brings) was so moved by the little, anonymous acts of someone telling her that she is important made all the difference in the world to her! I hope this film can continue to be seen and touch lives. Well done. Highly recommend!
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My mom made me do it but
graywinterjanuary30 May 2022
I thought this was going to be some sappy religious movie or something. My mom insisted that I go see it with her. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. Like beyond surprised surprised. Thank you for not making mental health a stigma. It is not shameful and is very real . This movie shows raw how it is but also that you're not alone and there is hope. I'll be taking my friends to see this.
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Perfectly Imperfect
cdhardy-4322531 May 2022
To my knowledge "Rite of the Shaman" is the sophomore feature film from the young independent Zepstone Media. I review it with that lens, not in comparison to big-budget productions. Think of it like a local band that's so good it starts getting gigs in venues bigger and more prestigious than local pubs.

Sure, the film has flaws. Sometimes the music overpowers the dialogue. In one scene where the audience views a computer conversation, the text is framed too far to the right and left of screen, making it difficult to read. The bullying scenes could have been more dramatic. The lead character's climatic transformation is powerful, but it left me starving for information about the beings who catalyzed it. (Please, please, please make a sequel!)

Emphatically, to dwell on "Rite's" relatively few technical flaws is absurdly shallow.

For one, this ORIGINAL film is a refreshing reprieve from Hollywood's incessant obsession with vampires, Vikings, zombies and mediocre remakes of great films. Zepstone got more right than wrong in its technically execution.

Most importantly, "Rite's" message brings fresh hope at a time when the news and social media are full of anger, fear and hatred. Any viewer; regardless of age, economic status, religion, politics, or social passion; who looks for the similarities rather than the differences; will be moved to tears and inspired to become the change they want to see.

Yeah, just go see it. It's that important.
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Cinematc masterpiece
Mr_Crowley9917 January 2022
The editing, phenomenal. The lighting, immaculate. The mood, the vibes, everything just sends chills down your spine. You can really feel with the characters. The way the emotions are portrayed through the lighting, the facial expressions, the atmosphere, its all just fantastic.
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A drama but also fantasy that has the Feels
SallyMason-8111 January 2022
I saw this at Utah Film Awards and wasn't quite sure what to expect but it immediately sucked me in with the visuals and music. This is the kind of movie that we need more of. Too many movies these days are so fast and action packed just for the sake of being that way and this is a movie that you want to savor for it's unique visuals and it's a beautiful feast for the eyes. I found myself getting tearful more than once because it reminded me of my little brother who was bullied and invisible in school. This one I recommend and I will be wanting to buy this once it's out.
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Great Movie
nuduze28 May 2022
This movie is very touching and relatable in many ways. It talks about the struggles every child has gone through at least once in their life and the film teaches people how to get over the struggles. This movie is very inspiring to those who feel like they are never enough or feel under qualified in life. In tough times such as right now, all we can do to better ourselves is to not only love yourself but to love those around you and to strive to be supportive to people who need help.
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This film is a must see film!!
adamantpress27 May 2022
The story of Kai is one that resonated with me. Especially after the school shootings that have been happening around the country.

This film has you in your feelings but the soundtrack and graphics keep you optimistic. Very well done.

It's a film that the whole family will leave feeling uplifted and feeling good.

Go see this film!!! It will change your life!!!

Support Independent Film!!!
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teri_weiss14 January 2022
I had the honor and privilege to work on this project and had no idea how it would turn out after the editing and adding music. At the moment all I can say is...WOW! I read the story/script, heard and tried to understand the theme during the days I worked on set. However, after watching this... I get it.

First off, the editing (to me, a total novice) was beyond brilliant. Hours upon hours of film was used to create what I watched. The editing made the movie. I really don't have words to really explain how I felt watching as scene by scene Kai worked through all he was feeling.

The Shaman scene had chills running rampant and tears streaming from my eyes; but they were good tears and chills. I knew the scene would be there but didn't have a clue how it would work. The symbolism of what Kai's ancestors meant to him was what got me. I don't consider myself very spiritual but I felt it.

I loved the Celtic music and how it interspersed throughout the film to help tell the story of Kai's happy life diving into despair as he takes care of his cancer-ridden mother to being bullied at school. At times the music was very uplifting and filled my soul with peace; at others, sadness and pain.

The cinematography was magical. I watched how each scene was filmed and wondered how it would look. Now I know. Carson's use of the slow-motion action with the fire dance scene and the ending scene is, to me, genius. I just love how everything came together to create magic on the screen.

I would LOVE to see this on the big screen because I know it will have a huge impact on the audience and it deserves the big screen to allow the magic flow.
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Beautiful movie
cmalerie9 February 2022
The cinematography was amazing and the lighting was great and the mood was fantastic. I felt all of the emotions. Their facial expressions conveyed their emotions phenomenally. Amazing movie it was so touching. The scenes were absolutely gorgeous as well.
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Tear Jerking, Heart Glowing.
angelaoberle15 January 2022
From the moment the film began, I was immediately enveloped.. completely 'til the very end. And I couldn't get enough. What I enjoyed most was that I could feel each emotion portrayed by each character, as if I was there. Especially Kai. I felt I could relate to some measure, to each emotion. Such a unique, and beautiful experience. Difficult to put into words. You MUST see this film for yourself! I can't wait to watch and experience it again and again, and to share this, and similar upcoming films with my loved ones. 💞❤
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espritlibre102027 May 2022

This film is so beautiful, amazing, inspirational, and powerful, everyone should see it. See it NOW!!!! :)

I had the honor of seeing it before release. Its message is truly needed in today's world.

Kai, with many challenges, and who is bullied at school, overcomes his own shadow-self and finds his voice in the world. He overcomes so much adversity, it's hard not to tear up watching his story as he finds his voice, and learns to create beauty in the world with it.

With so much negativity in the world, it's a rare and beautiful thing to watch another story. One that communicates the need for love, support, community, and sharing acts of kindness over bullying and hate.

The Rite of the Shaman is so beautiful, I'm going again this weekend and taking my entire family and our friends.

Let's be the change we want to see, support positive change over negativity, and support films that are raw, beautiful, independent, and teach us how to choose love. That's beautiful!!!!

Thank you to the Rite of Shaman for showing us the way through Kai, and his powerful story. What an amazing film.

Go see it and prepare for the inspiration we all need! Bring tissues! :)
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Spread Love
esc_arts27 May 2022
If you are a lover of Indie films, I would suggest that you definitely not miss seeing "Rite of the Shaman" on the big screen.

I was privileged to attend the Red Carpet Premier of this film and frankly went with little expectations. The sweet story of pain and despair overcome with hope, waking up to one's own personal power and the love of one's fellow man, was beautiful. It left the entire audience breathless and filled with the desire to do better to others as well as to recognize their real selves.

Tyrell Oberle, the lead actor, is phenomenal as a boy who literally finds his voice again and wakes up to his importance, not only to those around him, but possibly the whole world. His talent for bringing the feeling of the moment directly into the hearts of the audience is both subtle and overwhelming.

An interesting side note on the film is that the story is actually based on Tyrell's real-life battle with cancer and how he overcame it. Written (with a little help from her friends) and directed by Alicia Farmer, the film made a way for Alicia to share his amazing story with the world and show that hope and strength can change a life.

And, this could definitely be Tyrell's breakout role into the world of film.

And, I would be remiss if I didn't mention James Morris's performance as the boy's teacher; another sweet and subtle character who rolled the story forward well.

So, for those of you that enjoy a good story, make sure to catch this film on the big screen. And, as any Indy film lover will tell you: Don't expect Marvel Comics Universe SGI or Lord of the Rings action- BUT- do expect a beautiful story line and an incredible lead.
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Melted my mama heart!
mimijessiejones18 December 2022
My friend made me watch this I'm normally not a fan of dramas! I didn't know what to expect but this pleasantly by surprise! Then I found out it was made by a mother and son became he beat cancer! The kid who beat cancer plays the lead! It was heartbreaking to see Mr Kai try to deal with all the rude people at school and at home dealing with his sick mother! I wasn't sure where it was going but by the middle of the movie I was cheering on Mr Kai! Go forth Mr. Kai and spread love and kindness around the world! You touched my heart and I hope there with be rite of the Shaman part two! Mr Kai has stolen this mama heart!
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Wow! Magic and power of kindness
emiisouth30 May 2022
This film is magical. It touches all the feels. The message is so relevant, powerful, and heart-touching! With so much going on in the world, this really resonated with me. The cinematography, acting, music, and the authentic storyline pulled me in. I'm honored and so grateful to be a part of this amazing film project both in front of the camera and behind the scenes. Small acts of kindness really can change the world!
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Emotionally uplifting during hard times
Marilynlola4329 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am not a critic, but studied film making in New York City two years ago. What i found in seeing this was the framing and shots and the editing. I know what that takes and was impressed with the work of the director and the videographers who were in sync with the cast and crew.

I found myself emotionally uplifted with the story. I had read Dr. Farmer's dissertation that was the inspiration for this film. This story came from her soul...Alicia's passion to change others' hearts and minds to accept the possibility of positive ends was from a loving and non stoppable place in her heart.

I loved seeing this young man who survived the cancer and a hit and run accident because this fine director and loving mother brought out the authenticity of her son's trauma.
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Top notch acting and Message
PitchMonkey97348 January 2022
I watched the film at the Utah film festival tonight. They really had a great message and the cinematography was outstanding. The acting was top notch for an indie film. With that said the acting was above par and each actor and actress should be proud what they accomplished on this film.
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One of the most emotional movies I've seen
Rattlingheart678 January 2022
I was lucky enough to have seen this at the utah film festival. It was one of the most emotional and heart wrenching films ever. The acting was amazing on everyone's part. And the music was absolutely fantastic, you could feel every emotion that the characters were feeling, and the music just added to it. I highly recommend watching this film. Just make sure to have some tissues on hand.
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Heartwarming Movie that Could
frannieoberg28 May 2022
This movie has been an important part of the last few months of my life and to finally see it: it was incredible! 10/10. So heartwarming, beautiful, and inspirational. This movie will have you thinking, and believing in possibilities.
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Different and unique
maryantran27 May 2022
Before I watched this, I thought it was going atypical fantasy movie and I was completely wrong. It makes me realize that there is so much much negativity and hopelessness that we blame on others and our loved ones. We do this just because we hate ourselves and spread hate was like a self-defense mechanism so, we don't look the inside of our hearts. The only way to get out of darkness is to love yourself and spread to others that going through the same thing. I am glad that the cast made this movie to make the world realize that we are loved and we are worth it.
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Never judge a book my it's cover
peternguyen-6263128 May 2022
This movie was well filmed and represented. In life, we can be quick to judge or jump to conclusions without finding a reason or a solution. I loved how well the film captures Kai goes through so much adversity and obstacles and In the end will find a way to deal with his adversity and make a difference. The film was very touching and I would definitely see it again. 10/10 would recommend!
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