11/11/11 (Video 2011) Poster

(2011 Video)

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A real disappointment
OHarel428 November 2011
The very few first minutes were promising enough. From then on - the movie deteriorated: unlikable characters, plot full of holes, irrational decisions of the characters and the ending seems like someone got stuck with the screenplay and decided to wrap it up quickly and go home for dinner (don't get me started on the visual effects, either, which, although not being the main issue here, leave much to be desired). I like endings that makes you think, but in this case, my only thought was "gotta warn others from wasting one hour and a half of their life on this".

I guess my main dissatisfaction with this movie is that the storyline did not make much sense, even for the horror genre.

so... don't.
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Pretend this to be chilling instead of being stupid.
michaelRokeefe20 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Jack Vales(Jon Biddell), a college professor, along with his wife Melissa(Erin Coker) and son Nat(Hayden Byerly), move to a new neighborhood, where the neighbors seems a bit odd and peculiar. Life soon becomes unlike a storybook. Nat's behavior takes a bizarre twist, but not enough to be frightened of, yet. Melissa learns she is with child and needs constant bed rest; thus a nanny for Nat must be hired. The new nanny is Denise(Aurelia Scheppers), who's attitude is a bit childlike and...well, mean. The Vales don't realize that their son will turn into the devil on his upcoming 11th birthday on 11/11/11. As for the strange neighbors, they are all devil worshipers, who can't wait for the boy to take his reign. Horrible acting and not so good special effects. The only thing I really liked was...well, the nanny. Miss Scheppers is totally hot. Also in the cast: Tracy Pulliam, Madonna Magee and Rebecca Sigl.
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Complete Waste of Time
mariajonasfahlsing14 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, that was the most pointless movie I've ever seen. The plot is weak, poorly explained, and there are enormous plot holes. The writing is jumpy, which makes the story skip around with little cohesion. For example, when Annie the crazy cat lady next door is asking Nat about her cat, she described it as an orange, then yellow, then orange tabby. Lady, you should know what color your cat is, you batty old dame. It's either seriously bad editing on the script writer's part or deliberate hinting at the woman's insanity.

Oh, then we get to the special effects. Whoever mixed the blood did not get the color, consistency, or clotting factor right. It was too red, too staining, not dark enough when dried, and looked like raspberry syrup or diluted ketchup at times. Also, the dead cat under the kid's bed was covered in mealworms, not maggots as it should have been. Mealworms are attracted to rotting plant matter and only eat rotting meat as a last resort. Like, duh! Nice failure to do research, prop artists. If a dead cat was under the kid's bed in the first place, why is it that no one noticed the putrid stench of death? Lastly, at 3 to 4 weeks' gestation, there is no way that the fetus would have a large, recognizable hand to press against its dead mother's womb. The baby is only the size of a poppyseed. Again, do your research, people! Pathetic!

Then we get to the acting itself. Seriously, where were these people found? Most of the cast couldn't act their way through a 1st grade play of Little Red Riding Hood to save their lives. The fight choreographer needs to go back to their day job, because the punches thrown and how they "landed" look extremely fake.

Lastly, I have major beef with whoever cut this film. Were they asleep at the controls or just not care at all? Did no one review the final cut for mistakes, continuity, or make sure that the film made sense before printing it? A few times, the camera men can be seen in reflections in window panes. The mom blinks three times while lying dead in the bathtub. The cloth with chloroform (I am assuming) over Nat's mouth moves from over his nose to just his mouth and back again a few times during the scene where Annie is trying to kill him.

Plot holes, no resolution, no hint as to what really happened at the end, the movie just ends without any of the conflict being resolved or explained, and the last 30 seconds are just strange and unnecessary.

Seriously, do not waste your time. This movie will just frustrate you unless you want to pretend to be Joel from Mystery Science Theater 3000 and rip this trash to shreds while you watch with your robot pals.
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Terrible, do not waste your time.
dean-91-87494022 December 2011
I don't usually mind movies being a little rough around the edges but this one was just terrible. I felt like the producers just said "meh, that will do." and released it without any thought about detail or quality. The visual effects were not just poor but offensive, the plot had huge holes in it (more holes than plot) and the choices made during the story were just insane by any standards. The most annoying part about the whole thing is the ending - or lack of one. The story wasn't wrapped up, we have no idea what happened to 90% of the characters in the movie, and it just plain made no sense. In short I would not recommend this train wreck of a move to anyone.
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It isn't Scary... It isn't a Thriller... It isn't Creepy...
Movie-Timer4 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I'm so disappointed to rate this film so low. I love a good Satanic apocalypse! The problem is, there was nothing scary, heart-pounding, or creepy about it whatsoever. In a nutshell, here's the scoop: A family moves to Nowheresville, USA including a 10-year-old boy who's scheduled to turn 11 on November 11, 2011. We know things will go awry when the kid makes the astounding revelation that the numbers in the address of their house total 11 - ooh, scary. So, gradually, the kid (albeit quiet from the get-go) starts acting weirder and weirder as the fateful date approaches, including knowing his mom's pregnant before she does.

There are a bunch of weirdos around town including a dingbat old lady who's continually looking for her cat (which has no relevance to the movie other than its powdery corpse later found under the boy's bed), and the realtor they purchased the house through who ends up being apart of a Satanic cult. How they knew the child demon seed was moving to town, I don't know, nor will you. I know what you're thinking - this might still be okay, right? Kinda like a modern-day The Omen. Sorry, no dice.

So, dingbat keeps trying to lure the kid to her place where she can kill him because she knows he's destined to be the son of Satan. So, the obvious question is, why does he need to come to your place to be killed? Drop a boulder on the kid...hello? Anyway, dingbat strikes out as do several others who try to spill the beans on the local Satanists and find an early demise for their troubles.

But don't worry, the Satanic posse has an inside mole...a nanny who looks like a witch's apprentice (just the type I like for my kids). I love the part when the dad discovers the nanny's manipulating the boy including teaching him about the apocalypse and scratching his body with this chicken claw thing...and what does he do? Why, go to work of course. Call the cops? Nah.

But he'll be sorry, cuz when he comes home, the boy's gone off the deep end and is suddenly looking to open a can of whoop-ass Satan-style. A bunch of people die in a sort of ho-hum fashion, including the kid and I practically fall asleep from the lack of scare, thrill or creep.

I'd like to see this movie remade with the boy just as a normal kid who the Satanic cult insists is the son of Satan. Then it's like a Taken meets Damien Omen -- THAT I could sink my teeth into. Geeze, I should write scripts...Oh wait, I already do.
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Horrible horror
aguasma18 January 2012
It is really difficult to make such a bad movie as this one, picking scenes and pieces from other better movies and putting them together in such a talentless way must have been a very hard work. I started to watch the movie with some expectation and interest thinking that at some point I was going to be grabbed by the mystery or the action, but the truth is that after the first ten minutes I already realized that I was watching one of the worst movies I have seen. The actors are bad amateurs that do not even manage to make one credible dialogue. The film is inspired in so many old topics and scenes from previously released films that it is not even surprising in any way...the whole thing stinks. Horrible experience. In that sense it is really a horror movie.
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It's not a root canal...
DebraIonaVogel18 August 2020
No, not nearly as fun as that.

The plot (ha, did I say "plot"...) skips around, the acting is pretty abysmal, weird, dumb, bizarre and makes no sense while being also being fairly predictable.

You might want to look elsewhere. Just sayin'.
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It's a Movie by Asylum ....
lindsaytomcat7 April 2012
And thats all you should need to know about the movie. Asylum is known for making the rip-off movies in hopes that idiots like us will mistake it for the bigger blockbuster version and rent it instead.

I LOVE horror movies big and small but Asylum movies make me vomit in my mouth every time I have the misfortune of watching one. There's ANOTHER movie out there called 11/11/11, BTW,written and directed by Darren Lynn Bousman from the Saw franchise. The reviews on it were mixed and I haven't caught it yet myself but I guarantee it's better than this pile of dung.

Again, I'm not one of those reviewers who doesn't appreciate campy horror movies and then complains that it was awful - I truly love horror movies, particularly the bad ones, (think "Bugs" starring Antonio Sabatao Junior bad) but thanks to NetFlix and Asylum in particular I have learned the hard lesson that there are just some movies that are just really THAT awful.

Anything I've seen by Asylum falls into that lot. You want to see more of their ilk how about "666: The Child" and it's horrible sequel (Damien, anyone?) or EXORCISM: THE POSSESSION OF GAIL BOWERS (Emily Rose? The last Exorcist?) HG Wells War of the Worlds (NOT the War of the Worlds blockbuster you're thinking of!) Halloween Night (Not only does it share the Halloween title it shares the same plot line too)Snakes on a Train...

God, the list goes on and on it gets worse and worse. I'm done ranting now, just thought I'd point it out in hopes I could prevent someone else from renting their god awful movies.

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Completely predictable
Simplycik30 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This movie started off OK making you question everyone, but takes a quick turn into predictable cheesy movie antics and bad graphics. When the retarded young man was hit in the head with a bat the people were nowhere near him. The father was given so many hints including one in the book that stated every disaster that adds up to 11 stated that his son would turn into the devil when he turned 11 on November 11, 2011. The father was a moron, the antics were cliché like when the wife took a bath & it turned into blood or the son talking to people that weren't there, and the ending sucked in a way that makes me hate this director and shames horror movies, cult movies, and satanic based movies like the exorcism everywhere.
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A bad film about numerology and Satan worship.
suite9210 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Jack, Melissa, and Nathan move to a new town and a new house in University housing.

At least three of the neighbors knew that Nathan's birthday was coming right up. There's a bad sign if there ever was one! The active hornets' nest was another, especially since the editor keeps cutting to it. The rotten meat in Jack's office desk was a third; the claw marks on the family room wall should probably count as well. The fellow who came by to fix the claw marks takes one look, runs away, gets hit by a car. A door slams shut, followed by windows slamming shut and glass breaking. Good start.

Melissa has an unexpected bleeding event which leads her to find out she's pregnant. Her new doctor prescribes complete bed rest coupled with getting a nanny for Nathan and a nurse for Melissa. The neighbor across the street falls, is impaled, and dies. All sorts of clues come from neighbors and Jack's co-workers at the University.

The nurse is rather sinister, but the nanny Rhonda seems light and pleasant. Denise beats the living crap out of her, muscles in on the job, including stealing Rhonda's mobile phone. She majors in comparative religions and works part time at a butcher shop. Great stuff.

This goes on and on: 'significant event' after significant event, right up to the end. Unfortunately, the film brings none of this significance to fruition.


One star of five; two black holes for acting and screen writing.

Cinematography: 5/10 For daylight portions, the fundamentals were good. The filming during the first ritual sacrifice was hideously bad. The night sequences were spotty.

Sound: 7/10 Probably the best part of the film.

Acting: 0/10 There were so many bad performances. Hayden Byerly was terrible. Aurelia Scheppers was a disaster. None of the adult actors were worth much either. Jon Briddell, as the clueless father, was the worst of them all.

Screenplay: 0/10 Lots of bad execution. Very little of the action makes direct sense. Motivation? Forget that. A handcuffed, willful, incredibly stupid teenager escapes from the inside of a locked police car from the back seat, just second before the car explodes? I don't think so. Jack could have saved his wife by lifting the cord. Jack murdering people to save the son who killed his wife? What goes here? Not logic. The ending did not present resolution or clarification; rather, the ending seemed to deny so much of the rest of the film. The SFX were just sad.
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Silly, dumb and..., wait a minute..., I'm laughing.
themick201016 December 2021
I started watching this mess and soon found myself rolling my eyes. As a serious horror movie, 11/11/11 undoubtedly fails. The story about a boy being possessed is old hat. The script is amateurishly stupid. By the time of the second death scene I was about to hit the back button and end this madness of a so called movie. A funny thing happened. My wife started laughing. I asked if she was laughing because the movie was so bad. She said she was laughing because the movie was intentionally bad and she found the silliness clever and amusing,

As a camp movie, I think 11/11/11, works..., for awhile. Aurelia Scheppers steals the show as a twisted nanny. The problem is I don't think 11/11/11 is intended to be humorous. The last half an hour is played straight and returns to being a mundane tale about satan worship. The father is on screen the most and his performance is as flat as the sidewalk.

Despite it's obvious flaws, the pace of the movie is fast. There are enough laughs in the middle to make it watchable..., if you view it with tongue firmly in cheek.
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oh geeze
kleezy20126 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This has got to be the worst movie I've ever seen. The blood looked so fake. When the evil babysitter beats up the other baby sitter, it just looks so fake. I hate how the boy has no lines in this whole movie. This movie doesn't deserve to even be out. It's that bad. Whoever made this movie should be fired. It doesn't even deserve one star, it deserves like -10 stars. It's just that bad. This movie didn't scare me one little bit. Worst "scary movie" ever award right here. The ending when he kills his son, yes, again looks so fake. The ending makes no sense. So was his son the devil? or was the baby inside his wife the devil they were all talking about? Did he kill his wife and son and didn't know it or didn't mean to? Just such a dumb movie to me. It will never be recommended.
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We need something better than this adaptation of Satan-revival story...
jackk300017 January 2012
I'll try be brief. And I think I can do that.

There was some moments I liked, but most of the movie was just copy of many cliché. We've seen that types of Satan sect/legend stories many times, so, I thought, maybe this could be something else. It was, actually. But in wrong way.

It has some good ideas, but all those failed at realization, just before they could be expanded more. Characters were interesting, and actors played them well, but their screenplay decisions couldn't make me believe that person could act this way. Not mention disbelieving CG effects and action scenes. Ending could be interesting even more, but it has something in itself.

Sorry, but we need something better than this adaptation of Satan-revival story.
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Asinine Asylum
movieman_kev19 April 2012
Jack and Mellisa Vales soon suspect that the 'spooky' coincidences that occur at their new house could have to do with their son, who also might happen to be Satan. Or the person that founded the Asylum movie company, they're pretty indistinguishable from each other.

It's an Asylum film, so telling you that it's cheap, badly acted, or obscenely tedious would be an exercise in redundancy. To be perfectly blunt, I no longer really blame them for releasing an unending putrid stream of cinematic atrocities. They must make money from some gullible sap out there. Having instant Netflix,however, I don't waste my money, just my time (which is also a travesty in its own way)

My Grade: F+
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The only real horror is how terrible this movie is
TheLittleSongbird11 April 2013
The Asylum's movies are mostly terrible(there are a few tolerable ones though), so there was little surprise that 11/11/11 would be too. There is something compulsively watchable in how bad their movies are, hence the watching of them despite knowing how they'll turn out. 11/11/11 is a cheap-looking movie for starters. The editing at best is choppy, there is nothing dynamic about the lighting and the special effects are laughably fake, almost as if it took 5 minutes and less than $5 to construct. And the gore needs to be mentioned, as the blood was more melted jam than blood. The sound effects and music are generic and sluggish, forgettable also in every way. The dialogue has enough awkwardness and cheesiness to make your head hurt, and the story is terminally dull being too obvious and predictable to be scary, thrilling or suspenseful. The characters are not likable or interesting in the slightest, the direction is amateurish and has no distinctive style and the actors can't act their way out of a paper bag, that's how painful it was to watch them. In conclusion, a terrible movie, to be avoided and only to be seen just to see if The Asylum make another atrocity or a watchable movie. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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ian-289-2437255 March 2020
What a load of rubbish! I want those 90 minutes of my life back.
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Why Was This Recommended For Me?? Ha...
wandernn1-81-68327428 December 2020
Really a pretty bad movie on all levels. Acting... Story.....

I guess the film was shot well there wasn't glitches or anything like that, but a bad story and just not scary or effective at all.

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OMG This Is So Do So Bad
Mehki_Girl12 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is so, so bad. It's so bad everyone involved was too ashamed to come on here and put fake reviews.

Now that's bad!

So many plot holes So many irrational decisions.

Someone calls the dad at work and says I'm going to kill your son and what do they do? They hire a nanny and when he catches the nanny doing something inappropriate, does he fire her? Nope. He just goes off to work. Does he keep the kid in the house and keep an eye on him? Nope. He lets the kid run around on the street, even though someone said I'm going to kill your kid before the 11th. Does do he call the cops? *69 the call? Nope. And he's already seem paint for under mysterious circumstance, but hey, it's an awful movie! Sunshine days in going to kill your kid, hire a nanny, a stranger to come into your home with your son and pregnant wife!
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Barney Fife Must be the Police Chief
marbleann25 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those so bad it's good movies. First off this family moves to this college town. It seems like they have a house on campus but I am not sure. But mention was made of the neighbor living on the campus for years. The husband has gotten a job working at the school. Where he replaced a Professor who ran off, disappeared or was killed.

The family has a son who I thought was possessed from the start. He rarely utters a word. People talk to him but he doesn't talk back. He has no reaction to anything. Even a person getting run over by a truck. The mother I think is a little odd too. She seems to be put off and annoyed with everybody. The husband seems to be the only person in the family that acts normal. I am not sure if the mother kind of knew about her son or just was not attentive. Because the boy utters to his mother something about her being pregnant and she says she is not pregnant. But a few scenes later we find out she is. Why didn't the mother think it was odd that her son seemed to be some type of fetus whisperer.

The doctor tells the wife and husband that she has to stay still and in bed because she might lose the baby. Well the next thing you know he tells them they get a nurse and a nanny for the boy. Their health plan takes care of that. I can see a nurse but a nanny too. Must be a special health plan. Well that was just a way to get some of the cult members in the house to watch the boy and the mother.

There is a crazy neighbor who is trying to kill the boy before his 11th birthday which falls on 11/11/11. Yes because of that he is going to be responsible for the Apocalypse and that is what they want to happen. My question what about all the other soon to be 11 year old with the same birthday? In any case the father soon sees something is up and he tries to stop it. Now I am not going to tell the end. But let's say numerous people are killed including a cop being blown up and no one seems to notice. I have to mention also that the whole town does not belong to this cult. The cops obviously are not in it. So why no mention of all of these dead bodies that keep on turning up? People are getting killed in broad daylight. And there is the required levitation scene that all of these types of movies must have.

I say if you love movies that are so bad they are good, take a look. But if you don't, skip it because you will never get that time back. For you folks I told some of the plot and plot pot holes so you can decide if you want to waste your time or not. I understand there is a sequel, hopefully it doesn't disappoint and it is as awful as this movie is.
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Icky Gooey Goings on with a Young Boy turning a DEVILISH 11 years old !
guestar577 November 2011
This film is topical, fastly paced and very intense.

The director/co-writer was first noticed by Asylum for his acting in '3Musketeers'.

Unknown actors usually add to the realism of a film,Yes,It's true here too.

There are numbers of creep-out moments that set us up for a fall- ALWAYS look for your cat ,As soon as it comes up missing.

Beware of nannies (Aww,Check the news tonite and every night from now on).

Birthdays can be a big deal to a whole town.

Never,Ever move into a neighborhood,Sight unseen
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Preposterous...Not Scary... Unintentionally Funny
negralito5 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I honestly don't think I have seen a worse movie. This was nothing but a collage of half-baked creepy scenes that were done much better in much better movies. This includes depictions of gruesome deaths that are somehow influenced by a devil child (The Omen); levitating devil child (The Exorcist); a house setting that is the site of strange occurrences and earlier murders (The Amityville Horror); secret cabal of Satan worshipers (Rosemary's Baby); strange markings and unexplained events like appearance of rats, dead cat, breaking windows (many different movies).

All of this might at least make a watchable movie if there was a sensible plot and actors who could actually act, but alas, there was none. Apparently the writers found it easier to make the child a near-mute to hide his inability to act. But they were stretched to even find enough lines for the adult actors, so to lighten the burden, they invented the need for the mom to be sedated mid-way through the movie. She only awakens a few times during the remainder of the film, mostly just to groan, lol. At one point when she resists being injected again with a sedative by her nurse, the nurse belts her across the head hard enough to knock the mom unconscious, only to proceed to jab the needle into her anyway-just to be sure, I suppose.

I don't recall a movie where an apparently loving husband and father could be so clueless. When he is interviewing the two potential nannies, he is handed a list of references by the first candidate. After the second interview with the very creepy and rude girl, he wisely chooses the first girl, but we are not shown if he actually tried to contact any of the references-just took the girl's word for it I guess. I wouldn't be so trusting with my own child. But it matters little, however, because his first choice in nannies is beaten to death by the second girl, who dupes the father into hiring her by making him believe that girl number one is no longer interested in the job.

As the plot moves on, the dad learns that there are people who want to kill his son, who they believe will become the devil or some such thing when he reaches his 11th birthday on 11/11/11. At one point dad is so determined to protect his son, he sits guard at the boy's bed while wielding a baseball bat. But later he seems to be nowhere in sight while his wife is gouging out the eyes of her nurse and the crazy cat lady marches into the house to drug and kidnap the boy. When he does check on his wife, he finds the nurse has staggered to her feet, only to fall out the bedroom window to her death. The scene was so cartoonishly done that I literally laughed out loud as she screamed while falling.

When he returns to his son's room he finds the secret cabal of Satan worshipers (who had abandoned the smokey black van where they held their conferences) chanting and working themselves into a fever, presumably at the prospect of the devil's return in the person of his son. He drives them away with the handy can of wasp spray he had purchased earlier but never got around to using on the huge swarm of hornets hovering around the nest outside the house. I guess the prop guys didn't want that can of spray to go unused, lol. I don't know if the writers were going for comic relief with that scene, but hilarious it was.

In the end the dad has to do what cat lady wanted to do from the beginning. But in the final scene we are left with the idea that maybe he killed the wrong child. Yuck!

A dreadful ending to a dreadful film.
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It's from The Asylum!
bdw-1322 February 2022
So of course it has to be awful!😁. This studio just releases cheap knock-offs and rarely comes up with anything novel or original!

Still, Asylum movies are great for running in the background while working on household chores 😂
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Don't let critics take this movie down too much
edono-4749316 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was decent to watch for it's duration. The movie is good. I think this movie falls more into the category of a Drama - Horror. I think a lot of people don't like this movie is because it did not have a happy ending, which most folks would expect from a Drama type of movie. Worth the watch!
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