Outlawed (2018) Poster

(I) (2018)

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compugor5 April 2019
Starts slowly and builds to a gratuitous mix of shocking violence and titillating erotica. Calls for suspension of all credibility and provides gut-level entertainment but with overdone, drawn-out wallowing in alcoholic depression on the part of the glib "hero", who sustains critical injuries but still solely prevails against multitudes upon multitudes of heavily armed opponents (and hot chicks with knives). Probably best to watch with fingers on the fast forward and pause buttons.
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SexyFairy21 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I was informed of this film since an actress I am a fan of was in it and has been hyping it up so I thought i would give it a go. A shame her scenes were cut! worst decision ever imo!

I'd like to start on the good points I think. With it being low budget what was actually achieved was pretty amazing. The locations special effects and so on were really great!! The fact that a team of local cast and crew managed to do it all with such a low budget is commendable.

I also think that the PTSD side of it was spot on and did actually strike a nerve with me. It's something that people need to be more aware of and the events portrayed with the main character in this after service happen far too frequently and it needs to change. a relative of mine suffered badly with this so i applaud showing it.

That said - What the heck was I watching???? I genuinely felt like it was some college boys wet dream!! It was as if everything that could be crammed into a film to make it ADULT was and it came off as cheesy and very laddish. Overuse of swearing to the point it was cringey - way too much gratuitous nudity without even much to see - a seemingly forced sex scene - drug use - blood and gore. Heck they even added in child death!!! All they needed was a minority and animal death and they'd be 8 for 8!! It was as if someone woke up one morning and wanted to add everything from their 80s action flick fanfiction collection into one movie. It just didn't work!

Not only that but the acting was abysmal. The lead actress was wooden and I genuinely cringed several times when she was on screen because of just how poor she was. I don't know if that was just the direction or what. The relationship and sex scene was so forced I actually rolled my eyes and gave myself a headache. Hell the extras were better actors than the main cast!

The nudity was so frequent I actually started to say 'oh no not again' which is a first for me. When that happens you know you're losing. It was more objectifying than providing anything to the film - something for the chav lads to go PHWOAR over as they chug their cans of Fosters or Carling.

Great action scenes, cliched plot, wooden acting, not using the cast to their fullest, too much in one film. Too bad.
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Don't waste your time
wyfvxkvggg27 December 2020
Bad acting, bad sound mixing. I was actually looking forward to seeing this movie but was very disappointed.
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-7.5 if I could: some of the worst writing that you will ever find in a movie.
jcmlb12 March 2019
It goes like this: imagine a bunch of your buddies, who never spent a day in the military, or in combat decide to write a movie about "British Special Operations." Have them write a movie with all the cliches like "don't call me sir, I work for a living." Then add every "operator" flagging his teammates as they fire and maneuver. Then make sure that everyone is firing from the hip, and all of their M4s have full auto select fire. Then put an eagle globe and anchor (USMC emblem) on an SAS uniform. But wait....there's more, imagine a service where a Sgt can write and submit his own discharge papers, and voila, he's out! I wish I would have written this movie's discharge papers, but without any viola, I am out.
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Jake's pathetic downfall
jcoker-531671 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This film is downright awful for two unforgivable reasons. The first is that the main love interest characters' names are "Jake and Jade". Which throws you off at the very beginning when they randomly travel to the past & you're trying to figure out who these two kids are and their names sound exactly alike.

The second is Jake's downfall which is so pathetic it's literally unbelievable. SPOILER it starts off with Jake dropping out of the special forces. As he arrives back at his hotel he finds his fiance (not Jade) having sex with some guy in the room next to theirs - mind you, she gets mad at him for catching her in the act. He walks off with his tail between his legs and decides to head to the casino and get some hookers. He proceeds to play craps when he arrives, goes all in after he won a ton of money, and loses it all. Then he heads to the bar where he chats up one of the hookers, convinces her to go to the hotel with her hooker friends. What starts off as one would assume would be a massive drug and alcohol induced orgy, instead has Jake getting so hammered he walks away from all of the fun going on in the bedroom, and passes out naked on the bathroom floor. The hookers briefly glance and him lying there, get up, empty his pockets, and walk out. We then find Jake walking down an alley, drinking a beer, when he sees an attempted rape about to happen. He tries to stop it when a mob appears out of nowhere and beat the crap out of him (Remember this guy was a Sgt in the Special Forces ~12 hours prior). Jake goes and has a seat on the gutter when it begins to rain and a passerby gives him change because they think he's homeless ... fast forward 6 months when Jade searches for Jake so he can do her a favor. When she finds him - low and behold he is literally a bum in a sleeping back on the side of the road ... You can't make this stuff up
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blueboy417587574 October 2018
Bad acting bad directing worst film I have watched in a long time don't waste your time on it
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What the hell did I just watch?
raychristy15 February 2019
1st half of the movie was just mediocre. The second half - it all just went to hell. This movie had the worst ending in all of movie history. Don't waste your time watching this misery of a movie.
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Don't Bother
devil_dragon_2025 February 2019
Got just over 30 min into it, it was bad, and then someone acting as a Lieutenant Commander is sat there her rank slides on the wrong way up! Poor research, poor continuity, poor acting. Did not waste my time finishing the movie, for the first time ever for me, I stopped watching it before the end.
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Low budget, but kept me watching. Could have been better!
ScottDWhalen24 October 2018
Well another low budget movie, but at least the blood was a LOT better in this one. The store was pretty good & really honestly nothing new. Some of the acting really wasnt that bad, but shooting the guns was pretty horrible. I think this movie would have turned out A LOT better if there was a better budget. Keep the main actor Jake & Smudge was horrible.
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shunter-6920 December 2019
The acting was awful, and the script, worse. From the narration at the very start, I knew this was low budget tat.
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It's set in Nottingham. What's not to like?
paulbocij25 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Absolutely loved this movie. Nottingham apparently has crazed terrorists, crooked politicians, private military contractors and much more - who knew? This is basically a British take on an American revenge movie. It's an entertaining mashup of Die Hard, Commando, Lethal Weapon and more.

There's no real story being told. Some mumbo jumbo about a politician's kids being killed and him seeking revenge against the main character. There's also a subplot about Nottingham-bred terrorists.

The acting is pretty bad. Only a few of the cast seem to have any experience or skill. There's also lots of (needless) swearing that sounds really strange because everyone talks in broad Nottingham accents. There's a little nudity but nothing too excessive.

Some of the visual effects were obviously created on a budget and are pretty bad. Others are pretty good and up to the standard of American movies made with bigger budgets.

Some of the fight scenes are terrible - you can actually see some people throw themselves down stairs well after being shot or otherwise dispatched!

BUT the shootout at the end is incredible. It takes place in the Council House and involves countless killers with automatic weapons, lots of grenades and even a RPG. How the film makers got permission to film there is some sort of minor miracle. This is actually a passable action scene because it obviously received the bulk of the budget and a lot more care than the other fight scenes. I'm definitely going to be very careful if I ever need to sort out a Council Tax problem.

Former stunt man Collins seems to do everything in this movie - he writes, stars and directs. As a showcase for his fighting skills, the movie is actually a good effort though it's limited by its budget. With more money, I can see him becoming like Scott Adkins in the future.

If you make allowances for the low budget, the amateurish acting, the lack of any coherent plot and a million other flaws, you might enjoy this movie. If you know Nottingham, you definitely will get a kick from it. This has got to be the first ever American-style action movie featuring the East Midlands instead of New York, LA or another US city. It's worth seeing for that alone.

This review is a little tongue-in-cheek but I've given the movie 10/10 because it tries very hard to establish Collins as a future action hero and features the UK for a change. Yes, it's pretty bad as movies go but you've got to applaud Collins for effort and for trying to be a little different.
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Absolute rubbish
ozollie21 February 2019
I haven't seen acting this bad in years. I think the actors, if you can call them that, were reading from the script & told not to use any emotion after their faces were pumped full of Botox. Robots show more emotion than these actors.

Why do they let people do stunts with firearms when they have no basic idea of how they function & how to actually use them?
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More entertaining spotting all of the bad bits
dave-9608811 October 2018
Whoever was the military liaison for this needs shooting. Naval officer women plastered with makeup, Royal Marin boss with WW2 medal ribbons (I have the same set of my granfathers upstairs).

Saluting the audience for medal collection, senior experienced soldiers (apparently) without medals. In todays day and age, any experience squaddie would have one.

Some acting is actually OK but the timing is naff.

The whole story is unbelievable.

Shooting from the hip with intense accuracy. If it was filmed in USA then I could understand it.

Watch the film for a laugh and some good looking ladies (and blokes).
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Truly shocking - for all the wrong reasons
cameronhawton17 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Man rides towards towards a government building on a motorbike in broad daylight and shoots a handgun towards 4 heavily armed guards with automatic weapons.... and survives.

Enough said about this movie. Not a bad montage leading up to the action, so there's your one star Adam Collins (story/director/main actor)
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Just awful
tommyhacket28 December 2019
So I signed up to to write this review. Who ever researched the military side of things needs sacking. Just going to list everything that was wrong in the first 10 minutes before turning it off.

1: Using standard issue respirators as I'm guessing an oxygen mask. 2: 4 man team doing a HALO/HAHO jump with no equipment. 3: Crack team of fighters using the worlds worst standard issue rifle. 4: Taking a GPMG. 5: No helmets. 6: The whole not shaving thing, especially at awards ceremony. 7: Saluting a civi.

These are just the ones I picked up on barely watching the movie. Just dont bother watching!!!
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Another Poor Acting without any script movie
mayank-813-37868115 March 2020
Except the lead actor, nobody even knew how deliver simple dialogues. Expressions didn't match the situations. Worst acting. Seems like some actor or producer had some money to spend in a movie. Script has a weak story line with a xx sex scene (which was not required at that situation in the movie). Won't waste your time on this. There are far better movies than this to watch.
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Fails on many levels
coolcleangreen15 January 2021
This film has an abundance of problems but the worst is the grating non-stop instrumental score that drowns out bits of dialogue and overreaches for dramatic effect throughout. I had to watch it on mute with subtitles for half the film. Truth...I should have just turned the film off. It fails even as an action movie because the action, well, it sucks. The sexy scenes are like mini music videos. Don't waste time on this film. I do not recommend it. 2/10 because it tried.
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Ho on earth has this got 6 out of 10
nadi-8769011 December 2019
OK this film might not have had the biggest budget but you would expect it to be slightly believable, just take the end scenes for example, absolute rubbish
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Great low budget action flick
jonnym-881729 January 2019
A lot of people might not know this, but having known the film makers personally, it's worth mentioning that this film was made with no outside investment or budget and was in fact entirely self funded. With that in mind, I think it's an outstanding effort, especially for a first film. Okay, so the story is a little muddled and clunky in places, and there are issues with continuity, but the sheer scale and impressive production value on screen easily matches that of other B movie titles in its league. It has all the ingredients and feel of the old 80's action movies and was definitely an enjoyable watch. If this is what can be produced with no money, I'm looking forward to seeing what these guys do next.
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mark-385022 February 2019
Well, some people got some work...at least there's that.
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This is the worst movie ever made
chris-7078721 February 2019
Worst movie ever made. And not in the so bad it's amusingly good kind of way, this is just horrible. From start to end it is horrible. The acting is horrendous, the script is terrible, the premise is junk, everything about this movie is bad. Bad bad bad bad. Bad.
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Unbelievably Bad
myspam-3416116 February 2019
Never felt the need to leave a review on IMDB but after watching this I felt compelled to save others from suffering the same agony I just endured. Obviously it's a low budget production but whatever they spent the little funds they had on, it certainly wasn't on the script or talent. I've seen school plays that have been better performed. The storyline was passable for the action genre just really, really badly implemented. Please do yourself a favour and don't waste 2 hours of your life watching this.
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Utter nonesense
robertasmith28 November 2019
Appalling script, acting and accuracy. This attempt at portraying UK special forces and domestic terrorism/gangsterism is so banal it is almost funny. The body count in one short film is higher than all the gun deaths in the uk for a year. Our special forces are not that ignorant and ill disciplined and this is just an insult to all those that serve. Sometimes films are so bad, there is a perverse enjoyment to them. This isn't one of them.
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Sooooo BAD
ride-897-72935918 June 2019
Oh man I could not get thru the first 20 mins without cringing. The acting is shockingly bad. The gunfight scene at the car junkyard is just pathetic. I just could not bring myself to watch anymore. Do yourself a favour and give it a HUGE miss.
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rkarpfen14 October 2018
I like when the old gay from the end shoot him in chest and when exit from the building the t-shirt was no longer penetrated(shooted) =))) english movie =)))
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