"DC's Legends of Tomorrow" Invasion! (TV Episode 2016) Poster

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Honestly, I think this just broke the Television TV Shows Standards... :D
idontquit-209301 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I Cannot think of a show or a network that can host a 4-night crossover and at the same time not be sacrificing the quality of it.

I have been a fan of the Justice League and the DC Universe for a long time and after watching Batman V. Superman I had lost faith in this Universe and thought that Marvel had the upper hand in this Decade. Holy **** was I wrong... The DC TV Show Universe cannot be beaten, and although I love the Netflix TV Shows from Marvel, they cannot beat these shows.

I LOVE The Flash because of the special effects, the amount of comic book eastereggs and story lines they use. The Chase scenes and Music are my favorite.

CW did a really good job this year of bringing 4 shows together and making it as epic as possible. Nothing felt like a filler in any of the episodes, and although I felt the arrow episode was less of a crossover, it still was a really damn good episode. Out of all of these shows, The Flash is my favorite, and i love how they tied Flashpoint to the crossover. I kinda hated Cisco being mean to Barry, i mean i understand why but it felt a little repetitive however that cleared up this episode.

The Sad thing is they made supergirl stronger than she is in her own show... (maybe the sun in Earth-1 shines brighter than in Earth- 38???)

I am honestly worried on how much CW Spent on this crossover. The Special Effects were freaking amazing, however after Savitar fight scenes i feel like the upcoming episodes of the flash and supergirl and legends might lack some quality special effects, but whatever :D

Overall I really loved this crossover and this set the bar so freaking damn high that we wont see something as good or entertaining as this in any other network or superhero show.

4-Night Crossover: 9.7/10

My Question: When is Barry gonna get his Flash ring and when is he gonna get his brighter red suit???
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I am grateful to see this epic crossover.
patrickgamer69022 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Never in a million years would I have thought of seeing a live action Superheroes vs. Aliens fight and also that in a TV show! I was awestruck seeing the fights and how good the VFX were done.

This episode fully delved into the Dominators story rather than develop it's own series story line. Which I liked considering how less screen time and devotion to their back story we got in the Arrow and Flash crossover episodes.

The greatest part I liked about it was when Oliver and Barry were talking about having normal lives. Both of them had their Flashpoints (Arrowpoint ?) and they chose not to live in it to save the world.

I hope we don't have to see Sad Cisco anymore. Felicity and Cisco's goofy nerdiness provided some good few laughs. And they also teamed up and rescued the Legends. ;-)

Each of the superheroes got to play their part. That Superheroes vs. Aliens (Dominators) final fight felt like seeing the Avengers fighting the Chitauri but in small screen.

P.S I see what Brandon Routh did there with his cousin joke :)

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History Has Been Made
ThomasDrufke1 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I feel like I have to pinch myself every few minutes knowing I'm writing a review for the 4th part of a 4-show 4-night crossover event pulled off by the CW. I get it, the Supergirl episode wasn't really a crossover, but all things considered, this is one impressive feat accomplished by the CW.

I think this Legends installment may be the weakest of the 3 Invasion episodes, but there was still plenty of awesomeness to go around. With scheduling being a nightmare, I'm sure it was difficult to get everyone in the same room every moment of the episode, but I constantly found myself questioning where at least one hero or character was at certain points. But if I'm able to push that aside, I think there was a nice balance of screen time between all of the characters.

Getting some expanded screen time tonight were Cisco and Felicity, who are effectively this universe's version of Marvel's science bros, as they traveled along with the Legends to 1951 to attempt to capture one of the Dominators to obtain intel. While this trip was rather uneventful, it set course the events of the rest of the episode. And I mean literally set the course for the Dominators presence on Earth. Cisco realized that because he decided to send the alien back to its ship, he was at fault because it was the same alien who attacked them in present day. I've been tired of the Cisco-Barry fight/guilt thing for a while now, so I'm glad it's all over. But Cisco ultimately making amends with Barry over this revelation felt a little cheap. Granted, the entire fight between Barry and Cisco to begin with was cheap, so I guess we should just call it even.

Back in 2016, the rest of the Justice League (because that's what we should call them now right?) had to meet with the new president. Speaking of which, I kind of wish at the end of the episode when the president is giving that speech, she would have just name dropped them all "The new Justice Society of America", but that's another conversation. The meeting turned for the worse when the agent from the past showed up instead of the president. Again, this all seemed to delay an actual "Invasion" from the Dominators, but it did make for a great action sequence where Barry went all Quicksilver from DOFP on the agents. Which wasn't the last great action sequence of the episode.

The other arc of the episode came from Stein as he came to grips with his own aberration, his daughter. Much like these scenes a few nights ago, I think it took away from the massive scope of the rest of the episode. Same goes for the notion that Oliver wanted to keep Supergirl out of the mix for most of the episode. Didn't this just feel a whole lot like Wild Dog hating on Supergirl last night? With that said, this conflict gave us a nice talk between Kara, Barry, and Oliver at the end, so I'll take it.

Which brings me to what I absolutely loved about tonight's episode, the last 15 minutes. I'm still not sure we got the full-fledged invasion we seemed to be promised, but watching almost all of the heroes beat the crap out of a bunch of aliens was about as cool as anything this network has ever done. Just a few more tidbits were; Ray saying Kara "looks like my cousin", nicely done, Heatwave's dialogue pretty much the entire night was classic Heatwave, Cisco giving Kara official communication between their earths, and the episode ending with Barry and Oliver having a nice cold one with each other. It's a been a fun 4 nights. Until next year…

+Team-up fight on rooftop

+Everyone is recognized by government

+Cisco & Felicity

+A trip to the bar for Barry & Oliver

-Perhaps not the massive scope we thought

-Cisco guilt stuff

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Legends of Tomorrow - S02E07 Invasion!
j_forbesy1 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Usually I don't do reviews for Legends because this is a show I watch completely for the enjoyment factor. Yeah it's a little whacky and at times illogical but out of all the DC CW shows, I don't have as much fun with a show then I do with Legends.

This of course was the ending to the big CW crossover and like the previous episodes in this crossover, this was as much of a Legends episode as it was a crossover. I think of the four however this was the least specific episode of the crossover because Legends doesn't have many B or C story lines like Flash and Arrow do.

This episode was the finale we needed. Heroes vs Aliens. I think I nearly enjoyed this as much when I first saw the Avengers. I think the biggest reason to this was because it is a team of up characters I spend nearly four hours per week with in compared to a two hour movie per character like the Avengers. I thought the team up was amazing. They worked fantastically as team and their chemistry clicked so well together.

Like I mentioned, Legends doesn't really have big B or C story lines. The only storyline we got in this episode was that where Stein discovers he has a daughter. I thought this was an extremely heartfelt storyline that I'm sure is going to play out future in this season of Legends. The other storyline we got that carried over from the other shows which has been a big tread through the episode was Cisco and his anger at Barry. I really liked how it was resolved this episode. I liked how to resolve it they placed Cisco in Barry's shoes to make him realise the burden Barry was faced with. It was a really nice way to close that chapter off and in a way, form a bit of respect from Cisco to Barry towards what he is going through facing his past mistakes.

Overall, what this episode and this crossover did the most for me was give me a need for a four night crossover every season. I'm not sure where this individual episode ranks as far as Legends episode because it was so influenced by the crossover, but this episode did everything we needed in a finale for this crossover.

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Legendary crossover comes to an end
michaelafamfulikova2 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The Legends of Tomorrow's episode 7 was the final part of the 4 TV show crossover. And I have to say, it was a very intense finale. Each and everyone had to take a decision, which would help diminish the aliens, which in the end really happened. But this episode was not about that only! We got to know more Ms.Lily Stein, Martin's daughter, who was astounded by the way her Dad kept distance from her. Yet, it seems as if though Martin,despite having primary doubts how to behave towards Lily, he had finally later on opened his heart for her... And the Stein-Jax talk was like wow, for so far it was Jax confiding in Martin, and this time it was for the first time when Martin opened up to Jax. Thank you, Mr.Garber, for excellent portrayal of M.Stein here once again!

Best acting performances:

Danielle Panabaker as Caitlin Raymond Carlos Valdes as Cisco Ramon Dominic Purcell as Mick Rory Victor Garber as Martin Stein Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen/Green Arrow Grant Gustin as Barry Allen/The Flash
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2013venjix6 December 2016
Believe it or not, The Invasion! 3-part crossover was enjoyable!

They're certain areas for me that was cringe worthy.

01. Iris being overprotected to Wally: She was acting more like a mother than a "sibling" (which in reality both Iris and Wally are aunt and nephew)that forbids her to not use his speed. Though i was happy to see Wally fully embrace himself as Kid Flash and standing up to "drama queen".

02. Vibe's grudge on Flash: Through the entire crossover, Cisco's personal grudge on Barry being responsible for changing the time line resulted in his brother's death was just getting ridiculous as his pop culture references. But karma really bit him in the ass after he alter time by helping freed a Dominator resulted in a much bigger problem. Cisco missed up & they got paid. Serves him right.

03. Felicity: Less of her, the better :) Moving on! :)

04. Arrow 100: though it was a nice milestone, the subplot with Cisco, Felicity & the Outsiders along with Flash & Supergirl (aka the Justice Glee) was the main focus and less of Ollie, Diggle, Sara, Ray & Thea that were abducted by the Dominators.

06. The FX: The Dominators were created using cutting-edge computer effects to achieve a feature film-quality look which is faithful to Invasion! artist Todd McFarlane's interpretation of the characters. Though hats off to the FX people, we've only seen little of the Dominators. Plus in the credits, who provided their voice?

07. The Network: for the men and women of the CW, the marketing for this crossover suck, even the tag line "Heroes v Aliens" was kind of lame (especially that the White Canary & Heat Wave are actually "Legendary" villains). But the worst of it is that they marketed as a 4 part crossover event. Flash, Arrow & Legends has titled "Invasion!" & it's only 3 parts "not 4". The majority of Supergirl's episode "Medusa" was a standalone episode except the final 2 minutes (incuding 1 and 2 scenes)and yet fans eat it up. All it ended up was a error of promotion & labeled it as a 4 part episode, which turned out to be nothing but a cheap gimmick.

And finally, 08. Supergirl: 1 word: overkill. Barry thought this was a good idea, thinking "in order to fight aliens, we need an alien (but from a different earth)" by getting help from Supergirl. For me it was a waste of time & effort. In the end it was more of a tag along. The training sequence between her and Green Arrow, Speedy & the "Legends" was a joke, giving everything they got and just "tickling" her. Also Kara was kind of out of place, no where to fit in & was underused. To be honest with you, they didn't really need Supergirl in this crossover. They could've fought the Dominators without her.

For the good moments:

  • the hall of justice

  • The standoff scene

  • The fight sequences

  • familiar faces: Deathstroke, Laurel, Ollie's parents, etc.

  • Team ups!!

Minus the flaws, some of the wooden acting & the unnecessary soap opera drama and characters, It was enjoyable. :)

Invasion! 9/10
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Beware the Netflix recap skip
ThorMelsted18 April 2021
If you're like me you gave up on Arrow a long time ago and never got into Flash or Supergirl.

And if you're watching this on Netflix like I was, prepare for confusion - not just because you didn't see the other parts of this crossover, but because Netflix automatically skips the recap for you, making you think you've jumped a few seasons ahead and then go "huh?" when Supergirl is there in the opening scene as if we're supposed to know why. This is why Netflix's system should have a flag for episodes where the recap won't be skipped.

The ONLY reason to stick with this otherwise mostly irrelevant episode is for Stein's experience, which continues after the episode. But again, miss the recap and even that will be confusing.
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verbosity-641943 January 2018
For anyone who has not watched the other television series involved in this episode of Legends of Tomorrow, be prepared to wonder what the heck is going on, because this episode is not going to make sense and you may believe you are watching the 3rd series, instead of the 2nd. Daft idea.
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carolinelovesalan-0639521 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Alien invasion played to its best. Alien that don't want anything with humans but actually want to look out for them. Such a great play on the invasion trope. They just want to stop bad people from becoming meta humans. Love it.
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Total mess if you don't also watch a load of other shows
Mex515015 January 2019
It seems from reading other reviews here that this episode is fantastic if you also watch every single other show set in the same universe, but if you only watch Legends (and/or one or two of the others) it's practically unwatchable. I have no idea what the hell was going on for 90% of this. I'm actually 50/50 on giving up up on the entire DC universe because of this confused mess.
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Abdulxoxo13 August 2020
The best part of this episode is when they re not suited up.
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fatihdaily26 March 2019
Unless you watch the other shows, it makes no sense. At first I thought that I was watching some future episode.
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confusing and anoying IF you haven't watched the other shows
furyhunter4 August 2019
This episode is so frustrating and it's the best showcase of what's wrong with alot of shows that do crossovers in todays "cinematic universes" When i watched i felt I must have missed something which i knew was impossible because i literally had binge watched the season 1 and 2 over last few days, so i thought they must have uploaded it wrong on netflix. But i watched the episode, and fairly enjoyed it, but legends is the only DC show i have watched, and All that happened this episode I was missing out on so much, with all the crossover heroes and plotlines.

why do they keep doing this to us, I just want to watch my show and not have to watch season x from 1 show + season y from another show to understand whats going on. I got flashbacks to when i watched latest season of star trek: discovery where we saw a character (in the recap) from an episode which was companion episodes not included in the seasons uploaded to the streaming service. All non hardcore fans or viewers will think, what's this? what happened? did i miss something?

The shows today (especially sci-fi and hero that happen in their own universes) asume we like all of their shows and have watched it all, and not only that but watched it in their correct timeline (if ongoing shows happen simultanious) and aparently also that we look up and read anything on media to find whatever are not published on the big streaming services.

Even though I totally hate this disregard for their viewers I will not tank the episode because, taken the bad away it's still an enjoyable legends characters episode
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Fast Forward....
Australian124 March 2019
Fine if you are a fanatic at the time to watch the Flash, Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow and/or Supergirl to make sense of this "Invasion" ! Moronic idea! I watched Legends, years ago! Then my sister told me of Arrow. I get to a point in season 5 where this Invasion is slotted between the regular episodes! Then I find out there is an Invasion episode in The Flash! Who is The Brain behind this confusing unnecessary intermingling of 4 separate shows, which some people may not like??????? Supergirl at one stage looked like a lesbian show with Alex and Maggie, one third of each episode is devoted to their antics!!!! The shows muck up the history! Jimmy Olsen was NEVER a black guy in all the Superman shows, movies! All of a sudden we have homosexuals, lesbians...
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That's the best you can do?
ThunderKing627 October 2017
Its 2017. The story and everything were okay. Its the final fight scene that was bad. Yeah many are going to say its their first major cross over. Cut the excuses. that fight scene alone brought down the 4 part crossover episodes to 2.

You think it would have bee a fun cliché conclusion. No it was different and bad.

Hopefully in the next one they'll forget what happened in this crossover and move on and not repeat mistakes.
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In 2016? We Have to Save Our Friends
franktutor19 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I thought the show was bad - but when more of the Arrow/Flash characters entered, my goodness the bad scale goes off the charts.

Posing Assassin Woman set this episode up with a typical first part of a sentence as a question? Second part as a statement.

Now we get blonde ponytail woman who never speaks - she banters. Every line she utters is with sloppy talk (sounds like rocks in her mouth) fast patter speech. Things like this: "We ave tado this, lesgo."

They're facing an unknown enemy that may threaten their lives. What do they do? Sideline their most powerful member. Sure, that makes sense.

Speaking of threatening their very lives: the last episode ends with Posing Assassin Girl saying they have to go to 2016 to save their friends, and then this episode begins with them in the middle of some activity with their friends.

What happened? What came in between these two things? I guess it was shown on other shows...

The modern term to describe this is cringy. Every line, every character interaction, everything about this is cringy. It's like bad cosplay.

Oh yeah, there's Stein's daughter. They picked an actress who is a weird mouth mover. Her mouth movements don't match her words. Her mouth goes off in sideways directions as she delivers her lines always with an ironic undertone.

Each actor on this show only has one or two ways to deliver a line. It's ends up looking and sounding weird...cringy.
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Monsters vs Aliens
tenshi_ippikiookami4 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Invasion!" in "Legends of Tomorrow", the last episode of the team up of superheroes that has also included characters from "The Flash", "Supergirl" and "Arrow" goes out with a whimper, as the conclusion leaves a lot to be desired. It has been great to see all those superheroes together, but the delivery has been middling to say the best.

After the five kidnapped at the end of "The Flash" episode got free, they team up again with the rest of the group (the numbers of people appearing and disappearing through the episodes makes this kind of confuse; today Speedy decides to stay home, why?; well, because of contracts probably). What to do, what to do? Why are the aliens coming? They decide to travel in time to the first sight of the aliens and 'interview' one of them. Cisco and Felicity join the group because they are geeks (we get it).

Finally they discover the reason why the aliens are coming: It seems they are 'afraid' of the meta-humans and have decided to wipe them out before they become a 'real' problem (ok...). It is all kind of lame, and the plot development is average, to say the best. With so many characters coming and going, the pace and the intensity struggle, and the aliens are not very interesting otherwise.

The final 'fight' is a little bit all over the place. The superheroes powers are not really interestingly used, and it all becomes just a big brawl, just to show some CGI and effects. It is just another one of those superheroes let's-all-get-together-and-punch-each-other. A letdown.

A little tiny last point is the strange penchant that the shows have had for banal nationalism, with so many flags around that after a while it is the only thing the viewer can see: huge flags. We even get a totally unnecessary presidential speech.
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Still highly confused.
grtuncadon27 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So many questions. I've seen Arrow and I'm watching Legends. Too many unanswered questions and lost on how to answer them.
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Mediocre at best.
Vontoria2 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Last year's crossover was pretty good so I had high hopes for this one, but this was an absolute joke. The Flash and Arrow episodes of the crossover were quite good, especially Arrow with its flashback sequences, which brought to light how much Arrow has actually dipped in quality since its first season. This episode however, the finale of this whole 'serious alien invasion', was hilariously tragic.

The Dominators posed absolutely no threat and they were defeated without any real effort. The episode had an interesting element by adding a more sympathetic side to the Dominators, but this was utterly butchered by the anti climactic ending to their invasion. They just attacked one city with presumably thousands of troops, yet they retreat when a fraction of those troops get defeated on a rooftop? Yes, I know there were many more across the country indicated by that map on the Waverider, but we didn't get to see them at all and not once during this travesty of an episode did we see them challenge the team in any significant way. Not to mention the downright GOD AWFUL special effects for these aliens; seriously, I've seen better CGI in University animation projects.

Overall, this episode served as a very underwhelming and disappointingly average ending to an already silly idea that was doomed to fail in the first place, due to the writers' collective ineptitude to craft any interesting or coherent stories anymore.
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