Trinket Box (2023) Poster


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Dull effort from 2 novice filmmakers
jorgito200126 June 2023
Starts out semi-decent, Candyman origin lite. Then quickly goes into STINKER territory. Cheesy scares, boring couple drama, dull "walking through the house" scenes that go nowhere and one of the "cleanest" sex scene for an R rated flick ever! This could've been edited down to a thirty minute short film and still accomplished...whatever it set out to do...which I assume is to bore the 💩 out of the audience. There's even an epilogue scene that seems to go on FOREVER. The filmmakers never heard of an editor apparently. My faith in "Tubi Original" films is equaling "The Asylum" and "Gravitas Ventures"...a guaranteed film TURD! Avoid if possible.
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Can't see a thing in the dark.
dmgil-4736315 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It starts off with an unlikely scenario. What teenager in any era but especially in Jim Crow South would try to bring her black boyfriend into her room to spend the night knowing how racist her father is, knowing everyone in the family is home, & thinks she could have sex with him & sneak him out before anyone wakes up or hears them? More likely they would have sex some place else & get caught by a spy but to think she could get away with bringing him home to a house full of people & not get caught is so ridiculous. Also there are so many scenes shot in the dark that are SO dark I can't see what's happening on the screen. All I see is my own reflection on my black tv screen. Then there's the flow of the plot, I feel like there are scenes missing ( besides the ones shot in the dark). Like the presentation of the trinket box & it's contents. They just jump to the necklace & argue. I feel like I should have known something about the box & it's contents before this conversation. Ava says she was raised as an only child not like the girl in the beginning who had a sister & two brothers & I feel she has no connection to the opening scene other than she has a black husband who doesn't receive a fraction of the racism as the begining couple at all.
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Dark Scenes Do Not Make It Better
toodles119 June 2023
Overall, the movie was fair for a weekend in and watching on TV. I would have wanted a refund if I'd gone to the theater. My biggest criticism is the amount of time the scenes, which I'm sure were paramount to the plot and enjoyment, were extremely dark. I thought my TV turned off a few times it was that dark. Outside of the trinket box being passed around there wasn't a real connection made to the beginning. If the theme was nothing more than old racism still exists then they nailed it. Otherwise, this movie disappointingly left a lot on the table for me. I would not recommend it. Someone else said they were left on the edge of their seat. I was too but that was only because I was waiting for it to end so I could find something else to do with my time.
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Watching water boil is more exciting!
lisapatton-126328 July 2023
The acting is good; the writing wasn't so great. It was so cliche. The plot started off good. The movie is boring. I have had more excitement waiting on water to boil. It was like so many repeated scenes. The lighting wasn't the best. The movie started to unravel and get boring quickly. It was hard to keep up with what was going on. The movie could have been great. It was pushed in some horrible direction. I am mad at myself for not turning it off. I just kept watching the train wreck. As horrible as it is a part two will probably come out based on the ending; why not cause more suffering. As someone else said we don't need 500 characters to say it suck.
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Do Waste Your Hard Earned Time
jeremy-l-santos-908 April 2023
This movie's trailer made me want to watch this. Worst mistake. The movie has an interesting beginning. The rest of the movie is loud with unnecessary music and long drawn out scenes. If you were to watch the beginning and last ten minutes you could literally skip the rest. I'm just glad the theater had food which kept me entertained. I pray there's not a sequel. How this movie has great ratings is beyond me.

This is the review of my spouse: I can't believe my husband convinced me to watch this movie for date night. I typically love all horror movies, even the ones with like 13% rotten tomato scores but I couldn't wait for this movie to end. The script was bad, terrible lighting, and sound was overbearing. The plot had potential but this movie just drags. What a snoozer.
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Boredom personified
susan-bednar16 June 2023
I am a third of my way through this movie, Trinket Box; and I AM BORED OUT OF MY MIND. Half of this time I have been in almost total darkness not knowing who is on the screen or what he or she may be doing. When 'light' finally comes in, the 'action' and conversation are so slow I hang on every word and am happy to get even a whiff of what is happening. There's a 'connection' to the past, and perhaps the Trinket Box IS that connection. Now, to quote the Clash, should I stay or should I go?, and GO is winning. Think I'll give y it a rest for now. Quite forgettable. This trying to reach 500 characters, when I have said all I need to say is ridiculous. T H E. E N D.
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patrickmarin18 June 2023
This movie was absolute garbage.. I should have read the reviews before I took a shot with this one. All the good reviews had to be ppl from the making of the movie .. the actin wasn't the worst I've ever seen but the movie was awful missin key pieces like what happens to the kid in the beginning.. an then when they had the main character workin on the truck, what was she doin an you can't understand pliers like that for anything lol.. but this was definitely not even worth the watch so if you read the reviews listen to me an pick a different movie cause this ain't the one pick something else!
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A boring and stale dumpster fire of a movie...
paul_haakonsen30 September 2023
Right, well as I stumbled upon the 2023 movie titled "Trinket Box", and seeing it was a horror movie, of course I opted to sit down and watch the movie, giving it a fair chance. I had never heard about the movie prior to sitting down to watch it, so I wasn't sure what I was in for here.

And talk about a swing and a miss. In fat, "Trinket Box" from writers and directors Patrycja Kepa and Acoryé White, was a slow burning dumpster fire of a movie. There was virtually nothing interesting happening throughout the course of the 103 minutes that the movie ran for. And that made for a very, very boring viewing experience. Yet, I managed to endure to the very end, which was a disappointing end as well, hoping that the movie would pick up in pace and prove to be entertaining.

That just never happened.

The acting performances in "Trinket Box" were actually fair enough, especially when taking into consideration that the actors and actresses virtually had nothing solid to work with. It was actually actress Sandra Ellis Lafferty, playing Mrs. Davis, whom put on the most memorable and outstanding performance in the movie, and she was but in a mere supporting role. I was only familiar with leading actress Augie Duke in the movie.

Visually then you're not in for anything there. There are no special effects to spruce up a stale, bland and mundane narrative that runs at a pace where even a dead guy would go 'ya might wanna speed it up a notch, fella'.

If you enjoy horror movies, do yourself a favor and don't waste 103 minutes on watching "Trinket Box". Some of us suffered through this ordeal, so you don't have to. You're welcome.

My rating of "Trinket Box" lands on a two out of ten stars.
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A small, boring and too hard to see box
BandSAboutMovies15 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Mike (co-director and co-writer Acoryé White) and Ava (Augie Duke) have plenty of new things happening. To them, like a new home and potentially a new child on the way. However, a neighbor (Sandra Ellis Lafferty) offers Ava a necklace that unleashes an evil born from racism and pain.

Co-directed by White and Patrycja Kepa, who both wrote the script with Felipe Cisneros, Trinket Box reminds me that if you are in a relationship and trying to have a baby, you should never accept tannis root, artwork or jewelry from mysterious old people, especially if said old people also wondering who the black boy who has been coming around is and do you need help and you reply, "Well, that's my husband," and they totally change the subject. This movie would have ended a lot sooner of the white girl just said, "I don't appreciate you and your racist ways that belong, well, never in any time in any society" and slammed the door in her face. However, she was running late for a meeting and just took the evil necklace -- which we helpfully learn was part of a black guy in the past falling for a white girl and her fat dad having a heart attack over it -- instead of, again, slamming the door in the lady's face.

It's rude, but it gets the job done. Let's normalize slamming the door in the face of racist old people. You can also totally do it to young people, too.

My favorite moment was when the husband called all of his friends and told them he was having a baby. If I excitedly called any of my male friends and bragged that I was having a baby, I'd have to slam the door on them with all of the abusive epithets and jokes that would come my way. No man does this. Yes, I get it, gender roles should change, but this was what moved this movie from horror to science fiction.

I kid.

Also this movie falls victim to being so dark at times that I had no idea what I was looking at. I know this happens quite a lot in modern streaming shows and movies, but I feel like I need to keep bringing it up until it stops. We want to see your movie. Bring in a light or two.

Also also: This played theaters, which blows my mind.
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One of the most boring movies I've seen in a long time
JBender36520 June 2023
This film is so darn boring! I watched for so long, and was wondering why nothing happened as my pulse had slowed to a stable low rate for a long time. I looked at the time and realized I was an hour into this film. An hour in, and nothing at all had happened.

They hadn't done anything to make it like the characters. No plot development, and less you think making out in a shower with your clothes on the character development. But to me, that's not real character development, just some amateur idea of what character development should look like.

I don't get how Tubi can decide that something like this is worth changing to it to be original so they can have the exclusive rights to it for a while. It's so unoriginal that nothing happens. You Gotta be a special kind of terrible for that to be the case.

I put spoilers in this review, but even as I pause the movie 2/3 of the way done I can't even remember what I just watched that's how boring it is.
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Omg where to start
i-1401214 June 2023
Horrible acting Lost, confused, nonsensical plot Horrible acting Boring movie for almost all of it.

It actually does start out to look interesting. But those 10 minutes disappear quickly.

Horrible acting.

Did I say boring?

Horrible acting Lost, confused, nonsensical plot Horrible acting Boring movie for almost all of it.

It actually does start out to look interesting. But those 10 minutes disappear quickly.

Horrible acting.

Did I say boring?

Horrible acting Lost, confused, nonsensical plot Horrible acting Boring movie for almost all of it.

It actually does start out to look interesting. But those 10 minutes disappear quickly.

Horrible acting.

Did I say boring?
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Equally touching and thrilling
rvxxwvg31 March 2023
In this film there were many instances in which I was at the edge of my seat in anticipation of the next scene. The story was truly deep and well thought out and the action kept my attention in a strong grip. I have to say that I can't wait for a part 2 because I have to know what happens next. There's a lot of twists and turns but the film does a great job of leading audiences through the story with a great sense of urgency to the end. I LOVED IT COULDN'T RECOMMEND IT ENOUGH CHECK IT OUT!! Viewers of all ages will enjoy what patrycja and acorye have put together in this masterpiece of a film.!
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Must See!!
batehouseproductions31 March 2023
Trinket Box pulls you in from the opening scene. It keeps you at the edge of your seat. Buckle up and enjoy the ride! The movie contains many layers and touches on sensitive subject such as interracial relationships and racism. This story explores the dynamic of the south and how to navigate within it. It shows the intensity of how evil forces can truly affect a bond between husband and wife or any relationship. This movie gives a voice to many issues that plague our society. This film was not afraid to push boundaries. Major props to Acorye White and crew for having the courage to put this message out!!! I highly recommend everyone to run to the theater and bring some people with you!!!
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What is this even about????
dionneharris-068234 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I made the mistake of just watching this. What is this movie even about? What is this old evil? Where did it come from? What is it's purpose? I just watched people on a TV and I still am not truly sure what the plot or storyline to this atrocity was. Nothing is revealed or explained about anything that is occurring in this waste of time. Why did you people make this? Why didn't you tell the director that it made no sense? I know everybody wants their 15 seconds of fame, but really people? Really? You should be ashamed of yourselves!!!!!! I wish I could give you some spoilers but I am not entirely sure what to tell you people happened. It started out almost promising and then I have no clue what happened. This little girl found a box with a necklace ( absolutely no back story what do ever) she puts it on becomes possessed. We never find out by who or what? Then we're in the present. It vaguely gives an explanation about what happened after the girl was possessed then absolutely nothing. And this is only told within the last 20 minutes of the movie.
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Starts off positive
nickybk-9809524 January 2024
The beginning of the movie had real promise and gave off some "Get Out" vibes with its back story and well rounded cast. However, it dies off pretty quickly after 20 minutes. The scares are dulled by the lighting of the night scenes. You just cannot see or tell what is going on for 50% of the movie. A lighting director was obviously missing and the fact it didn't get picked up in the edit is equally baffling. I would save your time on this one. The acting is decent but the movie as a whole could have been so much better than this. Think of a cheap rendition of a mismatch of horror films and you won't be far off.
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d_alexander-4198726 November 2023
Made an IMDB account just to write this review.

Dull, slow, boring drawn out scenes. Acting was terrible. Plot was terrible which is unfortunate because they really could've made this into something actually classified as horror with some substance to it.

Lots of information and scenes left out. I wish they would've went into more detail about the box and necklace and its origin. A lot of scenes just didn't make sense and were just plain stupid. Again, acting was terrible. Main characters did not have genuine chemistry and you can sense that as a viewer.

Don't waste your time on this garbage.
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This wasted some good subplots and a worthwhile ending by not having enough horror sequences to make it worth your time
kevin_robbins15 June 2023
The Trinket Box (2023) was recently added to Tubi. The storyline follows a couple who gets a deal on a house that's seems too good to be true so they jump on it. They do have a strange neighbor but other than that the neighborhood seems great too. They receive a gift with a unique necklace inside that the wife likes. Once she wears the necklace she sets off a chain of events the couple might not be able to stop.

This movie is codirected by Patrycja Kepa and Acoryé White, in their directorial debut and also stars Acoryé White (Juanita), Augie Duke (Bad Kids go to Hell), Sandra Ellis Lafferty (The Hunger Games), Cindy Hogan (American Underdog) and Barry Ratcliffe (Hawkeye).

The storyline for this was fairly cliche, straightforward and predictable. The ending has some unique elements, but the movie has a similar feel to The Gift and The Watcher. It's too bad because the background story and neighbor had potential. The old lady was creepy. The husband in this was annoying. The horror elements were more creepy than scary and there wasn't enough of them.

Overall, this wasted some good subplots and a worthwhile ending by not having enough horror sequences to make it worth your time. I would score this a 5/10 and recommend skipping it.
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A generally dull and plodding genre effort without much going for it
kannibalcorpsegrinder31 December 2023
Moving into a new house, a married couple tries to put their troubled past behind them that comes about due to their ethnic backgrounds, but the more they spend together they realize that a cursed trinket box is responsible for not just their marital issues but the hauntings surrounding them.

This one wasn't that good of a genre effort. One of the better features here is the rather enjoyable way the backstory about the haunted plantation comes to pass which is handled nicely as a solid backstory. The old-South traditions and treatment of black people back in that time period sets up the reaction to the affair rather nicely with it being a serviceable means of setting up a cruel and unfortunate situation to be rectified by a curse years later, especially with how the daily suffers afterward due to the incident. As this all bleeds over into the modern day and how them moving into the house starts up not just the old inequality issues usually present in these kinds of films but also sets up the mounting sense of paranoia following the numerous visits and gifts left behind that are interpreted with that passive/aggressive manner which starts this off rather well. Unfortunately, this gets wasted with the series of supernatural hauntings in the final half being the only other likable factor. There are some big issues with the film that hold it back. The main factor against this one is the outright sluggish and dreary pace that renders any possible attempt at suspense or thrills negated from the very beginning of the film. Featuring nothing but banal drama between the couple because it focuses on the particular trinket box with no context or lead-up to it, there's very little chance for anything to become invested from the setup so any attempt to try to build anything is just drowned out in a slew of underwhelming arguments that go nowhere. As that also causes the film to be completely lackluster with the usual style of quick image flashes of something popping out of the shadows proves to be the main source of scares here and is quite cliche overall. It could have been much better if only the main attempts to change it up weren't obscured in a realm of absolute darkness that's hard to determine what's going on anyway so if it's cliched or not it's impossible to tell. Overall, these all combine to make for a lackluster feature.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Language including numerous racial slurs, Violence, and sexual content.
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Dumb movie
mzefabulous14 September 2023
I have yet to know what the beginning of the movie had to do with the rest of the movie.. That's a mystery.

Most of the movie was shot in the dark, and you couldn't see what was happening. Things was always going crazy at night, but no one bothered throughout the entire movie to turn on a light. The husband running around looking for his wife, calling her name while shining his phone light. And the old white woman was racist as hell. I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone.

The only thing I know about this movie is that it's based on racism. Hateful racism that target interracial couples.

Horrible movie, horrible plot, horrible racist old white woman that targets interracial couples.
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flyhighblue9 May 2024
Avoid this movie at all cost All i have to say is this movie is complete trash you'll be more entertained watching paint dry couldn't wait for it to end. Avoid this movie at all cost All i have to say is this movie is complete trash you'll be more entertained watching paint dry couldn't wait for it to end. Avoid this movie at all cost All i have to say is this movie is complete trash you'll be more entertained watching paint dry couldn't wait for it to end. Avoid this movie at all cost All i have to say is this movie is complete trash you'll be more entertained watching paint dry couldn't wait for it to end.
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kosmasp26 May 2024
No pun intended - the movie begins quite strong. Actually it made me feel more than uncomfortable - I saw something coming or happening, that I did not want to be a witness of. But this strong theme, is almost completely stripped away. With a strong slash - which on one hand I did appreciate ... on the other hand it took away a lot ... and it never really recovers from that.

Then we do make a time "jump" as I would like to call it. And we get quite cliche - we can see what is happening, we can feel what the neighbor is about (and who she is) ... there are a few interesting effects (and some jump scares that might or might not work on and for you) ... but overall the movie loses itself in the predictability it did set out for itself ... still the ending is kind of "nice" (no pun intended) here either ... if you can hold out for that long. I am not blaming you if you don't ... you have to be a horror fan to like this that's for sure.
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Fantastic movie !!!
JuliannaR15 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie in the theatre in Chicago and I have to say , I was very pleasantly surprised. Sometimes horror films can go terribly wrong with audio, video, and the story line, but mostly because of the actors.

This film was extremely well acted by the newcomers and veterans alike. I am certainly a huge fan of the amazing talent of Augie Duke and Barry Ratcliffe from Marvels "Hawkeye", but it was enthralled by the first 20 minutes of the film with the Davis family. Barry is a powerhouse actor and his performance with the incredible Cindy Hogan who plays his wife, really drew me in as I could feel every second of the emotions and (spoiler alert), the family pain and suffering. Judith, one of his daughters, played by Gracie Davis is fantastic, but the standout has to be his youngest, Zia Carlock. Wow, she is a superstar and will be one o the best actors of her generation.

It was so much fun to watch a fresh and very good horror story. Thank you to the producers Acorye and Patrycja for this exciting frightening thriller!
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Absolutely Thrilling!!!
josephawinston31 March 2023
An incredible movie!!! A true modern day Horror.

A captivating story with mind bending scenes. Acoryé White's directorial debut did not disappoint.

The film flashes back to early 1900's that provides a unique perspective of America's past time shedding light on the Injustices that are still present today.

Superior acting from the entire cast. It is evident that all involved are truly experienced and value mastering their craft. The experience this film brought was exhilarating. A rollercoaster of emotions throughout the film. Each scene is a must see so get your popcorn and drink beforehand!!!!
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Best movie ever
jacob_weier3 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Just watched this movie, thought it was amazing and scary like a horror movie should be also can't wait for a sequel. The movie just did it's job for a horror movie. The cast was amazing. The story was amazing. The set and props was amazing. When the old lady said towards the end of the movie, there will be a next victim, I liked how they continued the story and showed the new characters and show how some characters were acting possessed and crazy toward the end. All in all, the movie was one of the best horror movies out there, and I can't wait to see the next one. The movie was absolutely amazing and terrifying.
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great psychological thriller
jakuab95984 July 2023
It touches on todays issues. Trinket Box had me on the edge of my seat, even had ne questioning the antagonist. Wow.. would like to see a part 2.

I little dark, At times I literally couldn't see anything. But that brought more thrills. It DID leave a few questions unanswered, so I hope they can green light a part 2. The director did a wonderful with casting. Maybe they can ad a more diverse cast in the next one.

I actually really enjoyed the musical compositions. And the surprise at the end was marvelous! The hubby almost shut it off too early.. lol.

Oh, I did have one gripe.. the shaky camera work in the beginning. It looked a little 3rd rate, but as soon as I got into it, I never thought about it the rest of the movie..
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