"The Flash" It's My Party and I'll Die If I Want To (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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Multiverse of Fun
ossie8528 April 2023
This is without a doubt the best episode of the season so far. With the added bonus of welcoming back Oliver Queen to the show, the episode dug deep into Multiverse lore and delivered an exciting and action-packed storyline.

The plot centered around the birthday celebration of Barry, where things unsurprisingly took a turn for the worse. The villainous returned to wreak havoc, and the heroes were forced to team up with Oliver returning to help out.

The action scenes in this episode were top-notch, and the chemistry between Oliver and Barry was great. Oliver Queen's return to the series was also a highlight, and fans of The Flash and Arrow will undoubtedly enjoy this crossover episode.

However, the biggest problem with "It's My Party and I'll Die If I Want To" is that it felt a bit rushed and cramped. With so much going on in the episode, it felt this could have been the arc for the whole season, not just one episode.
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End of an era
Josefm200128 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well here we are the final stretch of the final arrowverse show. And honestly this was a great episode in what so far has been a dissapointing season. In alot of ways this feels like the finale of the arrowverse leading into the finale of the flash. It was amazing and quite heartwarming to see Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen again and he is 90% of the reason this episode works. It feels great to see the Green arrow back and the episode captures the brutal action that arrow once had. And had me grinning the whole time he was on screen. It will forever be hilarious to me that the future of everything DC including James Gunns New DCU is thanks to Oliver Queen.
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Truly the end of the arrowverse
nicholaslam-5449727 April 2023
A wonderful final crossover between the arrowverse characters which makes up for the lackluster episodes that came before it. Seeing Oliver Queen/Green Arrow/Spectre was an amazing sight to see along with diggle, Singh and Wally. Also seeing Barry and Oliver's dynamic once again is amazing and you realize that this is the last time these characters interact and it's really the end for the arrowverse. Wally got some redemption by having barry apologizing to wally which is basically the writers apologizing to Keynone Lonsdale for underutilizing him. My only negative is khione. It's literally frost again.
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Finally, the final season has begun.
thebatssidekick27 April 2023
The only reason I'm not super satisfied is because of all the time we have wasted to get this far. As a standalone episode, this is one of the best in the entire series. I cried a good number of times throughout it. The multiverse aspect was dope (totally missed the opportunity for a Titans cameo, though), and I thought the acting was great. I should knock it down a few stars for Khione's involvement, but I'ma let it slide for the sole fact that I got to see Ollie again. Had this been episode 9x01, I'd be so excited and hyped to watch the rest of the season. But with all the useless filler that came before it, I am once again left with a bitter taste in my mouth when it comes to the final season of The Flash.
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WOW! Now this is an episode worthy of a final season!
b_yocum27 April 2023
I haven't been writing reviews for this season as the last few episodes have been inexcusably bad for a final season, however this episode makes up for it. I cannot tell you the sheer amount of happiness I had watching this episode. Seeing Oliver Queen back for one last time had me tearing up not to mention the dynamic Barry and Oliver had this episode was brilliantly done. In addition, it was awesome to see Keynone Lonsdale perform again as Wally West. Some great acting and some emotional pull he had in this episode. This in my opinion in one of the best episodes the show has had in probably 3 seasons and might even make my top 20. It sucks because if this season had this level of writing in the other episodes that this one did, it would probably go down as a top 3 or 4 season. Needless to say if the last 4 episodes can deliver it would end on an extremely high note. Overall, this was a fantastic episode and couldn't be happier after watching it!

10/10 from me.
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It's about time
bfndbsg27 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Nothing warms my heart more than seeing stephen amell return as oliver queen for one last hoorah. This episode is an Arrow-fan's dream. Great cgi and delivery from the actors. The storyline was great and it was cool to see the flash's best villain of recent years return to wreak havoc. It's heartbreaking to think this is the last episode of the barry and oliver chemistry we've all come to love but i sure am glad they gave us a little bit of fan service on their way out. If i were to be overtly critical i would say that they're missing cisco, if diggle is there for barry's birthday party there is no good reason cisco would miss it. Since they work for the same company (argus) they should have at least mentioned him. Also the complete lack of story progression for wally is sad, his character was so annoying when they added him but as soon as he started to become a great addition to the show he left for years and years and they should of gave him something other than more meditation in a different country. This last season has been horrendous up until now. This episode alone carries the value of any of the flash's best episodes and it deserves to be up with the shows very best. I'm looking forward to see what they manage to fit in with only a few episodes left, i would love to see cisco and one of the harrison wells one last time before they leave us (also an update on dibney would help fix the laziness of the previous writing.) this episode was a tremendous step forward for the legacy of this last season.
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Best episode of the final âš¡
anafarm28 April 2023
Full package of the best moments.

Seeing Oliver again was the best gift we could get.

Barry and Wally's run was really brilliant Ramsay Rosso's arrival was badass, The visual effects were great.

Acting and dialogs was very interesting.

Even the side roles had the right place for themselves, and every second of it was amazing.

Soundtracks were fabulous and reminded me of all memories of season one.... Just missed for cisco... I think we couldn't see him because of what happened to him and Tinya, maybe Cisco is busy for training her like storyline of Earth prime comic #6 🤔 Anyway Episode 9 was the best start of the final and can't wait to see Cobalt blue in upcoming weeks... Thank you so much for this, we really appreciate it.
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The Final Season Started
JacuzziEdits28 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As a fan, I have to say that despite a rocky start, the 9th episode of The Flash's final season was a great improvement. Bringing back Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen and seeing Kid Flash return was a welcomed surprise. The villain, Bloodwork, was well-executed, and the storyline was even better than in season 6. Although the episode was slightly predictable due to leaks, it was still a satisfying experience for us fans. Overall, this episode was a strong addition to the season and gave new energy to the show. I'm hopeful that the rest of the season will continue to build on this momentum and bring back the excitement that fans have been missing in the past few seasons.
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Even if Only in the Little Moments, This Episode was Made for the Fans! This Episode was Made for *Us!*
demigodshmurda27 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have been very critical of The Flash in the past. You know this. I think that this season is utter putrid garbage made with nothing but the sheer spite of Eric Wallace who's punishing us for having the *audacity* to criticize his terrible writing. But you know what? I will give credit where it's due. Somebody, I'm not sure who but I know that it wasn't Eric Wallace, but *somebody* in that writers room put some moments in this episode that only hardcore Arrowverse fans will understand. If you haven't been on the Arrowverse train since Day 1, you will *not* be able to fully appreciate this episode. And I hope that whoever put those moments in the episode goes on to have a long and fulfilling career!

If you haven't been on this ride since the very first episode, when Barry hugs Oliver you might just think that that's a sweet moment because Barry missed his friend. But if you've been a fan since Day 1, you'll notice that Oliver has to tell Barry to let him go. That's a running joke throughout every multi-show crossover where Barry makes Oliver hug him. (for the record, that shot was in the promo for this episode and was the *only* reason I had any faith it would be good, because *I* noticed that detail.)

If you haven't been on this ride since the very first episode, when Khione saves Diggle it might seem kinda random. Or maybe she chooses to save him because of combat experience. But if you've been a fan since Day 1, you'll notice that he vomits out Bloodwork's infection. That's a running joke throughout the Arrowverse where every time Barry runs Digg somewhere at super speed he throws up.

If you haven't been on this ride since the very first episode, when Barry and Oliver are talking at that bar at the end of the episode you might think that's just a sweet moment between two friends as one of them reminds the other about his heroism. But if you've been a fan since Day 1, you'll notice that Oliver's speech is a paraphrase of his speech with Barry in the Flash series premiere!

And I could go on, but I think you get it. If this were an episode written by Eric Wallace and his normal writers, I can guarantee that we wouldn't have gotten those moments. How can I be so sure? Because Eric Wallace doesn't care about the Flash. He's clearly proven that from season 7 until now. So thank god for the *one* person in the writers room that knew that *actual* Arrowverse fans would be watching this episode!

Does this episode still have the same issues as the rest of the season? Yes. Absolutely. You'd think Barry would've told Wally about Bloodwork and to not trust him under any circumstances. And since the last arc in the season is about Cobalt Blue, you'd think they would've saved the whole "You stole my whole life" thing for a character that *canonically feels like that towards Barry in the comics!* And the effects are still not great. When Ramsey changed from that puddle into his regular form, they forgot to put a shadow on him. HOW DID THAT SLIP PAST YOUR EDITOR MY GOD FIRE THEM!! And it was really obvious that Stephen Amell wasn't doing that fight scene, which is weird because he's done his own stunts and fights before as far back as Arrow season 4, and as late into Arrow's run as seasons 7 and 8.

But I care about that a *lot* less this week. And do you know why? Because for once I, as the viewer and fan of this show, was treated with respect! For once I, as the viewer and fan of this show, wasn't treated like garbage and made to hate myself for just wanting to enjoy a show. For once I, as the viewer and fan of this show, felt a *tiny* amount of actual effort being put into what was on screen. And it's *crazy* that just treating your audience with respect will make them like your show more. I wonder how long that will last? My prediction: Not long.

I've come to the conclusion that even though I do have a few complaints about this episode here and there, there is only *one* change that I would make. When Oliver disappeared from the bar, Barry should've said "Cool." That's it. That's the only thing I'd change. If you know, you know.

8 / 10.
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The return of the hood!
Ratingzzz27 April 2023
The Flash Season 9 Episode 9 non spoiler review short review:

The hero I thought i'd never see again on screen returns in a big way!

As a standalone episode this is definitely one of the best in the series, it's just a shame of what we got the last couple of years!

I cried of few times throughout this one cause after all these years i kinda bonded with these characters and seeing Stephen returning as Arrow for a final time with a prober goodbye to his character was so emotional and knowing it's the very last episode of The Flash also didn't help... The acting was plot was actually for the first time really good and convincing and not boring at all!
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I don't even know what to say...
KingSlayer996 July 2023
I'm honestly really surprised by these ratings. This episode was just full-on fan service. Is that really how low the bar has come? I guess so. An episode that is filled with plot holes, cliches, bad writing and bad acting gets this high of a rating simply because it was made with the sole purpose of pleasing the fans. I would think that people aren't that gullible but I guess I sometimes overestimate the fanbase of these CW shows.

I'm just glad that it's coming to an end. I still watch these arrowverse shows simply because I have a lot of good memories with them during their early years when they were actually good. I honestly wish that I could have stopped watching them a long time ago but I just couldn't. So, I'm looking forward to being done with them.
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All good things must (sadly) come to an end...
RahulM00730 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"Do you give people hope? Are you moving through your city like a guardian angel? Do you make a difference? That bolt of lightning chose you. Don't ever forget it." The final scene was a literal sob fest and satisfying and emotional to a tee. This episode served as a perfect tribute to the Arrowverse and a homage to Arrow's incredible fight choreography.

It was extremely surreal seeing Stephen Amell reprise his role as Oliver Queen aka the Green Arrow. I was ecstatic seeing my two favourite characters interacting with each other one last time. Barry and Oliver are the best duo in the Arrowverse. They unlock each other's true potential and restore my faith in humanity.

This episode not only marked the return of the Green Arrow, but also marked the 180th milestone episode of the series (which the writers sneakily mentioned in a humorous way). I loved how the ending to the episode mirrors the ending of the Invasion crossover, where Barry and Oliver are having a celebratory drink. The final moment between the characters served as an incredibly heartfelt and emotional farewell scene. I am going to miss the Arrowverse so much.

To conclude, the final Arrowverse crossover directed by the versatile Danielle Panabaker is emotional, witty, nostalgic, action packed, and jaw dropping. The writing, acting, directing, visual effects, fight choreography, and character development (especially for a certain character dubbed Kid Flash) is superb. Stephen Amell's return is pure fan service, and audiences will lose their mind hearing Blake Neely's Arrow theme again. Not only is this one of my all-time favourite episodes of the series, but my favourite episode that Danielle Panabaker directed. It revitalized my love for Stephen Amell's iteration of Green Arrow and made me nostalgic of the good old days watching Arrow.

The true essence of a hero (as explained by Oliver Queen aka the Green Arrow aka the Spectre): "Because heroes don't stop running."

Final verdict: 10/10.
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It was ACTUALLY well-written too?!
borapirat27 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Now, I have to start off by saying that I haven't enjoyed an episode of The Flash this way in a LONG time. Yes, seeing Oliver again was incredible but the story was also surprisingly well done. Bloodwork is undoubtedly the best villain we have had in The Flash the last years. I also loved seeing Wally again, the flashbacks really made his turn believable. The amazing references(prochnost, Oliver's talk to Barry being the exact same in the first episode, you have failed this city) made this episode truly special. Now, it's hard to mess up an episode when Oliver is in it but after so many terrible episodes this felt like it was a whole other show. This season has been incredibly disappointing until this episode and I doubt that the next episode will live up to this one, but this definitely felt like a breath of fresh air. This episode is a 10/10 for me, keep it up writers.
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lucasbradshaw202227 April 2023
Finally, an episode that is focused on THE FLASH!

Sure, it has some flaws, sure, it doesn't come anywhere close to being as good as the first 3 seasons of the show, but at least we got an episode in The Flash dedicated on The Flash. It was nice seeing Wally again and it was VERY nice to see Oliver aka Green Arrow back in action again.

After seeing the new teaser trailer we get to see the OG Reverse Flash again and I can confidently say that I have hope for that episode. Unlike the past 8 episodes, I and many others have dread having to watch the show, but since we finally got an episode that's mainly focused on The Flash I have found a new hope for the upcoming episodes.

Hopefully this show can go out in a bang, but knowing Eric Wallace it's probably going to end in some generic "everyone gets a happy ending and none of the main cast dies" type ending. Regardless, I will try my best to enjoy it despite how bad the previous episodes have been.

Thanks for reading.
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Arrowverse conclusion
thesimulator-2652227 April 2023
This episode is a true conclusion of the Arrowverse. It started with Oliver and Barry and it ends with them. The last 4 episodes will wrap up the Flash show as a whole but this episode is a amazing conclusion to the Arrowverse.

Fantastic episode from start to finish. Its all killer, no filler. There's not a single minute wasted in this episode. It's all part and amazing character scenes nothing useless or boring cringe filler unlike the past 3 episodes.

Its one of the best episodes of the Arrowverse of all time I would put it in my Top 10. Sendhil was menacing as Bloodwork he was a great reminder of when this show had amazing villains. The scenes with Oliver and Barry and Diggle got me emotional. 10/10.
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Loved it!
pauli_gomez29 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I know the episode was not perfect, I have some criticism (like couldn't you just throw a line or two about how Joe, Cisco and Sue couldn't make it for some blah reason. Or Wally falling so easily into Ramsey trap. But I gave it a 10 anyways because it is a good ending for the Arrowverse and Barry and Oliver friendship. And it was so emotional. Also, the visual effects of Wally becoming a multiverse conduit were amazing. I was so happy to see Wally, Dig and even Singh together, and then the final hug between Oliver and Dig was just perfect. My favorite part of the episode. Oh, and the zombie parts were a lot of fun too.
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WOW! I just loved this episode
guimelbrasil27 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I just lovthis episode was the best of the season and the best I saw after the episode of season 5: the past is a prologue. An episode full of twists, the return of oliver queen as specter and green arrow simultaneously, the fight sequence everything very amazing. Thank you Danielle Panabaker for this fantastic direction. A nd her e's to the real eobard thawne and the iconic fight in the past without a doubt this next episode will be unforgettable because it's about what the fans love: the future, something that is no longer addressed as often as it should. Thank you for everything this series has given me like laughs and all kinds of emotions thank you Grant Gustined this episode.
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Finally, An Epic Episode!
panagiotis199328 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Live Reaction / Review for The Flash Season 9 Episode 9: I really hope this episode is good because the previous episodes were awful, not even mediocre. It's Barry's birthday and John and Wally are back? Awesome way to start the episode. The lack of chemistry between Allegra and Chester is disturbing. It's Barry's birthday so I really hope this episode will focus on him not the side-characters. Bloodwork is back? Wow didn't expect that. Im so happy, I love Bloodwork. Bloodwork zombies? Yes please. Bloodwork is a total psycho, love him. I want to see how Barry will beat him this time.

Things got trippy. Comedy and horror elements? They got creative with this, I approve. Evil Wally? This keeps getting better. Oliver too? Damn this can not get any better than this. Oliver and Barry hugging each other? This feels good. I really like evil Allegra. Wally wearing his suit again, nice. That's kinda bad for a birthday party haha. But bringing Oliver back as the Green Arrow? Yeah not a fan of that. Oliver meets Diggle, that feels good. I wanted to be a bit harder to beat Bloodwork but okay. And they start the party all over again? That's kind of funny. Ok it ended. Finally a good episode guys!

Don't know what to say, I never expected that we would get such an epic episode in the final season of the show, almost everything was perfect. My rating is 9/10.
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C-R-19709 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After eight episodes of mostly downs and spinning our wheels going nowhere, we get the much longed for return of a favorite. Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen/The Green Arrow/The Spectre.

As fun as this episode was it would have been even better as a 2 or even 3 parter. Bring in even more cameos of others from the Arrowverse like Cisco, or another variation on Harrison Wells.

The fight scene choreography was top notch. It was great to see Stephen Amell again and witness his charm and chemistry with Grant Gustin. It had me smiling to see Oliver once more admonishing Barry for somehow messing up and still standing by his side to fix it & remind him he's a hero and his friend.

If only this were nearer the beginning of the season and not instead almost the series end. Far too many filler episodes with little to no substance or advancement of overall story or character development to this point.

Overall though a very enjoyable outing.
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naydenlover2 March 2024

I did NOT see half of that episode coming especially THAT return! How I've missed that dynamic and seeing them on screen together made me cry and smile and I was just like NOW this is the Flash I've been missing {and I've liked the season but some of them were "meh" I cannot believe I've reached the end and with only four episodes I wonder what will happen next for Barry and hoping he gets the happy ending he wants with him and Iris and his friends because he just wants to have a happy ending and he deserves it but MY god CANNOT BELIEVE this episode happened WOW!!
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Not really a review, but more of a question...
tannerie17 March 2024
I've been enjoying the episode and the series so far, as I usually do the show as a whole...

I've only watched about five minutes of the episode so far, though it seems that it'll be a good one full of guess characters, visiting for Barry's birthday (while from the teaser, I already know that they're going to bring Oliver Queen back, which will surely be great!)...

Anyway onto my question and the main point of this "review"...

I'm currently watching this episode and I have a quick question...

Is Cider something else in the U. S. than it is in Europe?!

As here, it's a type of alcohol (such as Bulmers, called Magners in the U. K.), as somebody just gave it to Iris (who's pregnant), in place of the Champagne they gave everyone else, because I assume it's supposed to be "safe" for the baby, but alcohol is alcohol, unless as said, it's something nonalcoholic in the U. S.! 😯😂😀🤘 .

Can anyone tell me is it something different or did the writers make a massive mistake giving a pregnant woman cider?! 😯😂😀🤘 .
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