"Homeland" America First (TV Episode 2017) Poster

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Watch even for Peter Quinn's character development
shamilton-7079630 December 2019
Great series. Great actors all round, however my praise goes to Rupert Friend. Especially series 6. I disliked Quinn when he appeared in the show. Several seasons later I was wishing for a Quinn spin-off.
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good season with heartbreak...
yzgtl24 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
After brody's death peter quinn has been my fav character and he's gone now. I' m sorry for peter quinn but in the meantime how bad season 5 was, this season was that much good
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Good enough
Abdulxoxo22 October 2020
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I like Quinn and Rupert Friend did a wonderful job this season but his character was sorta distracting this season and he should have been out for the picture a little while ago. There were moments that were perfect and emotional to end his character, but they weren't ready to let him go and now the way he died was underwhelming and less impactful.

The storyline is somewhat confusing and a over the place, it touches many topics but never fully elaborate on them. Dar Adal as baddie was refreshing, but it's if they were holding it back. And the O'Keefe character is a bit over the top for my liking.

Overall, It's well-acted as usual, Claire Danes continues to shine as Carrie, Rupert Friend was fantastic, the supporting casts were overall great. The camera work is not good as last season's but good nevertheless, the something-about-to-happen scenes were quite predictable. Can't wait to see what S7 have in store.
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S6: Good in concept, but the slow pace and threads reduce its impact (SPOILERS)
bob the moo6 May 2017
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Carrie is in New York working for a legal aid firm. Quinn is in veterans' rehab for the significant damage done to him in season 5. Within the CIA much is the same – although the new President Elect appears that she will very much use her new position to change that.

It has been many seasons since the foundation of the show (Brody) has gone, and in some ways the last few seasons have been successful in spinning off into wider threads of terrorism and threat. This season continues that, and also continues the trend of the show being very topic, as it draws in right wing pundits, fake news, and even rips a few phrases from the headlines. The plot this season starts out with a terrorist attack, but for some reason it makes it clear to us from the instant it happens that it is clearly not the fault of the person accused of doing it. This was an odd choice, because that plus something else plus too many hours online, all told me that it was a setup probably by one of those shady corners of the Intelligence community. And so it turns out to be as it plays out.

It does so in a slow placed way for the most part; the first few episodes in particular did not have a lot of energy to them, while specific threads throughout were the same. I guess if you are still with the show after six seasons, then this will not shake you off, but it did seem to rob urgency from a lot of the season. The topical references were nice, but didn't always seem to come together as they should, and a few times seemed in there for the sake of it. What bothered me a bit more was how so much seemed to fit together; mostly it is justified in the narrative, but between Quinn and Carrie, they do seem to manage to be in the right place at the right time an awful lot of the time. Speaking of Quinn, I though Friend did a great job with his performance, but the season struggled with him as a character.

Overall it is a solid season, even if it does seem like a show constantly looking for a reason to exist. Will be interesting to see if they can add some more spark into the show for the next season, because too often that is what this one lacked. There is plenty to like though, and those watching this long will still enjoy it, but it is not as tight, cohesive, or compelling as it needed to be.
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Amazing episode - a reborn show
archyo10 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
An amazing episode.

The show has officially gone from being a spy drama to a political drama on the level of House of Cards.

I applaud Homeland and the writers behind it for being able to completely renew the show with a different and very interesting angle, including very current events from the world.
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A Fitting Conclusion of The Season 6
85122210 April 2017
Greetings from Lithuania.

So season 6 has ended with "America First" - a great episode considering the whole season. Last episode was involving, suspenseful and plausible as it could be considering the full picture. Some of the story plots have finally ended (no spoilers), and i'm glad they did - and with no fireworks or big cries at the end - kinda reminded me of the ending of season 3, but on the other hand i was speechless at the end of season 3, same thing didn't happen here, unfortunately.

To sum up the whole season 6 i think it was probably one of the most weak seasons in comparison to a great previous seasons. Don't get me wrong - i highly liked it for what it was - "Homeland" hasn't had this "big" story in its scope before, but a bit more of a surprising action wouldn't hurt this season for sure - there wasn't anything like in season 4 episode "There's Something Else Going On" with some big jaw-dropping unexpected action set pieces - sure "Homeland" isn't about action, but when its done good and when you least except it - it was a show like no others. Many action scenes this season were predictable.

Overall, i would rate this season 8,5 / 10. Story was great, big, but it was done better in previous seasons in my opinion. I will look forward for next season as always, and there is an involving ground been set at the end of season 6, so lets see where this leads us in the future. Maybe Dar was right after all..?
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Very deep and smart episode.
eyalho13 April 2017
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Many headaches and points for considerations. What is democracy and when it becomes dictatorship? What should be the border line between legitimate opinion and inciting? In Addition, the plot itself was complicated and i had to watch part of the chapter again in order to understand whom was against whom? I can't stop thinking who are the bad guys and who are the good ones, but i can just feel sorry for the civilians.
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Feels Not Completed
hadeng2111 April 2017
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I'm really enjoying this season, actually surprised that this is the season finale. In my view they didn't finish the story. We still don't know who or what is behind of the conspiracy - I'm looking at you Russians. They left so many questions unanswered: How is that radio host connected to the conspiracy? When and how did he and Dar meet? Who funded that building? And how come he hasn't still been arrested where even President knows his involvement. Yeah next season will be about these but I don't enjoy cliffhanger finales.

It was a great episode but not a great finale.
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The best season and season finale since season 2
henrycoles914 June 2020
Quinn is the new Brody. Carrie screws up everyone who falls in love with her.

I very much liked how this season handled 2016, the year of fake news, social media bots, election interference and the rise of a president at loggerheads with the establishment. They really did a good job.
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Prediction for the Next Season
Cinephilos10 April 2017
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I applaud the writer and producer of Season Six. They closely followed the current events in the American political scene and world affairs by starting with a president-elect and her feud with the intelligence establishment over the Iranian nuclear deal. The opponents of the president-elect wanted her to believe than Iran was cheating on the deal and secret developing the nukes. The other side, defending the president- elect, was trying to prove that she was being lied to and that Iran was not developing the nukes. Season Six ended with the ultimate showdown surrounding the president-elect but did not deal with the Iranian nuclear program any more.

I bet that the next Season will take up where Season Six has left off -- back to the Iranian nuclear program. At this moment in history, that is the most volatile situation in international relations. Especially if the writers want to follow the current affairs as closely as possible. They can't leave Israel out of the story because the Israeli intelligence was featured in the past seasons, too.
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A well-made but frustrating finale
steembot-91-1657987 April 2018
This season hit a lot of right notes on the core characters, particularly Peter Quinn (and actor Rupert Friend found a whole new gear here).

Unfortunately, as the show progressed it seemed to get more ridiculous and implausible, with FBI and Secret Service agents making horrendous mistakes they would never make in real life. And the last five minutes of the finale is just too weird for words.

The biggest flaw is the talk show host, played by Jake Weber, a wildly exaggerated character who would make Alex Jones look subtle. He also spoke with the most insanely fake southern accent I've ever heard. It was like nails on a chalkboard.

I've loved this show ever since the first season, and I'm hoping they'll be back on the ball in season 7.
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Finally, a great finale
Love the series though I am certainly a late comer to the series. After 5 consecutive anti-climatic season finale, this was a great one, worthy of the series and exceeded the next to last episode we experienced in Seasons 1-5
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It's alright, little bit déjà vu in 2020
Zedyeti31 December 2020
I'm currently rewatching this show cause ran out of covid things to watch... anyways this show is not as good as I remember but it's watchable. Being able to binge watch and not having to wait for new weekly episodes some things are really noticeable. Such as the constant theme of every season: crazy woman with known mental disorder constantly knows the full story of what's happening but nobody believes her so stuff happens. This season was funny to rewatch during the trump years because it's like watching the news.
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Death of Quinn is disappointing
Zoe180201 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's disappointing to see the most interesting and lovable character to be killed in this way. Without him the show is just not as intriguing.
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The plotters are revealed - perhaps?
tmctheaeronut9 April 2017
I'm unsure whether everything has been blasted more over-the-top than has been done by this show before, but the potential for next season to end up in La-La Land (and I am not talking about Los Angeles) is definitely there. But then again, we're living in a country where Donald Trump is the president, so who's to say we're not in La-La Land already? Whatever your politics, the potential for your worst political nightmares to come true is a definite "maybe."
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Tension filled episode!!
lowerhay1 June 2018
Well written. Brilliant acting. Best. Episode. To. Date.
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America Fist
bobcobb3019 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The episode started out strong. Like a great action movie, there was a major attack on the President and Carrie and Quinn save the day. Then, like so many Homeland season finales before it, we get to a point where nothing happens. They go the boring route of having a home visit and calm dialogue.

Then, thankfully, we go back to the chaos route as we find out this new Presidential regime might be as corrupt as "Real Truth" wanted us to believe.

A good twist and we'll see if it sets the stage for Season 7 or if it is just a tease and that new year picks up well down the line.
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A Little Disappointing
mycannonball6 February 2022
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I really wanted more of a payoff between Carrie and Quinn before his death. That was just a very sad ending to a beloved character, but at least he got to be a hero. The action is all front-loaded on the episode, and then it's a slow, tense burn for the rest of the episode, so not entirely exciting but still interesting. WTF, Keane? I guess there's a reason the earlier episodes made her so flip floppy and irritating. Thank God Max survived!
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My god this was a terrible season
teps4 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the first 2-3 seasons of this show, but now it´s just so cringy and bad. The writing is awful, the events are stupid and i really can´t stand O´keefe. He is just so over the top and exaggerated.

I did not like what they did to Quinn, that character deserved a better ending.

I should have stopped watching the show after Brody´s death. From that point it just got worse and worse.
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Worn out scenario with minor sparkles
dierregi6 May 2021
The highlight (so to speak) of the finale was Quinn's sacrifice. Considering that Quinn was this season most interesting character, I wonder if that was the way to go. There wasn't much left to do with Quinn, but Rupert Friend definitely outshined everybody (Danes included) with his interpretation of such a complex, broken character.

For the rest, the show went down the well-trodden path of wrapping up the drama in the first ten minutes and then spending the rest of the time with Carrie's domestic issues (season 3, 4 and 5 all ended on a similar note). It is even more noticeable, when binge-watching now that the series ended.

Apart from the finale, what is also repetitive (and unbelievable) is that Carrie is the only one who can see what is "really" going on and nobody believes her. A tired theme and particularly jarring this season.

Finally, Carrie's disillusionment with the CIA should have come later in the overall plot. Perhaps at the end of this season, since the story drags on for another two series and I really wonder how they will keep it up, since the most interesting, charismatic characters are dying one by one. What's left so far is the worn out dynamic of the Saul-Carrie love/hate relationship and a very uncharismatic President.
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A ridiculous finale for a ridiculous season
cherold27 April 2017
This has been a frustrating season of Homeland. The story was generally engaging and Quinn's personal journey was fascinating, but the series seems to have given up on creating convincing events. Two or three times per episode my girlfriend or I would say, "there's no way this would happen." The writers were more concerned with hitting certain plot points than with creating anything that seemed like it would happen in the real world. Characters were inevitably too dumb, too smart, or simply didn't do what real people would do.

Like the series as a whole, America First is a mixed bag. The first part, in spite of some unlikely events, is pretty exciting. But by the second half it was all about a weird wrap-up combined with the set-up for next season.

Up until now, I've been thinking that Homeland could reset itself after a bad season, but with the finale, they locked themselves into something that looks even more ridiculous than this season.

This has been such a great series, but now it's gone off the rails. Right now I'm feeling like I won't even bother watching next season at all.
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Peter Quinn
dhladil-483-89903921 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
You're bringing him back to life and on the end he is buried with no honor? It was disappointing. Season 6 was last what I watched. Rest of the episodes (7 and 8) is just a mess.
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I watched to see Peter Quinn's conclusion.
gmbugshank28 April 2020
Nothing more though. This entire season has been horrible and everyone knows why even if they don't want to admit it out loud. The show used to be amazing, with crackling plots around the world's hot spots and fiery dialogue between characters. The story was always swelling and moving forward.

Then Trump won the 2016 election, and a show that was previously politically agnostic went screeching far to the left in a dizzying free-fall of leftist/liberal historical revisionism, complete with evil Alex Jones clone, and hard-right mobs of angry protesters screeching "NOT MY PRESIDENT!" for half a dozen episodes. Liberal projection at its finest. This show is dead. Nothing more than dystopian fan fiction from leftist writers showing what they sickeningly WISHED would happen in real life. So sick of this.
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The conspiracy reaches its conclusion
spaceas30 January 2018
Not an unexpected writing in the season finale tries to juggle all the loose ends in the writing. Exaggerated acting from some in this episode. Oh and Washington turns into a caucasian country/Afghanistan almost for a while to make a dramatic statement about our times...

Too much 1984, too much US-centered conspiracy theories in the series now. Time to shut the series down.
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Pant-suit wearing far left takes over
vegan-1416420 August 2017
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Well, this season went politically left - big time, but at the end of the final episode it may have redeemed itself by showing that the left- leaning pant suit wearing POTUS went too far left by arresting CIA staffers.

Hoping, Carrie will learn a lesson.
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