Mummy Reborn (2019) Poster


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Mummy Reborn: It's true, it's all true
Platypuschow19 April 2019
The ocean of 1/10 one line poorly worded reviews for this movie, it's true! Every single word.

I currently stand at around 9600 movies watched according to IMDB so hopefully that will put things into perspective and give my following statement some real weight. This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen, easily bottom 10.

Now before I continue I want to point out that this is one of those IMDB movies in the middle of a game of tug of war. Looking at the reviews, the wording and the new accounts it's clear there is a hate campaign against the film. Weeks ago when I first came onto the films page there was even a full on troll FAQ slagging the movie off. But on the flipside one in every three ratings is a 10 so clearly it's being shilled into oblivion as well.

So why is it so bad? Wow, where could I start? I actually thought based on everything I read that it couldn't possibly be that bad, it really is.

For a start you often see dishonest movie covers, where for example a girl is in a state of undress where she isn't in the film or a guy has a gun on the cover whereas he never holds one in the entire movie. Mummy Reborn sets a new dishonest standard as everything you see on the cover is a lie, the vehicles, the guns, the priestess and most shockingly the characters. No seriously, who are those people because they're not in the movie.

The film itself is supposed to be a horror, but at random increments it gets intentionally silly/comedic. The balance is insane and you just can't take the movie seriously. But then again the script is so laughable and the acting is so dire you couldn't take it seriously anyway.

I cringed through a large portion of the film, it's not a problem with the cinematography it's just literally everything else. Even the soundtrack, it features Ave Maria and at the most bizarre time.

Fight scenes, sfx, plot, script, acting, this is a flawlessly bad movie and I'd recommend it to anyone looking for an unintentional comedy. Even then, be drunk or something to soften the blow.

The Good:

The Bad:

Certain parts are literal intentional comedy and stupidly out of place

Acting ranges from bad to "How in the blue hell did this person get the role?"

Some logic is offensively stupid

Vile characters, who am I supposed to be rooting for?

Ave Maria, really?

That script

Dishonest cover

The finale
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Mummy Reborn
davidtglass754 April 2019
SERIOUSLY AVOID has to be one of the worst ever titles I've watched in a long time, bad acting, terrible script, makeup and effects are so bad be forewarned this film is bad.
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The Biggest Load of S-H-1-T Ever!
grahammwiles4 April 2019
What ever you do and no matter how much you believe that this film might be good because it has a mummy in it. You will be the fool if you watch it. Avoid this film at all costs. It's boring, pathetic, very low budget, crummy acting, stupid story, awful filming and overall a complete waste of time and money.

You have been warned!
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Nothing on the cover is in the film!
elitespares4 April 2019
Biggest pile of crap since the near finished epic "The Return of The Unflushable Turd" Highly miss led by the cover... No motorcycles No desert seens No Pyramids Was so lame it made faith healers run for cover as even they couldn't make this walk straight.. Utter crap & I'm proun for picking bad movies lol What's that thing on the lead actresses chin? Rating this as a 2 star instead of 1 star as the interlectually challanged guy had a single good line which made me laugh
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i have just waisted 1:30 hours of my life
ossyna-307376 April 2019
Stupid movie !!! it was better if they have donated this money for sick children rather than make this stupid movie
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Yeah, alright. More like boredom reborn...
paul_haakonsen17 August 2019
Right, well I must admit that I had expected something more of a horror movie that actually had a mummy in it. Instead I was served a hot, steaming pile of... Well, you fill in the rest.

I was initially lured in by the movie's cover/poster, and I must say that it definitely looked interesting, and like something that could actually be a worthwhile mummy horror movie. But it turned out that it just wasn't.

This was seriously boring. I managed to endure 30 minutes of the ordeal known as "Mummy Reborn", then I simply had my share of pointless movie for the week. In fact, I know I have no intentions of ever returning to finish this movie, since it had absolutely zero appeal to me.

The acting in the movie was dubious, at best. So don't get your hopes up, there are no Shakespearian acting performances to be had here. And it didn't really help that the storyline and the characters were flaccid, pointless and very unappealing. So the actors and actresses were fighting an uphill battle that was already lost before it even got started.

Sure, there was a mummy in the 30 minutes. But it was so random, and there was no backstory, nothing to indicate why an ancient mummy would show up at a pool and in the middle of middleclass United Kingdom of all places.

"Mummy Reborn" was definitely an ambitious low budget and amateurish project. I am sure that the ones involved had fun, but when you sit down to watch a proper horror movie and end up with "Mummy Reborn", people will be disappointed. As I was.

I am rating "Mummy Reborn" a mere two out of ten stars, solely because it did have some production value to it, and it was clear that the people behind the project were pouring their spirits into it. Just a shame that this was a massive swing and a miss for my liking.
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arfdawg-114 April 2019
Well let's look on the bright side -- so far there are no fake reviews on IMDB! Every one will tell you ho bad this movie is. The untalented clown who directed this directed one other feature -- and I gave that one star too.

He needs to be put out to pasture. He can't direct.

There is no way to imagine just how bad this movie is. It's unfathomly bad. And early on there is a girl (I think) in a bathtub but I'm not sure, Could be a trans.

This is how bad the movie is. Maybe it was a guy. Who knows?
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Who' a Naughty Mummy?
nogodnomasters10 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
There are no pyramids in this film. Nor does it take place in Egypt. The couldn't come up with ominous Egyptian sounding music...Latin is old.

Tina (Tiffany-Ellen Robinson) is down on her luck and is convinced to rob the store where she works of a valuable mummy and amulet. Mummy comes to life in her house and terrorizes the thieves.

The film was camp at times by design, but most of the time it was not and just bad. Horrible script. Most of the action takes place in one household.

Guide: F-word. Brief sex. No nudity.
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All the money went into making the poster
hung-505-77432018 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I think their entire budget went into making the movie poster. And with what was left they tried to make a movie. I watched nearly an hour. First half hour was still ok-ish. But once the mummy woke up, hell broke loose :)

Go stare at the skies for one hour, you get more out of it.
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Horrible. Just.... Horrible.
neon_cruizer21 April 2019
I wondered why all of a sudden there was another Mummy movie around. Then i very quickly realised it was one of those straight-to-DVD, horrible low budget, bad acted movies that should not ever exist.

Ive been a beloved fan of the franchise with the first one being my absolute favourite and is still amongst my childhood. I even gave Tomb of the Dragon Emperor a chance when everyone else gave up on it, mostly because i am a massive fan of Jet Li and all of his films aswell and to have both worlds combined got me quite excited. Still enjoyed the film (Begone, Haters).

But now... We finally have a Mummy Movie which is IMDB rated worse than Tomb for too many plausible reasons. I was going to go into some considerable detail about why. But if you were ever a fan of the original 3, even the trailer will tell you everything you need to know. Theres just way too much wrong with it. When the trailer flashed a review saying "The Mummy Movie we've all been looking for", I nearly threw up in my mouth.

For the love of god please avoid this mess of a movie. If you can even call it that.
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manusunny5 April 2019
What the F did I just watch at 1.5x speed?!? As a fellow Indian I don't think this movie portrayed Indians at all. Just LMFAOOOOOOOO I can't even begin to elucidate my thoughts. I'm still laughing. Dialogue: 0 Plot: - 2 Cast: 7 Action sequences: unsure Rita Siddiqui: 9
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My Review Of "Mummy Reborn"
ASouthernHorrorFan2 June 2019
"The Mummy Reborn" is a straightforward horror comedy with low budget props and low budget laughs. A lot of films, even British born, fall apart quickly when tackling both iconic horror tropes and convincible humor. This movie avoids most of those pitfalls and succeeds in creating a entertaining, heartfelt dicatomy between thrills and emotion. The story may not be completely original. It doesn't stray to far from the classic "mummy's curse" that we all know. It does, however, freshen things up with a more organic, Western setting in the English countryside, and more light, emotion driven family friendly situations.

The cast offer believable, endearing characters. The acting feels a cut above the expected low budget fare with Tina and Max anchoring the bond. It softens the roughness of the movie's jittery tempo. There are moments that lines land flat and comedic antics are a bit over-the-top, but by all accounts the actors own these characters. Most of the comedy lands. The film feels more Saturday afternoon action-adventure on public broadcast than theatrical release. On some level it works in favor of "Mummy Reborn".

The horror elements are light, keeping more with the softer comedy angle the overall film takes, the deaths and mayhem stay mild and uncelebrated. The effects are mostly low budget practical tricks, with a small amount of CGI. Think Power Rangers VFX. The results vary. Some of the practical stuff is pulled off through clever screen shots and simple action. A few times the lens lingers a bit too long and the quality drops. For the most part everything, including the soundtrack and creature design work in favor of the overall asthetic of "Mummy Reborn".

Overall the film is not going to appeal to the greater horror movie fan, the creature is visible but not in a scary, nightmarish way. The fact that most of the movie takes place during daylight stiffles any chiller effect. "Mummy Reborn" isn't anything like the blockbuster/mockbuster counterparts, but it isn't really trying to be. What it is is a small, indie mummy comedy film tied together with a few heartstrings. Check it out but don't go into thinking it is a Brendan Fraser /Tom Cruise knock off.
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What Did I Just Watch
UnisausS110 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Terrible, Terrible, Terrible ! One of the WORST movies I've EVER seen ! There's absolutely NO rating for this movie !! I rate this as a huge FAILURE !
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it is really bad
rangga-w16 April 2019
I stopped watching after 10 minutes, thought it would get better after the prelude, it did not
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wow is all I can say
authorcamilson-499-15685817 January 2020
I survived Mummy Reborn all of 5 minutes to give it any kind of rating. Waste of time and waste of budget. Only gave it a 1 for Tiffany-Ellen Robinson. Otherwise I would rate this a Zero
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It is soo bad its laughable
shawninaugusta16 August 2019
Wow what a train wreck. I also thought it was part of the mummy franchise but clearly not. The stupidity and acting were so horrible I actually made it through the movie with a grin on my face because it should be listed under comedy.!
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tahmidhasan300320 April 2019
It's just time wasting. Just hate this... There is no good story, direction, casting. Overall, it is not interesting any more.
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stan_gee29 May 2019
If you are reading this before you watch this movie, let me save you a lot of time. IT SUCKS BEYOND BELIEF. The need to change this genre from HORROR to HORRIBLE, it's extremely bad. The producers, director, and writer(s) need to be locked in a room and made to watch to this trash 24/7 for life. MI6 could use it as an interrogation tactic. Piss poor acting, piss poor script, just a piss-poor movie from start to finish, which by the way I didn't finish. You'd find better enjoyment watching paint dry, or concrete get hard. These are certainly people who should never be allowed near pen, pencils, paper and cameras of any type.
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vanillalizzal1 May 2019
At First, i thought it was a sequel of the mummy franchise but.... Whuuuuuuutttt??? Bad acting
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Mummy on the prowl
BandSAboutMovies17 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Remember when that Universal Dark Universe of their horror movie properties was going to happen? Ah, sadness. To fill the void of mummies, here's Dan Allen and Scott Jeffrey (The Unhinged) with their film, The Mummy Reborn.

A group of teens in financial ruin decide that they're going to steal an ancient amulet from an antique store that's going out of business. However, it comes from a cursed tomb and the mummy will do anything to get it back.

Keep in mind, this is the first mummy movie I've seen start with a quote from Kanye West.

Tina's mom is dead, leaving her with a mortgage and a mentally challenged brother named Max. The aforementioned antique store where she works is closing. And her boyfriend Luke has a plan: steal the mummy that for some reason is in the shop and get the jewel from it to make money.

At one point, this is a serious and sad film. And in others, it's ripping off lines from Snakes on a Plane and having characters able to read subtitles as if they were truly there. To say that it jumps around a lot is like saying mummies are wrapped up.

I really wanted to like this. There are some fun parts once it stops being so serious and the mood breaks to even feel like an anime. But it takes so long to get there. Yet it's still better than that Tom Cruise mummy movie, which is faint praise.
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Teens in financial ruin
picketgirl11 November 2019
Teens in financial ruin. You lost me right there it looks like a high school production and a bad one at that. You have clearly ruined even more so than Tom Cruise did with his version of my fave Mummy franchise
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The most fun I've had in quite a while!
nwtgqgt23 January 2022
I had so much fun watching this movie, mainly because literally everything is bad. Granted I wasn't completely sober but I spent a good 30 minutes trying to figure out if this was a parody movie or not. It's laughably bad but also unpredictable because random things will just happen in the worst way. A great way to torture your loved ones when it's your turn to pick the movie.
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Actually a comedy.
tauprincess-2292326 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is more of a comedy spoof than a horror movie. It is fun to watch with friends. Just look for the odd bits i.e. Overdue bill. 'More Bills' and American money.
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"Can't you just read the subtitles?"
Fridaythe13th1246357830 January 2020
"Mummy Reborn" doesn't take itself seriously. You can relax and also not take it seriously. For a low budget hot mess the actors do an OK job, chiefly Tiffany-Ellen Robinson as Tina, Tara MacGowran as Karen, and Louis Findlay as Duncan. The central plot could have been made as a 20 minute short. Instead a plodding first act is further padded by, among other things, an inexplicable stoner party in the woods. Filmed mostly during the day on what looks like somebody's one acre property. Is this great film making? Nope. Looks like they had fun making it. And it's far from the worst of recent low budget horror. Loss of one point for cover art that has zero relationship to the characters and story. Carey Thring (credited in the movie, but not on IMDB) gives a baffling double feature stinger during the credits.
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