Frat Party (2009) Poster


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Very bad movie
Razin_Issas27 December 2009
This movie is baaad! It is really a waste of time. I have a principle to finish every movie no matter how horrible it is, so I sat through this entire masquerade of bad, non spontaneous and at times very badly improvised acting. And now I regret having principles.. I mean, how is it hard for an actor to look happy, sad or mad?! In "frat party" in all three cases, you'll find the actor just saying "Oh my God" with a dead face and you have to guess how he's supposed to feel. Come on! The whole plot of the movie is predictable from the first three minutes of it. I was watching the movie begging it to surprise me just once, and it just didn't. It's one of those American Pie Type/Romantic Comedy wannabes that just fail to look anywhere close to either. A movie perfect for torturing convicts, that's what it is..
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Could've been better
alexstone-39 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This, to me, was a total waste of time. The acting wasn't the worst I've seen, but it sure wasn't the best either (look out for the most horrible Italian accent/portrayal ever caught on tape).It seems they tried hard to make it a typical frat movie, with the usual amount of humor and over exaggerated situations - but without success. The story is thin, typical and predictable, so after the first ten minutes, you know the rest of the plot. It's slow paced, and where there's supposed to be parties, it basically feels like you're watching a prayer meeting or similar (not to be disrespectful towards prayer meetings though, but it's not a party...) If it hadn't been for Duffy (Randy Wayne), I wouldn't have finished watching the movie. Thankfully he had the lead, cause he's basically the only one with any talent for acting (although, the script doesn't give the actors much to work on), and surpasses the rest of the cast - oh, and he kinda reminds me of Luke Wilson in this movie, not that it matters ;P I think "Frat Party" tries to follow the league of movies such as American Pie, Scary Movie or Road Trip, unfortunately without the same success. But, sure, it may work for those of you who can relate, or the ones who's not picky or demanding to story lines, acting and over used jokes.
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If not for hot chicks, I'd give it a 1/10
jaybay8211 August 2010
The "2" rating is here because the women in this movie were HOT!!! That being said, this movie was horrible. Someone in another review compared it to American Pie. Ha ha maybe the American pie spin-off's that went straight to DVD, as this did as well! There's really not much point to this movie, and the acting was HORRIBLE. The "Italian" characters were so poorly portrayed it's actually humorous. The Italian women, at least, were good to look at and didn't attempt Italian accents. I felt like someone had about $10,000 to waste, and made this movie. Then they spent the other $9,000 on a fishing boat. Fast forward thru this movie to look at boobs, and that's about it. If you're a Mr. Skin member, he'll give you the times and details!
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THE worst movie ever
shane0023-748-5328925 May 2010
This was the most immature, unbelievable piece of garbage ever created. I've never watched anything that made me hate so many things at the same time...including being alive for the past 2 hours that i just watched this.

The only good part of this movie was the girls in the party scenes... but even that isn't nearly enough to salvage this movie.

I would give this a 0/10 but the lowest possible rating is a 1/10 I can only recommend watching this as a basis for which to judge other bad movies.

If you want a bad movie that you can enjoy, watch MegaSnake. Its waaay better.
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X_Azathoth_X9 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I'll try to make this as objective as possible, even though I wasted the last hour or so watching this movie. First off, to compare it to American Pie or Road Trip is ludicrous. The budget, camera work and acting in those movies are so far in advance of this it's not even in the same category (and those movies weren't Citizen Kane, you know?)

The plot is about some dude who's scored with tons of chicks who is now settling down with 'the one' and getting married after graduation. Trouble is, the last frat party of his college career is the night before the wedding so he has to miss the family dinner which is the same night as well (in real life, this is a no brainer, you go to the dinner). He talks his girlfriend (who has painfully thin legs) into letting him go to the party.

If you think you're going to see awesome party scenes with craziness all over, you've come to the wrong place. I've been to frat parties in the middle of the year that are more kickin than the one they have. Seriously. There are 30 people there. That's the problem with this whole movie. It's so low budget it's painful. The wedding where she has 270+ people attending has around 10 leaving the church. You're telling me the director and actors couldn't find friends to fill it? Homeless people? Anyone?

And the movie is around 60 minutes, the other time is spent with montages of Napa valley wine images or driving scenes that may or may not have the main character's car in it (no kidding). The characters behave in ways that no person in real life does, and the wedding business is the icing on the cake. Your boyfriend didn't show up in time, so here, marry this other dude who your dad (they couldn't find a real Italian dude?) invited, even though you don't really like him. And he's been banging your sister.

The writer of this movie needs his writing license revoked for the good of humanity. I didn't laugh, or even chuckle once during this mess. I didn't even think 'that was sort of funny'. If you're not stoned out of your gourd, for the love of all that's holy stay away from this movie.
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Worst Movie of All Time
Chicago007 July 2010
This is hands down the worst movie I've ever seen; in fact, it's likely the worst movie ever made. I can only assume that the reviewers that found anything positive about this movie are the actors' parents. It's worth watching, however, just so you can say that you've seen the worst movie ever made. It's worse than Gigli. Frat Party provides an answer to all those times you've watched a terrible movie and asked yourself, "how can it get any worse?" It's just terrible. Honestly, aside from saying over and over how terrible this movie is, I have nothing constructive to add because the movie contains very little substance. Wow. Terrible.
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Worst movie of all time
terps0267 May 2010
This film came on after a movie that I was watching ended. I decided to give it a chance, because a good comedy would've hit the spot. Wow, bad decision. This was by far the worst movie I have ever seen. It exceeded what I thought was possible in terms of awfulness. I watched the whole thing, which can be contributed to the "car wreck" phenomenon. You know.. when everyone slows down on the freeway to gawk at an accident. I continued watching, because I didn't think it could get worse.. I was wrong. If Mr. Bennett ever gets a film produced again, it would be a disgrace to mankind. I can't even blame the actors for their poor performances. If I was asked to act out some of these scenarios, I would be horrendous as well. All in all, I think I have just discovered the rock bottom in film making. A writer would be hard pressed to come up with something that is worse than this.
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A disgusting movie!
maars123454 May 2010
Even the title of the movie is not worth watching, because the movie is so bloody awful. I have never seen a worse movie than this. It was a very poorly made porn, if you think that way. With little storyline which was mostly vague, unrealistic and weird. The motive of the movie was extremely unclear. Presence of incest fulfill the reasons for it to be so utterly disgusting. The characters do not have depth in their feelings. The first 75% of the movie was downright disgusting and full of unrelated sex scenes. The ending and the last 25% of the movie was the worst bit! It was full of comical and stupid twists with no real authenticity of the characters' decision makings.

I do not even understand why the makers even bothered to make it. And we cannot forget the brilliant actors! Wow! What acting! I stopped watching movies for next three days after seeing their brilliant act because of excessive vomiting! Please for God's sake, do not watch this 'insult to Hollywood' movie!
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gautham_ecepsg14 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I've never rated 1/10 for any movie in IMDb. But after seeing this movie i didn't have the heart to give it more than one and even that one mark is for the hot girls.

You may have read some reviews saying that it is probably a movie for the guys since there were some topless scenes in the movie, but believe me, there are lots of films with good amount of humor and with the same expectations. Even the movie College had some moments of humor.

First of all there is no standing story line for the movie and the secondly the characters are so stereotype, for example take mac character, the only reason he is in the movie is to make Duffy look good. Also the acting of the various characters were terrible. And coming to the story, i don't know if there is a story for the movie, its like the director thought some scenes at that instant and made the movie. And the ending part is so predictable that you may skip it without any remorse. My advice would be don't waste your precious time and money by seeing this movie.
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Mind boggingly lame
er_ouz22 January 2011
I have to admit: I'm writing this review while watching the movie, reason being I'm just plain bored with it, and because the plot and the rate at which things happen is so slow that you really don't need to give it your full attention.

This is one of the worse movies I have ever seen- and not in so-bad-it's-great way, rather in a so-bad-it's-depressing way.

The editing especially is just horrible. There are scenes where the camera goes out of focus! Shots are cut too late, and the music is preposterous and intrusive, not to mention all of the montages meant to burn time because the plot just doesn't hold up.

The one occasion in which I really laughed during the film is when the Italian dad character does THE WORST Italian portrayal ever. Words can not describe. If there is one reason to watch this movie, is to see that. But let me save you the time: simply go to minute 24 of the film. Wait until you see him shaking his hands in the most outrageous over acted moment in the history of bad Italian impressions, and hit stop. I just saved you a couple of hours of your life. You're welcome.
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dragan-nikolov27 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is absolutely awful. This is definitely not a comedy. Nothing funny. Boring, boring, boring. Don't waste your time. The acting is bad, there are no jokes, it looks like it is some kind of a reality show cause the dialog is really lame, I don't know. The backup music is awful. 85 minutes of my life I'll never get back. But if you want to see some skin and nothing else, this is your movie, though you'd be better with porn.

And can someone tell me what genre this movie should be put in? Cause it's definitely not comedy. Maybe a new genre "Teenage/college junk"?

I can't understand why they still make movies like this. Do you want to attract the audience with the nudity, drinking, college partying? The storyline is just plain stupid. The guy was banging everything that moves for the first three years of college and now he wants to get married on the last week of college? Did he have an epiphany or something? And the girl, "the one" he found her so fast. No, she's not the one because she is rich and classy. She is the one because she is the one. You get it? Also there are some bad stereotypes about Italians and Asians. What can I say I hate this movie!
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An interesting addition to the Teen Comedy Genre Frat Party
bubbabougerbear4 February 2010
I got this movie from Netflix, and after watching it, I felt compelled to add to the collective consciousness of the current review pool inside IMDb, as a watcher of all types of movies, I enjoyed Frat Party and felt is was similar in scope, to more of a Woody Allen type romantic comedy, then your normal every day, style teen movie coming out on DVD right now. I found the movie to be "dialogue heavy" for those use to the more physical comedy of the genre, but I also felt it was more like a romantic comedy than most other genre titles in this particular field. I enjoyed watching the movie and felt that Caroline D'amore to a particularly exceptional job as "Adrianna" the heiress to a Wine Fortune, I felt Caroline "embodied" the typical dialogue heavy pretty romantic comedy type, whilst the movie had a lot of gags and a lot of semi undressed and fully undressed co-ed types, I identified more with the typical story of the romantic comedy genre, and enjoyed Caroline's performance. I also enjoyed Randy Wayne and Carolines on-camera banter. All in All, I really liked the movie and felt it was a great rental movie. Would I run out and buy it? well maybe it I felt like a liked a lot of pretty girls and a really randy gag in an Asian spa, but mostly, I think it is more like a rental, a great Tuesday night movie after a hard day at work or school, a great way to watch two very attractive and talented actors banter, and some good dialogue. I liked it, a lot, and I think Caroline D'amore is very talented and has a long career ahead of her. She is very talented and this really highlights her abilities, as a Romantic Comedy lead. I would like to see her in a more sophisticated role, but again the movie is good and worth a watch.
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depends on what you're looking for...
glados28 December 2009
This movie hit the spot. I worked a very busy 13 hour waiter shift and all I was looking for was to wind down, drink a couple of 40s and relax over a funny no-brainer starring some hot chicks and a few LOL moments. Check.

Most women in this movie are hot, and there are many topless and sexy scenes. The humor is not necessarily top notch but it's consistent. The story is quite simple but it has a twist or two.

Sure, it ain't a gem nominated for the Oscars. But if you fit the demographics, enjoy some nice booty, like to laugh, and just wanna see something simple while checking your email on your second computer, this is great!

Unlike the negative reviews, I believe this movie has it's pros, and I'm giving my thumbs up for all those in the right state of mind.
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This film is unbelievable!
sgt_bug24 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This film was seriously unbelievable. It is without a doubt one of the all time hall of shame members in my book.

The performances do not even deserve a comment. The direction is best left where it is. This movie is a fine example of how wrong decisions can be made after getting extremely high on some otherworldly drug that only aliens are capable of handling.

It does not depict an even close to believable situation. I mean come on. The lead actress (yeah, whatever!) walks in to find her husband getting it on with her sister only to get a response like, "You said two hours! Two hours! It's been 10 f*cking minutes!" from her sister.

Watch this movie. Really. For the most unpredictable script ever (even makes The Departed's climax seem predictable).
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College Animals
kosmasp28 July 2013
Germany has re-titled this movie and named it "College Animals 4" (yes it's not the first movie they have re-titled)! While the series movies have nothing to do with each other. Of course it is not a great movie and Jesse Jane is playing herself (not in that manner), which is a shame, because it'd be interesting to see if she can actually act (her cameo in Entourage was far better that this too).

But I actually liked the main characters. If they just had a better script it might actually have worked. Because the actors weren't half bad (the female lead having played in a couple of Entourage episodes as well). But the cell phone thing is just plain bad and the resolution in the end is not only predictable but borderline stupid. Still the actors are sweet enough for you to almost like this ... Shame then
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Survey says... Terrible
bearerofmjolnir11 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Take a porn movie, and extend it to around 90 minutes. All it took was the first few minutes to realize that it was a terrible movie. The story is almost typical for "playboy" type films, where the protagonist used to be able to bang any girl he wants, but eventually decides to settle. Besides putting in a whole lot of fillers for time, the director tried way too hard to make it seem like a fantasy-type film. Especially when it comes to the "settling playboy" theme, the masseuse, etc. I'm not sure about it's background, but I'll take a guess that it was a straight-to-DVD film, especially considering its lack of known actors. I came across it on On Demand after watching Animal House, so I figured why not? Turned out it was a big waste of time. The only reason it got more than a one-star rating is because of all of the hot girls in this movie. Quite simply, you cannot watch this movie without thinking it is terrible, unless you think a movie is good because of girls, or you are ineffably stupid.
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A waste of time
Gordon-1121 January 2010
This film is about a college would be graduate attending the ultimate college graduation party, the night before his wedding.

"Frat Party" tries so hard to be a teenage sex comedy, it is just laughably bad. There is no acting apart from the female lead Caroline D'Amore who shows some signs of acting. Most other actors and actresses just show skin. The whole film is like porn but with a little more story to it, except it drags on and on. The final ten minutes of the film suddenly becomes a romantic comedy. I have to say that the romantic comedy part helps the film to restore some credibility, but the damage is done already. If the whole film was developed to be a romantic comedy, it would have been a lot more watchable.
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Writer, Producer, Director and you're and Actor....You suck!
bcarmen66625 January 2011
I know, you wanted to get laid right? "Hey Baby, want a part in my new movie?..." What an incredible piece of garbage. I mean, how did this make it to DVD let alone Cable. Not one of them could act(except Jesse Jane...Love you baby!). They screwed up lines and you kept it in the movie. The Editing, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, what is with all the statue shots for the wedding scene, endless crap shot fillers of Napa. Don't tell me, let me guess, you wrote off the whole wine country trip as an expense for this schlock fest of a movie. Why in the road trip transition scenes did you decide to show a shot of the crappy Toyota instead of the Challenger? Did the Rental run out and you needed another crappy filler to make the 90 minutes? Girls Gone Wild is better than this thing that someone called a movie.

Oh yeah, let's not forget about the Mario Brother's accent for the Father of the bride. Really, that is the best Italian accent you could do? None would have been better.

I could go on forever with this. For those of you you who rated this above 2 stars, you're the reason American cinema is dying!
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Worst Movie I Have Ever Seen (and who is IMDb to tell me not to shout)
snapcallem13 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I literally came on IMDb and searched this movie after watching it just to make sure it had horrible reviews. It is by far the worst movie i have ever watched. the plot line (if you can call it that) makes absolutely no sense. He is late for his wedding so the girl marries someone else, she sees him at the wedding and doesn't care and yet everyone seems to be mad at him as if it was expected for this to happen since he was late. I cannot begin to describe how awful this film really is and anyone who enjoyed it must have a mental disability and only look for naked girls for a movie to be good (and even the sex scenes were terrible). If they were to play this movie in a prison it would be considered torture and half the inmates would ask for death before having to watch it again.
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Had to turn it off
rockin5464-911-23233014 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start that a movie that has naked women in it is something that I like, but hot naked women could not save this one. This is one of the worst scripts ever. This movie ranks as bad as the Underground Comedy Movie. There is not one laugh in the whole thing. There are boobs though for no reason. I can appreciate that, but the script, acting and camera work was awful. The lead girl is very hot, but cant act and she is the best actor in this. Even Jesse Jane could not save this. Thank goodness I watched half of it for free. I turned it off right after Jesse. Bad movie all around. Even the premise is bad. Whom goes to a Frat party the night before their wedding. I guess actors have to work because they had to have known this movie sucked when they signed up for it.
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Worst Movie I've Ever Seen
andrewbl-331-99318230 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
First I just wanted to say that I actually got an IMDb account just so I could write about how bad this movie was.

Me and my buddy decided to watch this because of the 1 star rating on netflix, We thought it would be so bad it was funny. It was for a bit. We actually were confused as to whether or not it was a porno at first. Anyways, after the first half hour we got in this weird trance/daze that made everything seem like it was a part of the movie. We shut the movie off after about 30 minutes, and nothing in life seemed funny anymore. It was strange.

Anyways, the guy who wrote this movie must be either severely mentally handicapped, 14 years old, or both. It's like he got a D- in screen writing at Reno Community College, and since he passed he thought that made him a legitimate writer. I also can't believe that there are actors out there who would be willing to put their names on this movie. I'm still in shock. The fact that anyone would rate this movie more than 1 star makes me pessimistic about humanity.
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Hate it for the RIGHT reason!
cobbler8815 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, this was truly an awful movie. But it's funny how so many people are criticizing it for ridiculous reasons.

"I hate it because the acting/directing/editing are horrible." Really? What the hell did you expect? Are there a lot of great performances in the late-night comedy genre? There is occasionally a fairly new character/actor who has a little something extra to offer, but the poor execution and archetypal characters are the norm for these movies - not the exception. When you chose to watch "Frat Party," you knew what to expect.

"The writing is ridiculous." Granted, some of these movies (generally those with a more 'robust' budget) spend a little extra for a moderately clever writer or two. But, again, horrible writing regarding dialogue is not particular to this lone movie. Again, you knew what you were getting.

I will concede, though, that the main problem IS in the writing, but for the reasons most people are listing. The simple fact of the matter is that - while I'm sure some involved with the movie think it could have fared well with broad release and some studio support - the ending is horrible! At this time, I should type this: SPOILER ALERT! SPOILER ALERT! No studio would have EVER green-lighted this script for the lone reason that the couple gets back together at the end! He's a little late for his own wedding, this completely unlikeable skank immediately marries another dude who she HATES (the new couple is leaving the church as the groom-to-be arrives) and not only does our unlucky protagonist still love/want her, but he actually takes her back?! The married chick who married another guy at YOUR altar? Child, please.
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Movie rocks!
mopiforu30 December 2009
I saw this Movie at the Houston Comedy Film Festival, and it beat every single other movie I saw there, it also won the Best Cinematography award at the festival. The movie stars Randy Wayne (Dukes of Hazzard 2) and Caroline D'amore (Sorority Row) and Jesse Jane (Pirates) along with a bunch of hot girls at the Fraternity Party and a decent amount of pretty undressed girls (which I personally like since I am a GUY). The story moves along fast and has some pretty good twists and turns in the plot line. Along with a very funny gross out gag in the Asian Spa (you can imagine) in the unrated version which was screened at the Film Festival. Dan Levy, who is a young new comedian plays a the straight edge, sarcastic, character very well, and Jareb Dauplaise (MTV), plays the best buddy goofy crack up guy. This movie is a great quick watch, it clocks out at 85 Minutes and is full of fun stuff, the DVD includes some extras including an interview with Jesse Jane (if you like her) and a behind the scenes look at the Frat House and the Asian Spa scene (the behind the scenes look is really funny stuff as to how they staged the Asian spa gag). All in All if you like American Pie style comedies, like Road Trip, or Beer League, or Hangover type stuff, this falls right in.
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more unlikable than simple unfunny
stephenljohnston9 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Funny tends to be in the eye of the beholder, so I won't comment beyond saying I think I maybe chuckled a couple of times.

The movie's biggest problem for me was the fact it's predicated on the idea a chick who hates frat boys is getting married to a guy who's the prototypical frat boy. I know one doesn't watch these movies for iron clad logic, but come on. These no reason these two characters would ever get together.

And why is the fiancé's family so bizarrely hateful? They all want to force her to marry somebody she doesn't want to? And the protagonist has maybe one character who resembles a genuine friend? Anyway, I'll give it a 3, as it's not incompetent on every level, but next time hire a writer who knows how to construct a script.
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This movie should be titled "Messing with a girl's head"
JayvMatt13 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
At first, the original title itself seemed intriguing, i was hoping for yet another American Pie or just a High School graduate party movie. Before considering to watch this i came here to check if the movie is legit. After realizing (based on reviews)that it's basically another "Worst" movie ever, i figured Hey i still want to watch this to prove myself wrong. I was still hoping for some comedy.

Well, in all honesty it wasn't the worst of the worst. If you have enjoyed a movie like Night at the Roxbury then this one is for you. But it was another movie where at the end you say: So what exactly did i learn from this? Or..what happened? Or just...what? It had some themes of American Pie sort of things but in overall, I'd say the lack of commitment is what gave this movie a bad rating.

Back to the review (!!!SPOILERS!!!). This movie started with a promising scene. A guy telling a story about his incredible social life and about this soon-to be an awesome party that is coming. Only thing is, the party is held the day before he should be getting married to her girlfriend (Caroline D'Amore). So he goes on and on begging the girl, with a grind face, to let him go to the party. Ridiculous right? Where's the commitment? But that's what the title says "Frat party". And the girl's like ah well..okay. Say what?

Another weird point was that the father of the bride was just plain moron. The wedding is soon to be held and he's like: Hey, don't marry him, instead marry my daughter's ex boyfriend. He goes on and on about it. And he said it with a calmly voice. You could tell by his face he really didn't give a crap about the wedding anyway.

So now the main guy is having his "time of his life" at the party. The party scenes itself were well thought through but there was just no momentum. The party organizer tried to impress the main guy (groom) with all kinds of different things, to really give him the best party of his life but they all fell short. There were too many pauses in this movie. Like I said, lack of momentum. Things get a bit out of hand when he suddenly?surprisingly?predictably? Get's locked up in dungeon. He was need for details (except that the sister's ex was also there). And he stays there till the early morning when FINALLY his drunk best man who was at the party too manages to wake up and realize that the groom is actually missing..for hours. Meanwhile the bride is constantly being pressured by her sister who also just goes on and on: He is not coming, he won't make it, leave him..blah. Again, what?

Okay so, the grand finale. The groom is on his way to the wedding, driving as fast as he can. Starting to see some spirit already. The next scene is already in the church. The bride is heart-broken. Then the father appears again. He then again says to the bride: Well is he coming?...uh mm. But marry my daughter's ex. Here, he's right here (a miracle!). The ex is like the backup plan. Like i said the father doesn't really give a damn.

So the bride ..boom..marries her sister's ex man. As the ceremony ended, right comes the real man who should have gotten married but it was too late for him. The new man is carrying her to the limo with honor and smile, meanwhile she just looks totally confused. Trying to be heart-broken, the main man...boom..gets back together with her ex-girlfriend (who was actually at the frat party too)..Right at the same day! You see the characters are just teleporting themselves. Okay some gibber jabber happened again .. fast forwarding to the beach scenes.

Important fact: the married couple had reserved a hotel. So the bride is obviously confused, just mind blown already. Then she finds in her beach hotel room her sister and the ex whom she just got married (couple of minutes ago ) basically having sex. She screams at the top her lungs at them but it's no use anymore. Her heart and brain are just shattered. Especially brain. Okay meanwhile the main character already managed to break-up again with her ex girlfriend. Also saddened by his life he wanders in the beach (At some point i thought he's gonna drown himself). Anyway the bride decided to also go to the beach where she finds the original "groom". They stare at each other, just UTTERLY confused, and they kiss. (!!!SPOILERS END!!!)

If you are looking to see this movie be prepared to be heart-, brain-shocked because that's what it is. In a confusing way. I actually liked some acting, but you could tell the actors were also confused. It seemed like they themselves didn't even know what the movie was really all about. Expect for the main girl (Caroline D'Amore). That's why i titled it "Messing with a girl's head".
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