Weaving the Past: Journey of Discovery (2014) Poster

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Riveting experience through an amazing personal journey...
bettylu9020 October 2014
"Weaving the Past: Journey of Discovery," a truly amazing documentary written by Walter Dominguez and Executive Produced by Shelley Morrison ("Rosario" from Will & Grace) that my family and I had the wonderful opportunity to watch; one that definitely made a positive and nostalgic impression in all our hearts. Watching "Weaving the Past: Journey of Discovery," transported us through this inexplicable journey and Walter's labor of love, giving me an unexpected desire to make my own journey of discovery and learn more about my ancestry. This well documented personal family story and 13-year journey is one of admiration. His quest to learn more about his grandfather and all the unanswered questions he needed answers to were visibly seen and felt through this film. His voraciousness for it all unknowingly made me realize that everyone present shared a common denominator: the importance of family lineage and how we must strive to continue carrying on those specific family traits we at times become oblivious to. It was with tears while watching the film that I realized how nonchalant I have been regarding the importance of family, what unfortunate struggles my own family might have gone through and most importantly what part of them I carry in me without me even knowing it. I strongly encourage EVERYONE to make it a point to see this documentary, to have the remarkable experience to also be transported and to maybe open a door to one's family history no one ever fathomed to enter until now. Because of this personal experience in watching the film, it compelled me to begin a brief search into my family's past and have been blessed to encounter with members of my own family I had never had knowledge about; being left with uncovered surprises I still have to go through. Please don't miss this riveting experience and remarkable film, if anything, it will undoubtedly touch your heart and make you appreciate family more...
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A journey well worth taking
lajones9993 October 2014
Thank goodness for documentaries with heart and soul! "Weaving the Past: Journey of Discovery" has that and more as director/writer Walter Dominguez takes us along on his personal journey to uncover the past of his late maternal grandfather, Reverend Emilio Hernandez, and fulfill his grandfather's request to reunite his Mexican and American-born families that have been separated for over 100 years. Through his special brand of story telling, Dominguez invites the audience to join in his discoveries that connects him with his past and current family.

I personally loved this film because it's not your run of the mill documentary churning out historical facts, recounting history through standard still photo's and talking heads. While the film includes these elements, Dominguez weaves his family's personal stories of love, friendship, tragedy, faith and redemption into a larger story about the Mexican revolution, which makes you care because you know the players.

"Weaving the Past" is really a spiritual search that takes us on a 12-year odyssey. Motivated by a mid-life crisis brought on by the tumultuous aftermath of September 11, 2001 and Dominguez's struggle to come to terms with his own mortality, we see how one man's need to make amends to his grandfather turns into an archetypical homecoming.

The film begins with Dominguez retracing his grandfather's history as a Methodist minister in the bucolic community of Santa Paula, California. We quickly learn that his grandfather, Emilio Hernandez or "Tata" (as the director affectionately refers to him) has a darker past.

Through impressive research and tireless determination, Dominguez follows his grandfather's journey from an orphaned child to a participant in the Mexican Revolution. In his effort to find more about his grandfather, Dominguez also uncovers a crucial but unsung hero of the revolution - Praxedis Guerrero. Guerrero's family (specifically Praxedis' sister Cliotilde) took in the young Emilio who was found wandering through the rugged hills near the Guerrero's hacienda. Cliotilde becomes a key figure in Emilio's personal life, while Praxedis and Emilio later become close friends and compatriots for the cause of human rights in Mexico.

Throughout the film we are treated with a cast of remarkable and touching characters, re- enactments and an extremely vital part of Mexican and American history that is so topical in the world we are currently living in regarding immigration, class and race. This is a history lesson that all Americans should know more about, especially those living in this great state of California.

As a viewer, we are reminded of the societal imbalances that still affect our society today. Are not the topics of murder, rape and enslavement of the poor still issues Mexico (and other countries across the globe) is dealing with more then 100 years after the movies hero, Emilio Hernandez crossed the borders of Mexico and the U.S.? Even in present day America, are we not dealing with the issue of the majority of the wealth being controlled by an elite few while the middle class wilts and dies?

The players are different today, but the director of "Weaving the Past" eloquently explains this historical significance and how American capitalists participated in and profited from Mexico's abuse of the poor.

By sharing his grandfather's story with us, the audience is brought into the awareness of our common humanity regardless of race. The movie takes its time to unfold, but the poignant and moving reveal at the end is well worth it. As I mentioned at the beginning of this review, this documentary is not your standard fare. When is the last time you were laughing and crying watching a documentary because you were so moved by the people and the stories? I highly recommend you take this amazing journey with Mr. Dominguez.
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A moving and exciting true story!
pamtajimapraeger4726 October 2014
"Weaving the Past: Journey of Discovery" a full-length documentary movingly tells the story of the personal quest of writer/director, Walter Dominguez, as he searched for the story of his late maternal grandfather, Rev. Emilio Hernandez, a Methodist pastor in Santa Paula, California. The story was both intriguing and educational, and narrated by Dominguez, I was pulled into a story about a young child, wandering alone in pre-revolutionary Mexico; a child being taken in by wealthy hacienda owners, cared for and influenced to join into the struggle for the rights of indigenous people; a young man ill and impoverished in Los Angeles; and the transformation of Emilio Hernandez into a Protestant preacher in California.

As a native Californian, I was stunned by how little I was ever taught or learned about our neighboring country, Mexico, and about the lives of those who migrated to and contributed so much to California. Walter Dominguez uses re-enactments, interviews, photos, film journeys, and documents from extensive research to keep this obvious labor of love and atonement fascinating. The documentary has interesting elements for any viewer but especially any Californian, immigrants or their descendants, and lovers of good film. As a retired college administrator, I have recommended "Weaving the Past: Journey of Discovery" to my family and high school and college educators, who are looking for authentic stories of personal courage, perseverance, love, and battles for justice and freedom. Bravo to Walter Dominguez for giving us this story.
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The Odyssey of Weaving The Past: A Journey of Discovery
ethnicpictures-80-17472429 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
What an amazing film! I loved it. I was transported by the visual images and narration created by Director Walter Dominguez and his team. His cinematic time line set me in a place where the images were taking me. I laughed along with Dominguez' family appreciating their truth, his search and the history brought to life by a magnificent storytelling talent. The story of his family presented a spiritual quest I have rarely experienced in a theater. His narrative became part of my realm, making me want to look deeper into my own family history.

A documentary film is a non-fiction, creative treatment of actuality, intended to document some aspect of reality, primarily for the purpose of educating or maintaining a historical record. Documentaries are a filmmaking practice, a cinematic tradition, continually evolving and without borders. "WEAVING THE PAST: JOURNEY OF DISCOVERY" is all of the above.

Dominguez' 13-year odyssey of a century throughout Mexico and the US Southwest is an example to follow. The experience had to be as healing and renovating to the spirit for the Director as it was for my own sense of freedom navigating his past. His cinematic pilgrimage does exactly what it was suppose to do: create wonder, arouse questions and curiosity and enlighten the spirit.

Congratulations Mr. Dominguez for your exquisite work.
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An Inspiring Personal and Historical Journey
hybridd29 September 2014
"Weaving the Past" is a lovingly wrought and remarkable film that artfully knits together both the director's journey to discover the true story of his grandfather Emilio's hidden past and his own journey through identity crisis to self discovery.

I loved the quick transitions from current situations in the director's journey to mirroring similar situations his grandfather might have been going through 100 years earlier.

The episodes that detail Emilio's involvement with journalist and revolutionary Práxedis Guerrero and his sometimes violent actions that helped to build momentum for the Mexican Revolution and overthrow of Porfirio Díaz's exploitive, autocratic regime are some of the most fascinating and they put Emilio's life in vivid historical context. It also makes us appreciate Emilio's rescue by a Methodist minister and transformation from revolutionary to man of God all the more. The commentary on the US sometimes covert involvement in the Revolution is also revealing.

The distant family members he meets create a fascinating group portrait that's a multi-faceted reflection of how nature and nurture weave together to make each of us who we are.

There's much to appreciate in Dominguez' film – many story lines and the director's relentless searching for answers propel us forward as they are woven together.

Faith, family, real-life heroes, tragedy and redemption, "Weaving the Past" has it all!
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A remarkable achievement!
ojkralovec20 March 2017
"Weaving the Past: Journey of Discovery" is a remarkable achievement. Mr. Dominguez has accomplished a rare artistic feat, creating a beautiful cinematic tapestry that weaves together his very personal journey with the universal experience of searching for our roots – all accomplished against the backdrop of the magnificent culture of Mexico and our shared humanity.

Mr. Dominguez presents his heartfelt personal journey with warmth and sensitivity as we follow him on a path to greater self-knowledge, acceptance, healing and inner peace. His engaging narrative style and poignant revelations draw us into personal story while opening the door to the broader, universal yearning of each of us to reclaim a deeper sense of our own selves and our ancestral heritage.

A critically important and timely aspect of his film is the insight Mr. Dominguez provides into the rich cultural traditions of Mexico and the beauty, intelligence, and warmth of the Mexican peoples. During this unfortunate time of extreme political rhetoric and inappropriate, inaccurate and at times demeaning stereotyping, this film shines a bright light on our shared humanity and moves us beyond the superficial differences of race or culture. By experiencing this film with an open heart and open mind we are not only moved by his journey but also able to rise above prejudices and, possibly, be transformed ourselves.
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Take This Journey with Walter Dominguez
sheilarodriguez-968421 November 2015
"Weaving the Past: Journey of Discovery" is a film that I have seen a number of times now by myself or with family or friends. This is a wonderful film and with every viewing I see something new. But even if you only watch it once, what you will come away with is so rewarding emotionally and inspirational. Told in a very engaging and entertaining way, you will also learn important American and Mexican history that we should all know about. Above all, Weaving the Past is about the dignity and resilience of our ancestors, no matter what our background is. Filmmaker Walter Dominguez takes us with him on his journey into the past to learn all he can about his grandfather's roots in Mexico of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. And what a journey it turns out to be! Don't miss this adventure, because you will not have experienced the drama and humor in the lives of Walter's grandparents and the rest of the amazing people he encounters. I highly recommend this film to anyone!
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Noteworthy and affecting documentary
tenbluecrows22 October 2015
Weaving the Past is a most unusual and satisfying film. The combination between documentation and dramatization pulled me in and held me throughout. The film challenged me to ask many questions about connections existing in my own life and in my relationship with my ancestors. In many ways, this film has a real resonance with those raised in more traditional societies, like mine, where the past and its people are never really dead and gone, but continue to live. The film documents the journey that filmmaker Walter Dominguez takes to learn about his own grandfather's early life - a mysterious and cloudy past. He also determines to locate his grandfather's family of origin in Mexico. Along the way we learn much Mexican and U.S. Southwest history that is essential to understand the context of the life of Emilio Hernandez, Walter's grandfather, a Mexican-born crusader for social justice among immigrant workers. Walter takes us along as he interviews expert historians in the U.S. and Mexico, as well as a collection of ordinary, but truly compelling people he meets who either knew Emilio or knew the people who influence Emilio as a young man. The re-creation scenes of key moments in the relationship of Emilio with the people in his life who deeply influenced him worked so well to get you involved and caring about Emilio and his life. They were some of the film's most touching moments.

There is so much to recommend this film. For those who have a strong interest in reconnecting with their own roots and ancestors, this documentary will leave you inspired and energized to go on your own journey. There is much important and little-known history that you learn along the way. The tragic mistreatment of Mexico's indigenous people is a story that I did not know about, but which left me very moved and personally affected in a deep way. I am so glad that Dominguez told this story, because it really needs to be revealed. There are other stories within this film that will rivet you, too.

Most importantly, there is a deep spirituality that emanates from the film which is not about doctrine or formal religion. Though Dominguez's grandfather eventually became a Methodist minister, and there is some interesting history revealed about this, the real meaning is much deeper. It really is a "universal" film that can touch you on many levels - whatever your background. You will really feel this story in your soul and it will stick with you. I hope you take the opportunity to see this beautifully made and meaningful documentary.
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Great Journey
sharonesekhon24 August 2020
This film shows us the interconnectedness we have through history. It details the messy steps an historian must take to discover the "truths" about his grandfather. In sharing this endeavor, Walter Dominguez shows us the personal is political and previous "academic" attempts at objectivity should be thrown out with other red herrings.

A beautiful love letter to his ancestors.
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Moving and inspirational
xipo2219 October 2015
Weaving The Past deftly combines important historical accounts of Los Angeles' forgotten immigrant heritage, the Mexican Revolution, and one man's compelling and emotional journey to reclaim his family's connection to it. Dominguez deserves much praise for tackling such a complex and diverse array of information with both scholarship and heart. I especially enjoyed all the incredible archival photographs documenting some of the most formative events in the city which I now call home. As the son of immigrants, I could really relate to the filmmaker's journey and his quest to find his roots. Highly recommended.
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Gentle and Candid Story Emerges from a Brutal Past
penelopeeicher20 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
*This review may contain a spoiler.*

Through tender personal narrative and intimate visuals, "Weaving the Past: Journey of Discovery" artfully takes on themes of inter- generational connection, one's impact on others, and understanding one's place in social and political history.

Writer and director Walter Dominguez takes us through more than a decade as he endeavors to uncover his deceased grandfather's hidden past. Through candid interviews, archival research, and visits to Chihuahua, Mexico, he slowly finds clues to his beloved Tata's early years.

I found myself joining Dominguez in this gentle and candid story of his search, and like him, was surprised when the threads eventually tied his grandfather very closely to major leaders in the Mexican revolution. Dominguez observes that the US government colluded with the seven-term Profirio regime because US businesses were benefiting from the exploitation of Mexican forced labor and the cultural history of centuries of brutality inflicted on peasants and indigenous Mexican people. Tata survived the revolution, immigrated to the USA, and continued to champion the cause of human rights, dignity, freedom, and justice in his work as a pastor and humanitarian.

Throughout this narrative journey, the writer shares intimate moments with his step-grandmother as well as discovered relatives, and, along with the narrator, we experience the healing power of shared memories and a reclaimed past. We come to love his grandfather, Tata, as a person of complexity, depth, and quiet heroism who dedicated his life to human freedom and dignity, especially immigrants who helped build our nation throughout the twentieth century.

With a delicate hand and fine eye to evoking a sense of time, memory and story, the writer and director, along with his team of archivists, actors, videographers, and editors have built a fresh and true story without clichés or pretense that is respectfully told and genuine of heart. I thoroughly enjoyed this journey of the heart.
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A Film You Will Enjoy and Remember!
traemebuneo20 October 2015
This documentary is engaging, informative, enlightening and uplifting. It is so different from your usual documentary, and I must say it is far more entertaining and memorable as a result of the delightful way the story is told. While it is highly educational about Mexican and U.S. history, it is also personal, honest, and full of surprises, with drama, humor and lots of people and places that you will not soon forget. It unfolds like a mystery story as the film's writer/director embarks upon a family mission that will ultimately change his life. Whether you are an older adult, middle age, a young adult or even a child; male or female; or of any nationality or background, you will find the experience of losing yourself into the enchanting spell that Weaving the Past casts to be so very satisfying and inspirational. This film has it all and more. There are few films that you can wholly recommend to family and friends to watch, and this is one of the best out there. I'm still thinking about this film and plan to watch it again because there is so much to it. Well done!!!!
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A Journey You Must Discover For Yourself
myfortepat17 November 2015
"Weaving the Past: Journey of Discovery" is a documentary film that is a must see not only for people of Mexican descent but for people of all heritages and backgrounds. The historical information about Mexico and the U.S. Southwest one hundred years ago that this film provides in abundance becomes so much more interesting, profound and memorable when viewed through the impact that these events had on the filmmaker Walter Dominguez's ancestral family that lived through those remarkable times. To learn first-hand the legacies of people and their stories that his ancestors left Walter and the struggles that shaped those legacies is indeed a privilege to witness as a viewer of this compelling and involving film. I am grateful to Walter Dominguez for sharing with us his personal adventure to learn the secrets and stories of his family in such a vivid and entertaining way so that we, too, can experience what we could never have learned from a mere history book. This is a history come to vivid life through the talents of a skilled and delightful storyteller.
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Moving personal documentary brings history to life!
mhtibbets5830 November 2014
Who are the people we love, and what are the events that impact their lives? What can we learn personally as well as in a historical context when we bravely inquire into the past?

These are the questions writer/director Walter Dominguez set out to answer for himself in this haunting documentary about his Grandfather, the Reverend Emilio Hernandez in "Weaving the Past-Journey of Discovery". During a time when Mr. Dominguez was questioning the meaning in his own life after his beloved Grandfather's passing, a beautiful, antique image of a man found among Emilio's belongings inspired Mr. Dominguez to inquire further into his Grandfather's background. His initial inquiry leads to a thirteen year journey of personal and historical discovery- from the personal story of Emilio as a young boy who is taken in by a wealthy "Hacendado" family in Mexico, to his friendship and migration to the United States with the "Poet" of the 1910 Mexican Revolution, Praxedis Guerrero, Mr. Dominguez weaves the personal story of his Grandfather with the important historical events that shaped the relationship of two countries- Mexico and the United States- at the turn of the 20th Century.

Using historical photos, beautifully acted vignettes, and superb historical research, Mr. Dominguez draws the viewer into his personal historical drama. And in learning about the characters and events of the Reverend Emilio Hernandez' life, we are also impressed by how the story of one man in historical context continues to inform and challenge us on the issues facing us today-poverty, immigration, and race relations.

I loved this film, not only because it is a beautiful personal story, but because it has inspired me to think and think again about the current challenges we face today in America today. Who do we want to be as a nation? What legacy will we leave for our children? And on a personal level, I love this film because it has inspired me to seek answers to my own questions in the historical context of the people who have inspired and shaped my own life.
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A Beautiful and Engaging Personal Journey into the Past
stevenkentmarshall12 September 2016
Weaving the Past is an engrossing and emotionally satisfying cinematic journey, chronicling one man's search for any information he can find about his late grandfather. Walter Dominguez grew up with a loving and nurturing grandparent whom he called "Tata." THe Reverend Emilio Hernandez passed away just as Dominguez was reaching adulthood and years later, he succumbed to his yearning to discover more about the man who had been so important to his childhood. Dominguez documents his search in a film that is a rich tapestry of stunning visuals and moving narrative. The viewer will be swept up in this virtual detective story that leads Dominguez into the heart of Mexico. What he finds there changes him and his view of his late grandfather forever. One cannot help becoming emotionally invested in Walter Dominguez's search for the heart and soul of an extraordinary man. Weaving the Past is not to be missed.
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