Bobby Yeah (2011) Poster


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framptonhollis10 September 2017
In a fashion similar to that of David Lynch's "Eraserhead", "Bobby Yeah" explores the darkest corners of mankind with both bloody body horror and black comedy. It is not a film for everyone, but those who'll like it will REALLY like it! Personally, I thought this film was right up my alley; it's among the many great animated shorts by Robert Morgan, a filmmaker whose dark vision has recently intrigued me quite a bit and I'm surprised that I'm just now watching his stuff! His films are brilliant, disturbing, creepy, and unique, and "Bobby Yeah" does not disappoint in any of these departments! It tells a loose story that's slightly more coherent than the film may have you believe. It's an adventure through a gloomy, fictional universe made up of gross out visuals and an atmospheric feeling of ever present doom that leaks into every scene like a poor man's rusty faucet. If you don't mind feeling really discomforted while watching a horror film, I recommend "Bobby Yeah" strongly, as well as all of the other incredible animated works of Robert Morgan. I'm not exaggerating when I say that this guy has one of the most deranged, imaginative, and ingenious minds in art today!
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Outstanding animation
goldbasilisk10 August 2011
The subject material is a little strange, but this is absolutely outstanding stop-motion animation. Technically it's as good as (or maybe even better than) the output of major studios.

The main character is an unpleasant little fellow (I'm assuming he's male) who doesn't seem to be able to resist pushing a button when it's in front of him. Without giving too much away, some of the buttons have results that Bobby did not foresee.

The strange creatures that populate the film have to be seen to be believed. They are all completely impossible, but the way that they appear as living things in the film makes them somehow plausible. One character in particular underlines that this is not a cosy cute "safe" animation of the type that the major studios churn out these days. Thank goodness for independent films.
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Button button, who's got the button?
Foreverisacastironmess12327 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
"Bobby Yeah" is total sensory overload for its viewer. It's 23 minutes long but it goes by like lightning, as it's able to include so many different sights and themes. I can honestly say that I've never seen anything quite as strange as this, and I've gone out of my way to seek out the most extreme examples I could find! It's a very strong contender for the most incomprehensibly bizarre and disgusting short film ever! It is simply a demented wonder to behold, easily equalling the greatest surrealistic brilliance of both the great Brothers Quay and Jan Svankmajer, but in a whole different kind of way. Where the short films of those masters are indeed dark, playful and brooding, featuring extraordinary nightmare scenarios of which you've never dreamed, this totally absorbing brainbash was definitely far more on the horrific and frightful side of things. It's *beyond* creepy, featuring one of the most insidiously f****d-up hellholes ever conceived. A world crawling with just about everything that makes you feel icky. And it was actually scary too, this creeped me out more than anything I've seen in years and I don't scare! I think it was the raw fleshy look that all the variety of abominations that are constantly flying at you had. It reminded me of the Siamese twin monster "Belial" from "Basket Case", and also the alien terror of "The Thing." Even the main character, the closest thing there is to a protagonist and who looked like a chewed-up reject from "Where the Wild Things Are", had the most horrible set of little eyes that just seem to leer right at you. He was a curious little fellow, displaying an unhealthy fetish for pressing buttons, even though every time he does so something unimaginably gross and dangerous happens, unleashing a series of drooling mutations that grow uglier by the minute! He really should have quit while he was a head... ::: I was so blown away by the glut of special effects that's packed into this. There's a whole gang of awesome monsters to gawk at! From a disembodied brain-like creature that vacuums up the 'leavings' of a pair of nauseatingly phallic horrors, to the resulting cherub-faced baby feathered worm it spawns out that doesn't stay cute for very long. What it grows into was for me the most loathsome and frightening of the bunch. There was also another obscenity of note, a crow-headed beast in kinky leather boots who's gyrations with its 'asset' have to be seen to be believed! And the absolute scariest part was when a monster with a Golly head explodes out of the ground shrieking like a vision of Hell and vomiting up a guillotine at poor(?) Bobby! Several of the creatures do seriously look like penises with faces, and that's damn scary! Very vile and unsettling... It was obviously done on purpose, but I'm sorry, I don't need to see that in my short movies when I'm watchin' em-I don't need to see no mutant killer cocks with teeth trying to attack me! ::: This was a very refreshing watch for me, because although it was intensely outlandish and hair-raising, it was at the same time a lot of fun, mainly because it was completely unrestrained with its imagery. And also there's the atmosphere which was alternately mysterious and downright ridiculous in its sick, laughable absurdity. I liked the inventiveness of the monsters and how they reproduced themselves. And they all looked so good and effective! To me, one of the things that makes this vision so eerie is the textured slimy look of the creatures that makes things seem almost real in a disturbingly surreal way. It's a real trip to watch, making no sense whatsoever. I may be mistaken, but there didn't seem to be a story in any conventional sense, although I would say there was a definite sense of progression to the mad events that helps to keep things solid and coherent enough that you don't ever grow tired of what you're seeing. It'll either disgust, amuse or leave the viewer speechless, but regardless it deserves to be looked at and feared beyond reason! You will be astounded. They say creativity is a form of madness. I hope Robert Morgan's madness doesn't desert him. See ya!
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Wonderfully nightmarish
Rectangular_businessman31 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Robert Morgan, the director of dark stop-motion shorts like "The Cat with Hands" and "The Separation" makes here his most complex, twisted and visually fascinating work,which could be easily compared with the films directed by Jan Švankmajer, the Quay brothers , Chris Cunningham and even David Lynch.

Despite its relatively short length, "Bobby Yeah" manages to be a unforgettable watching experience, with many nightmarish scenes and lots of beautifully grotesque imagery, which certainly won't be everyone's cup of tea, but I can say from my personal perspective that this is one of the most impressive animations that I've seen in the recent times, displaying a level of imagination and creativity that one won't be able to find in more conventional titles.

While "Bobby Yeah" is certainly disturbing, is also a quite impressive work, made with heart and soul, showing in a incredible manner many of artistic possibilities that the animated medium has.
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Bobby Nope
Horst_In_Translation30 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Bobby Yeah" is an animated short film that runs for 23 minutes and was released back in 2011, so it has its 5th anniversary this year. the writer and director is Robert Morgan and this film is probably still his biggest success as it got him his only BAFTA nomination so far, even if the win went to the Oscar-nominated "Morning Stroll". This film we have here is actually a somewhat unusual choice for the BAFTA, but it's nice to see them also acknowledge genres that are usually not their preferred choices. In this very case, we are talking about horror as this is the dominant genre from start to finish. I must say there were some really creepy and weird creatures in this film that create a couple somewhat entertaining situations. But I never really knew if I should be entertained here or scared. The result was that I was neither. In terms of the story, i must say that it was not even close to the level I had hoped for looking at the short film's IMDb rating. What stays is the decent animation and the bizarre characters. Not enough though, I give it a thumbs-down. Not recommended.
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Triggering and Disgusting
DemonTruckDriver16 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This horrible piece of "art" contains vile and horrendous racist undertones. It includes two characters that reveal themselves to be a depiction of "Black Sambo". Black Sambo is a negative stereotype targeting young black children. This character is extremely harmful, triggering and offensive. One disturbing scene was when the "Black Sambo" character produces a giant finger penis. This obviously is a connection to stereotypes surrounding black men, hyper-sexualization, and damaging racial fetishes. It also targets black youth as sexual beings.

In addition, this piece is extremely graphic and contains blood, gore, murder, sexual undertones, and pedophilia.

I would never recommend to anyone. A complete embarrassment and a showcase of the creator's racism and lack of creativity.
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