Mark Ryes: News Anchor


  • News Anchor : Welcome to the BBC News Desk. We have breaking news of a serious incident between Russian and NATO forces near the coast of Latvia. Although the details are uncertain, early reports indicate that a Russian surveillance aircraft was fired upon by naval vessels of NATO forces operating in that region, after apparently straying into Latvian sovereign airspace. It's unclear at this stage whether the Russian aircraft was shot down or not. This incident comes in the wake of a similar event some time ago; in which two Russian pilots were killed after being shot down by Turkish surface-to-air missiles, near the border with Syria. It's not known what caused this latest incident, or at exactly what time the conflict took place, but it is believed that it happened earlier today, and that Russian forces have returned fire. The government has convened a meeting of the emergency COBR Committee and senior members of the British Military have been seen entering 10 Downing Street. There were chaotic scenes earlier today as Prime Minister Theresa May was rushed back to Downing Street, as details of the international crisis began to emerge. She had been due to attend a meeting with senior business leaders in the city today, followed by a cross-party governmental committee meeting on electoral reform, but these plans have been cancelled in light of current developments. A government spokesperson said that no statement will be issued until the situation becomes clearer.

  • News Anchor : We interrupt to bring you news that the Ministry of Defense has reported what it refers to as "a number of large order detonations" in the seas off the coasts of Estonia and Latvia. No details or confirmation of these reports attributed to local NATO observers have been received as yet, but it's understood that one of these attacks was targeted against key supply vessels carrying fuel and ammunition to NATO force. We believe that there is footage of the attack from a military observation vessel, and we hope to have that shortly.

    [Live footage is shown of British Airways taking off to escort British troops to mainland Europe] 

    News Anchor : In further breaking news, the government has taken control of British Airways, all cross-channel ferries and the Channel Tunnel; they say it's a temporary step to help move troops and equipment to Europe. Thousands are currently stranded at Heathrow and Gatwick, and the Royal Navy has also been deployed to guard the North Sea oil rigs. The MOD have described this as a "prudent, precautionary measure".

    [We cut to Incirlik Air Base in Turkey] 

    News Anchor : And in a controversial move, the Turkish government has refused to allow NATO forces to use their sovereign airspace, warning that any such incursion would be seen as a hostile act. Reports indicate that Turkey has refused all air traffic clearance for NATO aircraft at Incirlik Air Base, and that Turkish military forces have refused to allow access into or out of the air base. Turkey has recently strengthened its political and military ties with Russia, but its refusal to support NATO is likely to raise concerns that this action will compromise NATO military strategy, and will allow Russia to more easily advance into former Soviet countries in Southern Europe.

    [We cut to live footage of B-52 long-range bombers leaving RAF Fairford in Gloucestershire] 

    Kate Miller : A number of American B-52 long-range bomber aircraft have been seen leaving RAF Fairford; a primary forward staging base for United States Air Force strategic assets in the UK. It's not clear whether they're equipped with nuclear weapons, but a senior US military spokesperson has stated that a non-conventional military response may be required, and that they needed to be prepared for any eventuality. American AWACS surveillance along with several airborne refuelling aircraft have also left Aviano Air Force Base in Italy, to support military operations in the region. The Prime Minister Theresa May and senior members of Cabinet are directing emergency operations from an undisclosed location outside of London, along with the Head of British Armed Forces, and other senior military leaders.

    [We cut to live footage of Russian troop deployment near the border with Finland] 

    Kate Miller : In the UK, military and civilian authorities are continuing their preparations to respond to the growing crisis. All non-essential and elective surgeries have been cancelled by the NHS, and hospitals are being cleared of non-critical patients to make way for potential casualties, in the event of a wider conflict. The Ministry of Defence has refused to comment on rumours that Russian forces have used tactical nuclear weapons against British and US naval forces in the Baltic Sea.

    News Anchor : The United States has continued to respond to the growing international crisis. The meeting of the US President and the joint Chiefs of Staff is still in session, but we understand that a full mobilization of US military forces is underway internationally, and that all military leave has been canceled.

    [B-2 Stealth Bombers are seen leaving Aviano Air Force Base, having flown in from the US] 

    News Anchor : B-2 stealth bombers have been seen leaving Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri some time ago, and all military bases in Europe and the Middle East have been placed on high alert. Sources at the Pentagon are suggesting that a major strategic confrontation with Russia might be a real possibility.

    [a 3D graphic is shown of NATO's expansion into Eastern Europe] 

    News Anchor : NATO has been moving their forces closer and closer to Russia, over the past few years, and activating the Aegis missile system in both Poland and Romania very recently has caused serious consternation in Russia, because of what they see as a first-strike capability right on their doorstep; so they see NATO as the aggressor here. The number of NATO warships and armed forces currently positioned in the Baltic region suggest that NATO possibly knew that something might happen.

    [We cross over to a ceremony in the Kremlin where Putin made an important speech the previous day] 

    News Anchor : These events come after a rather grand and elaborate ceremony in Moscow yesterday, in which President Putin made something of a rhetorical speech about the right of Russia to reclaim its interests in former Soviet Union countries, and to protect itself from the growing political and military influence of NATO. Nobody really paid much attention to this ceremony at the time, but it's certainly beginning to take on a new significance in light of current events.

    [We cut to scenes recorded from a military command center in Moscow] 

    News Anchor : Russian state television has been broadcasting extraordinary scenes of President Putin personally directing military operations from a command center. This looks highly organized, and certainly suggests that the conflict was not just a spontaneous act. Clearly, a lot of planning has gone into this. Let's listen in for a few moments; this is not live, but was broadcast within the last 30 minutes.

    [a lengthy montage plays of senior Russian military leaders directing operations to prepare for their impending incursion into Eastern Europe, before we cut back to the BBC News Desk] 

    News Anchor : We've just received footage of one of the attacks against NATO warships, apparently taken from a stationary camera on board a NATO observation vessel,which was sailing close to a supply convoy carrying supplies of fuel, ammunition and military equipment.

    [cut to footage of the attack against NATO warships in the Baltic Sea] 

    News Anchor : If we can roll the tape, you'll see a distant view of the supply convoy, partially masked by one of the fuel tankers in the foreground, a couple of kilometers or so away from the camera. What happens then is just incredible; it seems to be a huge detonation underwater. The blast itself was about half a mile wide, and must have wiped out at least a dozen vessels in one go. Let's go straight to our military expert for his view on this incredible footage. Can you tell us what type of weapon you think the Russians are using here?

    Norman Fairchild : I have to say that this is very disturbing. This is not a conventional torpedo by any means, and there is no doubt in my mind that Russia are using a *nuclear-tipped* torpedo; which generally has a yield of around 10 to 20 kilotons, and certainly would be capable of delivering the type of impact we've seen in this footage, and I have to say that this brings us into a completely different type of game. There is absolutely no way that NATO can compete against this type of weaponry by relying purely on its conventional forces so the question is how they will choose to respond in light of these developments.

    News Anchor : [Receives an update on Russian forces crossing the border into Finland]  And we're receiving alarming reports that Russian Special Forces, backed by fast-attack helicopters and paratroop regiments, have crossed the southern and northern borders into Finland; moving quickly towards Helsinki, and sending NATO forces into disarray as they try to respond to this massive Russian attack. We don't have any further details at this time but, this is evidently a move towards Sweden and Norway, in what must be a major push towards Western Europe. We understand that the Russian Northern Fleet, led by the Kirov-Class battlecruiser Peter the Great, has taken up a strategic position in the Norwegian Sea, and we believe that they have very considerable military assets; such as fighter jets, advanced amphibious and landing craft, Akula-Class submarines and of course hundreds of cruise missiles; including those capable of carrying nuclear warheads. Having already crossed the border into Latvia and Estonia, and now into Finland, the looming question is how far Russian forces will go. Will they continue to advance and to define NATO's declared policy of defense by all means; including the use of tactical nuclear weapons?

  • News Anchor : [the BBC loses contact with their Warsaw correspondent after an explosion of some kind in the area]  I'm sorry, but we seem to have lost our connection with Warsaw. We'll try and clarify the situation there and hopefully reconnect as soon as possible, but for the moment, let's go back to Kate Miller to see what the latest developments are. Kate?

    Kate Miller : Thanks, John. The leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, has complained that the government is not telling the public the whole truth about the conflict, arguing that people have the right to know what's happening, and what danger they face. The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has ordered emergency announcements to be broadcast, and has instructed that all underground stations be immediately open to members of the public, to provide shelter against a possible air attack on the capital.

    News Anchor : [receives news of a Russian attack on three of NATO's early warning radar stations]  And I'm sorry to interrupt; we've just had breaking news of a significant explosion at RAF Fylingdales in Yorkshire; the home of Britain's Ballistic Missile Early Warning System, in what appears to be the first direct attack against UK forces on British soil.

    [a map is shown of NATO's Ballistic Missile Early Warning System] 

    News Anchor : We've also had reports of similar attacks on Thule Air Force Base in Greenland, and on Clear Air Force Station in Alaska, from what appear to be submarine-launched ballistic missiles. Sir Norman, this is clearly a strategic move by Russian military commanders.

    Norman Fairchild : Yes, all of these military bases are part of a network of early warning radar systems designed to detect a nuclear launch against the West, and to help to target incoming nuclear warheads. NATO has quite a substantial anti-ballistic missile system but it relies on accurate targeting. So, without these advanced radar capabilities, we'll be more or less *shooting blind*. it's pretty clear that we're going to get into a real shooting match very soon.

    News Anchor : Thank you, Sir Norman. Obviously, we'll be monitoring the situation carefully as the mobilization of British forces continues to accelerate.

    [cut to live footage of fighter jets leaving RAF Northolt] 

    News Anchor : We have live footage from RAF Northolt near London. These appear to be Typhoon fighter jets taking off in rapid sequence. We have unconfirmed reports that RAF fighters have been sent to intercept Russian long-range bomber and surveillance aircraft. We stress that this is not confirmed, but we will bring you as much information as possible as we receive it.

    [Communications are heard between commanders at RAF Northolt, and the fighters jets leaving the base] 

    News Anchor : This is quite a powerful image, the weather obviously deteriorating somewhat, clearly heading straight to a high altitude as quickly as possible; the men and women of the Royal Air Force on their way into what must be a very uncertain future.

    [pauses briefly as more communications are heard] 

    News Anchor : And we have similar scenes from NATO military bases and command facilities across Europe. Clearly, the military situation is of grave concern, but we're limited in what we can report.

    [receives word of an upcoming statement from NATO headquarters in Brussels] 

    News Anchor : We've just heard that we can expect a live statement from NATO Central Command in the next few minutes. Obviously, we'll bring you that as it happens.

    [cut to footage of staff from the US Embassy in Central London being evacuated by the US Secret Service] 

    News Anchor : And we've just had news that the US ambassador and senior consulate staff are being evacuated from Central London; clearly, something has gone terribly wrong. Heavily armed US Secret Service personnel are escorting US diplomatic staff to waiting helicopters and military aircraft.

    [pauses as he receives an update from Washington] 

    News Anchor : We've just heard that the Pentagon and all major centres of government are being evacuated. I'm not sure if that's Green Park or St. James's Park in London, or possibly Hyde Park. These scenes are just unbelievable... The sense of urgency is very clear; they're getting out as quickly as possible, now.


    News Anchor : This is certainly a very frightening scene.

    [receives an update regarding US Air Force mobilisation] 

    News Anchor : And we've just heard that all US military bases in Europe have been ordered to get their remaining aircraft into the air, in what appears to be a frightening escalation in the conflict.

    [cut to NATO headquarters in Brussels preparing for a statement] 

    News Anchor : And we're now going live to Brussels for a statement from NATO Regional Headquarters. Let's listen into this live broadcast.

    Conference Host : The Secretary General will start, and then we'll be able to take a few questions. Secretary General?

    NATO Secretary General : The security environment in which we meet today is dark.

    [More footage is shown of US diplomatic staff being evacuated from Central London, as the statement continues] 

    NATO Secretary General : This nuclear saber rattling by Russia is unjustified, it's destabilizing, and it's dangerous. This is something which we are addressing, and it's also one of the reasons why we now are increasing the readiness and the preparedness of our forces, and we are responding, by making sure that NATO, in the future, is an alliance which provides deterrence and protection for all allies against any threat.

    [the BBC receives reports of an attack on Beale Air Force Base in California, one of NATO's remaining early warning radar stations] 

    News Anchor : And we've just had reports of a major detonation at Beale Air Force base in California. We've had amateur footage from a number of sources in Sacramento that clearly show a huge cloud, from what appears to be a massive explosion in the distance.

    [cut to footage of the explosion from Sacramento] 

    News Anchor : Beale Air Force base is part of the US Ballistic Missile Early Warning System, and is a very important strategic target. We're receiving several videos and photos from news agencies, indicating that something very serious has happened in California. We're expecting a statement from the Federal Emergency Management agency at any time, now.

    Kate Miller : [the evacuation of US embassy staff from Central London continues]  And we've just had a statement in from NATO Central Command; western forces have used battlefield nuclear weapons against advancing Russian troops in eastern Poland, and have also confirmed the destruction of the Russian city of Kaliningrad, which was a major military centre and submarine base. The Polish capital of Warsaw has been hit by a nuclear detonation estimated to be in the one megaton range, targeted at advanced NATO positions to the east of the city, with no casualty figures as yet from its population of 1.7 million citizens.

    [cut to footage of the Trump family being evacuated from New York] 

    Kate Miller : American B-52 long-range bombers have attacked Russian military bases in Belarus, and B-2 stealth bombers continue to approach Russian sovereign airspace. A NATO spokesman has said that efforts to contain the conflict are ongoing, and that the American and Russian presidents are in direct contact at this time. The US president has assured the American public that everything is being done to resolve the situation peacefully, and that the US government remains confident that the conflict can be contained. There are rumours that major Russian cities are being evacuated, and that a national civil defence program is underway to move citizens to underground shelters and subway systems. In Britain, the Ministry of Defence has said that it continues to monitor the situation very closely, and that all efforts are being made to ensure the safety and security of the United Kingdom.

    [B-2 Stealth Bombers are seen approaching Russian airspace] 

    Kate Miller : The Prime Minister, Theresa May, is said to be gravely concerned about the escalating crisis, but has asked the public to remain calm and to be confident that everything is being done to resolve the situation peacefully. The Archbishop of Canterbury and other senior religious leaders have asked people to come together in prayer at this time of great peril, and to have faith that goodness will prevail over the forces of destruction.

    News Anchor : [receives reports of a further two nuclear strikes against NATO forces]  And we've just had more breaking news that thermonuclear bombs of undetermined strength have exploded at NATO regional military headquarters in Brussels, and at a major US military and radar base in Wiesbaden in Germany, resulting in the reported destruction of the city of Mainz and the outskirts of Frankfurt-

    [BBC News abruptly hands over to the emergency broadcast system as Russia launches a full-scale nuclear attack against all NATO-member countries and their allies] 

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