The Unkind (2021) Poster


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A pain to try and get through
On_The_Mark2 December 2021
This was awful - just terrible. Not a real actor in the bunch. It appears to be a mix of Italians and Americans, all absolutely awful. You have to wonder how does this stuff get funding?

To call this a "C" level movie is raising the bar. This is a Z level "movie."

Bad script and direction, there is no way to get through this without a fast forward button...if you can make it to the end. You would be a better person than I. Checking out the "actors" credits, it's Italian credits, "short films" (which is them and their friends making a movie on their phone) and nothing else. So amateurs. And it shows.

I do give this 2 stars rather than one because the people who made this didn't flood the IMDB with ten star reviews praising the director and lead actor by name, despite the fact no one has ever heard of them. So there IS a positive!
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meowmasboy11 May 2022
The wooden. It's like they had no experience acting at all, and were woodenly and phonetically reading the lines with no emotion. Terrible. Also, the writing was terrible, too. Don't make yourself miserable -- watch something else.
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artemis-6071623 April 2022
Not the movie being scary. The worst acting ever! The script was written by a 1st grader.

I want my $4.99 back.

I would rather watch Wonder Women 84 fifty times in a row then watch this movie's trailer.
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Good grief.
Rastifan1 December 2021
When you see the Wildeye logo, you know you are in for a spoon full of cow dung. Horrible and in all the wrong ways. Why they keep making C level horror movies like this is beyond me. If you see this movie walking up the street, cross the road.
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Like a wattpad fanfic from a 12-year-old
rubymatthews-810099 December 2021
The first ten minutes were good. I liked the imagery and I was hyping myself up for a good horror movie. No.

The script was awful. Really really awful. It was so bland and the actors, if they can even be called that, were all monotone and stiff. If the casting had been better thought out, the script could have been salvaged but the actors just made it worse.

The characters are one-dimensional and the only thing that differentiates them from one another is their relationship to their partners. They have no personality.

I wonder who paid for this movie to be released and who actually agreed to produce it because it is, very possibly, the worst movie I have ever seen. To be released this film is a disgrace.
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More than horrible.
neuroticpeacecorpse1 December 2021
Long ago, I watched a theater play for dogs. They acted much better than the actors(?) in this movie (?). There's no story in here, the characters are terrible and even a cardboard box could give more joy to watch than this 1.43 minutes tv pollution. It's a really bad attempt to make a bad movie.
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Wanted to like it, wasted life finishing it.
gtmarr5 December 2021
Awful. The audio does not line up with the speech, filled with miserably disjointed cut away scenes, whole scenes that had nothing to do with the plot, horror makeup done by a team of children, and the dialogue of a high school student film. There is nothing redeemable about this garbage film.
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What a piece
htzpcfyhg20 December 2021
Of junk. The Chris character sounds like an old dubbed kung fu film charachter. No emotion in the acting, they don't even act scared, no sweat either. Wasted too many minutes on this.
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'The Room' of Horror movies.
bradencox2720 April 2022
Ridiculous movie. The opening scene showed limited potential, but as soon as the movie hits the 2008 times, it's horrible. Set in 2008 but the wardrobe is 2021 themed. The cars are too modern, everything that should have been thought of was ignored. The writing is as if Tommy Wiseau wrote it. Half expected them to come out in tuxedos and throw a football around. It's more of a comedy if that's they way you approach it.
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Great movie! Really bad acting
rufsurf25 October 2022
I have been a fan of horror movies from a young age - for decades and it's hard to find a really good horror movie nowadays. This was a good one!! A lot of unexpected surprises, awesome special effects, super creepy, and a great plot! Made me jump out of my seat a number of times even when I was expecting it. That's a good horror flick. However this is some of THE worst acting I have ever ever seen... it's a shame. It's a good looking bunch of kids but they really need to go back to acting 101 class. The acting is that bad!! I'm not sure what that director was thinking but they definitely could have done more takes or something to correct this.
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Toughen Up
nogodnomasters1 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The starts out in 1898 Italy. It was a dark and stormy night. A witch takes two young girls while dad pursues and eventually gets revenge on the witch, nailed to the ground, buried upside down. In modern ties Chris (Corey T. Stewart) inherits said house. He travels from NYC to the house along with his girlfriend Jody (Claudia Perrotta) and two other couples. Valery (Kavita Albizzati) likes to take photos and Mark (Giulio Tropea) is her joker boyfriend. Ashley (Arianna Monguzzi) is a goth who seems to have a certain sensitivity toward the spirits when off her meds and Nick (Federico Papa) is her boyfriend of three years and is still all hands. They are remote so they have spotty phone service and their vehicle turns into my Ford.

The have lots of spirits, but no food. Chris explains the legend after they discover "the book". Then after the "Evil Dead" book is discovered, blood drip on the "Hell Raiser" bones, with the rusty nails, may need a tetanus shot. Then there was scene similar to "1408" at the end which didn't make too much sense to put it in. Was that a Juon walk? Seems they borrowed from a lot of horror films.

The translation was a bit off. Photographs are called paintings etc. One needed to interpret the interpretation.

Guide: F-word. Sex. Nudity (Arianna Monguzzi, Claudia Perrotta)
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Production and story are good but...
opalescent_cube13 September 2023
Sadly this movie is, in fact, not dubbed. I made it a point to watch the mouths of the 'actors(?)' while they spoke, and that is them saying those words, lol. I am not sure how they even found people to deliver lines in such a dead-pan manner is beyond me. Worse reading I have ever seen.

Think the reason everyone is saying it's dubbed is the fact that no native English speaker would string words together the way they are in this movie. Leads me to believe the script was poorly translated.. like fed into google or something, seriously.

If you insist on sitting through this, maybe do it with the sound off.
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Horrible movie with no sense whatsoever
slandderhammer24 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is really not that impressive, it's really stretched and expanded for nothing. The movie doesn't clears out the concept nor does it makes the viewer feel terrified. Even the horror scenes in the movie doesn't look horrific. Finally the movie does contain a sex scene with the girl being totally naked having sex with a boy, and in the last scene the girl is also clearly scene taking the shower with her body totally nude showing her breasts clearly

Overall I'll rate this 3.4 out of 10.
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One hour and forty-three minutes of horrible...
ravenhair7028 October 2022
Okay This might take a while. My wife suggested this movie, so it's all on her. I saw the trailer and it seemed scary, so I agreed. First of all, why does is say during the first part during the plane landing Italy, 2008 when it's a 2021 film? Weird, right? Next...the acting! How did these people get the part for this movie with their acting, and for the love of God...who did they turn away?!

Interestingly enough, if you look at the movie on IMDB, and look at the actors who played in the movie, ONLY 3 have their pictures. The rest, they don't want to be recognized or tied to this film...or maybe they just didn't make enough money from this movie to get some headshots. By the way, didn't even finish this movie...made it halfway and just COULD NOT watch anymore. The script is so bad...the acting is so...SO BAD, it hurts. All the actors were so monotone, no personality at all and yet, the scenery was decent. The mansion was beautiful and the road scene traveling to the mansion in Italy was breathtaking. Funny thing, I read some of the reviews and they all were 1's... except 2. Now ladies and gentlemen, let me talk to you about FAKE reviews. These are people who are somehow tied to the movie, producers, directors...anyone trying to drum up some type of support for their piece of crap film that they seem oddly proud of. Out of 17 reviews, 15 were 1's. Two were, get this...10's. One was one from Darkreignentertainmentuk and the other was from Loststeve. Guys...a blind man would agree this film should have been burned upon completion. Make it more believable! Do a 5 or 6! This movie is so terrible...seen better acting in porn. Just don't watch it! Peace. Oh yeah...six kids go to Italy and stay at a mansion where things go wrong when they unleash a witch. There.
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Probably the Worst Movie of 2021
BonesMacenz27 September 2022
I can't recommend 'The Unkind' to anyone, even people like me who enjoy B Movies. 'The Unkind' gets a solid F.

The first few minutes of nonsense was a flashback from the 1800's. While it attempted to set the stage for a terrifying movie, it just prepped the audience for yet another poorly written, low budget movie that should have ended up in a bon fire.

The acting is some of the worst acting I've ever seen. Seriously, I've seen better acting in pre-school plays. Don't get me wrong, pre-school plays are fun to watch, and the kids have fun and have heart. 'The Unkind' is supposed to be a horror flick with adults who are expected to at least try their hand at acting. Zero effort by the actors or director.

The script was also as unremarkable as the acting. I was under the impression that it was written in a single night inspired by a next day deadline and copious amounts of alcohol. Nothing connected, poor dialogue, and riddled with endless mistakes.

And this was yet another movie were the miserable characters lack any redeeming qualities whatsoever. In cases like this, I would usually just cheer for the monster. But no redeeming qualities there either. The best case scenario I was hoping for is that a Monty Python-esque police squad would crash the movie and arrest everyone, thus ending this insult of a film early. I could only hope.

Skip this one. And definitely don't pay hard earned money to rent it. Not sure how it got released to the public.
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selfdestructo14 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Uh, someone TRIED to make a horror movie.

I had no idea they still made these. Italian horror knockoffs. In the 70's and 80's, the Italians knocked off just about anything successful in horror or exploitation. Only they were specific! The Unkind, from 2021, is a knockoff of... Well, ya got me. One thing it is, is an endless string of horror movie tropes and cliches, some from seemingly totally unrelated movies (yes, there's even a scene where a ball rolls into a room! No reason). This movie is supposed to be about a witch? Or a demon? Or witches? Or demons? Or possession? I could not have eaten a box of Alpha Bits, and crapped a worse story and dialogue dreamt up in this cluster-F.

Why 3 stars? This movie is so colossally incompetent, on every level, that I couldn't help but LOL through it all.

Alright, first problem with these movies are the bad dubs. And this one is an abortion. You've got Italian actors speaking English, dubbed back into American English. It certainly doesn't help that the dialogue was typed by a room full of monkeys, force fed a steady diet of the worst horror retreads imagineable (Oh, I can tell you the monkeys did watch Evil Dead, though). Did I mention they got Italian monkeys who don't speak English? To add insult to injury, hire six of the worst voice actors in the USA, to deliver these lines in the most stiff and stilted manner possible. Unbearable (or a laugh riot, you decide).

Here's what I could make of the story (no, read imdb's synopsis. It's hilarious). In 1898, some guy in Italy is married to an occult enthusiast. She summons a powerful witch, who's actually a demon, and either inhabits her body or possesses her. She kills the kids, and it's up to dad to contend with... his wife. He nails her to the ground, face-down in the crypt(?!) beneath their vast estate. Cut to the present day New York, where some dumb kid relative inherits the house (check). He takes his 5 friends with him to Italy, where unintelligible chaos ensues.

For tropes, you've got plenty of big hitters. I won't even go into them. So one of the moron's girlfriends goes into the crypt, cuts herself on a nail, bleeds on the ashes, and, well, you get it (I saw this one in Hellraiser). Only the witch takes the form of this girl... sometimes. Frankly, I not only couldn't tell who the witch was, she is constantly taking on different forms (yeah, go with the black veil based on your mood), but she is EVERYWHERE. On AND off the property. Even from scene to scene, location to location! There had to be 20 witches. Movie IMPLIES there's one, so ya got me.

Dumb kids making dumb decisions, check. They're supposedly isolated in the middle of a forest, at this huge estate. No one's cell has a signal, check. Late in the movie, one of the dumb kids decides it's time to call some specific detective on his cell phone. He gets cut off! Dumb buddy goes, What happened? (LOL). Toward the end of the movie, there are still 4 survivors. The witch likes to pop up, and when someone looks back, she's gone (trope, check). Or she pops up for a scare, then... end scene. So 3 of them are being chased around, one has slept through all the chaos. So the three of them (two guys, one girl, you can see where this is going) decide it's best to stick together. Ok, smart. Next scene, one guy goes to rescue the snoozer, and the other two run out the door into the forest! Then THEY decide to go back and check on the two guys upstairs. THEN dummy #1 decides the answer to this whole thing lies in his great uncle's diary, which was last seen... In the crypt! How many times have they split up here?

The reason given that they were trapped in the house (the van won't start, check), is that the house is surrounded by forest. Yet... they arrived in a van, on a road. Cut to the two survivors wildly running through the forest! What do these writers take me for? Sheesh, follow the road!

There's no less than 5 codas on the end of this trainwreck. They have the gall to pull a "It was all a dream," and then the dream was inside that dream (in one of which, out of the blue, the skinny goth chick gets naked... at the tail end of the movie). I'm assuming the glut of codas were reshoots because they had no idea how to end this thing, and finally talked her into it. The final coda implies there will be a sequel. Trope, and insulting.

Almost forgot, in an effort to make the movie "scary" when absolutely nothing was happening, they loaded this act with audio red herrings! So, the witch is dormant til those two idiots pay her a visit. In the meantime, there is a cavalcade of banging and crashing noises, along with sinister music cues(!), that all... lead to nothing. Pathetic.

For horror fans, not an exaggeration, this film belongs in the pantheon of cinematic trainwrecks and monumental failures such as Manos: The Hands of Fate, Troll 2, and The Room. Oh, BTW, let's call it "THE UNKIND." WTF.
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The cure for insomnia
konnichiwa_neko7 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The whole time watching this film I felt like I was in a training video, the commercials on FreeVee had better acting. The first part was ok, but once the main characters started talking I couldn't wait for the witch to kill them. They also like to repeat the same words over and over in the same scene. I think I counted the word ridiculous about 20 times in a scene that was like 10 seconds long.

This film definitely cured my insomnia. I've seen and done independent films that were so much better than this trash heap. Even the sex scene was boring.

It's hard to believe that the casting directors really thought that these were the best actors for the roles.
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annajasi21 July 2023
If you want a COMEDY it's great, if you want a horror not so much. The dubbing is so strange because the actors are clearly speaking english, and the line delivery genuinely made me laugh out loud. It felt like a lot of random ideas of a horror movie sort of glued together, with some weird and unnecessary plot to broaden it out. So often the scenes were so dark you just couldn't properly see what was going on. Why did that one girl wear black lipstick the whole time? Sex scene was totally unnecessary and uncomfortable. Overall made me laugh A LOT more than intended, with a couple cheapish jumpscares.
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Why? Why? Why?
cferraro-221168 September 2023
Why did they make this? Why did they waste the time and money? Why did I watch it? Thankfully, it is on tubi and freevee so there are commercials to look forward to and enjoy.

The first few minutes were promising, but I spent the rest of the movie fast forwarding and trying to confirm if it was dubbed. The actors' (or people pretending to be actors) voices reminded me of the dubbing from Saturday morning Kung Fu Action Theater of long ago.

Not sure why it was supposed to take place in 2008 as they did nothing to make it appear it wasn't 2021 other than a flip phone. The script stinks, the delivery stinks, and I am not even sure if any of the characters were killed off due to the fast forwarding.
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Must see, a classic horror/popcorns movie
l-mail19 December 2021
Well done horror film as per many others in the market nowadays, It's clearly a must watch with friends as a classic horror/popcorns movie. Good photography. Enjoyable.

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Let's do things differently....
toyl-922977 June 2023
So, we are on a tight budget for this horror movie, so what can we do to cut costs?

Let's hire really really cheap actors....that'll help. Let's use every cheap trope we can so people understand it's a horror film. Let's have possession, and curses, and evil clowns and witches back from the dead. Let's get someone who has never written a screenplay before.....that will bring a new perspective.

Here's the best bit.......let's not hire a lighting guy, or even any lights. Let's just have a few daylight shots, and we will film everything else in total'll be great.

HINT. It's not great, it's an abomination. It's absolutely dire. The only horrific thing about it is that someone somewhere give this rubbish the go ahead to be made in the first place.
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Are these ex-porn stars trying to make a regular movie?
rlburoker-6649821 May 2023
Be thankful the lighting is so dark throughout the movie so you don't have to see what a mind-numbing waste of time this film is.

The dialog is lame, the acting is as bad as it gets, and the potential for a plot was wasted on this crap-fest. The only reason we watched it to the end is because we dared each other not to fall asleep.

Gratuitous T&A, cussing and monster pop-outs are strewn throughout in a feeble attempt to keep your attention.

I honestly don't know who's more idiotic, the makers of this movie, or the gullible few of us that actually watched the whole thing.

Every time you think it's over, it ain't, it just keeps going and going.
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Laughable Acting!
kevinpleasant4 February 2023
The Chris character actor has got to be the single worst actor I have ever seen in my life. I thought for a moment it was being overdubbed from another language. A text to speech app could deliver lines better than this guy. In fact I'd be surprised if anyone involved in this nonsense ever had another paying job anywhere in the entertainment industry. To be honest I can't give a full review because I didn't make it any farther than the first 20 minutes. The first scene actually seemed promising. Then the idiots in the VW van showed up and it became a bad middle school play. Avoid this at all costs.
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Wowers, was this ever a piece of garbage movie
leesimon-2635711 October 2022
The location they filmed in looks like a pretty place to visit. And that's it for the positives.

I'll just slightly touch on some of the elements I found to be the absolute worst in this movie, but rest assured that whatever element you can think of was probably done poorly. The dubbing was INCREDIBLY bad. The onscreen actors look like they are speaking, and the voices that are matched to them (very poorly) sound like the voice actors were all on clonopin, or some other narcotic that would cause them to be sluggish and tiredly slur their words.

The first scene that sets up the "witch and curse" elements was unnecessarily long and added nothing to the story. That could have been established in less than 2 minutes, not more than 10. For the rest of the movie, every time the witch appears it is clunky and pathetic, not spooky or scary.

The best friends that take overseas vacations together apparently hate each other casually, and none of them are written to have anything in common.

Some of the stupidest and laziest script elements are that the difference between a BA and a BSc is boiled down to "drawing or doctor." The goth character is terribly one-note, and apparently doesn't realize that her and her boner-comedy bro-boyfriend is not a good match for her until they arrive at this "haunted house;" "Or maybe it's just this house," she says in an exposition phone call to her father, for no other reason than the audience needs to hear this. The idyllic Italian country-house looks like the Friends set on the inside, along with purple walls, and large ornified doors. The soundtrack would have been better suited to a 90s teen romance movie. There is weird security camera footage throughout the movie, for no reason (other than to show the witch on screen, then have her disappear. Oooohhhhh. That's so spooky...was she ever really there?)

Just dumb. Dumb and pathetic and boring and a waste of time. Don't waste your time. I want to believe that the people giving this 10 stars are just dimwitted individuals who have never seen a movie before, let alone a good movie, and therefore don't realize how stupid this is, and actually enjoyed the experience of watching this. But I just don't believe anyone is that stupid or disconnected form ever having seen a move before. Don't waste your time with this steaming pile of smelly trash.
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nlk8730 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm 30 mins in & yes I'm trying so hard to give it a shot, cuz I'm a sucker for witch stories & big European haunted mansions but like others have said, those voices are terrible, something is off with them. I rated it a 2 & that's being generous. Also just like others have said, this is no "B" movie, it's more like an "F" movie.. Actors are horrible, & I'm gonna give it another 15 mins, but others said it's a big waste of time, & I'll probably agree. Also & I don't know if you can count this as a "spoiler" but at the beginning it's 1898, this is obviously a very wealthy family, but no electricity. I checked, alot of wealthy people had full throughout home electricity in the 1890s. Also in the beginning, the father & owner of the mansion, gets a sword to defend & kill the wicked old witch. I hate guns & never will use, own, or hold a gun, but normally & especially in 1898, men owned guns, & wealthy men usually owned many guns, & he goes for a sword...??!
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