My Guardian Angel (2016) Poster

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It had potential but...
shreeree5 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I gave this movie 6 because of the great acting of the lead child actor playing Hanna/Angel.

Why I would put this at a 4 as a film is because of the sadism towards the child that makes for uncomfortable viewing; but it could just be me. I've never been one for the "torture" style form of horror that seem to be so popular like in the "Saw" series or the "Hostel" series. These films don't scare me,they just make me angry, especially when in most cases the victims waste time screaming and crying and less time fighting. I feel that when the antagonist is as physically human as you are, you fight! It's a given you're going to die so you go down making it hard on them and try to take them with you so they won't hurt anyone else, ever.

I would like to think there could never be parents this horrid, however sadly I've seen and read enough "True crime" to know this isn't the case. As much time as it take these parents to "pretend" to be great parent they could use it to actually become better parents to this child or give her up. But no, you get a sense they perv off mistreating this autistic child.

The abuse goes on too long in my opinion before things start to turn around. I suppose it would have been a 30 minute short film if they hadn't drawn it out because this is the crux of the matter. It's the sadistic abuse that draws the twin name "Angel" who committed suicide for the same reason her sister is now contemplating it to take over in hopes of making the parents pay. This is what the film is about. Period.

I don't know if this film would have worked in America with the way our Child Protective Services is. These days you sneeze too hard on your kid the kid call child services or tell a teacher and you have them beating on your door. Thank goodness her teacher saw things as they were. I wondered if her parents were trashy and poor would the school administrator been more convinced of Hanna's abuse regardless of what showed on the surface. You would think with one kid committing suicide so young, they would already be on the social service speed dial list to watch over the effects and possibility that being a "twin" she could be just as acceptable to that form of escapism even if it's over the loss of her sister.

I can honestly say I've seen much worse in the horror genre; so please give it a go, and form you own opinion. I yawned at least twice while watching it, so don't do so if you are tired or sleepy, unless you're looking for a slow pace film that you don't care if you fall asleep on but if you do, it's something you can finish later.
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My Guardian Angel review
JoeytheBrit3 July 2020
A no-budget drama that takes an awfully long time to bring its supernatural undertones to the fore. Young Holly Jacobson gives an unexpectedly strong performance as the non-verbal autistic girl of abusive parents who appears to be haunted by her dead twin. Jacobson aside, the quality of the acting ranges from tolerable to pull-you-out-of-the-movie-and-slap-you-around-the-face bad and the lack of funds is apparent in every shot. The emotional pull of child abuse - even when inadequately explored - gives My Guardian Angel a kind of built-in emotional hold that is difficult to turn away from, but the pay-off really doesn't justify your time.
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Not completely without merrit.
RatedVforVinny16 April 2021
This British T. V movie is good in parts and the young girl is played very well, by a young actress. Some of the adult performances are hit and miss (at best). The story to its credit keeps you watching, where some much higher productions loose the interest.
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Terrible movie
miss_toucan8 February 2022
The acting was atrocious, the story was boring and took way too long to get into it. I'm sure there are some horribly abusive parents out there, but the parents in this film just hated the child and were over the top cruel to their autistic child. It was a bit much to watch but also very fake high ratings.

I honestly can't understand how this is rated so high, unless friends of people involved in the movie are giving it fake reviews and high ratings.
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A waste of time
isurupt13 March 2022
Don't bother with it, it's loaded with bad acting, boring dialogue, a predictable story, and overall a waste of time.

This is not worth being on any streaming services. Amazon Prime showed an IMDb review of 7.8 and I made the mistake of not double checking it.
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Oak Furniture Land
adambell-585708 October 2020
I wanted to be positive about this because the story is solid.


The cast are terrible - specifically Maria Figgins as mother, Petra Bryant as Elena and Adrian Annis as father. I've genuinely watched this film at least 10 times and it still astounds me any of the cast were considered able to act these parts. Whilst I have highlighted a select few, nobody in this film should consider acting as a career - there is greater talent watching adverts for Oak Furniture Land, with a mango oak coffee table deserving of a best supporting actor nomination for the performances seen in this film.

By all means watch this film, just be prepared for something that is an embarrassment to British film
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Slow Start, but worth it
cmorrell1031-354-40785311 November 2019
I thought this was a good movie. Reminiscent of Flowers in the Attic. It may take time, but it's worth it.
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Don't waste your time
davidbreton-9081522 September 2018
27 minutes in and felt awful what a crap film I would rather have watched paint dry
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Ms Libby Hill (Lead) Shines!
terelli30 June 2021
I guess overall I'd rate this a 3.7 or so. But, OMG! The abuse her parents put the poor autistic girl through was terrible, but u just vouldnt look away! In the different abuse scenes? YOU BELIEVED IT! YOU WERE RIGHT THERE WITH HER EXPERIENCING THE PAIN AND TERROR!! Not since The Exorcist have I seen an actress hit her part dead on! Anybody that knows of an autistic xhild, can relate! Ms. HIill is going places in the acting biz!
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Sooooooooooo slow
strizbiz-9942913 January 2021
Just like watching grass grow is pretty much how id describe this movie. One of those movies I'd definitely suggest fast forwarding to the end because it's really not worth investing 2 hours of your time into this one.
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Love Holly Jacobson's Hannah/Angel
soggydeadgirl26 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Excuse me for being wrong, but I liked My Guardian Angel. Yes, they had a story that could've turned into such a better movie. Should I pick apart the acting? Holly Jacobson did a great job as Hannah/Angel. The people portraying the wholly evil parents seemed to both over act and under act all in the same scene. Their acts of torture perpetrated upon our poor heroine make us want to do them in forthwith, but they linger on and their tortures get, not wait for it, LESS painful as the movie progresses. Now, neither of them has any redeeming qualities to keep them from the bowls of Hell, with the possible exception of the "mom" preventing dad from molesting Hannah. It is implied that he had gone after Angel just prior to her suicide, but she is not going to let him have Hannah. I get the impression it is more out of jealousy than Hannah's well-being, but saves Hannah that particular torture.

Hannah is a nice kid, especially when you realize all the hell she has been through. Too nice to serve up some cold retribution to ol' mom and dad. But Angel has no such short comings. Angel takes up residence in Hannah's body so she is dual booted Hannah and Angel. Angel handles business.

One more criticism. Hannah and Angel are supposed to be 11, not Holly Jacobson was what 12 when she made it? Why don't adult directors ever ask kids how a particular scene would go, but NOoooo, so we get a kid acting as an adult portraying a child because that's what the writer wrote and the director directed. Then need to go back to school I won't blame anyone for not liking this movie.
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Good Acting
rotini-5258625 March 2021
Just seemed to drag on near the end....worth a watch
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vinnierexvhirs23 April 2022
More mid than my first kiss which was also sloppy and rushed. This could have been an email. Wouldn't reccomend. Would give negative stars if that was an option, which ironically is how I feel about my first kiss, too.
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Ghoulish overkill
lanaijw26 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The hatred the parents display for their children is just unbelievable. It's not that I don't think that child abuse is real, it's just very poorly acted. The parents may as well be Batman villains from the 60s.

Oddly, the only moments of good acting came from the child actor.

I have limited knowledge of witchcraft, but would an owner of a new age shop really give advice to a preteen girl about voodoo for "a school project"? It seems a bit dark for a 12 year old girl to be practising voodoo.

On an unrelated note, I think I recognise the mother as the drunken divorcee at the dinner party in The IT Crowd. Just included that to help with the character count of this review.

The ending was also just dumb. But I still enjoyed watching it, it wasn't boring.
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Woeful British indie horror
Leofwine_draca8 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
MY GUARDIAN ANGEL is a woeful British horror film, made on a non-existent budget and with very little in the way of content. It's a low key family drama that takes place in and around a family home for the most part. The focus of the story is on a young girl whose twin sister tied in the past.

The film works hard to evoke a sense of mystery, questioning whether the house is haunted, whether the daughter is going crazy, or whether she is possessed by her twin's spirit. There are no special effects here, little in the way of incident, and not really any meat to the story either. It's all about suggestion rather than anything else. The stilted performances aren't really anything to write home about either.
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Dont waste your time
susansanger-5807310 January 2024
Storyline could have had potential, but this film is just bad, apart from the kids, the acting was so bad it was totally cringy. Terrible, actually the worst acting I have ever seen, feel sorry for the girl to have been in a movie with such bad adult actors. The mother is just a bad panto actress, the storyline equally bad in parts. For example SEN teacher pretending to be headteacher on a phone call, the SEN teacher had a foreign accent. Later in the film she admits "I dont even sound like you!" Really??? Did they make this up as they went along? Was going to switch the film off half way through. I even though it was baddly dubbed in the beginning, but then realised these are English actors. Worst film I watched in a long time, very surprised some good rating on here....
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The most boring and stupid film I've ever seen.
VicManNava544974 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A terrible movie from the beginning up to the end! Sincerely, how can the people in this world can be so stupid? It is demining, terrible, slow, boring, minous.
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Sadistic child abuse should've been banned
Paulldavidson29 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Contains unbelievable child abuse beyond belief this film should've been banned how on earth this got released i don't know this is ridiculous i mean SERIOUSLY this was clearly written and made by sadists its bad enough children being abused and they go make this horrible film i don't rate it myself its demeaning and needs to be banned.

Contains extreme torture of a child which this needs to be banned and social services should be involved this is a horrible film no doubt about it the torture of a child is too real to be only acting how this got released i dont know.
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boring, slow, unoriginal
diz-syd-6330 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, so it's another low badget film. Incredibly slow paced with very bad acting. And takes an awful long time for anything to start happening that's vaguely Paranormal. The mother and father are truly awful. The girl is quite good then she starts talking and getting into voodoo. It's all very tedious and about as scary as a cupcake. When her dead sister angel appears to protect her it unravells badly. Messy dialog, boring music score and not in the least bit gorey. Really, to be honest give this a miss. It's 90 minutes of your lives you'll never get back. So many missed opportunities, so many continuity errors.
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Good British TV movie
jahntardis14 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This thriller was more like a Drama its about an 11 year old girl named Hannah who is diagnosed with Autism and coping with her sister Angel's suicide from the mistreatment of their parents abuse. Angel couldn't cope with her parents physical and mental attacks so she hung herself. Now Hannah is getting the same treatment.

The acting and dialogue from the lead child actor Holly Jacobson who played Hannah & Angel is superb and for most of the movie Hannah doesn't speak because of non-verbal autism. As Angel she is assertive and confident - Angel doesn't have autism btw. The Actor Petra Bryant who played Elena the teachers assistant was well acted too. The mother and father acting seemed out of balance to me if a little forced it was very sadistic behavior from them.

I liked this movie because I connected with the character who was bullied at school and autistic at school too, thankfully i had great parents.

If you hate violence towards a minor i would advise to take caution when watching because it is very disturbing.

Good film.
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Over the top aggression and acting
christoff-5122618 March 2023
Had potential to really explore some of the themes it wanted to, and could have actually been really good; but it ended before it even really got started, and just felt like a B grade telemovie, besides the great acting of Jacobsen who plays Hannah.

It also showed scenes of aggressive child abuse which should not be allowed under any movie classification. For anyone with empathy, watching repeated scenes of a child being physically and emotionally abused, is extremely painful and harrowing.

For films with backstory, the backstory needs to be explored a bit more, so viewers can relate and also have a bigger pay-off if there is a happy ending.
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Behave or I'll get mother
nogodnomasters19 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is a simple story of an autistic girl (Holly Jacobson) who is abused by her parents. She hears voices that tell her to do bad things, things which she ignores. She is mute by choice and is befriended by a special teacher (Petra Bryant) who sees there is something wrong at home.

This is a film with few surprises. It is a low budget project by Mumtaz Yildirimlar who wrote, produced, directed, composed, edited and most likely served cookies between shots. The reason why I gave the film 10 stars was the convincing performance of Holly Jacobson, whose moves, eyes, and twitches were unnerving if not uncomfortable. I wouldn't be surprised if the role didn't messed her up for the rest of her life.

This is what a low budget horror should look and sound like. Note: there was no idiotic demonic voice enhancer.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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