"The Book of Boba Fett" Chapter 4: The Gathering Storm (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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Let there be PEDRO.
marveller-6619 January 2022
I mean they gave us a literal hint of his return with that iconic Soundtrack. Can't wait for next one. The gathering storm was better than last and it dug deeper into Boba & Fennec's connection. This might surprise you but this is my fav ep of the series so far. The Grey Capes are coming. The Grey Capes are coming.
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Kleivis2719 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The ending music indicated mando is coming!!!

Overall a decent episode, nothing exeptional but alright. I have a feeling the next episodes will be the best of the series!
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The plot barely moves but overall I enjoyed it
snoozejonc19 January 2022
Boba Fett reflects on his first meeting with Fennec Shand.

This is a reasonably good episode with some decent character history and set up to what appears to be an impending conflict.

The overarching series narrative does not move much in the context of present events, but we see a lot in Boba's bacta tank reflections.

The flashbacks are fairly interesting. The opening dialogue between Fennec and Boba is a bit flat and there are also some bits of clunky exposition here and there, but most of the important backstory moments are covered well.

There is more great fan service in a number of scenes. I like the kitchen sequence, particularly the chopping droid's General Grievous Impression and a cameo from a Return of the Jedi character. Not sure what the point was of the annoying little droid though.

The Sarlacc pit scene is great fun for old Star Wars fans like me, but ultimately feels like nostalgia for the sake of it, and especially pointless with the armour being removed by Jawas in Chapter One during one of the bacta tank flashbacks (that are implied to be Boba's memories).

I think the writers have provided enough build up to the war with the Pyke Syndicate. What we see in this episode are solid foundations, but something significant needs to happen soon.

Visually it is all top drawer filmmaking as ever. I particularly enjoyed the bantha interaction and scenes involving a certain space ship. Very little street punks on Vespas which is a bonus.

Both Temuera Morrison and Ming-Na Wen are solid action leads and Jennifer Beals has a decent moment.
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Just keep Rodriguez away from this show.
theflashrankings19 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Rodriguez is no doubt a talented director but he doesn't jive with this show. Just like episode 2, this episode proves that when Robert's not in the director's chair, this show can achieve greatness.

The flashbacks were great (other than the quick appearance of some hip-hop punk bikers similar to last week's), Krrsantan is back and is now working for Boba (redeeming last week's blunder), the Slave I is back and cooler than ever (except that they call it the Firespray now), and Mando is coming!! It even addressed the criticisms like how and why Boba Fett is weaker.

Overall, a super fun episode that gets the plot moving, doesn't waste its characters, and gives us some hints on what the future holds.
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That's much better
Dannyboi9419 January 2022
Chapter 4 of The Book of Boba Fett was a much improved episode over the last. It was well directed, written and acted. Tamara Morrison gave a really good performance in this episode, especially when he was talking about the Tuskens. I liked that they addressed that living with the Tuskens had made Boba soft, and how long he actually spent with them.

This episode closes the flashbacks, and brings the story up to speed. Despite this, the flashbacks were still the best part about this episode. There are some great scenes in this chapter. We do finally get to see Boba go ruthless, but I wish we got more of it.

The present time, while being the weakest of the show so far, was much better in this episode. I got the Godfather vibes from it. And it also looks like the present time is going to be bringing in some heavy hitters, judging from the goosebump music I heard at the end of the episode. I half expected us to get a glimpse of a certain character in silver armour. Wink, wink.

I've seen some bad reviews of this episode, which makes me believe they are trolls, because this one is probably the second best episode in the show so far, behind episode 2. It was filled with great action, acting, writing and visuals, and sets up the next episodes well. I see some epic battle coming soon, and I can't wait.

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Where do I Fett in?
southdavid20 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
OK. Let's move on from Chapter 3, as the show sure does, with the mod squad thankfully not making much of an appearance in this one. Episode four was slower with more careful plotting, and whilst not without some questionable choices, was better overall.

In the past, whilst plotting his revenge on the biker gang that slaughtered his Tusken friends, Boba Fett (Temuera Morrison) decides that he needs Slave 1 back, which is still docked at Jabba's, now Fortuna's palace. He's preparing for his assault, when action nearby leads him to the gravely injured body of Fennec Shand (Ming-Na Wen). Saving her, with the aid of a body modifier (Stephen 'Thundercat' Bruner) she then agrees to assist with the reclamation of his ship. In present day, Fett tries to bind the various criminal gangs together against the incoming Pyke Syndicate - he also recruits Black Krrsantan (Carey Jones) to his cause.

Nothing embarrassing awful in this one, though I did perhaps question the logic of our heroes searching the Sarlacc pit for his armour. Even if I accept that he can't remember using it to escape the pit in the first place, why he wouldn't make sure the Sarlacc was dead first, was a bit of a mystery. The assault on Jabba's palace to reclaim his ship was decent, even if it essentially just became the firefight it might have been, had they just walked in the front door. We got some comedy with the kitchen robots and a nice little homage to General Grievous.

If I have a criticism of the series so far, is that Fett's not making an impression on Mos Eisley that makes me understand why anyone would want to back him. He's solved one measly dispute and run off the mayor. It's perhaps an inherent problem, with wanting to keep us sympathetic to his cause, that Fett isn't acting like an antihero. I want him to be Al Sweregen in "Deadwood" - bad, but "our" bad and able to stand against a much more insidious threat, which is what the Pyke Syndicate could represent. It's not that he's too nice, it's that he's not doing anything in the present-day story to inspire change in the city.

He's clearly building a small group to fight the syndicate in the finale though, and those notes alongside Shand's line about knowing where to look for muscle suggest that Mando might be there for it too. I can help but feel like this is where we should have been at the end of the first episode though, not the fourth.
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Morrison Is on form in an insightful, fan fulfilling rounded episode from Tancharoen
amesmonde19 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In the past Fett plans to break into Jabba the Hutt's palace to take his ship back. While in the present he goes about recruiting some help and taking control of his territory.

Kevin Tancharoen's "Chapter 4: The Gathering Storm", is as immersive as a Star Wars video game, as Boba goes through Jabba's Palace to get his ship, with some amusing setups involving Bib Fortuna's droids.

There's more bacta tank dreams (or a real account of his past). You see how Fennec was saved. The well staged episode offers callbacks in the flashbacks including The (complete special edition) Sarlacc Pit and Return of the Jedi's EV-9D9. In the present actor Jennifer Beals returns as Garsa Fwip, also 8D8, Gamorrean Guards and Max Rebo gets to play more tunes. Also there's a seismic charge used as seen/heard in Attack Of The Clones.

Tancharoen's Krrsantan fight scene is thankfully more fluid than in the previous episode. Finally we get to see a Wookie pull an arm off. Again Temuera Morrison as the honourable Boba Fett steals every scene especially when getting his property back and just-revenge on the Speed-Biker gang.

Even if a little heavy on the humour, Jon Favreau is on writing form joining the dots of The Mandalorian and setting up the pieces to go to war with the Pykes Syndicate, even hinting at the possible return of Din Djarin.

Overall, with scope and high production values Tancharoen delivers a great episode all-round.
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The Mandalorian returns
theclonewarsss19 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Chapter 4 perfectly ends the story arc of us as viewers alongside Boba himself reflect on his past and how he is how he is after Return of the Jedi. While ultimately not necessary for the overall plot, episodes like these have been able to develop the character of Boba Fett and make his return feel even more worthwhile ,avoiding issues that plagued TROS (and other films that deal with revivals of characters) such as "Somehow Palpatine returned".
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cekovicluka19 January 2022
Me: I want General Grievous!

Boba: We have General Grievous in the show!

General Grievous in the show:

Well. The Episode served its purpose. Nice catch up. I like it and nice ending too ;)
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Another Great Episode
prenner-2784919 January 2022
Chapter 4 is another exciting chapter of the Boba Fett story. This episode sets up the series for an excellent finish. Every chapter has managed to combine both old and new elements of the Star Wars universe and this chapter pulls it off once again.

Bring on chapter 5!!
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Much better than last weeks disaster
All in all I liked it - BUT the "mods" or whatever they are called are terrible. And some of the aliens look really cheap. The trandoshians...the simply look terrible.
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Things heating up
harleythomas-0097619 January 2022
A good and solid entry into the series, leads well into the last 3 episodes where I expect things to really pick up. The flashback sequence dominates the episode, but present day scenes hold their own and tease the return of a very popular character amongst Star Wars fans. Excited to see what next week brings.
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Not a plot hole
aimee92520 January 2022
To the reviewers who are saying there's a massive plot hole because "Boba was wearing his armor so why would he go back to look for it knowing it was taken?" My impression is that he was lying in the sand half dead when the Jawas stripped him of it. He barely even opened an eye and continued to lay there til the Tuskens dragged him out of there, still barely conscious. I really don't think he even recalls that they took it. Favreau is a top notch writer, he wouldn't write something that dense.

Anyway, that's my take. Show seems to be picking up speed though.
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Is he high?
dudewholikesthepits20 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
He had the presence of mind to use his torch to escape the sarlacc and to use oxygen from the stormtrooper, so it stands to reason that anyone with half of a brain would realize that they were wearing their armor when they escaped the sarlacc. Why would he go look for his armor inside of it?
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More back story
kamsmith-7154319 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
They really focused on the back story of how boba and fennec met and got to where they are now I enjoyed it. Not a very eventful episode but still gives some much needed back story I do wish that they would have shown more of him taking down bib but that's really my only qualm.
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Great storytelling
chazhhall19 January 2022
This episode redeemed the last one's quirkiness with awesome storytelling and some look at iconic places, curiosities, and visit iconic places that we haven't gotten to see before in Star Wars. And the ending, wow. Just listen. I cannot wait for next week!
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This Chapter Fixes Everything
perryjacob-5348119 January 2022
The Book of Boba Fett has so far being a okay show but this chapter has fixed everything I didnt like about the show. The episode adds some much needed action and adds more context on why Boba has being soft in the last three episodes. This is what The Book of Boba Fett should have being since Chapter 1.
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You immediately notice Favreau isn't directing!
ozmartian7722 January 2022
Five minutes into this episode and something started to fell way way off. The music sountrack felt off during the rebuilding girl bit (I'm not bothered to name the characters properly because the ep is a POS). I then check the director and it all makes sense. I wanted to turn this one off after 8 mins. The sountrack alone has no place in anything Star Wars lore related. Big pass.
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Back on track!
rijuchaudhuri19 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Perfect improvement. Boba's mindset development, then getting his Slave 1 back and finally killing the Sarlacc Pit, as well as getting his revenge on the Biker gang. Everything was incredible. Fennec telling Boba what many had said about him-he's become soft. And Boba clarifies that it made him strong as he learned so much from the tribe. Then him calling Black Krrsantan to join, then dealing with the other syndicates, and at the end hinting to contact Din. Everything played out beautifully!
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Release the rest and get over it.
Kutalpm19 January 2022
They should release the rest and get over it. With some good ideas bad executed boring tv show. This episode tries to explain why for example over guy is soft but I don't buy it and also there is no room for char development, for remorse / enlightenment.

The guy who wrote this show needs a break. It looks like if he used all his good ideas up and none left.
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Hum da hum
ingra8819 January 2022
It's a slow start series but it's hitting up!

The flash backs are catching up to present day!

Near the end when saying they need more muscle to fight the Pikes the music changed to the Mandalorian theme meaning we know what's coming also maybe Bo-Katan too? More muscle more power!
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The Book Of Boba Fett
nima-5819319 January 2022
Boba Fett is an acclaimed character and the story of the series has a good routine, working a little in weak struggles.

This Series is good for Star wars & The Mandalorian Fans.

Thanks To LucasFilm For This.
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A New Hope ?🤞
bishopokullu19 January 2022
This was a good and welcome episode that "up'd" the ante with a promise of better things to come especially on the very end - this changed my ratings from 6 to 7 tbh.

Eagerly waiting for the next installment.
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Missed opportunities
kdepaul-2277725 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode struggles again with our bumbling side character boba stating he doesn't want to work for idiots anymore. Boba then proceeds to stick his entire ship nearly into the sarlaac pit... great plan boba then proceeds to tell fennec not to touch his buttons in the ship when she saved both of them by dropping that bomb in the pit. For a show centered around a bounty Hunter and the dark underworld of the Star Wars universe everything is too clean and soft. It's sad to see these shows are not catered for fans of the original trilogy and we as consumers deserve better.
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Another great episode
rhomulas19 January 2022
Once again more story of Boba, but more sooks on a tirade giving negative reviews, the negative reviews are all the Star Wars neutrals who think they're fans but instead are just hopeless.
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