
5 Reviews
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Really speaks volumes about partisanship in the government
10 February 1999
Wow. What an excellent film. Even if you don't like documentaries, or are not a big fan of fringe religious groups, or otherwise avoid the favorite topics of militia members, you have to see this film. Tell your friends. I thought I knew the story of Waco pretty well...turns out I had no idea. You will be glad you rented this-especially because you will never see this information presented on "60 Minutes". It received high praise from just about every movie critic- and well it should have. What was very interesting to me was to see the excerpts from the congressional hearings on Waco. Unbelievably partisan- if you think the impeachment hearings were gotta see this.
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SubUrbia (1996)
if you can stay awake for the first hour, you'll be alright
28 November 1998
This is my third Linklater film. I liked it the most, which is not saying a whole lot. What I hate about him (and since bogosian was writing, I had hoped this wouldn't be a problem this time) is that his films tend to be as aimless as their subjects. Most of his characters are about as interesting as any loser you could randomly hit by throwing a rock in a high school hallway. In this case, however, just when you are ready to throw in the towel, it gets really interesting. (And Parker Posey really livens things up when she appears in the latter half of the film. I mean, how could she not?!)First half: D Second half: A-
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Happiness (1998)
Maybe the critics related to it b/c of all the masturbation
22 November 1998
This is a bad film with some excellent performances. It's really unfortunate, because it could have been quite good had it been less graphic. Unfortunately Solendz hits the audience in the face with over-the-top scenes that can do nothing but revolt the viewer. For example, the films final scene, in which the son comes out, so to speak, is totally overpowered by its graphic nature, and the fact the dog (and then his mother)share in this "victory." Presumably that, and other scenes, were intended to be funny. I couldn't bring myself to laugh. However, he did manage to be more gross than just about any film you can think of (Something About Mary and all of the early John Waters films included). Congratulations, Mr. Director. Ironically, I've heard critics talk about the film's nuanced and subtle display of the depravity of American life. Please. This was subtle like "Natural Born Killers" was subtle. It was two hours of the Jerry Springer Show with better actors. When are critics going to grow up and stop giving out awards to people just because they "push the envelope?" When the envelope's empty, all that's left is is the shock value. And in this movie, 2 hours and 20 mins of shock is way too long. At least I bonded with the rest of the theatre who were also uncomfortably squirming, coughing, and looking at their watches.
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it's surprisingly good
9 October 1998
This movie is definitely worth a rental. Especially if you're male or a teenager. Del Toro, while mumbling through the entire movie, is still fascinating to watch. While you can't understand him, you can't help but like his mumbling, bumbling character. Silverstone plays a perfect spoiled, unhappy, teenager full of sexuality that is just begging to be unleashed. Unfortunately, it stays leashed throughout the movie. Although there is a few touching moments between Del Toro and Silverstone. Good movie. It had potential to be more explosive and more interesting, but its audience is teenagers. For a thirty-something like me to like it, that's saying something.

P.S. Check out my other reviews too, including Wild Things and... oops, never mind. The imdb censor won't let you see those...
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mmm. five is generous.
19 September 1998
How 'bout a four? Visually, there are some great moments. I think the most interesting scenes are those where there is no dialogue but the camera follows the characters as they inwardly contemplate what this all means (Bill Pullman, Andie McDowell). Unfortunately, we as the viewers are also given (too much) time to contemplate what it means. Everything is WAY too understated. The movie slows to a stop in many places. You start to like it (the romance with Kat and the investigator, the interaction of Bill Pullman's character and the Mexican-American people) and then it doesn't follow through. The dialogue at the film school, in which the characters give a monologue for a class is probably the most interesting dialogue. Some rap, some tell a story, some recite their own poetry. That was the most moving part of the movie. While Wenders has a important point to make, it doesn't come through clearly and the viewer is left uncaring, uninterested. Maybe the only thing that could have helped the End of Violence is more good ole fashioned...violence <g>.
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