The Jungle (2013) Poster


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"Something is watching us".
lost-in-limbo21 March 2014
I thought "Black Water" was excellently pitched eco-horror, while "The Reef" was a modest survival horror. So when it came to "The Jungle", I had some high hopes from Australian film-maker Andrew Traucki. Again very similar in formula to his previous films, but just a different threat. "The Jungle" is a simple story (ala "Blair Witch Project") that takes advantage of the found-footage market. Does it work? Yes and no. It's durable, but unexceptional in that we have been here before.

Animal conversationalist Larry Black along with his brother head to Indonesia to track down and film a rare breed of leopard to get documented evidence of its existence in the jungle. However in the area where they would be searching are rumours of a black magic demon, which Larry considers just local superstitions? But his guides are not so convinced.

I came away liking the taut situation and the overall build-up of it. It had me engaged (be it the characters and motivation behind the trek) and there was a grounded realism, but the pay-off was less than desirable. In what becomes a whirlwind of frustration, sudden camera movement and off-screen action in the last ten minutes. It's jerky in its execution, as the repetitiveness of certain actions started to become wearisome and the jump scenes simply erupted. You are kept pretty much kept in the dark, but that didn't bother me. Although the disappearance of a character in the final few seconds baffled me. It just I didn't feel like the back-end truly captured the suspense and horror of the situation as effectively as the lead up did.

The tag less is more, is used very much here. Only glimpses (glowing eyes), noises (snarling and branches breaking), symbols (black sorcery), signs (prints, blood and remains) and the humidly suffocating environment help it come alive. A creepy superstitious back-story helps a lot too. Throughout sound effects were well used, as well as the eerie jungle backdrop in isolating the danger and uncertainness the characters found themselves in. Majority of the reliable tension is fuelled by the character interactions of the unknown, than that of the unsighted beast stalking its prey (although there's one scene involving it climbing down a tree where you only see its hands is fairly unnerving). Why this works is because the performances are appealing and they're well written giving them such weight to standout from each other. The acting led by Rupert Reid is hearty and intimate by all in style that only lends well to the story and chemistry. I can why some people might not like it, but for me it does have its moments beyond its wandering nature and not entirely seeing the creature wasn't a problem. You get a good enough look in the final shot.

"The Jungle" starts off strong with its gripping slow-burn format to only go off the beaten track in standard clichés and a disappointingly frenetic close.
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Slow starting but ultimately watchable low budget scary film...
MahaFilmGuru25 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This movie had a cast of four main characters, and only 4 extras I believe. The movie started off horribly slow, almost to the point of turning it off. But a previous reviewer praised the producer or director who did "The Reef." I enjoyed "The Reef" so I knew what to expect. However for some reason I remember "The Reef" as being a little bit more enjoyable to watch.

About 2/3 into the film it really picks up. I'm excited to see the arrogant westerner succumb to the evil forest spirit the native warned about. But instead we aren't rewarded with that, we are just rewarded with 4 quick deaths and a quick glimpse of... Well, I have no idea what that was. Basically it looked like one of those ape-men at the circus who have hair growing all over their faces and body.

Basically this film could have been much better with a little bit more time and money. First, condense the intro, or just let us figure it out as we go. No need to show the hometown, the wife, the stupid 'lost footage' filler. Next, develop the local scenery more before entering the jungle. Here you guys are in the beautiful jungles of Indo and you can't even show us a flower, a lizard, or any other signs of the ecoforest there? What a lost opportunity for low budget filler. Show us the natural "Avatar' scenery. Next, give the main westerner protagonist's reason some real grounding. Instead of a ghostly supernatural scary man, just make it a giant beast! A super sized leopard would be ultimately more believable than a 'werewolf.' For a little ending filler, have one of the guys survive to walk out with his life changed forever. A change, a new understanding of the world. This would leave room for a low budget sequel as well.

In summary how these guys did it, leaves a sour taste for a second viewing. A cheap thrill, an easy one night stand to be forgotten.
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Nowhere near among the worst found-footage movies but doesn't deliver
TheLittleSongbird13 August 2014
Despite not being a fan of the found-footage genre, the great cover art and a relatively interesting premise(plus, although it has been a while, I remember enjoying the director's previous movies, they do need re-watches) were what drew me in. The Jungle is not a bad movie, the locations have a very beautiful yet claustrophobic look, the sound has a genuine spookiness done with subtlety, the acting is reasonable considering the material and there are splashes of suspense and tension. And it is a long way from the worst of the found-footage genre, Hunting the Legend and all of those from The Asylum are far worse. However, despite its potential, The Jungle didn't deliver for me. The shaky camera work is so excessive and in your face that it's nauseating, maybe it was a deliberate effect but it just felt too much. The script could have been much tighter, it relies on too much repetition- with a lot of chasing and running around screaming-, there is too much talk in places and the exposition at the beginning doesn't tell us very much. The story of course is deliberately slow-burning and has moments but the suspense and tension only come in splashes and not consistently, coupled with the repetitive nature, the slow pacing and the too-long amount of time it takes to build up The Jungle did feel more tedious than thrilling. At no point did I care or feel any degree of empathy for the characters despite the actors' best efforts. Larry especially is one of those who we dislike from the get go and the more the movie progressed the more the dislike turned to hate, he came across as arrogant and self-absorbed who didn't seem to give a toss about anybody else with him. As for the creature, apart from a growl, glaring eyes and the cover art it is literally non-existent, again a deliberate effect most likely but one that made the conflict not credible in the least bit and in the end you just don't care what it is. The pay-off at best is unsatisfactory, very close to not being one in fact. So overall, didn't deliver personally but could have been far worse. 4/10 Bethany Cox
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Full of Potenial Yet No
chelseajmbelehar14 July 2020
The movie cover, summary and the plot all good. End result bad. The main character is a jerk who cares more about jaguars than people. As an animal lover myself that says something. You doing really get a connection to the people who you know are going to die in a thriller. For the perspective that they went for from the camera angle was alright but could have been better. The plot was your usual thriller but I was bored through the whole movie. 5,15. 30 minute mark I thought Okay maybe it will really start getting good now, now, now.. It didn't. How this came out as a 3.8 rating I'll never know. Once close up the demon doesn't even look scary.
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What happens in the jungle should stay in the jungle...
paul_haakonsen27 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
As soon as I saw the very first frames of camera-work on this movie, I know this was going to be bad. Another one of these horrible 'found footage' movies, mockumentaries, or call them whatever need be.

The story in this movie is about conservationist Larry Black and his brother Ben who travel to the lush jungles of Indonesia in search of the endangered leopards. With the help of two native Indonesians, the foursome venture into the thick jungle, hoping to find proof of these endangered great cats. But they come to face the horror of being stalked by something ferocious.

Right, well the storyline itself had somewhat of something that resembled the possibility of being interesting, but it was all ruined and shot to pieces (pardon the pun) by some really questionable and horrible camera-work. I am pretty sure that my three year old son could manage to hold a camera more steady than what you see it practically all of these 'found footage' movies.

So the audience is to believe that there is some hybrid feline / man running around out there in the Indonesian jungle? And better yet, that these brothers and their Indonesian trackers died to make this documentary. And given the ending to the movie, then just exactly how would this 'found footage' have been recovered from the creatures den? It was just so lame, so horribly, epically lame.

The only reason that the movie doesn't get a 1 out of 10 rating is because it is somewhat better than watching a screen of only static. But, mind you, not that much better. This movie gets a 2 out of 10 rating simply because of the lousy camera-work and the whole faked and staged 'found footage' genre is generally a waste of time, space and film.
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This film is astonishing
druidlord14 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
There is little that can be said about this film that others before me haven't already written. It is a terrible film that had so much potential but decided to through that off the mountain in favour of utter trash.

The main character is someone who strolls of into the jungle and acts like he knows every inch of it. He totally ignores advise from the native peoples and regularly put others around him in danger. He is an arse and frankly, I would have shot him within the first day. To then disrespect other peoples beliefs just defies belief. This in its own right makes this film utter crass. If anything needed saving, its everyone else, from him! Strangely, the two "natives" are better acted than any of the others particularly the tracker.

As to the "monster/demon" Don't make me laugh. I agree with another reviewer, it should have been a super sized leopard or beast or something along that line. Not seeing the creature involved properly works in some films but not in this one. It just leave you bored and utterly disappointed. Thank god I hadn't just bought this. It would have been an utter waste.

My advice - go watch paint dry. Its far more entertaining and far more riveting. Gremlins was more believable than this.

Rant over. Good luck to any of you that actually sit down and watch it. You've been warned!!!
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Watchable, if you have nothing else to do...
bwow8727 July 2013
I'm all in favour of movies like Blair Witch Project with that "held camera" type of shooting.

The jungle starts off as something that could have turned into a great low budget movie. Instead it goes on a downhill road from the very beginning.

Starting with the main characters on their way to the jungle - without any actual detail of what the jungle looks like but a bunch of trees - as they dwell deeper all we get is the main character that comes across as persistent and egocentric guy trying to find A leopard... Even the fact that they bumped into the natives could've leave you guessing if you're going to find a secret cult or ritual.. but no. There is no actual development to the characters and as time goes by you'll find yourself looking at the time, wondering how much longer until it ends. After a "close encounter", 4 minutes before the movie finishes, we get a glimpse of what the creature looks like which is nothing but as what could be described as a hairy man with a wolf mask.. Something more plausible and appealing could've happened here... Not to mention that throughout the movie there is no actual scenes where this "hairy masked man" could be seen and all we get are branches braking and big roars.

It leaves the viewers without nothing to expect and with an end feeling of the so called "deja vu" - seen it all before..
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Ten times worse than Blaire Witch
andyp-011177 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This was a horrible movie, 1h20 and you get to see the monster for 3 seconds at the end. An absolute waste of time! Hand-held shaky camera throughout, OK, so its a genre, but it needs to have a purpose and this film had none. Suspense? None. Some background into the history surrounding the monster would have helped, but no, just a couple natives talking about werewolves. Looked more like a big foot. Acting was OK, but again, no where near the terror that the characters brought to life in Blair Witch. There ought to be some regulatory body that prevents some movies from being made. This review will never get published because the only thing worse than this movie is trying to publish a review on this crappy web site. It says I must have 10 lines, but hey, I can only wine so much. Give it a rest IMDb, I'm sure you are full of yourselves. Goodbye, and oh yeah, you can kill my account, please.
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Par for the course found footage
Leofwine_draca13 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
THE JUNGLE is very much a typical, by-the-numbers addition to the wave of found footage horror movies doing the rounds. This one's Australian and follows a self-proclaimed 'big cat expert' as he travels to the jungles of Indonesia in search of leopards. Unfortunately for him, he discovers something much worse instead. This cheap movie often just consists of a single actor in front of the camera, reacting to off-screen noises and movement, but the premise was handled much better in 'proper' films like PREDATOR. Aside from the jungle setting, which always makes for an engaging backdrop in a film, this is relatively slow and the horror aspect minimal.
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The Jungle "leaves" a lot to be desired
Der_Schnibbler3 January 2022
Long story short:

If you're a newbie or impressionable 16-24 type who's grown up in a sterile western environment, this will probably be scary for you. Not a bad way to waste some time.

If you're an actual horror fan, you could take it or leave it. It's not bad but it's very by-the-numbers. I'd recommend if you'd just like to throw something on that doesn't take up too much attention.

They really should've made an effort to be at least a bit more original.
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Dark side of the jungle
sweed799 August 2013
If you experience dizziness or nausea seeing videos shot by shaky hand held cameras, this is not a movie for you. Most people think that this idea of a movie is outdated and had been used in numerous films throughout the decades, directors and writers still found it amusing to use this method to break their storyline. For me, it was fine. So what if it got shaky camera all over it, this jungle still worth my time watching it. It's a similar genre to movies such as cannibal holocaust, the blair witch project, VHS and mostly most of movies nowadays produced by Hollywood but with less gore and some interesting scare factor in it. The expedition in this movie kinda give you the 'destination truth' feeling and I personally love the background that depicts indonesian villages and thick green khatulistiwa jungle much suited its title. I can't say it is great movie but it will do to pass your evening. The acting is OK and the effects is so so. I give it an eight out ten just to boost its rating.
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One of the great hand-held movies...
tomato-elephant4 December 2013
I really hated Blair Witch Project, I really liked The Tunnel, so that should give you an idea where this movie sits. It's a good horror movie. So if you wan to get scared, buy or rent this DVD, turn the lights down and watch it. I really like horror movies with logical ending so this one sits in logical ending category... It could have been better but I still enjoyed it. I think hand-held camera movies reached the level of well produced movies, but don't forget: IT IS A HAND HELD CAMERA MOVIE. Meaning: there is lots of running with a camera, screaming, shaking, visuals are not you bright daylight see everything scenes. I thought the night vision camera scenes were cool.
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Good Suspenseful Slow Burn
atticus_noiro28 November 2013
I enjoyed this film. It had a real authenticity and sense of realism about it, it didn't pull any lame punches and when the scares hit they were very effective.

Its a slow burn so if you want fast paced gore and lots of blood forget it. I thought the suspense was really well done in that it is very minimal and really relies on sound to do a lot of the work, make sure you have the sound up.

I also liked the fact that we never really get to know what the thing is- leaves it up to the imagination which is always more powerful and scary than special effect and animatronics.

I also thought the acting was good especially the relationship between Larry the scientist and Adi the tracker.
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Scary enough.
jeannerIMDb2 December 2013
I'm not a lover of scary movies but I loved Andrew Traucki's earlier film with the crocodile - Black Water. The acting from the female lead in that was superb and the effects with the crocodile very realistic. This isn't as good but he is very good at suspense which builds slowly. Like David Strattan I also don't like hand-held camera work, but it does give the feeling of maneuvering through tight jungle spaces, so perhaps its use here is appropriate. The actors give good performances but the script could have been better developed. The horror genre is a difficult choice as Hollywood can afford bigger and better effects. I hope the writer /director will make more movies. I know it isn't easy to get finance as an independent. He has talent and should persist.
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enjoyed it
dam_smoke4 December 2013
Good guy movie. You know how you watch a movie and the next day or week you forgot most of it? I saw this movie about six months ago and remember most of it. It grabs you. They did a lot for a low budget movie. If you are looking for an Oscar performance then what the f are you doing watching this movie. Guys will like it. It was made by the same guy who did Black Water and The Reef, both excellent movies. While I would give them a higher rating, this one was almost as good. Give it a shot. Man, I just wanted to write "good guy movie", but IMDb wants at least ten lines. Hope the last two were enough. Nope. Still have to write more about the movie. The wife was nice.
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The jungle is full of danger
Woodyanders1 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
An expedition group led by conservationist Larry Black (a fine and likeable performance by Rupert Reid) find themselves being stalked by a lethal legendary beast deep in the Indonesian jungle.

Writer/director Andrew Traucki keeps the absorbing story moving along at a steady pace, takes time to develop the characters, makes nice use of the exotic bright green jungle locations, and generates a good deal of tension, with an especially harrowing last fifteen minutes with our desperate protagonists realizing with grim certainty that this particular expedition may very well be their last one. Moreover, there are sturdy supporting contributions from Agoes Widjaya Soedjarwo as the helpful Budi and Igusti Budianthika as expert tracker Adi. In addition, the spare stripped-down simple documentary style gives this film a joltingly effective you-are-there immediacy. The briefly seen monster looks pretty gnarly, too. A nice little nail-biter.
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