Stranger (2022) Poster


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View as a comedy...maybe it's watchable 😂
zack_gideon28 January 2023
This script is so bad I just wonder how anyone put 1 dollar behind it. I mean, the dialogue is literally like watching 2 boring people hang out for an hour. Just literally doing nothing. The guest characters literally bring zero value. The actors had no chance.

If I'm a young actor I would have passed on this. Scripts that all take place between 2 people are hard enough, but when the dialogue is about making drinks, how many eggs do you want, I'm going to make some pasta, let's watch a movie, when are we getting married......

That's literally the entire first hour of the movie. Why? Why does this movie exist? It won't make any money and if it did you've scammed someone. Can't believe I sat though it. Unreal. I gave it 2 stars because the female actor is hot. That's the only thing good about this "movie".
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ezgolucky29 January 2023
I know there's an attempt for a story here but I can't find it.

A couple's on vacay and basically nothing really happens throughout the movie, except for the last few minutes of the flick. They brush their teeth, take showers, go hiking... you get the gist. Unless you are living it, then maybe its interesting but watching it, it's rather like watching paint dry.

There's supposed to be some kind of tension where there seems like a guy is lurking outside and we see it from the creeper's perspective. Then he goes inside the house and moves things around- the toothbrush, a ring- you get the gist.

When there are moments that you think something might happen, it doesn't. This movie might cause sleepiness. Be forewarned...
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Complete Amateur Hour
bnitcamela7 February 2023
The funny thing about this flick is what caused me to totally give up on it. Was it the wooden acting? No. How about the terrible sound design/soundtrack? Nope. Or the casting where they made an obvious fail in using a dude about the same age as the lead actor as "the creepy old guy."

No, it was the ridiculously amateur, intelligence insulting background radio dialog/announcing during two separate car trips. On the way to the store and back for some pasta that they forgot (3 boxes???), the radio in the SUV plays in the background and provides what seems like expository information. But it was so friggin amateur! The announcer is talking about a trail that the community had voted to fund re-opening after a girl had fallen down while jogging. The mayor is mentioned, but not his or her name like you'd hear on any local radio station. No. Just "the mayor" says this...the "opposition leader" says that...Then they get to the weather. When reading the weekly forecast do they use the standard "The high temp will be 72 and the low temp will be 65"? No, they say "The maximum will be 72 and the minimum will be 65 as we watch the skies for you in this already hot summer..." NOBODY reads a weather forecast like that in the United States. It's THE HIGH WILL BE or THE LOW WILL BE.

But seriously that really isn't the only reason this movie is terrible, of course. All of those things I mentioned in my opening paragraph are true. The acting is wooden, the casting is a fail, the sound design is garbage, the cinematography is puzzlingly disjointed and in many places not even relevant to what's happening in the story (of which there is not much of one).

Take note of the overhead drone footage of the forest as they drive into the mountains headed to the cabin. Hmmm....where have we seen this before? Ominous music playing as we see the tops of pine trees (going in multiple directions?!) and an aerial view of a car with a couple inside. All that was missing was Danny and his imaginary friend. Just a terrible job of trying to ape Kubrick for absolutely no reason. Then there are the lingering camera shots when the character has left the frame as the camera then slowly changes focus to the background in an ominous manner while spooky music plays where......there's nobody whatsoever present! What is the point of this?

This is 3rd year film school quality at best. Do not waste your money or time on this garbage. The literal only good thing I can say about it is that the lead actress is pretty attractive. That's it.

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Incompetent and pointless
kirstenholmes-2371627 January 2023
I'm giving this one star despite the decent production values because the rest is just that bad. You'll spend most of the movie watching two bad actors work through fascinating dialogue like, "One egg or two." If that's not thrilling enough, the actress does quite a lot of posing, occasionally on yoga mats, and occasionally in front of mirrors. Occasionally, a creepy person will turn up, giving the actress an opportunity to cry. Then it will all end without any explanation whatsoever. It's like watching paint dry, only more irritating. A C movie would probably be more entertaining, so don't bother.
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The worst acting I've ever seen
kevingwilliam29 January 2023
The actors are so bad in this movie that they can't even convincingly act everyday activities such as cooking or brushing their teeth. It's like they don't really want to be in the film. It's embarrassing.

It's really utterly pointless and awkward to watch. There's no story, no emotional engagement and no point at all to any of it.

There is a baddie that is presented towards the end of the film, and introduces some more pointless activities which does give our actors an opportunity to demonstrate they acting range.

I can't quite understand how such a movie would ever get made, perhaps as an example to be used in movie school on how not to act, write and direct.
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Adjust You Seatbelts....
arfdawg-19 February 2023
You are about to go on a wild ride.

A ride consisting of some of the most wooden acting you will ever witness.

A ride that will reveal one of the worst directors of all time.

A ride with a script so bad, it had to be written spontaneously by a monkey with a typewriter.

This movie is about nothing. It's yet another vapid blended couple in a cabin who do what people in a cabin do. They drink. They smoke weed (although the woman has no clue how to toke) they discus the number of eggs to cook. And they do it for an hour and 18 minutes.

There are also ancillary characters who have nothing to do with forwarding the plot.

And then there's the protagonist. The movie's almost done by the time he's inttroduced.

How did this movie get made?
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Check your movie titles closely
ksgillihan7 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So I originally thought that this was the Australian thriller called The Stranger. Turns out I was very, very wrong. About 20 seconds into the movie I was noticing a huge lack of Australian accents so that was definitely a tip off. Did I do the smart thing and stop to figure out what was up? Nope. I just kept watching. Why? I wish I knew the answer to that.

Since this is not the 2022 movie The Stranger, I will attempt to rate the actual movie that I watched. The characters are some of the most unlikable characters I've seen in a long time. They were so fake and boring that they could have easily been replaced by people made of plastic. So the couple who rented a cabin out in the woods are taking some vacation time to relax and have terrible conversations, I guess. The entire movie has this crappy ominous music playing in the background but nothing really happens. A "creepy" groundskeeper shows up and the two people act like Freddy Krueger just walked up. The old guy literally does nothing creepy yet they keep acting freaked out and call him "creepy" for some reason. Then some random lady who says her cat is missing and tries to force herself into the house because she "knows" the couple has her cat. What the everloving bejesus is going on?

We are lead to believe that someone is in the house watching the couple. It's probably the "creepy" groundskeeper right? Nope. Maybe the cat lady? No, again. It's a random dude who sounds like he just got off a boat from Italy and somehow never learned to wear a hat properly. He rushes into the room randomly and forces the couple to play Russian roulette with him. Why? I don't know. He tells them he's killed 17 other people this way. What? So long story short, the husband loses and gets shot and the random Italian man who is totally not in Italy and right in the middle of America, shoots the girl and rides away on a mint-colored girls bicycle because why not? Honestly I wasn't even surprised it ended that way because the rest of the movie is so bad it seems almost funny. Watch this if you enjoy movies that never should have been made.
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One of the worst movies I've ever seen
cjhzsgd14 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Where even to begin? Awful acting, ridiculous, boring, disjointed story with elements dropped in here and there that mean absolutely nothing. For example, we are told at length about funding a fence in an area where a runner fell, and then the guy goes hiking. But he doesn't fall off a cliff, nor does anybody else, so not sure why that was included. A lady appears at the door looking for her "piglet," which is actually a cat that she insists is in the house and weirdly tries to force her way into the house. We never see her again. The caretaker comes to drop off wood and scares the woman. We never see him again.

The rest of the movie is just two extremely boring people making extremely boring drinks talking about what appears to be their extremely boring lives.

Then, in the last seven minutes, out of the blue comes some dude we've never seen before with an incredibly thick accent who, for no reason at all, forces Mr and Mrs Boring to play Russian roulette, a game the couple loses, thereby putting the audience out of its misery.

But not before killer dude rides shakily off on an old school sea foam green bike.... Yeah, you heard me. He kills two people then rides off on one of those high handle bar bikes with a long ass back fender that look like it was stolen from a boardwalk somewhere.

The end.

Can't believe people spent good money making this.
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whpfpjy28 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I can't fault the actors in this movie.. They were handed a script and they performed. But they should have passed on this one. It's the story that's bad. Maybe a little un-intentional comic relief with the lady who can't find her cat. At least that broke up the monotony of eating breakfast, brushing teeth, drinking wine and repeat the next day. Then near the end of this routine WHAM some guy, the Stranger. Busts in eventually goes black and a gun goes off, and the heroine cries, "You son of a b---h". Last scene, the strange comes out of the house, picks up a bike and pedals off. What really happened? I have no idea.
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Boring and Uncompelling
brandieadams-6979113 December 2023
An unbelievable hour long dialogue about "how many eggs do you want, I'm going to go on a hike, how about we movie down here, let me head to the grocery store"-It's unconvincing that these two people are an actual couple. The suspenseful music feels out of place because nothing ever happens, aside from the found footage sort of camera work which is supposed to incite anxiety. When the antagonist finally appears, you just really want the movie to be over with because it's anticlimactic.

No engaged or married couple I know speak to each other like that. It's like someone has never hung around a couple before. The small argument was the only thing that felt real, honestly.
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bradleymoore8129 May 2024
Oh child, whoever wrote this film should not call themselves a screenwriter. Unclear how this movie even got made. The dialogue is so painfully bad. If they thanked each other one more time or talked about the ding dang pasta they were making one more time - terrible. The acting is actually not bad, considering what they had to work with, but truly - so much of the dialogue was unnecessary and just plain bad.

When the dude smoked a joint in the movie, I only wished he could have passed it through the television set because it could have made the film a little more tolerable.

Truly, the worst dialogue in any film of all-time.

Just no.
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Did Tommy Wiseau write this?
Cory_Feloni6 April 2024
Oh my god, the script is unbelievably terrible. First off, the plot. I couldn't believe how this was produced, or who would think of sinking money into this moronic, flimsy film. In no way was this film suspenseful and halfway through the film I wanted the main characters to die. Anyone making the film could have added a little bit of humour, but instead tried to develop the characters of the couple, which was executed poorly. The acting was dismal, if anyone thought of hiring any four of the cast just watch this film and reassess your foggy decision.

What made me laugh more than anything was the stranger. He just shows up and can barely speak English. The viewer doesn't have any idea why he's there or stalking the couple... he just shows up out of the blue and starts saying "take a sit" "chop chop". I thought to myself, did Tommy have anything to do with this movie? Is this film a way to launder money?

Regardless, I feel slightly dumber for watching this. I think eating a pile of lead chips would have been a better choice.
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Why Do Movies Like This Get Made?
cnh-9557328 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I am surprised that I sat through the entire movie since nothing interesting happened but I liked the couple and I thought oh there's a creepy guy that's going to be bothering them, making them think they're crazy by moving stuff around in the house, befriending them and then turning on them possibly. I kept waiting and waiting and nothing happened.

And then here comes the ending. Who was that?

The bad guy was a guy I'd never seen before in the movie with no real reasoning on why he was there to hurt them. I think he said he had to. But why did he have to?

Unless I missed something, I mean they didn't seem to know who he was either so.

There are so many awesome short horror movies on Youtube that should be full length films but this crap gets greenlit.

Please wakeup Hollywood. Good stories are on Youtube. Make those into full movies and you'll be surprised how many viewers and money you receive.
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