21 Days (2014) Poster

(I) (2014)

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Overacted, under thrilling
harrier-kb1 November 2017
If it wasn't for the three pretty young faces filling the screen, there would be nothing salvagable at all about this film. Terrible over-acting, along with shoddy dialogue and a propensity for profanity from the main character seem to the be the only strengths to this piece.

It feels like the producers were aiming for a Blair Witch meets Paranormal Activity product, but in the end they fell woefully short of either benchmark. There were quite literally no scares, and nothing at all to make you feel any sort of compassion for the characters.

The sole redeeming quality of this film was the inclusion of Whitney Rose Pynn, who at least brought some real emotion to the story.

But as has been stated in other reviews, as is the case with all of these found-footage films, in the end the whole mess degenerates into a cacophony of shaking images, screaming voices layered over one another, and nothing you can really see to tell you what is actually happening.

High time for the found footage craze to be over. This should be the nail in that coffin.
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Already been done better
RandomTard12 October 2021
This is just another of these kind of a movies. It's pretty well made not counting the sound balancing that was done the worst way. The sound effects are super extra loud in the start and quieter in the end - which makes no sense and maximises the bother. Acting was 2/3 ok, the girl was just annoying. Why are you shouting and screaming "What was that" or "What is happening" if you deliberately go into a haunted house to see ghost. What do you think it is you dumb idiot. Just completely stupid and unneccessary.

All in all it's a watchable movie that copies other movies. It was a decent watch although the ending was quite annoying.
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Tame Paranormal Activity rip-off
Leofwine_draca2 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
21 DAYS is a straight-up copy of PARANORMAL ACTIVITY, set in your normal suburban home haunted by spirits unknown. A trio of characters decide to set up various cameras to capture any phenomena that occurs, and the story takes place over three weeks (go figure). That's all there is to it. The video quality is perhaps too bright and high quality, robbing the movie of atmosphere, and the acting is quite unconvincing which robs the film of its realism. In the end, the scares are diluted and the sense of familiarity that pervades the film makes it a chore to sit through.
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Another self shot footage waste of time
stephenw-3018011 September 2017
It's incredible to me that people keep putting up money to make films that have been made 100 times over the past 15 years since the Blair Witch Project. The originality and extremely low budget and high grossing revenue of that film has spawned so many pieces of crap that people keep pumping these films out like link sausages.

The plot and style of 21 days is no different then any other film of its kind....it seems, anyone with a camera and a slightly different take on hauntings and morbid curiosity to debunk ghost stories has a plot and with a few bucks, make a film. Unfortunately, we, the horror genre fan has to sit through an average of 80-90 minutes of the same Drek!

We keep on getting suckered into watching films that have no originality or narrative value and we find the same story told over and over again just dressed up differently.

Acting mediocre, lighting horrible, originality....none!

I think I'll use my hand held and get my buddy who is a sound expert and works as a freelancer and find an old barn and write a script in a day and try and make a million dollars.

Please, someone, make a good found footage or self shot horror film worth watching. I paid nothing to see this film and still feel I was ripped off!

Flat out crap!!
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emilletich10 October 2020
Idiots (aka Actors with a bad script) want to find out why everyone is moving out of a haunted house before the 21st day after moving in. They decide to locked themselves in and record everything and become Ghost Hunters. From there it tries to be "Paranormal Activity" but suckier. Pass on it.
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Skip this and don't waste your time
kacalder-1024111 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a sucker for found footage films, it gives horror movies a more real time experience which other movies have a hard time getting across to it's viewers.

However, when you watch lots of found footage films, you find a pattern and this movie follows it to the T.

Cameras everywhere and things go bump in the night and eventually build up. Characters have mental breakdowns and go against each other and then everything explodes on the last night leading to an ending that makes no sense.

This is your typical wannabe ghost hunters who want to be the ones to prove that the paranormal exists but can't handle it mentally and fall apart within seconds of experiencing unexplainable events. The screaming, whining and crying makes this movie very painful to watch and the terrible acting made me cringe.

It was also very maddening to watch due to the fact that there was no common sense whatsoever and the characters emotions did not align with their actions.

Just like other FF films, activity during the first night always seem to go unnoticed and never talked about. It's as if they didn't watch the playbacks the next morning and chose to watch three days later and the first night gets missed.

Found footage films need to get more creative and stop following the typical character stereotypes and repetitive storytelling.

The story had potential but was poorly brought together and fell apart.

I have never rolled my eyes so many times and felt such anger. Please spare yourself and skip this movie.
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The Worst Found Footage Movie I've Ever Seen (And I've seen most)
The title said it all. The lead was obnoxious, the supporting cast was terrible, it followed every possible cliche, the dialogue was the hottest of garbages, and 5 year old special needs kid could have written a more coherent storyline having a molly seizure. Instead of watching this movie, just go kneel in front of the nearest toilet and bash your head in between the rim and the seat for 90 minutes.
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Beep beep beep
flykittyfly10 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The majority of this movie I had to read because the volume of a very constant beeping was maddening. The storyline overall is lackluster, the props pretty terrible. Watched this movie during a binge of FF while stuck at home. It's one I could've lived without. They should have worked more on the dialogue and plot. And maybe bought a better meter. Also don't even get me started on the end, it aims to disappoint. Only perk of the movie is that it is free to watch (at my time of viewing). It would have benefited by being a short film that focused more on the why it's happening and not the what's happening.
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Nice job but nothing really new or original (but could have been!)
derekjager27 June 2017
This is a little bit of the paranormal activity MARKED ONES film as well as that movie itself and GRAVE ENCOUNTERS. I gave the filmmaker credit for creating a backstory for the film so that it is a complete story instead of some jump scares and then the camera drops.

I know many filmmakers make their start in the found footage genre since it's relatively cheap to film in. So, if you're going to do a FF, then make the effort to make it different. In this case, the film succeeds. Locked in a haunted house for 21 days with cameras everywhere, how does an object move from the barn to the house? Creepy...but ultimately, why? Just the spirits/demons playing tricks and if so, on us or the characters? Nothing is really made of this event other than "WTF?" If it kept occurring, with more dangerous items being transported, it would have added a nice twist. Other than that, we get the doors closing, furniture jumping about, etc. All good stuff, always creepy, but we've seen it before.

The problem with ALL found footage is the last ten minutes. People screaming and cross talking over themselves. It's always a mess and this is no different. The good this is there is a coda that explains a bit more so your last image isn't a dropped camera.

There are some terrific ideas here that I wish had been explored more--they were different and could have taken the film in a different direction. But I liked it and enjoyed my time with it!
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Wanted to be scared...tried to be scared. Nope...
AndyVanScoyoc13 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Wow...yet another disappointment and another missed opportunity for what could have been a good movie, if the characters were even remotely likable...if you could feel even a small amount of sympathy for them.

Immature kids who want to be ghost hunters and end up biting off more than they can chew.

Why is it, everyone, in particular the females, gotta scream and act like nuts?

You wanted to see something, you wanted something to happen...it did and then you whine and cry about it and lose your marbles because it wasn't Caspar the Friendly Ghost.

All of the characters, when confronted by the spooks they so wanted to experience, acted like 12 year old girls and a summer camp slumber party, telling ghost stories and get the willies.

Far too dark toward the end, I could barely tell what was happening and if the ghosts were supposed to be scary, that was an epic failure of massive proportions.

Not even good for a few jumps.

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wondering why this film have many aprreciation in horror festival award
esabeillap6 January 2018
Why this film can get many award when i feel it not wort it. this film just an ordinary film if compare with other film??
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Better than I expected
glr-271224 December 2018
I was really quite impressed with this movie. I always go into these B horror movies with low expectations so maybe that helps. It really was quite creepy at times. I found every one of the peranormal state movies were absolutely awful. Similar premise but I'd take this movie any day of the week over those. If you like horror movies and have 90 minutes to kill I recommend you give it a go.
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Tired, tired retread of a film.
jmbovan-47-16017317 October 2020
Found footage film of yet another crew of people investigating a reported haunted house. The twist here is that no one has ever stayed in this house for 21 days. The explanation for this: it takes 21 day for the soul to be possessed. (This isn't a spoiler as it is explained early in the film.) Thus starts the expedition of being sealed in the house for 21 days. Wow! and what a 21 days it was. Spotty depiction of the 21 days as they randomly jump days. Not even typical scares as this film tried to create jump scares without any jumps. Ho hum. I don't really understand why this was even attempted to be made into a film as the concept wasn't a big departure and they did so very little with it. You can do much better than this film.
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So happy it was free.
The fact that I rented this from the local library for free is the only reason I'm not mad I had to fast forward to the last 30 minutes for entertainment. I watched the first 30 minutes and I couldn't take it anymore. They tried hard but yet again I ran into the fact I can't give it an A for effort. Nothing new here just the same old doors closing, blankets moving and a device going off etc... I was able to understand the end without watching the middle of the movie. It just felt like a lot of filler to me. If this was the first found footage I would have seen (this is far from my first and I typically enjoy these films) I might have liked it better. But in the end it was boring and you can find plenty more found footage movies that are a lot more worth it. I feel for you if you paid money for this I really do. The box got me with this one. I really had hopes for it and nope...
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So awful it is painful...
rosecalifornia6 August 2020
What on earth....I mean this movie is horrendous.

The acting is just horrible. And who thought of using something like a broken smoke detector as a ghost detector? Your ears bleed and you have to mute it.

Script is a joke, acting is,cringy and painful, cinematography, looks like it was made for YouTube.

One of the producers was actually Latoya Jackson, she obviously lost money on this mess. Who know what or why she invested but whoever said - sounds great, should pay her back.
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Total crap!
africe13 July 2019
Waste of time. Movie had some possibilities but they were quickly squashed by the direction the film took. The most disappointing thing I found was that there was really no ending. Please, any future found footage filmakers out there..put more effort into the story....and find an ending! PLEASE!
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A Ho-Hum Haunted House Story
sddavis632 July 2018
If you're looking for anything particularly original from "21 Days" don't waste your time. There really isn't much original. It's a haunted house story. The house has apparently had several owners over the century plus since it's been built. None of them have remained in the house for more than 21 days - and some have ended up dead after leaving. So three young film-makers decide to take up residence in the house, to last the 21 days while documenting their experiences. So, yes, it's also a found footage sort of movie, although it's not all found footage. But there's not really much to this. There are the traditional "things that go bump in the night" sort of events, but really nothing much frightening happens until the last 15 minutes or so. It's a little bit creepy at times, but no more than that. The cast was entirely unknown (to me at least.) I do't think I've ever seen any of the three leads in anything until this. They were all right. Nothing more.

There were some bizarre things about this movie. It opens with the three interviewing a local town historian about the house. I wondered how the local town historian had actual family photographs of the people who had lived in the house - including the most recent family. That in itself seemed a bit weird. And with the house in foreclosure why would the bank allow these kids to do this? And why would they be allowed to literally barricade themselves inside the house so that no one or nothing could get in or out. Sure it works as a plot device - but wouldn't even the local town authorities have some objections to that based on a fire code or something?

Like most movies featuring found footage, there's no real resolution to this. Just a lingering mystery. But because it's a very ho hum movie that doesn't really set itself apart within either genre (haunted house or found footage) it won't be memorable enough for the mystery to remain with you for very long.

Use it as a time waster - but it's no more than that. (4/10)
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More Like 21 mins
rosanna-963926 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I couldn't even watch 21 mins of this movie, the main actors "filmmakers" were a little too overly aggressive and lacking in common sense within the first 15 mins.

** Kind of a spoiler but not really ...

** First Scene: They aggressively seek out a woman and son who were haunted, they run on to her property screaming her name and yelling questions at her. She freaks out and yells at them and they have the nerve to say "what the hell was that?"

So sad, I had such high hopes.
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Very watchable
lindasue-5013310 November 2019
... I find most movies in this genre are not, so this was a very pleasant surprise. And when I say unwatchable, I don't mean because it's so terrifying, I mean because the stories are lame, the editing is bad, and the actors... Well I guess they are bringing in a paycheck.

In this one, some nice spookiness and the actors were good.

What I recommend it? Sure.
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alyssaclarke1328 October 2021
The sound they used for the EVP is so annoying I had to mute those scenes. Then the rest was bad acting. Don't waste your time.......................................... ...........
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Decent Horror Movie
ub-9062821 May 2021
Most of the found footage movies are stereotype and boring to watch except few like this one. It's well directed creepy horror movie. Good story and acting, enjoyed it.
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What is the point of the cameras everywhere?
jaimechapman-036293 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love found footage horror, it's my favourite type of horror. But my god what is the effing point of 24/7 surveillance around the house if they never ever effing check it after something weird happens. Seriously! Why did they not go back and watch how the photos were getting up there or just literally any of the occurrences. But no no wait they keep checking the barn of course...And they just shout at each other with accusations of doing things mess with them. What would be the point of that if they're trying to sell footage of a real haunting??? And if I have to watch another one of these films where there's one person being a total and utter asshole, insisting that everyone is overreacting when there's literally footage to prove otherwise...
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Quite Possibly The Dumbest Thing I've Ever Seen
chroberts-129 March 2022
Quite possibly the dumbest thing I've ever seen. Really really bad. Bad acting. Bad story. It's just a string of horror movie cliches strung together along with some borderline offensive trope about Native Americans. Sheesh. Awful.
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It's been done to death
takirah264 May 2022
Nothing new. It's exactly like "paranormal activity" it's been done so many times. The acting is terrible. The plot sucks and overral the movie was a pain to watch.
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A wannabe Blair witch/paranormal activity concept
pixelplus-8421917 June 2017
seems like a very low budget film,most of the actors was OK, but the scene where the guy screams like a girl was funny.. i am horror/creepy movie addict, always waiting for the next conjuring,sinister,paranormal activity,the nightmare type of clip. so i hope this year can show us a new topic/plot guaranteed to bring paranoia and nightmares.
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