
3 Reviews
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The Beach (I) (2000)
Read the Book
20 February 2000
Well - Where do I start... A classic story written by Alex Garland - Destroyed by Danny Boyle & co. It would take a long time to pick my way through the debris of this particular shambles so I shall narrow it down to what I see as the main critical flaws that sank Leo's latest water borne epic 1. The movie has been aimed squarely at a teen market hence you get style over content - The beautiful people in paradise hanging out with a highly commercial soundtrack and a Top Shop tie in on the fashion side

2. The removal of the deep cynicism evident in Garlands novel - Read the book - you will find it very hard to find a sympathetic character.

3. Richards(Leo) fascination with the whole 'Nam pop culture - this is throw in as an afterthought in the last 25 minutes of the film(apart from a fleeting glimpse of Apocalypse Now in the opening reel)and falls completely flat - what we get is comical( check out Leo as he does his best Cat. Willard impressions - hilarious!

4. The love interest. Okay - this I can understand purely for its commercial reasons - it has a bums on seats factor. But it damages a vital part of the book - Richard never gets it together with Francois let alone Sal hence there is an unspoken tension in the air which adds to Richards isolation and his descent into 'Nam paranoia. Enough! If you want the real experience read the book - if you want a very cheap facsimile go see Leo and the gang...3/10
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22 January 2000
An unintentional riot of fun! Never has the wonderful Dirk Bogarde been so poorly miscast. The sight of his character reduced me to tears as he failed to strike fear dressed as a Jim Morrison wannabe in leather trousers and black silk shirt. John Mills appeared to be having a hard time holding onto his ersatz Irish accent and his attempts at steely determination were a joy to behold. One must assume that money was the prime motivation behind theses to old pros participation - Bogarde did go on to give us some of his finest performances in films like The Servant and Death in Venice. This shocking waste of time would have been better left on the cutting room floor. Unless you are really stuck for something to watch or have a finely tuned sense of the bizarre give this a miss
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Be afraid , be very afraid! They don't come much worse than this.
9 January 1999
An appalling case of mis-casting on the part of Mel Gibson ( sporting an atrocious wig) and endless gratuitous shots of Ms Hawns rear end. Horrific soundtrack that sounds like a left over from the early eighties. Add in a wafer thin plot and what you get is a colossal waste of time and money. Avoid at all costs...
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