"His Dark Materials" Lyra's Jordan (TV Episode 2019) Poster

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Pullman wrote this BEFORE JK Rowling
christiancull5 November 2019
For pity's sake: anyone claiming this "rips off" Harry Potter needs to realise the book came two years before JK Rowling.
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Brilliant start for an epic series!!
tomcook-685743 November 2019
This was an excellent start to this new TV adaption. Great actors and character development already. James Mcavoy is an excellent choice for Lord Asriel. pace is a lot slower than the film so we will hopefully see a lot more detail and less straying from the books!

I hope people who haven't read the books or seen Northern Lights are able to stick with it as the story is so amazing!! It would be a travesty if it was cancelled before they were able to finish the whole story and get to the end of the books. Least HBO has the canon to go from unlike GoT 😂

One thing that is annoying me is that they are not showing all of the extras with daemons which I know might be due to budget constraints... I might just have to let that one go! I understand that some could be in their pockets or flying above them but not all of them surely!

I only gave it a 9 as not much happened in the first episode and I felt they could have left it on more of a cliffhanger.
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duncanbrown-767337 November 2021
This first episode is one of the weirdest I've ever seen on DVD. It was all very peculiar, and I did not understand what was going.

I would probably have to watch the rest of the series to understand what it is all about.

The one good thing to come out of this episode, is Ruth Wilson. Her character is the only one I found, that had some logic and fascination to the plot of this strange story.
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Absolutely perfect
kiboz963 November 2019
I am a big fan of Pullman and this episode is simply correct in delivering the introduction to the story. All the actors were cast perfectly, the scenery is wonderful, the story goes at just the right pace and I think we're in for a treat for the next seven weeks.

Hats off to BBC and HBO, keep it going!
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Setting the scene - "bear" with it! ;-)
tim-Chinchen3 November 2019
It will be a slow start for anyone who hasn't read the books! This is a promising start though, setting up the characters and looking forward to the weeks to come!

The next few episodes will determine if this is a modern day classic and manages to grab the imagination in the way the the film the Golden Compass didn't manage to achieve.
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Read the book before
rodrigues-391895 November 2019
This was absolutely perfect. As a fan of Pullman and his books I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. Can't wait for what's to come next
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darkmessengeriv5 November 2019
As a long term fan of the His Dark Materials books, I thought this episode was a perfect opener. The casting was amazing, especially Dafne Keen and James McAvoy.

Please don't let the negative reviews put you off. This is not to be compared with Game of Thrones, and the idea of Daemons certainly wasn't ripped straight from Harry Potter, in fact the first book was published before Harry Potter. His Dark Materials is a unique and refreshing story and you won't be disappointed if you stick with it and let the story unfold.
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Faithful to the Story, But Meh
mikeh-540445 November 2019
The story is a good one; but the acting seems perfunctory and wooden. Motivations are not obvious. Pretty, and technically very well done. Will give it a bit more time to shape up.
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An amazing premiere for a promising show
hassan-172034 November 2019
A good first episode , has the smell of Harry Potter . Not many events happened in the episode but it introduced the world well with a very good animation , great acting especially from Dafne keen , this girl is amazing .

Looking forward for the next episodes
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Lyra's Jordan
Prismark103 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This BBC/HBO adaptation has snagged an Oscar winning director in Tom Hooper. It looks wonderful on screen and cinematic.

The opening scene had Asriel (James McAvoy) delivering his niece Lyra to the Master of Jordan college for safekeeping.

This is an alternative world, people's inner souls are represented with animal beings called Daemons. When Lord Asriel returns some years later, Lyra saves her uncle from being poisoned by the Master of the college.

Asriel has discovered Dust which points to possible parallel worlds. The Magisterium wants this knowledge hidden.

Philip Pullman's series of novels was turned into a feature film The Golden Compass in 2007. It was chasing the Harry Potter money and the anti organised religion sentiments were toned down.

The opening episode certainly did have a Harry Potter look about it. However it was dense in the middle with all the world building going on and a lot of characters being introduced such as the Gyptians. It gets to the heart of the story though, children being possible snatched, the introduction of Mrs Coulter and Lyra on the quest.

It does miss Asriel who goes missing a lot as he goes off in his own adventures. So you see less of McAvoy who has grown a lot as an actor over the years.
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Excellent Start
pete_dunn4 November 2019
Wonderful first episode. Atmospheric, beautiful to look at and acting of the highest standard. Apart from a small tweak at the start it is so true to the book. Many scenes and characters are remarkably close to how I imagined Lyra and her world whilst reading the books. If you're a fan of Phillip Pullman's original trilogy then I don't think you will be disappointed.
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A high bar for the Fantasy adaptations to come.
Mallario5 November 2019
As a fan of the books this looks promising, Dafne Keen and James McAvoy are great same goes for every other actor.

It may be a little confusing for any not book reader but this will clear up sooner or later.

Looking forward to this every week from now on. Also the opening is extraordinary with great attention to detail.
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OK start, not happy about all the directions this is going in
felix-bergman4 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I've loved Pullamn's novels since I was 10 and first read them. I regularly re-read them, or listen to the amazing audiobook narrated by Pullman himself and a full radio cast. I had just finnished one of these listens as prep for this series, and I was so hyped, but with every trailer released I got a little less hype, as they seemed to be straying to far from the source material I love so much. One episode is not enough to tell how the entire series will be, but so far I'm torne. It looks just OK and casting is a bit so and so, but the main framework for the story is there, but when looking at the details I'm getting more and more worried. I'm gonna list a few things I liked and didn't like about this episode from the point of view of an adaptation critic.

Things I liked about this episode I liked that they showed us the crypt where old headmasters and important schollars where buried, always a facinating scene for me in the books. They could have done more with it, but it was nice to see somethig of it atleast.

I liked the scene where Asriel carries Lyra to her room and tucks her in for bed. After all he does care for her, even if he takes care not to show it too much when he's around people.

I liked getting to see a bit of the gyptians from another point of view than Lyra's, showing them as a people with a strong sense of community and with ancient rituals. But I have other problems with the gyptians as they appear in this episode, see below.

Like I said, the main framework of the story is there, which is nice. Only a few characters were missing and only a few arrived to early. It's enough to keep me hoping that only the first episode was a dud due to exposition dumping and that the changes from the book can still be turned around and the rest of the series be amazing.

Thing I didn't like: The casting. This series contains a few actors I really like, James McAvoy, James Cosmo, Dafne Keen, Lin Manuel Miranda (to appear later) but I can't help but feel that everyone has been mis-cast. Dafne Keen at 14 seems to old to be Lyra, especially if they don't hurry up and finnish the entire series, or she'll be 16-17 playing a 12-13 year old before the end of Amber Spyglass, The guy who plays Tony Costa at 17 is much younger than I imagined him, don't think his age is mentined in the book, but I always saw him as being lower 20's, or if he is 17, then a by circumstance much "older" 17 year old. I haven't found an age for the guy who plays Billy Costa, but he seems way to young. James Cosmo as Farder Coram also seems like a missstep. I don't know if he was padded to look fat, of if he has actually let himself go since GoT, but he is way to tall and powerfull to play the frail old man bent over a stick described in the book, while the guy who plays John Faa seems to small and old (despite the actor not being that old, and despite the fact thet John Faa isn't supposed to be very young). I'd say switching their roles would have been more character appropriate. And Lord Boreal, not only is is a huge miss-step to introduce him this early, he is also way to young. He is only briefly seen in the first book, only to return with much higher importance in the second book, as a mystery character calling himself Charles Latrum. Not going into too much detail he manages to trick Lyra because she dosen't recognize him, having only briefly met him, and as he uses another name, the reader don't know who he is either, but showing him trhis prominantly this early in the show (which probably means he will be prominant in future episodes as well), such a deception will not be possible in the show. And about his age he is consistantly described as an older greying fella, but the guy playing him seems to be at the prime of his life.

Second thing I didn't like was them, like the 2007 movie, excluding Tony Makarios, insted giving the deamon Ratter to Billy Costa. This probably means they are going in the same direction as the movie concerning that, which means Billy will not be saved at the end of the day.

I did not like that John Faa and Farder Corman shows up this early, already demanding blood, it was a big moment for me in the book when they had they meeting and their vote.

I did not like that Lyra was confinded to the inside (or the rooftops) of Jordan for the entire episode. In the book she was all over Oxford, playing with all sorts of kids, which I feel would have been a better way of introducing the gyptians, just like the book, and give them a connection to Lyra.

I did not like the amount of time Pantalimon spent as a marten in this episode. First time was during the scene when they talk about what he might settle as, which was a nice foreshaddowing moment for anyone who has read all three books, but I can't remember him ever explicitly taking that form in any book until he settles. If they were low on budget making more shapes for him, it would have been better to keep him as the iconic white hermin.

I did not like how Mrs Coulter talk with Lyra about the Goblers, seemed out of charcter.

Minor nitpick, but I thought the book did a better job of starting the story with Lyra naturally finding herslef in the common room due to her curiosity, rather than her desire to meet her "uncle" making her sneek trhough a window. In the book it was a great way of introducing the main character and a main character trait, as well as making the whole chain of events seem cooincidental.

There are more small nit-picky parts that I'm not gonna mention here, and a few bigger things as well that I don't have time to get into, or don't want to get into untill I see how they are resolved in later episodes. Over all it is definatly enough too keep me worried about the rest of this series, and despite loving the books with an unhealty passion, I want them done justice, not just be made into a Movie or TV show, and if this is the way they are going with the rest of the show as well, I wouldn't even be angry if they didn't get renewed for more seasons.
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A Helicopter? Really?
sampah701 January 2020
This abomination really pull me out of Pullman's fantasy at their very first opening screen. In the Golden Compass movie, they have really different science and technology, for example, machines, cars, planes etc. moved and powered by crystal and wave/light engineering. Daemons looked fake, and not everyone has it very different world with the book.

The casts are also awful; the brilliant, outspoken, brave and mischievous Lyra become a dull whiney overgrown kid; the smart, cunning, elegant and stunningly pretty Miss Coulter (perfectly portrayed by Nicole Kidman) also gone become ignorant toughtless aunty, and the ingenious, bold, experienced and decisive Lord Asriel replaced by incompetent young adult hasn't even passed his maturity yet. Dumb propositions instead of showing it make the series tiresome to follow, audiobooks are much better if I wanted to only listen.

Rather than wasting the budget and time for this 8 hours they should instead making the next sequel of the golden compass movie with its much much much beter casts.
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'His Dark Materials' Premiere Review
robfollower13 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The new series is phenomenal. You won't need to have read Philip Pullman's books to enjoy the series. It starts from the beginning, right with book one, and slowly reveals an alternate Earth that is tantalizing and intriguing.

For me (being a big fan of cute animals), I loved the idea of the daemons who are essentially human souls. The series doesn't immediately explain how those spirits work, but we learn that they change shape when their humans are children. Once they've reached a certain age, the daemons decide what permanent form they're taking. We get to see a Gyptian ceremony showing one daemon after choosing his form, and it sheds more light on how the process works. (But only a little.)

Lyra's story in Oxford gave me a lot of Harry Potter vibes, which I absolutely loved. She's in Jordan College in Oxford (for now) and is a little rebellious, which is perfect. No, she's not learning magic, but she has a daemon who's adorable, a best friend who's a little less adventurous than she is, and an intriguing back story. We don't yet know why she's so special, but she is.

Her uncle Asriel is another fascinating character. He stands up to establishment and is following his scientific pursuits whatever direction they lead. He reveals an intriguing discovery about something called "dust" and how children aren't affected by it. It's something huge and he must return to the north to study it. (This gave me some fun Game of Thrones vibes. The show's not as adult-themed as Game of Thrones, but it will help fill that fantasy void that the show left behind.)

Meanwhile, there's another story going on that involves children being kidnapped, and viewers can't help but wonder if that's connected to Asriel's dust discovery. But the motive isn't known yet. All we know is that children are disappearing, but we don't know why.

The first episode really does live up to the hype. 9/10
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Hopefully this will honor the source material
pensman10 November 2019
I have been a fan of Pullman's trilogy for a very long time and was pleased when The Golden Compass was released but disappointed it didn't find an audience. The HBO first episode seems to promise a production worthy of the books. Casting looks good and Dafne Keen and Ruth Wilson should provide us with an excellent Lyra and Mrs. Coulter. I wish the writers could have given us even more context at the start of episode one. I found I had to provide my wife with additional background information during episode one but by the end of the episode she was looking forward to episode two. Pullman's book have been classified under YA fiction for decades but having "taught" the book The Golden Compass, I found students need a great deal of help with establishing context but then most found the book a good read.

HBO has spent money on good CGI but that is expected. Episode one may need a second viewing for some (go DVR's) and I don't mean that as an insult. Episode one does a decent job with establishing the basics but there is a lot to digest. Why does Lyra run wild at Jordan College. Why is dust heretical? What is the Magisterium? Knowing that might help in understanding why the Catholic church was so against the movie. Who are the "gyptions," and why are "gobblers" stealing their children? Of course, all will be explained in future episodes and hopefully the audience will tune in and stick with the story. The did for Game of Thrones, so why not for His Dark Materials.
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Really sets the scene - especially the opening!
Oscar-McGeachie19956 November 2019
I've recently started reading "Northern Lights" after having enjoyed the first episode of the BBC's new TV series of "His Dark Materials".

The opening where Lord Asriel drops Lyra at Jordan College, really sets the scene very well, just like in Harry Potter.

I can't wait till the next few Sundays for the next 7 episodes!!!!
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gbcarbs-195-5410434 November 2019
Amazing first episode... practically perfect and I can't wait for more 😍
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Interested to see where this goes...
mattman_spurs17 May 2020
Never read the books...stellar cast - interesting first episode - can't say I'm hooked - but interested to see where it goes. Could be incredible, cold be elaborately dull. Trailer for rest of season at the end looked exciting.
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Strong start
tracybass377 November 2019
As a lover of the books, I like many was a bit disappointed by the film and even more disappointed that we never saw the other books materialized on the screen. It's a bit early to predict the success of the entire show, but this TV adaptation started very strong, and if it continues this way (and BBC's involvement makes me trust that it will), we will finally have justice for this beloved book series. The CGI and cinematography is excellent quality, and it boasts a strong cast (the original movie had a strong cast, but this cast fits the book characters better for the most part). Even knowing how the story plays out, I'm really excited to see where this goes!
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An interesting start for a complicated adaptation
pintaxandre11 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode tries to iintroduce us to the universe created by Philip Pullmann. It is a complicated task and it is not a complete achievement. But the ground is laid for the next episodes. A good casting overall. The episode sometimes is rushed and you can feel that with different plot points and dialogs that are not fully developed. However I am intrigued and wait to see what's next. And for people that do not know the univers, it must be horribly difficlt to understand that the daemons speak.It came up in my mind after watching this episode.
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mjoody-872834 November 2019
I love it i love the opening episode it is fantastic and sundtrak it was amazing
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mal-378477 November 2019
Good first episode, didn't leave me with a wow feeling thou. But, as it is the first episode and I haven't read the books I didn't end with a "I really look forward towards the next episode. I will definitely see the next episode.
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Just not good
stalinsstinkhole3 November 2019
I just watched this with my family and all of us found it un-intriguing and quite confusing. Nothing happens at all. The creatures (demons I think) had no purpose and added nothing to the episode, along with looking terribly fake. The characters just said things to inform the audience with nothing being told through visuals, it was just an hour of exposition and boring characters talking about nothing. The whole 'demon' thing is also ripped straight from Harry Potter. The trailer at the end of the episode was a lot more interesting than the episode and even that looked pretty visually boring and not unique. The camera work was fine and the acting was passable, the writing was bad and the effects were too. Hope this series gets better, or it will crumble, as it is not good in its current state. The shows tone is all over the place, it isn't funny, scary, atmospheric, interesting or sad, so it's almost impossible to know what it's going for. Lastly, the show is an hour, and has far too much dialogue for a child or young teen to be intrigued, but is also too silly and dumb for adults and the elderly to enjoy. Who is the show for? 3/10, unfocused and not intriguing, needs to find its footing and actually DO something.
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Good start for the show
pourya-pe6 November 2019
It was a good start for this show. I think the show will get better and better
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