The Quiet Hour (2014) Poster

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Quiet inside
kosmasp8 November 2021
An independent movie with a low budget - what can one expect? There have been way better movies in a few respects, with similar things (production values, genre, actors etc). Having said that, this is quite decent to say the least. The story is tight overall and while it all plays out more or less in one location, that helps the movie quite a lot.

You still have to cut the movie some slack and suspend your disbelief. The what would I do department is always one that is quite rich when it comes to movies like this one. Still give it a try if you have a heart for it - after the beginning you should be able to tell if the movie and you are a good fit.
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"The Quiet Hour" deserves recognition for its approach to alien invasion, leaves some questions unanswered and the feeling the characters could have explored more deeply
fernandoschiavi29 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"The Quiet Hour" is Stephanie Joalland's latest post-apocalyptic film, set after an alien invasion. A brother, Tom (Jack McMullen), and a sister, Sarah (Dakota Blue Richards), take shelter on their parents' farm. Tom, as we quickly discover, is blind. Sarah opens the film burying a body, which we soon discover is her father's, and Tom has no idea. The reason this movie is called "The Quiet Hour" is because there are only a few hours a day that they can go outside without getting killed by the aliens, making everything even more isolating.

While Sarah goes out to find food, a soldier, Jude (Karl Davies), breaks into their house and steals what little they have to eat. Fortunately, Sarah returns in time to stop him. However, they are not alone. A convoy of five people sets up in front of the farm and demands that they release the soldier and in return they will leave. The whole situation has a very familiar feel to the movie "The Purge." The soldier reveals that he is a journalist and not a soldier, and that these people killed his wife and son. One of the men in the car breaks into the house and tries to r*pe Sarah, but Jude knocks him down. The woman, Kathryn (Brigitte Millar), in the car makes contact, saying that if they hand over her husband's body, they will leave. They hand over the body, but as it turns out, they don't leave. Instead, there is a less intense confrontation in the barn. In the end, the only survivors are Sarah and Tom, and we return to where we started.

With a greater focus on characterizations and less on alien activity, this film is well-crafted and is more about how people would survive in any situation. If it weren't for the occasional glance at the sky where we see alien ships hovering, you would forget that an alien invasion is taking place. Why are the aliens here? Apparently, they are mining minerals from Earth, what minerals they are, we have no idea. The aliens also leave the planet as soon as they arrive, without explanation. Stephanie Joalland's feature directorial debut doesn't bring us anything we haven't seen before, but what it does show is that the ability to create a film in one location can be done competently.

Here, the alien invasion scenario is just the stage on which the survival thriller is set. While some may see this as a major plot hole, it needs to be approached from a different perspective. Right now, in this place, the invasion is secondary to the more immediate threat to Sarah, Tom and Jude from the bandits who want to kill them and take what they have. That's the true genius of the story. It could have easily been told without the alien part of the plot. But the fact is that the characters don't know much more than the viewers. They just know that their world has been attacked and they are doing what they need to do to survive.

In fact, it's the survival thriller side of the film that leaves something to be desired. After the bandits arrive with a terrifying attack, the story slows down, hinting at a romance between Sarah and Jude, with younger brother Tom disapproving of this stranger in their home. Meanwhile, the bandits prove to be remarkably inefficient at their profession, making you wonder how they managed to survive so long. Ultimately, a weak group of antagonists results in a story that isn't as engaging as it could have been. On the other hand, Stéphanie Joalland, who wrote and directed the film, manages to capture the feeling of Sarah and Tom's remote exile. Their only connection to the outside world was a CB radio until Jude's arrival. The performances from the three main cast members are passable and mostly convincing, stretched only by the material they have to work with.

There is an additional conflict in the story that explains the reason behind Earth's state. This is indeed an interesting idea (which really shouldn't be spoiled), but it doesn't get enough attention in the plot, although I also understand the idea of creating an ambiguous threat to parallel the very evident problem these main characters are forced to face. . Questions are placed before the viewer, and gradually the answers are revealed. This works, and structurally, it's very well done. Some bold and unexpected tactics could have paid big dividends, but they could have just as easily sunk the ship.

"The Quiet Hour" turns to the human characters to create its enemies, and for the most part, it succeeds. For an hour a day, the aliens are silent, allowing the remaining members of humanity to move freely and play a particularly mischievous game of chess as they fight for resources. This means that "The Quiet Hour" relies heavily on its ability to create tension. We spend most of the film on Tom and Sarah's farm, trying to determine whether Jude is a blessing or a curse to these young siblings. These moments create a tense atmosphere. There's the constant threat of the outside world closing in on the walls, and Jude's uncertain presence within them adds extra spice to events. An interesting aspect of the film is the decision not to show the aliens, just their spaceships. This makes the story more focused on the human characters and their struggles, leaving the aliens as an abstract threat. This choice increases suspense and anxiety, as viewers are in the same position as the characters, without knowing exactly what they are facing.

The plot also has well-directed passages that create tension, especially due to a very well filmed attempted r*pe scene. There is no nudity, just pure horror. The fact that Tom and Jude are downstairs, within shouting distance, makes the scene that much more uncomfortable. Fortunately, Jude strangles him before the act can happen. This just goes to show that you can film a r*pe scene without it being graphic and exposed. It can be subtle and equally or more frightening. There are also small scenes of mistrust and tension that unfold until the brothers have more details about Jude's past life. The fact that the protagonists and the audience don't know whether or not they can trust that intruder makes for some very interesting moments.

But for the most part, "The Quiet Hour" is slower paced, more intimate and has no real ending. Just stop. The script could have gone in so many directions that would have made this plot more compelling. More scenes of tension and suspense throughout the film with more well-developed and threatening antagonists would be a more than welcome addition. Already in the last minutes, perhaps with everyone dying except Tom and he must live his life alone and blind. Maybe the farmhouse burns down and they have to start over. But the ending was really abrupt and without courage. However, one thing I really like about this movie is that they never show the aliens. Just your ships. The feeling is mixed at the end of the credits, while the premise is interesting and we want to get more involved with the story, this slower aspect, without major events or twists and weak antagonists ends up taking away much of the strength of the narrative.

Additionally, the abrupt ending may leave some viewers wishing for more resolution. This is an example of how post-apocalyptic cinema can excel by focusing on human struggles and creating an oppressive atmosphere. Despite its imperfections, it's a solid choice for those who appreciate a tense thriller and a different take on an apocalyptic setting. It is also worth it for the good performance of the cast, especially by the beautiful Dakota Blue Richards, who shows the strength, courage, intelligence and also the vulnerability of her character in a precise way. In the end, "The Quiet Hour" is a post-apocalyptic film that deserves recognition for its unique approach to alien invasion. Although it presents some deficiencies in the narrative and performances, its ability to create a constantly tense and claustrophobic atmosphere captivates the viewer. The choice not to reveal the aliens, keeping them as an abstract threat, adds mystery and suspense to the story. However, it is important to note that the film leaves some questions unanswered and leaves the feeling that it could have explored more deeply the conflicts and moral dilemmas of its characters.
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Dull, Trite and Plot less
rickcadger-676352 November 2015
Visually, this low budget drama is nicely done with atmospheric location and lighting.

The performances aren't bad. The main problem is that the actors really had very little to work with, and I feel for them.

There is no real plot beyond a very shallow rehash of the besieged-by-nutters theme. The SF/alien aspect is completely superfluous and is in no way required by the travesty that masquerades as a storyline. The dialogue is dreadful, with thin chunks of cliché exposition and old-hat speculations about aliens who the budget will not allow us to see.

As is so often the case, the first reviews of this movie are implausibly glowing... and similar. Draw your own conclusions.
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Utterly, utterly dull.
paul-catanach27 October 2016
I really should learn to check reviews before watching these things. I could have gone out to the shed, got some paint, daubed it on a wall and sat down to watch that dry instead.

Described as "sci-fi" there was very little to merit that description apart from a few brief CGI shots of alien spaceships hanging from the clouds like haemorroids. At least that was all I saw of the sci-fi element in this film before I realised that its lack of pace was casting an air of gloom over me and switched off.

The plot is slow. I mean, glacial. It's also, how can I put this.........dull.

I tried really hard but gave up after 35 minutes.
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The director and his friends rated this movie... I guess
ovalles-6033627 April 2019
Simply a bad Movie with a so called plot. It´s not a sci fi movie. The worst for me was the acting, especially the blind guy that looks at everything. Overated film that deserves 3 or 2 in IMDb. I think It was rated for those who produce the movie or were part of the cast.
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Absolutely Dreadful
adampsb31 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This was without doubt one of the worst films I have ever seen. There is no explanation about what the aliens are, what they want, where they came from, what they are doing, what they look like.. in fact apart from a couple of shots of their ships you would be hard pressed to realise there were any aliens at all.

It has the feel and the ambiance of a good independent movie but just lacks the little things that would have made it a success. The hint that the initial person that enters the house is lying and then repeated by the gang member just isn't elaborated upon enough especially when she says they disagreed on what to do to survive, there is the hit of cannibalism that isn't detailed enough in terms of examining whether he had done so and who he really was with the knowledge of the gang members.

The scene where they almost kill themselves by drinking bleach is touching but as all they would have needed to do would be walk up the road it doesn't really have the desired resonance

The plot is simple enough and the acting reasonable but the characters simply do not develop and in essence the film doesn't really go anywhere which leaves you wishing you hadn't bothered.
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Mad Straw Bogs
mahonyjohn-0219928 October 2016
As I watched this mixture of clichés,stereotypes and costume characters from assorted other films I was just thankful that I had not attended the various film festivals that had selected this film as an entry. If there is an independent film that gives the title "independent" a bad name it is this one. And the positive reviews ? One wonders if there is an attempt by friends or professional "others" to sell films like this via review systems . What film festival selection committee could select this film as sci fi ? Or as independent....the very nature of this kind of cinema is an attempt to produce cinema which is outside the mainstream, not just in production/distribution , but in cinematic styles and/or content/themes....but also offering an attempt at originality. The Quiet Hour offers none, and as such is horribly depressing in that so many festivals, and those who promote such a concoction of stereotypes, represent poor respect for the real wealth that cinema has to offer...
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Moody piece on the psychology of survival
peppersghost14 April 2016
As often, reviews and ratings on IMDb are completely wrong, as I found The Quiet Hour vastly underrated.

In gloom and at slow pace, accompanied by a very rich and touching score by Carlos José Alvarez, following Sarah and Tom through the hardships of survival is an intimate journey.

By avoiding an excess of action-driven plot points, as you would expect from your average alien invasion film, this one comes across far more evocative and tense.

It reminded me a bit of Testament by Lynne Littman, but The Quiet Hour is the better cinematic experience of the two, and I guess somewhat more positive. (Not that any of them could really be called cheerful to the slightest.)
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The boring hour more like it...
paul_haakonsen29 July 2021
I read the synopsis for this 2014 sci-fi thriller and must say that the whole alien invasion aspect sounded interesting enough. Now, normally I am not overly keen on sci-fi movies, but I liked the cover and the synopsis here, so I gave "The Quiet Hour" a chance.

And I made it a mind-boggling 55 minutes into the ordeal before I gave up. It was painstakingly clear then that the movie was never going to get up into a watchable pace. And yeah, in those excruciating 55 minutes nothing, and I mean nothing, had happened.

I have no idea what writer and director Stéphanie Joalland hoped to accomplish with this movie, but it certainly wasn't good entertainment.

Sure, the acting in the movie was adequate, and despite having a very small cast ensemble, then I will say that the people on the cast list managed to pull off their jobs well enough. But they were just fighting a steep uphill battle against a total lack of story.

In the 55 minutes that I suffered through there wasn't even anything remotely of a sense of despair or anything that resembled the world having been through an alien invasion.

"The Quiet Hour" is without a doubt one of the most boring, uneventful and fully unnecessary movies that I have stumbled upon. And believe me when I say that I am never returning to watch the rest of the movie, because there was just absolutely nothing worthwhile here.

I am rating "The Quiet Hour" one out of ten stars rating. If you enjoy sci-fi, do yourself a big favor and give this movie a wide berth.
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A good movie - just not a sci-fi movie
Hajimoto062519 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I was really at a loss as to why this movie had so many bad reviews, and then I realized that they must be from people who were expecting a sci-fi flick. This is definitely not a sci-fi movie. It uses a sci-fi concept as a story backdrop while the real story focuses on human behavior and survivalism.

The cinematography of this film is reminds me a bit of 'The Road', though not as dreary. The acting is really good, and Dakota Blue Richards is beautiful in her strength and love for her brother. She steals the show in this movie.

If you are looking for a good scifi movie, this film is not for you. If you are looking for a touching story of post apocalyptic family survival, definitely check 'The Quiet Hours' out.
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Tight short indie movie aimed at late teens
robertemerald6 January 2019
The actors are good, the filming is good and the production is good. If this was a meal I'd describe it as good vegetarian. There's nothing really original, there are other movies with a very similar theme out there. It's power is its youth, our heroes, honestly portrayed when faced with loss and other far more aggressive stranger adults, whom happen to outnumber them. The youngest is immature and has a disability, all wrong steps stem from this innocence. From that point of view this is well crafted, and an engaging experience. The plot has several moments of true creativity and forethought. It ends well, which was satisfying. For me, being much older than the cast, I tended to see many missed opportunities. Sometimes the camera captured nature or sky with real flare, but there could have been much more of this. The Quiet Hour could have been peppered with symbolic natural image, on both small and grand scale. I liked the location, but it wasn't invested with enough for me. Then there is the aliens. I'm assuming a truly tight budget, because a bit more of that creativity could have brought this movie into a more contemporary horror. We enjoy a new age of computer graphics, and we should delight in possibilities. Overall though, as the movie wasn't long, I'm happy to recommend it.
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marialiiva13 September 2021
Perfect title since most of the movie is just boring...
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Lost for words
Lokii32116 October 2021
Well I cannot even review this movie as it is soo bad.

There is little to nothing to say.... I cannot even find a word that is bad enough to describe it!!!

Oh yes.... Less than amateur, abominable, atrocious, diabolical, incompetent, pathetic, abysmal.
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Breathy and boring
n-kriaraki27 January 2022
I lasted 29 minutes before giving up on this film. The main female character doesn't behave or make choices that seem to fit the circumstances and the blind brother doesn't seem very blind after the first 20 minutes, to say the least. The carrots were obviously "planted" (ha ha) and the female character sewed up the guy's leg after dabbing slightly with a cotton pad and without checking for an exit wound or diggout out the billet. Go figure. Basic stuff. .
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Just short of an hour...
rosslittle-278-65728014 January 2022
53 minutes to be exact. That's how long I could cope with this tediumfest. I'm not really sure what else to say.... I'm not sure what this film even wants to be.. but all I can say is that as usual for a British/Irish (I don't actually care) film, the delivery is stilted, everything is in close-up, the dramatics are amateur and every scene is shockingly over lit... It puts me in mind of that Simpsons episode where they decide British film... Condensation...
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Snooze fest
willderdavidjames11 November 2022
So dull, nothing much happens, the only way i got through it was by exercising and doing other things... I dont like exercising. Themes are the usual around not losing hope, and the choices faced by survivors in extreme circumstances, remaining civilised. Little nudge towards the road if anyone has read or seen that. Little wink to day of triffids.

For die hard sci fi fans like me.. even more disappointment in the lack of alien visuals and storyline behind their appearance / ability to conquer, their intentions etc. What there is is basic really.

Watch something else and dont do this to yourself.
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Quiet because you fall asleep
bored_bingewatcher18 May 2023
I had to pause this one halfway in, then finish it later. It is pretty boring and insubstantial. The plot is something that should last for ten minutes. I've seen SpongeBob episodes with more plot. I get that they're on a budget and can't make a film about fighting aliens, and I wasn't demanding that either as I'm not the biggest on sci-fi. In fact, I think the few shots of the alien structures we got were pretty well-made, especially for low-budget. I also like the overall cinematography of the film.

However, there were so many ways of making this a good drama film, which was the intention. Have many people show up in the house and create internal conflict as the weirdos outside still form a threat. Instead, there is only sister and brother and the one unwanted visitor, and the villains are not nearly as threatening as they want you to think. At least it wasn't as slow and boring as A Quiet Place, so I can give it that.
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Rather Good Independent existentialist Sci-Fi
t-dooley-69-3869168 November 2015
Aliens have invaded the World to plunder the Earth's mineral resources. It is one year on and all anyone seems to know about them is that for two hours a day they return to their Mother Ships and people can come out of hiding. If they are caught outside at any other time they are killed.

Sarah – Dakota Blue-Richards ('Skins') is living on a farm with her brother and father and they are managing to survive with their limited food stocks and solar panels for power. Others are not so fortunate and she knows that it is only a matter of time before other people turn up and find their idyll. She has had to grow up fast but does not know if she has the mettle that will be needed if such an event occurs; she does not have long to wait to be tested.

Now thus is an independent film with a sci-fi twist and for lovers of the genre this may well fall short of expectations. However, if- like me- you love existential films and the psychological elements then you may well be pleasantly surprised. The acting is al solid with a great sense of foreboding throughout. It is also engaging and the characters all manage to engender the right amount of chemistry to make you care about them. The action is done well too. This is a film I really enjoyed and hardly noticed as the time passed – which is always the sign of a god production. Another example of how independent does not mean done on the cheap – recommended viewing.
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No Payoff
samstone1121 January 2022
Excellent thought exercise, well written, and easily keeps one's attention. However, aside from the inevitable "what if this was me?", the end result as presented is empty. The writing is engaging throughout until the final scene where it seems the writers ran past their deadline so the producer had some kindergarteners finish up with their crayons.

Still worth watching solely for the premise, but looking forward to a rewarding ending is not going to pay off.
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Simple but good movie about a brother and a sister trying to survive
fandomfatale24 May 2021
I can't understand the 4.7 rating. This movie may not stand out in any particular way but it doesn't have any of the hallmarks of a bad movie. The acting is good, it looks good, it has a simple story but one that is compelling and a good atmosphere. I enjoyed watching it.

Sarah and her blind brother Tom are trying to survive after an alien invasion has ended life as they knew it and wiped out most of the Earth's population. (She's described as "feisty" officially but not that's not the word I would have used. She's just trying to get by, like everyone else.) When a stranger, Jude, pursued by a violent gang, disturbs Sarah and Tom's home, they have to decide whether or not to trust him and figure out how to stop the threat of the gang.

It doesn't have sci-fi action, it's a "quiet" film with a background sci-fi setting but still some interesting alien images and ideas.
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Survival Ain't Easy When You Have Aliens And Cannibals To Worry About
Pairic12 November 2023
The Quiet Hour (2014): A British SF film (although it was shot in County Tipperary in Ireland) about an alien invasion, really more Post Apocalypse because this is the end of the world as we know it. We never see the aliens, just their Mother ships hanging the sky and the scout ships they send out to zap humans. Apparently they have come to extract minerals from the Earth's crust (we se vast open cast mines). Civilisation has fallen, only isolated groups of people survive. The narrative begins at an isolated farmhouse, 19 year old Sarah and her younger brother Tom are the only surviving members of their family, Tom was blinded in the attack which killed her mother. Their farmhouse comes under siege from marauders and they to decide whether to trust a stranger, A bleak take with more than one unreliable narrator. There is a sparse backstory available, we pick up information from conversations rather than infodumps. We see the savagery which has resulted from the crumbling of society, cannibalism isn't just alluded to - we also see evidence of it if not the actual act. Good acting. A lot more could have been achieved with a bigger budget, Still, well worth watching. Written and Directed by Stéphanie Joalland. On Netflix. 6.5/10.
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Robust yet thoughtful sci-fi thriller which truly delivers
chuckcorrado12 July 2014
So often one sees hopeless work coming from a low budget — where the financial limitations of a production are translated into visible cracks in the films structure and production values. The same cannot be said of The Quiet Hour which imaginatively and creatively uses its financial limitations to its advantage and also deftly manages to work the things that count, such as decent camera equipment, locations, acting, CGI and narrative framework.

The film focuses on the story of Sarah, a nineteen year old ex-veterinary student who has to defend her farm, blind younger brother and livestock not so much from the unseen alien predators that have arrived to pillage the earth of its natural resources as from a gang of bad guys who want to take over her farm.

The action largely takes place in the house and surrounding grounds where director Stéphanie Joalland (in her feature debut) strikes a fine balance between building dramatic tension and fleshing out the characters.

Given that this is primarily a slice of genre cinema it is refreshing that so much effort has gone into character development and performance. Also the backdrop of the alien apocalypse has been carefully considered, rendering the picture refreshingly devoid of plot holes. Highly recommended.
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Ery good
mary-laking28 December 2019
I really enjoyed this - I kept thinking I should go to bed but couldn't stop watching. Whether you like it or not depends on whether you prefer action over thoughtful plots - I like both and wasn't disappointed with this. I didn't need aliens to be engaged.
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I Recommend You Check this One Out
markkbranson20 November 2017
OK: if you have been following my reviews, I typically am seeing second or third rate films that I often tell you up front to avoid. This one is different in several ways: acting, directing, and cinematography. If one of all of these aspects interest you, then definitely check "The Quiet Hour" out!

The acting is above the typical indie or even main stream feature. Dakota Blue Richards is compelling as the girl/woman who drives this film. Her survival strength is unbelievable--whether it is burying her dead father or surviving a rape attempt. She is worth watching.

Also compelling is Karl Davies. I do not have HBO so I have not seen him in "Games of Thrones"; however, his skills is emerging: he enters as a questionable character, he wins out hearts (see particularly is teary time with Richards--his tears really look real!), and he leaves the film with a question mark. His talent is emerging and he, too, deserves your interest in tracking his career.

The director is Stephanie Joalland and certainly she needs your attention. I saw in an interview with the "Austin Chronicle" that she is influenced by Daphne do Maurier novella, "The Birds," NOT the Hitchcock film. Indeed, the pacing and the horror is not in things beyond us, but things that are within us. Joalland paces the film in an careful manner where we can reflect on what horror really is. She directs her cast in a thoughtful manner and frames shots that capture the beauty of the country-side OR build anxiety as the plot moves. Certainly this director is one I want to see more from.

I do have one complaint: the ending is hurried and is not earned. I would have preferred something more ambiguous (I don't want to say any more because I don't want to post a spoiler here.)Some may appreciate this ending, but you see my caution. The ending, however, does not ruin the experience of this film.

So check out "The Quiet Hour." If you like a hybrid of sci-fi and post-apocalypse survival with solid acting and directing, this film is for you!
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An ambitious first feature that delivers the goods
stu-harrison13 February 2015
This is a clever sci-fi movie set in the obligatory post-apocalyptic world -- where humans must fight to survive in the midst of an alien invasion. However, it's a surprisingly original and thoughtful first feature by director Stephanie Joalland.

Plot summary: teenager Sarah and her brother Tom, who is blind, must defend their lonely farm house against marauding strangers while staying hidden from alien invaders.

The Quiet Hour's tiny budget was allocated well. There's a minimal cast and basic sets, yet this little film matches bigger productions with its well paced storyline and polished editing. Definitely recommended.
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